As AST, we extend our gratitude to the Union of the Platforms for KHK Victims that prepared the report “Social Costs of the State of Emergency”, which identifies the rights violations and social genocide practices experienced by the victims of the OHAL and KHKs, whose number has reached 8 million, together with their families and relatives; to the late Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş, who was a prominent human rights defender and a founder of the union. We commemorate and dedicate this study to the victims; to all the activists and rights defenders who announce unlawfulness to the public risking their lives and freedoms and provide material and moral support to the victims; fight against violations and run to heal the wounds, especially to Halime Gülsu, who lost her life in the prime of her youth after being arrested on the grounds of helping the victims, because she was not given her medicines in prison.