
AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly May 11

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Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 05/05/2019-05/11/2019

1-“Teacher who pleaded with gov’t to spare children’s lives vindicated by top Turkish court”


2-“Turkey to build 43 prisons using funds from inmate labor”


3-“Incidents of gun violence in Turkey kill 3,000 people in 2 years: ministry”


4-“Turkey cancels press accreditation of 682 journalists in 4 months”


5-“Turkish academic begins serving prison sentence for signing 2016 peace petition”


6-“Turkey holds thousands in solitary in Erdoğan’s prisons: report”


7-“Photo of woman in German language textbook doctored to include headscarf”


8-“HDP deputies on hunger strike request official declaration ending Öcalan’s ‘isolation’”


9-“36 women in Turkey murdered in April: report”


10-“Nearly 1,500 military members sacked by Turkish Defense Ministry in last 10 months”


11-“Turkey’s election board cancels İstanbul results, announces new polls on June 23”


12-“[VIDEO] Turkish philosophy teacher says wife had to give birth at home due to Erdogan’s witch-hunt”


13-“[VIDEO] 14 detained over Gulen links in Turkey’s Samsun”


14-“DW: Turkish gov’t cancels press credentials of 682 journalists in 4 months”


15-“2-year-old enters Mersin prison with mother arrested on coup charges: HDP deputy”


16-“Turkish academic enters prison for signing 2016 peace petition”


17-“Video purportedly shows Turkish soldiers torturing Kurdish villager in Afrin”


18-“DW: Around 3,000 inmates are being kept in solitary confinement in Erdogan’s prisons”


19-“Former Supreme Court judge sentenced to 12 years in jail in post-coup trial”


20-“Kütahya parent in pre-trial detention for 3 months on coup charges, 3-year old daughter left in the care of relatives: report”


21-“İstanbul police stifle iftar meal organized by dissident Anticapitalist Muslims”


22-“Psychiatrist under investigation over therapy services to victims of Erdogan’s purge”


23-“2-year-old enters Mersin prison with mother arrested on coup charges: HDP deputy”


24-“Turkish academic enters prison for signing 2016 peace petition”


25-“Video purportedly shows Turkish soldiers torturing Kurdish villager in Afrin”


26-“DW: Around 3,000 inmates are being kept in solitary confinement in Erdogan’s prisons”


27-“Former Supreme Court judge sentenced to 12 years in jail in post-coup trial”


28-“Kütahya parent in pre-trial detention for 3 months on coup charges, 3-year old daughter left in the care of relatives: report”


29-“İstanbul police stifle iftar meal organized by dissident Anticapitalist Muslims”


30-“Psychiatrist under investigation over therapy services to victims of Erdogan’s purge”


31-“The new depths of Erdogan’s autocracy”


32-“Istanbul re-run is a risky strategy for Erdogan”


33-“Erdogan’s Long Arm in Europe”


34-“In Istanbul Election Do-Over, Erdogan’s Opponents Unify”


35-“Baby accompanying mother in prison joins 700 other kids growing up behind bars”


36-“Turkish academic from French university arrested for terrorist propaganda”


37-“3 Turkish journalists detained overnight in İstanbul”


38-“Turkish journalist assaulted in front of his house”


Erdogan rejimi tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 05/05/2019-05/11/2019

1-“​Sürgündeki iki insan, farklı hikâyeler, ortak duygu: Özlem”


2-“Dünyayı ‘Ramazanlaştıran’ heyecan sosyal medyada”


3-“Konuşmacı olmadığı panelde ‘propaganda yapmak’ ile suçlanan barış akademisyeni tutuklandı”


4-“Gazeteci Demirağ’a evinin önünde hain saldırı”


5-“15 Temmuz şehidinin oğlu: Herkese PKK’lı dedikten sonra Öcalan’la el ele sandığa gitsinler”


6-“‘Senatör’ Sofuoğlu’ndan sanatçılara: Erdoğan sayesinde ünlü nankörlersiniz”


7-“AYM kararından sonra Ayşe Öğretmen tahliye oldu”


8-“Haluk Savaş: Beraat ettim, yurtdışı yasağım kalktı ama pasaportumu alamıyorum”


9-“AntiKapitalist Müslümanlar’ın iftar sofrasına polis müdahale etti, İhsan Eliaçık yerde sürüklendi”


10-“Asrın Hukuk Bürosu Abdullah Öcalan’la görüştüklerini açıkladı”


11-“Şırnak’ta çatışma; 2 asker şehit oldu”


12-“Diyarbakır’da tutuklu anneleri yine darp edilerek ters kelepçeyle gözaltına alındı”


13-“Iğdır’da çatışma: 1 asker şehit oldu”


14-“Bahçeli’nin ‘artık sevemem’ dediği Cem Yılmaz’ın sevenleri sosyal medyayı salladı”


15-“‘Anneler Günü çocuklarımızın açlık grevinden çıktığı gündür’”


16-“Ayşe Öğretmen: Kızımı unutup, cezaevindeki bebeklere kahroldum”


17-“Kanser hastası KHK’lıya ilaç işkencesi: Bir gün veriliyor diğer gün kesiliyor”


18-“Ailece tutukluluk dönemi: Anne ve babasının ardından Betül bebek de cezaevinde”


19-“KHK’lılara psikolojik destek vermek de suç sayıldı”


20-“’Bugüne kadar hep sustum ama artık yetti’”


21-“Erdoğan rejiminin cezaevi ölümlerine bir yenisi daha eklendi”


22-“’Hücrede ölümler’ gözleri sayıları gizlenen hücre mahkumlarına çevirdi”


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Hundreds of young Turkish children jailed alongside their moms as part of a post-coup crackdown

It was a snowy January morning in Istanbul last year when Ayse, a 32-year-old primary school teacher and mother of two, kissed the kids goodbye at school and headed home.

She didn’t make it to her front door before she was surrounded by seven policemen, accused of membership in a terrorist organization, handcuffed and taken away. Two months after being jailed, Ayse was joined behind bars by her youngest son, Ali, then just 4 years old.

For another four months, she said, their lives unfolded like a horror movie. Built to hold 10 people, Ayse said, her cell was packed with 23 detainees. She remembers babies unable to get vaccines, and burning themselves with hot tea. She remembers, too, the traumatic cries at night.

“Loud music blared through our ward every morning, every morning I would wake up scared with my son,” she told Fox News in a recent interview from a refugee camp in Greece. “The ward was a very dangerous place for children. Our bunks were iron. One baby there was learning to walk and hit his head badly, other children were screaming. It was an incredibly difficult time.”

The case of Ayse and Ali is hardly unique. Based on monitoring government decrees and other reports from official sources, by the end of August 2017, advocacy groups had highlighted some 668 cases of children under the age of 6 being held in jails with their mothers. And 23 percent of those youngsters were infants less than a year old.

Several thousand children ages 6-18 are also being held.

Turkey’s Justice Ministry provided a somewhat lower figure, stating that a total of 560 children under the age of 6 were being held in Turkish prisons along with their mothers.

Mothers and their children continue to be rounded up with tens of thousands of other Turks following the July 2016 coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The country has, since that attempt, been in a legal “state of emergency,” one that allows the government to jail anyone believed to have ties to exiled cleric Fethullah Gulen and his Hizmet movement.

Whatever the number of prisoners, “prison is no place for children in any civilized country,” said Dr. Alan Mendoza, executive director of the Henry Jackson Society, a British foreign policy think tank, He called the policy of jailing mothers and children without charge “a travesty of justice” that will have “lasting effects on the lives of innocent children.”

Other critics of Turkey’s policy noted that the imprisoned women and children were victims of guilt by association.

“What is striking about detained women since the failed coup is that some of them are simply wives or children of suspects, but not suspects themselves. This amounts to collective punishment,” said Merve Tahiroglu, a research analyst with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, a Washington-based nonpartisan institute focusing on national security.

Ugar Tok, director of the Belgium-based Platform for Peace and Justice (PPJ), a human rights monitoring group focused on Turkey, said it can take six to 10 months of detention before the women in jail can stand in court. In the meantime, “the government prevents detainees from accessing lawyers and files in order to defend themselves.”

According to the World Prison Brief, as of October of last year, women comprised 4.4 percent of Turkey’s prison population. The official number of females behind bars is just under 10,000, but Tok estimates the numbers could be as high as 17,000.

Kam, a 34-year-old university teacher in İzmir Province at the time of her arrest in October 2016, said she was held for two months for investing – as thousands of other Turks have – in the Gulen-affiliated Bank Asya. She was kept in a cell with her 7-month-old son and two other babies, where they were prohibited from crawling on the floor. Toys were also prohibited, she said, and at times they could not access clean water.

“We were all treated like terrorists, we were isolated,” Kam told Fox News from Germany, where she and her family are now refugees. “We were all humiliated. … I don’t know what was worse, to have my baby in the prison or to have my other son, who was 11, outside the prison. When I saw him, he was changing.”

Case summaries and photographs viewed by Fox News, provided by international human rights investigators and lawyers, bring the grim statistics to life. They showed babies still on jail floors, with no play areas or facilities; women with chunks of hair ripped from their scalp in alleged prison mistreatment; and dozens of infants smiling before being whisked away to detention, where many are believed to remain.

Nurhayat Yildiz, 27, a housewife expecting twins, was arrested on Aug. 29, 2016, after boarding a bus from the northern Turkish province of Sinop, headed for her 14-week checkup. Nurhayat was detained and charged with Hizmet membership – because she allegedly had a popular encrypted messaging app, ByLock, on her phone. The Turkish government believes members involved in the coup attempt communicated through ByLock, and despite the app being commercially available to anyone, the government has systematically rounded up thousands of those who have it.

Yildiz’s supporters say she didn’t even have the app on her phone. In any case, at 19 weeks, on Oct. 6 that year, the first time mom-to-be suffered a devastating miscarriage behind bars.

“Nurhayat lost her dreams,” a prominent Turkish legal activist with Washington-based Advocates for Silenced Turkey (AST), who recently fled to California and requested anonymity for the safety of her relatives in Turkey, told Fox News. “And now she is suffering immense psychological problems, she barely talks. Her twins never got to live.”

Then there are stories like that of Filiz Yavuz, who was suddenly arrested – taken in a wheelchair – just eight hours after giving birth at a maternity hospital in the southeastern province of Mersin on Feb. 7, 2017.

“The police came for me at 3 in the morning. They said I was a terrorist because someone in my dormitory room from 2008 gave them my name,” Nur, 27, a human rights lawyer who was once a student at the Ankara University Faculty of Law, recalled of that frightful morning on Jan. 18, 2017. That’s when she was whisked from her home in the city of Eskisehir to a dark detention cell.

Nur considers herself one of the lucky ones. She was released by a judge after five days due to her severe asthma and a heart condition. She quickly boarded a smugglers’ boat. Today, Nur – from the safety of the United States – is trying to draw attention to the plight of other detained moms, their children and other of pregnant women who she says have suffered miscarriages amid the psychological ordeal of arrest and captivity.

Turkey’s Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior did not respond to a request for comment for this story.

Turkish officials have consistently defended the widespread arrest and detention of thousands of Turkish citizens, including women and children, as vital to national security. They also insist that the detainees are being held in compliance with international law.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which monitors the health and well-being of detainees in crisis spots around the world, confirmed it is not currently present in Turkey, and thus cannot monitor the situation.

But that situation remains a cause of concern for many human rights groups, which routinely spotlight the seemingly arbitrary detainment of Turkish citizens.

“ Following the coup attempt in July 2016, tens of thousands of people have been detained. The vast majority are not accused of participating in the events of the coup and in many cases that Amnesty International has examined there is no credible evidence of criminal acts,” a spokesperson for that group told Fox News.


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At Least 3 Victims Of Erdoğan’s Persecution Targeting Gülen Movement Drowned As Trying To Cross River Between Turkey And Greece

At least three victims of the massive post-coup persecution of Turkish government, led by autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, targeting the alleged members of the Gülen movement, have reportedly drowned on Tuesday morning as they were trying to cross the Meriç/Evros river between Turkey and Greece.

Eight Turkish citizens, including 3 children, 2 women and 3 man, have been missed after their rubber boat capsized in Meriç/Evros river on the border between Turkey and Greece on Tuesday. The bodies of the two drowned brothers, estimated to be aged around 11 and 3, and their mother were discovered.

The names of the victims are 37-year-old Ayşe (Söyler) Abdurrezzak from Havran district of Balıkesir province, her sons 3-year-old Halil Münir Abdurrezzak, who was born in Maltepe district of İstanbul and 11-year-old Abdul Kadir Enes Abdurrezzak.

It was learned that contact with the 8 people has been lost at 5 a.m. on Tuesday morning as they were trying to fled from Turkey to Greece via Meriç/Evros river. Uğur Abdurrezzak, the bodies of his wife and his children were found, is still missing.

Ayşe Söyler Abdurrezzak, who was graduated from Turkish Language Department of İstanbul’s Marmara University in 2005 and used to work as a teacher. She and her teacher husband were dismissed by a government decree under the rule of emergency as they were working at a school in Kartepe district of Kocaeli province in the wake of a controversial coup attempt on July 15, 2016.

It was also learned that Doğan Family was accompanying the Abdurrezzak Family on the rubber boat as they were crossing the Meriç/Evros river and the members of the family, Fahreddin Doğan, his wife Aslı Doğan and the couple’s 2,5-year-old son İbrahim Selim Doğan are still missing.

Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency (AA) has reported previously that the emergency services are searching for up to 10 migrants reported missing after a boat capsized in a river that flows along the Turkish-Greek border. According to the report, the emergency services were alerted on Tuesday by border guards who heard cries for help from the river, known as Meriç in Turkish and Evros in Greek.

The report said between eight and 10 migrants, including women and children, were trying to cross into Greece aboard the rubber boat, which was found punctured.

Thousands of refugees and migrants enter Greece every year from Turkey on their way to Europe. Most choose the sea crossing in flimsy smuggling boats to the eastern Aegean islands. However, Evros has also been used for passage from Turkey to Greece.

In recent years, beside of refugees from other countries using Turkey as a transit route, some Turkish citizens who had to fled Turkey due to a massive witch-hunt launched by the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government against sympathizers of the Gülen movement in the wake of a failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, have also used the same route. Many tried to escape Turkey via illegal ways as the government canceled their passports like thousands of others.

Turkey survived a controversial military coup attempt on July 15, 2016, that killed 249 people. Immediately after the putsch, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government along with Turkish autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan pinned the blame on the Gülen movement.

Gülen, who inspired the movement, strongly denied having any role in the failed coup and called for an international investigation into it, but President Erdoğan — calling the coup attempt “a gift from God” — and the government initiated a widespread purge aimed at cleansing sympathizers of the movement from within state institutions, dehumanizing its popular figures and putting them in custody.

Turkey has suspended or dismissed more than 150,000 judges, teachers, police and civil servants since July 15. Turkey’s Interior Minister announced on December 12, 2017 that 55,665 people have been arrested. Previously, on December 13, 2017, The Justice Ministry announced that 169,013 people have been the subject of legal proceedings on coup charges since the failed coup.


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Feb 12

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Feb 12

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 2/5/2018-2/12/2018

1-“[VIDEO] Pro-Erdogan presenter says Cumhuriyet journalists deserve to be executed for their Afrin coverage”

2-“Businessman caught using fake ID to survive post-coup witch-hunt”

3-“Journalist, already under over coup charges, gets 2.5-year prison sentence for insulting Erdogan”

4-“38,500 prisoners convicted over Gülen links: minister”

5-“[VIDEO] Academics, doctors detained while watching Gülen speech”

6-“Turkey issues detention warrant for another pro-Kurdish HDP deputy”

7-“Another ‘Gülenist’ dies of heart attack in prison: report”

8-“NASA scientist sentenced to 7 years in jail over coup charges”

9-“Report shows number of rights violations increased during OHAL in Turkey”

10-“US ‘deeply concerned’ by conviction of NASA scientist Serkan Golge”

11-“Warrants issued for 17 former Gazi University staffers: 11 detained”

12-“Wives of 13 dismissed police officers under custody”

13-“[VIDEO] Former law faculty dean detained over Gülen links”

14-“University student jailed for insulting Erdogan two years ago”

15-“European Parliament urges Turkey to end post-coup emergency rule”

16-“Turkey to confiscate billion-dollar holding over coup charges: report”

17-“Teacher couple detained after speaking out during interview by Finland’s state broadcaster”

18-“Turkish prisons at 13 percent overcapacity: lawmaker”

19-“Books, magazines by anti-gov’t Furkan foundation seized as criminal evidence”

20-“Journalist Cem Bahtiyar jailed pending trial over terror charges”

21-“Enes Kanter faces 4 years in jail for ‘insulting’ Turkish basketball federation head”

22-“Erzurum tea house temporarily closed over Kurdish-language song”

23-“Chemistry teacher gets 10-year jail time over Gulen links”

24-“64 military academy students, officers sentenced to life in prison over coup charges”

25-“Vision-impaired journalist, under arrest for 7 months, denied access to Braille books in prison”

26-“Turkish LGBT activist goes on hunger strike in support of transgender woman jailed in Tekirdağ”

27-“Turkish activist detained in southeast Turkey: report”

28-“Labour Party Bursa head put in pre-trial detention: report”

29-“Video purportedly shows Turkish soldiers beat Kurdish villager in Afrin”

30-“Dear Osman, dear Ahmet, dear Selahattin – speech in EP Plenary, Joint debate Turkey”

31-“US Politician Margo Davidson Reflects On Her Visit To Turkish Refugees In Greece”

32-“Survey: 1,2 Million People Victimised By Emergency Rule In Turkey”

33-“US Consulate Hands Staff Member Over To Turkish Authorities”

34-“İstanbul’s Former Governor Mutlu Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison Over Gülen Links”

35-“Female Journalists Say Turkish Police Beat Them, Threatened Rape During Raid”

36-“Religious Group Leader Critical Of Turkish Government Put In Pretrial Detention”

37-“No Freedom Of Speech In Turkey Even For The Robots”

38-“European Parliament Strongly Condemns Human Rights Violations In Turkey”

39-“Turkish Gov’t Detains Dozens, Including Former Top Judiciary Official, Over Alleged Links To Gülen Movement”

40-“Only 1 released in trial of jailed journalists facing coup charges”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 2/5/2018-2/12/2018

1-“Cezaevlerinde taciz edilen de var, banyosuna kamera yerleştirilen de”

2-“AKP rejimi tutuklu ‘Verem’ hastasına raporlara rağmen ilaç vermiyor”

3-“Ümit Horzum ve diğer kaçırılanlara ne oldu?”

4-“UNICEF: 2018’in ilk ayında Suriye’de en az 60 çocuk öldürüldü”

5-“AİHM’den Cizre savunması talebine AKP yönetiminden skandal cevap!”

6-“TEM’de bebekler ve anneler çok kötü şartlarda gözaltında tutuluyor”

7-“Hak ihlalleri son 13 yılda yüzde 571 arttı”

8-“AYM, Avukata ceza veren mahkemenin hak ihlalinde bulunduğunu açıkladı”

9-“Cep telefonunda Gülen’in videolarını izlediği gerekçesiyle gözaltı”

10-“Tutuklu kadın gazeteci Hanım Büşra Erdal için destek mektubu var”

11-“Erdoğan rejiminin yatırımları: 140 yeni hapishane yapılıyor”

12-“Skandal karar! Polis genç kadına tecavüz etti mahkeme beraat kararı verdi”

13-“Alparslan Kuytul, adliyeye sevk edildi; binlerce gönüllü bekliyor”

14-“Erdoğan’a hakaretten üniversite öğrencisi tutuklandı”

15-“Oxfam açıkladı: Binlerce kişi sınırda mahsur kaldı, ÖSO haraç alıyor”

16-“AKP rejimi Furkan Vakfı’nın temsilciliklerini bir gecede mühürledi!”

17-“Alperen Ocakları’nın LGBTİ’leri tehdidi ‘ifade özgürlüğü’ sayıldı”

18-“Çocuk tacizcisi polise 40 yıl hapis cezası”

19-“Cezaevlerinde hak ihlalleri raporu: Ters kelepçe, cinsel taciz…”

20-“Cemaat’ten 40 bin, PKK’dan 10 bin, IŞİD’den bin kişi içerde”

21-“NASA çalışanı ABD vatandaşı Serkan Gölge’ye 8 yıl hapis cezası”

22-“‘Afrin’de tüm hastaneler dolu, ilaçlar tükenmek üzere’”

23-“Firari Hukuk Fakültesi Dekanı Prof. Şen yakalandı, tutuklandı”

24-“Cumhuriyet çalışanlarını ‘katletmek’ mübah mıdır?”

25-“Oxford’da öğretim üyeliği: Murat Belge ‘Risk Altındaki Akademisyenler Konseyi’ne başvurdu”

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The Freedom House concludes Turkey is no more a free country. What is next?

The Freedom House concludes Turkey is no more a free country. What is next?

A new report released by the independent, non-profit and non-partisan watchdog organization Freedom House concluded that democratic principles such as election integrity and freedom of the press, political and civil rights have severely downgraded in Turkey that is no longer ‘a free country.’ The study added that Turkey’s status declined from Partly Free to Not Free due to a deeply flawed constitutional referendum that centralized power in the presidency, the mass replacement of elected mayors with government appointees, arbitrary prosecutions of rights activists and other perceived enemies of the state, and continued purges of state employees, all of which have left citizens hesitant to express their views on sensitive topics.

The Freedom House has been publishing annual reports since 1973 for assessing the condition of political rights and civil liberties around the world.

It has been a great source for scholars and academics since then. Their methodology is very strong and reliable. Their ranking provides a snapshot of the world and political circumstances in each state. It has always been interpreted seriously by international organizations and financial institutions as well.

The report noted that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan broadened and intensified the crackdown on his perceived opponents that began after a failed 2016 coup attempt. In addition to its dire consequences for detained Turkish citizens, shuttered media outlets, and seized businesses, the chaotic purge has become intertwined with an offensive against the Kurdish minority, which in turn has fueled Turkey’s diplomatic and military interventions in neighboring Syria and Iraq.

According to Freedom House, which analyzed data from 195 countries over the 2017 calendar year, Turkey’s passage over the threshold from Partly Free to Not Free is the culmination of a long and accelerating slide in Freedom in the World.

‘The country’s score has been in free fall since 2014 due to an escalating series of assaults on the press, social media users, protesters, political parties, the judiciary, and the electoral system, as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan fights to impose personalized control over the state and society in a deteriorating domestic and regional security environment. Erdoğan has pushed out his rivals and former allies within the ruling party, reshaped media ownership to fit his needs, and rammed through an unpopular constitutional referendum to create a “super-presidential” system without meaningful checks and balances.’

The study also noted that President Erdogan’s response to the July 2016 coup attempt has become a sprawling witch hunt, resulting in the arrest of some 60,000 people, the closure of over 160 media outlets, and the imprisonment of over 150 journalists. The leaders of the third-largest party in the parliament are in prison, and nearly 100 mayors across the country have been replaced through emergency measures or political pressure from the president. The government has even pressed its crackdown beyond. Turkey’s borders, triggering a flood of Interpol “red notice” requests to detain critics abroad, among other effects.

How will the report affect the Asylum seekers?

Since the controversial coup attempt, thousands of military officials, government officials, academics, and civilians have been detained, arrested or fired from their positions. The purge has led to a large number of these individuals to flee Turkey and seek asylum elsewhere.

It is safe to analyze that The Freedom House report will have major consequences on several issues especially asylum applications of thousands of people since the report extensively provided all the necessary data about the failure of democracy in Turkey. The report which confirmed Turkey’s passage over the threshold from ‘Partly Free to Not Free’ is considered both essential and useful for the court processes of the Asylum applications.

How should NATO respond?

A core principle of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is that member states adhere to democratic values. Here is how NATO defines its core principle and the purpose of its very existence:

‘NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. POLITICAL – NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defense and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.’

As a democratic security organization, NATO should clarify its stance and policies towards Turkey, which is openly defined as a non-democracy and not-free? Can NATO promote democratic values while one of its biggest members is already defined a dictatorship by non-partisan international organizations?

The recent study by the Freedom House which reports the decline in Turkey’s human rights record may cause some U.S. lawmakers and decision makers to question the country’s NATO membership.

ECtHR appears as a new venue

The shocking lower court rulings of the last several days rejecting the authority of Turkey’s Constitutional Court to hear individual applications has also been considered as the end of the rule of law in Turkey. This new episode in Turkish judiciary will lead the Turkish citizens who seek legal recourse to violations of their rights at European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) which still remains a proper venue that they should pursue. The recent study by The Freedom House can definitely be used as a source by the Turkish citizens to strengthen their cases at the ECtHR despite the fact that the ruling processes of the Court may take so long.

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Nov. 13

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Nov13

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly | 11/06/2017 – 11/13/2017

1-“1,025 in poor health in Turkish prisons, 357 seriously ill: rights group”

2-“‘The threats continue’: Murder of retired couple chills fellow activists in Turkey

3-“Turkey: Arrest of Civil Society Leader Arbitrary, Punitive”

4-“Turkey jails journalists Gündem, Gönültaş and Kılıç”

5-“Detention warrants issued for 88 more military personnel over Gülen links”

6-“Minister: 2,274 Gülen-linked private educational institutions closed since coup attempt”

7-“Erdoğan admits trapping Gülen movement people”

8-“Kaçmaz family deportation case: LHC seeks record of CAA”

9-” Court Of Appeals Approves 6-Month Sentence For Turkish Fashion Designer”

10-” Turkish Security Forces’ Abandoned Ammunitions Kill 18 Children In Last 20 Months”

11-“Exiled Journalist Reveals Systematic Mass Torture, Abuse Targeting Turkey’s Military Staff”

12-” Turkey’s Pro-Erdoğan Thugs Launch A Campaign Of Insult Targeting Those Who Have To Live In Exile”

13-“Briefly detained teacher blacklisted, denied notary service to sell car”

14-“Emotional reunion of son, journalist father after 174 days in Turkish prison”

15-“Turkish police detain president of the Progressive Lawyers’ Association”

16-“WSJ: Turkey proposed $15 million to Flynn, son to abduct Fethullah Gulen”

17-“1,059 Turkish nationals claimed asylum in Germany in October”

18-“Investigation launched against Erdogan’s long-arm in Sweden: report”

19-“Engineering professor, 4 other university personnel under custody”

20-“22,000 public servants, families forced to declare social media accounts: report”

21-“Two Turkish nationals, abducted from plane in Kazakhstan, returned to Turkey: report”

22-” Wives of police chiefs who led 2013 corruption operations detained”

23-“Appeals court upholds journalist Cemal’s sentences”

24-“Turkish Court Decides Once Again For Continuation Of Journalist Parıldak’s Imprisonment”

25-“Turkish PM Yıldırım Takes Anti-Gülen Witch-Hunt To The US”

26-“Jailed German-Turkish reporter sees Turkey drifting toward fascism”

27-“Police assault, detain 10 people commemorating October Revolution in İstanbul”

28-“Jailed coup suspect’s brother arrested as well”

29-“Turkey issues detention warrant for US academic Barkey”

30-“10 detained over social media posts in Ankara”

31-“586 people detained over Gülen links in past week: ministry”

32-” Turkish lieutenant colonel recants testimony, says drugged and tortured”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 11/06/2017 – 11/13/2017

1-“Akın Öztürk’ün anlatamadığı işkenceler!”

2-“Gaziantep’in en zenginiydiler, şimdi eşinin fakirlik belgesine kaldılar!”

3-“Kapatılan Selahaddin Eyyübi Üniversitesi çalışanlarına operasyon”

4-“Kaçırılan iki Türk’ün kayıtsız gözaltında tutulduğu ortaya çıktı”

5-“İHD Eş Genel Başkanı Türkdoğan gözaltına alındı”

6-“Enis Berberoğlu: Tahliyemi talep edebileceğim bir mahkemem bile yok”

7-“İnşaat İşçisine ‘Bylock’tan 6 Yıl 3 ay hapis!”

8-“WSJ: Türkiye, ‘Gülen’i İmralı’ya kaçırması’ için Flynn’e 15 milyon dolar teklif etti”

9-“Hasan Cemal’e ‘silahlı terör örgütünün açıklamalarını yayınladın’ cezası”

10-“Cezaevinde öümüne işkence: yüzde 86 özürlü hasta bir ay doktora çıkarılmadı; yoğun bakımda yaşam mücadelesi veriyor!”

11-“İHD’nin raporu Türkiye’deki kötü muaemleyi ortaya koydu”

12-“Antalya Döşemealtı L tipi Cezaevi’nde insan hakları ihlal ediliyor”

13-“Havalimanlarında yolculara keyfi uygulama!”

14-“KHK ile ihraç edilen memura ‘LGBTİ terör örgütü’ suçlaması”

15-“Bakan İsmet Yılmaz: Nuriye ve Semih’i desteklerseniz ölürler”

16-“Sanatçı Ömer Pekin tutuklandı”

17-“Tam teşekküllü Lösemi hastanesine izin yok”

18-“Hulusi Akar’ın yaveri: Bana bir şey içirdiler”

19-“Altanlar ve Ilıcak’ın tutukluk halinin devamına karar verildi”

20-“Altanlar ve Ilıcak’ın davasında 3’üncü duruşma: Avukatlar salondan çıkarıldı”

21-” Ankara Cumhuriyet davasında AİHM’e savunma gönderdi: ‘FETÖ’yle ilişkili; darbeci”

22-” Soru: 15 Temmuz’la ilgili kanıt yok, Yanıt: 11 Eylül için kanıt mı sorduk”

23-” Cezaevlerindeki kitap yasağını mektupla delecekler”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Oct. 30

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Oct30

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly | 10/23/2017-10/30/2017

1-“7 detained for putting money into Bank Asya after December 2013 ”

2-“Nigeria says asked by Turkey to extradite over 1000 people”

3-“Over 22,000 inmates sleep on floor in Turkey’s overcrowded prisons”

4-” Ex-German chancellor Schröder helped free activists in Turkey: report”

5-“Turkish gov’t bans imprisoned journalist’s book on human rights violations”

6-“Rights groups say 285 Turkish teachers, families, face risk of deportation from Pakistan”

7-“US senators urge Trump to demand Turkey’s Erdoğan respect human rights”

8-“Turkish court rules Amnesty’s Kılıç remain in pre-trial detention”

9-“Turkish court rules for arrest of 10 activists, 2 journalists”

10-“14-year-old boy caught in suitcase while trying to flee Turkey’s post-coup witch-hunt”

11-“PACE co-rapporteurs call on Turkey to end harassment of NGO activists”

12-“Report exposes rights violations, inadequate conditions, in Turkish prisons”

13-“Former Konya bar association head gets 10 years in prison on coup charge”

14-“Workers at gov’t-seized company fired over surname similarity with former owners”

15-“Dormitory manager gets 10-year jail sentence over Gülen links”

16-“Rights abuses in Turkish prisons revealed in new report”

17-“Gov’t seizes 5 more Boydak companies in post-coup crackdown”

18-“48 detained over ByLock use during dawn raids in Istanbul”

19-“Turkish rights NGO says conditions for prisoners in poor health alarming”

20-“Kosovo detains Gülen-linked teacher at Turkey’s request ”

21-“DROI chair calls on Turkey to reverse ongoing crackdown on civil society”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 10/23/2017-10/30/2017

1-“Hukuksuz tutuklamalar cezaevlerini doldurdu, yatacak yer kalmadı! ”

2-“İşte Kitlesel Kıyımın son rakamları”

3-“Nijerya’dan ikinci açıklama: IADE YOK”

4-“Kendisine bağlı muhabiri aradı diye tutuklandı”

5-“Yeni tahliye olan bir kadın tutuklu kaldığı koğuşta gördüklerini yazdı”

6-“Tekirdağ Cezaevi’nde kelepçeli işkence”

7-“Anayasa Mahkemesine başvuru sayısı”; Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne yapılan başvurular
incelendiğinde ise şöyle bir istatistik çıkıyor karşımıza; en çok başvuru adil yargılama hakkı
kapsamında geliyor. 2’inci sırada kişi hürriyeti ve güvenliği hakkı, mülkiyet hakkı, yaşama hakkı
ile işkence ve kötü muamele yasağı hakkı, ifade hürriyeti, özel hayata ve aile hayatına saygı hakkı
ve örgütlenme özgürlüğü alanında başvuruların geldiğini görmekteyiz

8-“Gülencilere sığınma vermeyin” talebine Yunanistan’dan red!

9-“Cezaevindeki 668 bebek ve 17 bin kadın için sen de ses ver!”

10- “İnsanları çocuklarını valizle kurtarmaya çalışır duruma düşürdüler”

11- “Pakistan polisinden mahkemede komik savunma”

12-” MİT Bylock verilerinde hata yapıldığını kabul etti”

13-“Tahliye olan hak savunucuları: Mücadeleye devam”

14-“Schröder gizlice Türkiye’ye gelip tutuklu aktivistleri bıraktırtmış”

15-“Şakran Cezaevi’nde Hizmet Gönüllülerine büyük provokasyon”

16-“25 yıllık hakim karı koca 15 aydır tek kişilik koğuşta zulüm altında!”

17-“Ses ver Dünya! 668 bebek hapiste!”

18-“Cezaevlerinde 357’si ağır 1025 hasta mahkûm var”

19-“Zekai Aksakallı eşimin ve kızlarımın iffetiyle tehdit etti!”

20-“Silivri’de 29 kadın mahkuma işkence iddiası”

21-“İşkence idari pratik haline geldi”

22-“Şakran Cezaevi’nde Hizmet Gönüllülerine büyük provokasyon”

23-“Perinçek’ten, hizmet’e yönelik soykırım itirafı: suçlu olmalarına gerek yok, hepsini

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