
AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Feb 26

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Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 2/19/2018-2/26/2018

1-” Afghan national detained over Gülen links in Izmir”

2-” Luxury Bursa mansion seized from Gulen-linked businessman”

3-” Owner of Hosta fast-food chain sentenced to 10 years in jail”

4-” 786 people detained for opposing Turkey’s Afrin operation in past month: data”

5-” 567 people detained over Gülen links in past week: gov’t”

6-” Economics professor from gov’t-closed Meliksah University jailed”

7-” Politician arrested after WhatsApp messages reported to police by bus passenger”

8-” Teacher couple jailed as newborn twins under grandmother’s care: report”

9-” Woman who miscarried twins during pretrial detention sentenced to 7.5 years in jail”

10-” Turkey cooperates with smugglers to catch Gulenists seeking asylum abroad: teacher”

11-” Turkish court rules for continuation of arrest of pro-Kurdish journalist: report”

12-” Turkey seeks 27-year jail term for 2 university students over ‘pro-Kurdish anthem’”

13-” 4 Adana journalists given prison sentences of up to 9 years over terror charges”

14-” Turkey’s opposition leader slams life sentences handed down to Altan brothers, Nazlı Ilıcak”

15-” 15 including pro-Kurdish activist Celalettin Can arrested on terror charges in İstanbul”

16-” Ankara prosecutor issues detention warrants for 47 teachers

17-” Two Gülen followers abducted in Azerbaijan: report”

18-” 10 including 5 children, 2 teachers detained while seeking asylum in Greece”

19-” 17 Turkish nationals including 6 children claim asylum in Greek islands: report”

20-” [VIDEO] Turkish customs stops container, seizes belongings of exiled businessman”

21-” [VIDEO] Journalist Ener: I was released but there are newborn babies in prison”

22-” Rights defender Gergerlioğlu gets 2.5 year prison sentence on terror charges”

23-” Owner of now-defunct Izmir University detained for funding intercultural dialog events”

24-” Turkey detains yet another 11 people for criticizing Afrin operation”

25-” Turks, the leading refugee group in the Netherlands in 2017: report”

26-” Netherlands accepts 73 percent of asylum applications from Turkish citizens: report”

27-” 13 Kimse Yok Mu aid foundation personnel under police custody”

28-” [VIDEO] Former TRT producer detained while on way to escape to Greece”

29-” Teacher with 25 years of experience working as hotel receptionist after dismissal”

30-” 5-months pregnant woman detained as police fail to locate husband: report”

31-” Wedding singers put in pretrial detention over songs in Kurdish language”

32-” Family of visually impaired journalist says his whereabouts are unknown”

33-” 13 Kimse Yok Mu aid foundation officials detained over Gülen links”

34-” 80 women reportedly subjected to inhumane treatment at Mersin police station”

35-” Erdoğan to embark on new Africa tour targeting Gülen movement”

36-” ‘Merciless, unjust and unfair,’ author Pamuk says of conviction of journalists”

37-” Amnesty report says dissent being ruthlessly suppressed in Turkey”

38-” Prominent rights activist gets 2.5-year jail sentence on terror charges”

39-” Turkey arrests 16 HDP, HDK officials including prominent figure”

40-” 4 journalists receive sentences of up to 9 years in prison”

41-” Investigation launched into imam questioning donations to mosques”

42-” Turkey’s Erdoğan Vows To Pursue Gülen Movement Followers Who ‘Escaped The Sword’”

43-” Kurdish Media Reports That Yezidis In Afrin Afraid Of A Genocide By Turkish Military”

44-” Turkish Teacher, Not Assigned Over His Alleged Links To Gülen Movement, Killed In Workplace Accident”

45-” Transparency Int’l Index Shows Level Of Corruption In Turkey Worsens Dramatically”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 2/19/2018-2/26/2018

1-” Kürtçe şarkı söyleyen müzisyenlerle düğün sahibi tutuklandı”

2-” Hizmetten olduğu gerekçesiyle ataması yapılmayan öğretmen iş kazasında öldü”

3-” Ayşen Gruda’dan Koçyiğit’e sert çıkış: Daha ne yapsınlar pardon, kamçıyla mı dövsünler bizi?”

4-” Mersin Emniyeti’nde gözaltına alınan kadınlara işkence yapılıyor iddiası”

5-” Gazetecilerin yargılandığı davada karar çıkmadı; Mart ayına ertelendi”

6-” Hamile ve 3 çocuklu anneyi eşini bulamayınca gözaltına aldılar”

7-” Orhan Pamuk’tan Altanlar ve Ilıcak’a müebbete tepki: Acımasız, haksız ve adaletsiz”

8-” Kürtçe ıslık çalan öğrencilere 27,5 yıl hapis cezası; darp eden polise takipsizlik”

9-” İnternette sansür düzenlemesi Meclis’te kabul edildi”

10-” Af Örgütü: Türkiye’de keyfi ve cezalandırma amaçlı gözaltılarla adil olmayan yargılamalar var”

11-” Tekirdağ’da öğretmen Hizmet Hareketi’nden dolayı tecritte tutuluyor”

12-” Ünlü İşadamları Bankasya’ya para yatırdıkları gerekçesiyle tutuklandı”

13-” Boydaklar için flaş karar!”

14-” Afrin harekatı nedeniyle 786 gözaltı”

15-” Eski HDP’li Milletvekili Ayla Akat Ata gözaltına alındı”

16-” Çuvalda taşınan Muharrem ile ilgili itiraz reddedildi, Dosya AYM’ye gidiyor”

17-” Cezaevindeki engelli gazeteci Cüneyt Arat’tan haber alınamıyor!”

18-” Sağlık sorunlarına rağmen 78 yaşındaki Sise Bingöl tahliye edilmiyor”

19-” Diyarbakır Barosu ve İHD: Özel işkence ekibi kuruldu!”

20-” Türkiye’deki sözde ‘adil’ hukukla 4 çocuk daha anne babasız kaldı”

21-” Kanser hastası 4 gündür Iğdır Emniyeti’nde gözaltında tutuluyor”

22-” Metris’te tutukluyu öldüresiye dövdüler; gardiyanlar görmezden geldi”

23-” Kosovalı akademisyen Zana B.’ye Bylock’tan 15 yıl hapis istemi”

24-” Paylan: RTÜK düzenlemesi ile internette her şeyi yasaklayabilirler”

25-” Antalya, Manisa ve Malatya’da yeni gözaltı ve tutuklamalar”

26-” Akademisyenlerin yargılandığı davada hapis cezası çıktı!”

27-” Kimse Yok Mu Derneği’nin 13 yöneticisine gözaltı”

28-” Türkiye, ‘yolsuzluk endeksi’nde 6 sıra daha geriye gitti”

29-” ‘Yüzlerce Türk çocuk anneleri ile beraber cezaevinde’”

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Freedom of the Net 2017



In November 2017, the Freedom House[1] published a report titled Freedom of the Net 2017[2] which assesses the internet freedom around the world making country-based evaluations.

According to the Report, Turkey falls into the category of “Not Free” in 2017. Together with Egypt and Ukraine, Turkey is in the top three countries who declined most compared to the last year. Turkey and Russia are both ranked as 15th among 65 countries falling behind countries such as Myanmar, Sudan and Venezuela.[3] The Report refers to different applications in Turkey many times showing that the State has been taking considerably restrictive measures.

Especially in 2017 thousands of people were arrested and/or taken into custody for downloading a mobile communication app called ByLock reasoning that coup plotters allegedly used the same app as well. The Report highlights that the app was easily accessible as well as publicly available in different app stores.

According to the Freedom House, the Turkish government has not only been using the internet to accuse government critics of serious crimes, but also to manipulate public discussions and control particular agendas. As per the allegations, around 6,000 people were employed to achieve these aims. To illustrate, many dissident journalists and academics have been dealing with online harassment by pro-government troll accounts through social media websites. Disinformation methods used by the State vary including paying government commentators (without explicit sponsorship), maintaining pro-government media and propaganda, hijacking politically dissent websites (such as social media accounts and news sites), and lastly creating fake news around elections intentionally to affect voters.

Besides these direct methods, the Turkish government uses indirect restrictions as well to control the use of the internet. To exemplify, WhatsApp as the most common mobile communication app was throttled many times especially right after significant political events and became almost inaccessible. Moreover, Turkey has taken measures to limit and control VPNs channels which enable internet users to reach banned websites and content. For example, Tor which is one of the most secure VPNs has been targeted by repressive governments. The Report emphasizes that Turkey has also applied new blocking orders to limit the use of Tor network making it harder for users to reach.

The Report specifies topics and content censored by the Turkish government; some of which can be listed as criticisms of authorities, corruption, conflict, political opposition, satire as well as mobilization for public causes. Out of 9 types of key internet controls categorized by the Freedom House, Turkey has been applying 7 of them including blocking of online communication tools, network shutdowns, increasing censorship through new laws, arrest and imprisonment of opposing internet users.

To sum up, the Freedom of the Net 2017 report illustrates how Turkey has been using the internet to serve the government’s own interests and also to limit individual freedoms such as freedom of expression and right to privacy.

1- Freedom House is a US based non-governmental organization “dedicated to the expansion of freedom and democracy around the world.”; “About Us.” Freedom House, freedomhouse.org/about-us.

2-Freedom House, Freedom of the Net 2017, Nov 2017, available at: https://freedomhouse.org/sites/default/files/FOTN_2017_Final.pdf

3- It must be noted that these 65 countries represent 87% of the world’s internet users.


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Deterioration of the Internet Freedom


Freedom of the Net 2017 Report Prepared by the Freedom House: Summary of the Parts Concerning Turkey

In November 2017, the Freedom House published a report titled Freedom of the Net 2017 which assesses the internet freedom around the world making country-based evaluations.

According to the Report, Turkey falls into the category of “Not Free” in 2017. Together with Egypt and Ukraine, Turkey is in the top three countries who declined most compared to the last year. Turkey and Russia are both ranked as 15th among 65 countries falling behind countries such as Myanmar, Sudan and Venezuela. The Report refers to different applications in Turkey many times showing that the State has been taking considerably restrictive measures.

Especially in 2017 thousands of people were arrested and/or taken into custody for downloading a mobile communication app called ByLock reasoning that coup plotters allegedly used the same app as well. The Report highlights that the app was easily accessible as well as publicly available in different app stores.

According to the Freedom House, the Turkish government has not only been using the internet to accuse government critics of serious crimes, but also to manipulate public discussions and control particular agendas. As per the allegations, around 6,000 people were employed to achieve these aims. To illustrate, many dissident journalists and academics have been dealing with online harassment by pro-government troll accounts through social media websites. Disinformation methods used by the State vary including paying government commentators (without explicit sponsorship), maintaining pro-government media and propaganda, hijacking politically dissent websites (such as social media accounts and news sites), and lastly creating fake news around elections intentionally to affect voters.

Besides these direct methods, the Turkish government uses indirect restrictions as well to control the use of the internet. To exemplify, WhatsApp as the most common mobile communication app was throttled many times especially right after significant political events and became almost inaccessible. Moreover, Turkey has taken measures to limit and control VPNs channels which enable internet users to reach banned websites and content. For example, Tor which is one of the most secure VPNs has been targeted by repressive governments. The Report emphasizes that Turkey has also applied new blocking orders to limit the use of Tor network making it harder for users to reach.

The Report specifies topics and content censored by the Turkish government; some of which can be listed as criticisms of authorities, corruption, conflict, political opposition, satire as well as mobilization for public causes. Out of 9 types of key internet controls categorized by the Freedom House, Turkey has been applying 7 of them including blocking of online communication tools, network shutdowns, increasing censorship through new laws, arrest and imprisonment of opposing internet users.

To sum up, the Freedom of the Net 2017 report illustrates how Turkey has been using the internet to serve the government’s own interests and also to limit individual freedoms such as freedom of expression and right to privacy.

Download pdf version:Freedom of the Net 2017

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