AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly March 26

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Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 3/19/2018-3/26/2018

1-” Police officer suspended in post-coup crackdown dies of heart attack”

2-” Journalist’s lawyer brother detained, beaten by plainclothes police”

3-” 24 jailed pending trial over money deposits to Bank Asya”

4-” 73-year-old German-Turkish dual citizen in solitary confinement in Silivri prison: family”

5-” Orange is the New Black’s Turkish adaptation faces censorship over terror propaganda”

6-” 24 employees of Gülenist publishing house arrested on coup charges: report”

7-” UN calls on Turkey to end state of emergency, torture, ban on purged civil servants”

8-” Purge-victim engineer abducted in Rize — claim”

9-” ECtHR: Turkey violates liberty, security, freedom of expression of Şahin Alpay, Mehmet Altan”

10-” Turkey’s largest media group sold to pro-gov’t businessman Demirören”

11-” Pro-Kurdish politician arrested for ‘insulting’ Erdogan during Newroz speech”

12-” Turkish singer Zuhal Olcay gets 10 months in prison for ‘insulting’ Erdogan: report”

13-” Pro-Kurdish deputy Lezgin Botan gets 18 years in prison on terror charges”

14-” Warrants issued for 55 employees of gov’t-closed publisher”

15-” Prosecutors seek 54 months for AKP co-founder for ‘insulting’ Erdogan”

16-” Turkish government now blocks use of VPN: report”

17-” Hours after being released, man pictured sitting near graves of family members who died in traffic accident after visiting him in prison”

18-” [VIDEO]Police detain 7 Bogaziçi students for participating in protest against Turkey’s Afrin operation”

19-” 16 members of Alevi association detained in Erzincan on terror charges: report”

20-” Report: At least 2,113 people detained over Gülen links in March alone”

21-” Under pretrial detention for 20 months, academic Sedat Laciner says ‘miss my home, children, wife, friends, students and books’”

22-” 2,500 schools, dormitories confiscated as 30,000 teachers dismissed during post-coup emergency rule: ministry”

23-” Turkish couple, both teachers, under police custody in post-coup crackdown: report”

24-” UN report details extensive human rights violations in Turkey during protracted state of emergency”

25-” CPT publishes report on İmralı Prison saying conditions satisfactory but…”

26-” CoE’s annual report shows record increase in Turkish prison population”

27-” Turkish court sentences rector, deans, academics of closed university to long prison terms over alleged Gülen links”

28-” Canada’s Green Party leader on human rights violations in Turkey: I am entirely horrified”

29-” CPJ calls on EU officials to raise press freedom with Erdoğan”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 3/19/2018-3/26/2018

1-” AİHM’in diyet yemek kararına rağmen hasta tutuklulara verilmiyor”

2-” Hakimi gözaltına alırken ağzına silah sokup darp etmişler!”

3-” KHK ile ihraç edilen Nuray öğretmen işkence ile itirafçı edilmeye çalışılıyor”

4-” KHK ile hayatı kararan öğretmen intihar etti”

5-” Hasta tutuklulara ‘çift kelepçe’”

6-” Grup Yorum üyesi Varan: Saçım yolundu dosya işlemden kaldırıldı”

7-” KHK ile işten atıldı, tutuklandı, ailesini kaybetti, tahliye edildi”

8-” Erdoğan’ın hedef gösterdiği 7 öğrenci gözaltına alındı!”

9-” AKP, VPN’in ipini çekmek üzere”

10-” Mehmet Altan’ın avukatı açıkladı; Bugün tahliye edilmesini bekliyoruz”

11-” Işık Yayıncılık’a 2. operasyon: 55 kişi hakkında gözaltı kararı”

12-” Gergerlioğlu: Hakkım olan emekli ikramiyemi vermediler, yani gasp ettiler, maksat zulüm olsun”

13-” Kaçırılan Ümit Horzum dosyası sil baştan!”

14-” OHAL’in kaldırılması için hukukçular AİHM’e başvurdu”

15-” ‘2500 okul ve yurt kapattık, 30 bin öğretmeni ihraç ettik’”

16-” Gazeteci Resul Cengiz’e resmi yazıyla cezaevinde uyutmama işkencesi”

17-” Sibel ve Harun öğretmen gözaltına alındı, çocukları kimsesiz kaldı”

18-” Deniz Yücel’le telefonda konuşan 59 kişiye ‘örgüt bağlantısı’ suçlaması!”

19-” Basın meslek örgütleri: Tek bir aykırı ses çıksın istemiyorlar”

20-” Zuhal Olcay’a ‘Cumhurbaşkanı’na hakaret’ten 10 ay hapis cezası”

21-” Birleşmiş Milletler’den Türkiye’ye insan hakları eleştirisi”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly March 19

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_March 19

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 3/12/2018-3/19/2018

1-” 740 people detained over Gülen links in past week: gov’t”

2-” Millionaire businessman tells wife gov’t could seize properties, divorces her without alimony to marry lover: report”

3-” Pregnant teacher, husband reportedly under police custody for 7 days”

4-” Turkish prosecutor seeks life sentence for US pastor over coup charges”

5-” Purged computer teacher commits suicide days after his release from prison”

6-” Opposition leader slams prosecutor office statement on Açıkkollu’s death”

7-” Turkey police detain 88 people in post-coup operations in İzmir, Adıyaman, Kırşehir, Edirne, Bursa: report”

8-” Number of Turkish asylum seekers in Greece rises tenfold from 2016 to 2017: Der Spiegel”

9-” Outspoken lawyer representing coup suspects jailed pending trial”

10-” Switzerland investigating allegations Turkey tried to kidnap businessman in Zurich”

11-” [VIDEO] 14 detained over Bylock use in Turkey’s Konya”

12-” Businessman takes refuge at Austrian police after Turkish consulate tried to seize passport”

13-” Report: 402,000 people investigated over Gülen links in past 20 months”

14-” 97 including labor union leaders detained on terror charges: report”

15-” Constitutional Court rules for second time to release jailed journalist Alpay”

16-” Man with 1 dollar bills acquitted of coup charges after admitting cocaine purchase”

17-” AK Party branch head appointed as trustee for 7 seized companies in Gaziantep: report”

18-” Mother of this child gets 7.5 years in prison for working at Gulen-affilated student dorm in Ankara”

19-” Wife of judge who attempted to release Samanyolu journalist sentenced to 7.5 years in jail”

20-” [VIDEO] Journalist Sahin Alpay: There are thousands of innocent people in prison”

21-” Pro-Kurdish politician Aysel Tuğluk given 10-year prison sentence”

22-” PPJ report: Turkish gov’t cancels passports to condemn critical citizens to civil death”

23-” Despite official health reports seriously ill Turkish teacher kept in prison over alleged Gülen links”

24-” GRECO concerned about lack of judicial independence, transparency of legislative process in Turkey”

25-” Turkish prosecutor demands 15 years in prison for Cumhuriyet daily executives, journalists”

26-” Turkish gov’t blocks encrypted email service ProtonMail, VPNs”

27-” Jailed main Turkish opposition deputy Berberoğlu: I have been isolated for a year”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 3/12/2018-3/19/2018

1-” Rize Emniyeti’nde işkenceler yapıldığı ve üzerinin kapatıldığı ortaya çıktı”

2-” Öğretmen Ömer Şamlı cezaevinde yaşayamaz raporuna rağmen hala tutuklu”

3-” Düşük riski olan hamile kadın 7 gündür nezarette tutuluyor”

4-” Silivri Cezaevi: Süpürge sopası kırılana kadar falakalı işkence yapıldı”

5-” Milletvekili Aslan: Bu yaptığınız insani değil, hukuki değil”

6-” Nakil bekleyen Şerif Agu tahliye edilmeli”

7-” Anne ve babayı gözaltına alıp 3 yaşındaki Murat bebeği ortada bıraktılar”

8-” Esas AKP kendini güncellemeli; Yolsuzluk ve israf almış başını gidiyor”

9-” Raporlu kalp hastası çift 9 gündür itirafçı olmaları için gözaltındalar”

10-” Bayburt cezaevinde tutuklulara psikolojik işkence yapılıyor”

11-” Fincancı: İşkenceler AİHM’e giderse Cumhurbaşkanı, Adalet ve İçişleri Bakanları sorumlu”

12-” Süt emen bebeğin hem annesini hem de babasını tutukladılar”

13-” KHK mağduru polis memuru kalp krizi geçirip vefat etti!”

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Freedom of the Net 2017



In November 2017, the Freedom House[1] published a report titled Freedom of the Net 2017[2] which assesses the internet freedom around the world making country-based evaluations.

According to the Report, Turkey falls into the category of “Not Free” in 2017. Together with Egypt and Ukraine, Turkey is in the top three countries who declined most compared to the last year. Turkey and Russia are both ranked as 15th among 65 countries falling behind countries such as Myanmar, Sudan and Venezuela.[3] The Report refers to different applications in Turkey many times showing that the State has been taking considerably restrictive measures.

Especially in 2017 thousands of people were arrested and/or taken into custody for downloading a mobile communication app called ByLock reasoning that coup plotters allegedly used the same app as well. The Report highlights that the app was easily accessible as well as publicly available in different app stores.

According to the Freedom House, the Turkish government has not only been using the internet to accuse government critics of serious crimes, but also to manipulate public discussions and control particular agendas. As per the allegations, around 6,000 people were employed to achieve these aims. To illustrate, many dissident journalists and academics have been dealing with online harassment by pro-government troll accounts through social media websites. Disinformation methods used by the State vary including paying government commentators (without explicit sponsorship), maintaining pro-government media and propaganda, hijacking politically dissent websites (such as social media accounts and news sites), and lastly creating fake news around elections intentionally to affect voters.

Besides these direct methods, the Turkish government uses indirect restrictions as well to control the use of the internet. To exemplify, WhatsApp as the most common mobile communication app was throttled many times especially right after significant political events and became almost inaccessible. Moreover, Turkey has taken measures to limit and control VPNs channels which enable internet users to reach banned websites and content. For example, Tor which is one of the most secure VPNs has been targeted by repressive governments. The Report emphasizes that Turkey has also applied new blocking orders to limit the use of Tor network making it harder for users to reach.

The Report specifies topics and content censored by the Turkish government; some of which can be listed as criticisms of authorities, corruption, conflict, political opposition, satire as well as mobilization for public causes. Out of 9 types of key internet controls categorized by the Freedom House, Turkey has been applying 7 of them including blocking of online communication tools, network shutdowns, increasing censorship through new laws, arrest and imprisonment of opposing internet users.

To sum up, the Freedom of the Net 2017 report illustrates how Turkey has been using the internet to serve the government’s own interests and also to limit individual freedoms such as freedom of expression and right to privacy.

1- Freedom House is a US based non-governmental organization “dedicated to the expansion of freedom and democracy around the world.”; “About Us.” Freedom House, freedomhouse.org/about-us.

2-Freedom House, Freedom of the Net 2017, Nov 2017, available at: https://freedomhouse.org/sites/default/files/FOTN_2017_Final.pdf

3- It must be noted that these 65 countries represent 87% of the world’s internet users.


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Deterioration of the Internet Freedom


Freedom of the Net 2017 Report Prepared by the Freedom House: Summary of the Parts Concerning Turkey

In November 2017, the Freedom House published a report titled Freedom of the Net 2017 which assesses the internet freedom around the world making country-based evaluations.

According to the Report, Turkey falls into the category of “Not Free” in 2017. Together with Egypt and Ukraine, Turkey is in the top three countries who declined most compared to the last year. Turkey and Russia are both ranked as 15th among 65 countries falling behind countries such as Myanmar, Sudan and Venezuela. The Report refers to different applications in Turkey many times showing that the State has been taking considerably restrictive measures.

Especially in 2017 thousands of people were arrested and/or taken into custody for downloading a mobile communication app called ByLock reasoning that coup plotters allegedly used the same app as well. The Report highlights that the app was easily accessible as well as publicly available in different app stores.

According to the Freedom House, the Turkish government has not only been using the internet to accuse government critics of serious crimes, but also to manipulate public discussions and control particular agendas. As per the allegations, around 6,000 people were employed to achieve these aims. To illustrate, many dissident journalists and academics have been dealing with online harassment by pro-government troll accounts through social media websites. Disinformation methods used by the State vary including paying government commentators (without explicit sponsorship), maintaining pro-government media and propaganda, hijacking politically dissent websites (such as social media accounts and news sites), and lastly creating fake news around elections intentionally to affect voters.

Besides these direct methods, the Turkish government uses indirect restrictions as well to control the use of the internet. To exemplify, WhatsApp as the most common mobile communication app was throttled many times especially right after significant political events and became almost inaccessible. Moreover, Turkey has taken measures to limit and control VPNs channels which enable internet users to reach banned websites and content. For example, Tor which is one of the most secure VPNs has been targeted by repressive governments. The Report emphasizes that Turkey has also applied new blocking orders to limit the use of Tor network making it harder for users to reach.

The Report specifies topics and content censored by the Turkish government; some of which can be listed as criticisms of authorities, corruption, conflict, political opposition, satire as well as mobilization for public causes. Out of 9 types of key internet controls categorized by the Freedom House, Turkey has been applying 7 of them including blocking of online communication tools, network shutdowns, increasing censorship through new laws, arrest and imprisonment of opposing internet users.

To sum up, the Freedom of the Net 2017 report illustrates how Turkey has been using the internet to serve the government’s own interests and also to limit individual freedoms such as freedom of expression and right to privacy.

Download pdf version:Freedom of the Net 2017

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