Turkish police

AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly March 5

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_March 5

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 2/26/2018-3/5/2018

1-” Daughter of imprisoned author Ahmet Altan: Journalists have become bargaining chips in Turkey”

2-” Physics teacher detained over Gülen links, baby left to neighbor’s care”

3-” Foreign academic indicted in Turkey on terror charges for using ByLock”

4-” 2 workers detained at İzmir airport after police check their social media messages”

5-” Turkish Police To Journalist: If You Don’t Speak, We’ll Throw You Off Balcony”

6-” Turkish Gov’t Detained 845 People To Date Over Critical Stance On Afrin Offensive”

7-” Turkey takes over 12 Gülen schools in Afghanistan”

8-” UN official concerned by allegations of torture in Turkey”

9-” An open letter to President Erdoğan from 38 Nobel laureates”

10-” Court rules for continuation of arrest of Turkish columnist: report”

11-” UN Rapporteur says Turkish detainees reportedly tortured with severe beatings, electrical shocks, icy water, sexual assault”

12-” Two pro-Kurdish MPs stripped of parliamentary status for insulting Erdogan, social media posts”

13-” Pro-gov’t TV anchor: If Turkish military were to kill civilians, it’d start with traitors in Istanbul, opposition”

14-” Seized Gülen dormitory transferred to association vice-chaired by Erdogan’s daughter”

15-” We must speak up for free expression in Turkey”

16-” Turkish State-Run TRT Bans Broadcasting Of 208 Songs”

17-” OSCE Urges Turkish Gov’t Not To Adopt New Internet Bill”

18-” Academic Arrested By Turkish Gov’t Over Alleged Gülen Links Denied Prescribed Medication For 11 Months”

19-” Turkish Gov’t Seeks Up To 22.5 Years In Jail For Bank Asya Managers On Terror Charges”

20-” UN Expert Melzer Says Deeply Concerned By Rise In Torture Allegations In Turkey”

21-” Turkish Court Sentences Kurdish Journalist To 8 Years In Prison”

22-” HDP deputy sentenced to 10 years in prison on terrorism charges”

23-” Jailed journalist Altan sentenced to additional 6 years on terror-related charges”

24-” Teacher tortured to death by Turkish police found innocent, reinstated to job”

25-” I’m a human rights lawyer who travelled to Erdogan’s Turkey to see his political opponent tried in court. This is what it’s really like”

26-” Turkey’s crumbling rule of law a global issue – Human rights lawyer”

27-” Sentenced to life on coup charges, Turkish author now gets 6 more years in prison on terror charges”

28-” Turkish gov’t bans access to critical Ahval news website: report”

29-” Education Ministry insists deceased teacher Gökhan Açıkkolu was not ‘innocent’”

30-” Turkish Gov’t Detains Dozens Of Teachers, Sentences Gülen Relative Over Links To Gülen Movement”

31-” Petition Campaign Launched In Turkey For Release Of Ailing 78-Year-Old Female Prisoner”

32-” We must speak up for free expression in Turkey”

33-” Turkey’s tyrant just got even more despicable”

34-” Turkish physics teacher arrested by court due to objection by prosecutor, leaves her baby behind”

35-” Turkish gov’t detains lawyer of arrested officers over alleged Gülen movement propaganda”

36-” Leftist activist visits grave of teacher tortured to death by Turkish police after coup”

37-” 17 detained as Turkish police intervene in Women’s Day celebrations in Ankara, Tekirdağ”

38-” Turkish prison administration obliges Kurdish woman to speak in Turkish”

39-” RSF appeals to ECtHR — #SaveTurkishJournalists”

40-” Turkish gov’t arrests 17, detains 13 people for allegedly promoting terror on social media”

41-” HDP calls Turkish prisons ‘torture centers,’ urges EP, EU and UN to take action”

42-” İHD: 1,154 prisoners sick, 402 of them in serious condition, across Turkey”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 2/26/2018-3/5/2018

1-” CHP’li Tanrıkulu, Süleyman Soylu’ya sordu: Enver Kılıç nerede?”

2-” Polis: “Konuşmazsan balkondan atarız””

3-” Mersin Emniyeti’nde kız öğrencilerin de olduğu 100’e yakın kadına işkence”

4-” Tutuklu avukatlara keyfi eziyet: Eşleriyle görüşmeleri de yasak”

5-” Bir bebek daha annesinden ayrıldı”

6-” MEB müsteşarı: Gökhan öğretmen ‘vefat ettiği için’ görevden uzaklaştırma tedbiri kararı kaldırılmıştır”

7-” Yine öğretmen anne ve bebeğini şantaj için tutukladılar!”

8-” ‘Herkes bir vedayı hak eder’”

9-” Mazlum-Der raporu: Mersin’de gözaltındaki kadınların zorla başörtüsü alınıyor”

10-” Cezaevinden işkence açıklaması: İsyan çıkarmasınlar diye tazyikli su sıktık”

11-” Birleşmiş Milletler: Türkiye’de artan işkencelerden dolayı kaygılıyız”

12-” Hasta tutuklunun annesi: Osmaniye cezaevinde hasta oğlumu tedavi ettirmiyorlar”

13-” Gözaltına alınan Alev Şahin: ‘Susuz bıraktılar, mehter marşı dinlettiler’”

14-” Cezaevinde üst aramada çocuğunun yanında tacize uğradı itiraz edince görüşü iptal ettiler”

15-” KHK’yla ihraç edilip tutuklanan hasta öğretim üyesine ilaçları verilmiyor”

16-” AİHM’den, Mehmet Altan ve Şahin Alpay için ‘açık ihlal’ kararı”

17-” Gökhan öğretmenin eşi Mümine Açıkkollu: Suç delilleri ortada”

18-” Nobellilerden Erdoğan’a mektup: Altan kardeşleri ve Nazlı Ilıcak’ı serbest bırakın”

19-” MEB’den skandal açıklama: Gökhan öğretmen ‘öldüğü için’ göreve iade edilmiş”

20-” Gözaltı gerekçesi: Tutuklu yakınlarına ve öğrenci evlerine yardım”

21-” Diyarbakır Valiliği’nden ‘Kadınlar Günü’ne yasak”

22-” Akit TV: Sivil öldürecek olsak Cihangir ve Nişantaşı’ndan başlarız”

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Turkish Police To Journalist: If You Don’t Speak, We’ll Throw You Off Balcony

Turkish police have reportedly raided the house of journalist Buğrahan Aydoğan in Çorlu district of Tekirdağ province on Sunday night for the second time to detain him and allegedly threatened him before detention by saying that “If you do not speak, we will throw you off the balcony. And in the police report, we would write that when he saw the police, he jumped from the balcony and committed suicide.”

Aydoğan, who used to work as a provincial representative of a national newspaper before the controversial coup attempt on July 15, 2016, was released after 160 days of imprisonment over an unfounded denunciation. After being released, he has reportedly been worked in various jobs including stall-holder in order to be able to adapt to his life.

However, a large number of police have reportedly launched an operation in Aydoğan’s house on Sunday midnight. Aydoğan’s family members have shared what they have experienced during the police raid on their Twitter account and wrote as follows:

“On February 25, 2018, at 00:30, Buğrahan Aydoğan opened the door without wasting time as the door was knocked very hard. He was very surprised to see the police again. Seven policemen entered the house with their shoes as they were insulting him at the same time.

“After locking Buğrahan in one of the rooms, the police officers searched the apartment. With the anger of being unable to find anything they handcuffed Buğrahan’s hands behind his back.

“The fattest police officer got Buğrahan Aydoğan on the ground and started to jump on him. The police started hitting his head with a laptop brought from the other room. They said something unclear such as ‘Talk to me! Where are the money you collected?’

“They said that ‘If you do not speak, we will throw you off the balcony. And in the police report, we would write that when he saw the police, he jumped from the balcony and committed suicide.’ When Buğrahan Aydoğan asked what the crime he committed, he was insulted as ‘triator, terrorist…’

“When all this happened, they didn’t take anyone from the family to the room. With the stream of insults they detained Buğrahan Aydogan.

“Buğrahan Aydogan is now in the custody of police headquarter in Çorlu district of Tekirdağ province and has not allowed to meet his lawyer. We are concerned about the ill-treatment for Buğrahan.”


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Advocates of Silenced Turkey urges The U.S. authorities to take necessary precautions to protect Erdogan dissidents in the U.S

Since the attempted coup of July 15, 2016, staunch supporters of President Erdogan of Turkey, in Turkish politics, media and also public sphere have engaged in threatening and hate speech to silence dissidents in other countries including the U.S. Journalists, academics and businessmen who have been labeled with the Movement have been the main target of this threats.

On December 4 2017, former speechwriter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and current ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy Aydın Ünal threatened Turkish journalists in exile with extrajudicial killings, in his column published in the pro-Erdoğan Yeni Şafak daily.

The AKP deputy listed the names of journalists to be targeted: Ekrem Dumanlı, Adem Yavuz Arslan, Celil Sağır, Bülent Keneş, Abdülhamit Bilici, Erhan Başyurt, Emre Uslu, Akın İpek and Can Dündar.

“You carry out an operation against Turkey with judges and prosecutors, you give logistical support to this judicial theatre with information and documents that you have stolen through espionage, and your men here [in Turkey] and in the world will live in peace?” Ünal threatened.

In another article published on Nov. 27 in Yeni Şafak, Ünal threatened sympathizers of the Gülen movement in Turkey, saying tougher days lie ahead as a result of the case against Reza Zarrab.

Some of the names listed by Aydin Unal are known to be located in the U.S. Ekrem Dumanli, Adem Yavuz Aslan, Abdulhamit Bilici, Emre Uslu have been living in the U.S and openly carry out their works with their articles and YouTube videos and live Periscope broadcastings especially focusing on Turkish politics and ongoing persecutions.

Ekrem Dumanli who was targeted by Aydin Ünal was previously an editor-in-chief of Zaman Daily and fled Turkey after the controversial coup attempt in 2016. On October 30, 2016, Ragip Soylu, the Washington correspondent of Daily Sabah, which is used for propaganda and spying activities by the Turkish Intelligence in the U.S posted secretly taken photos of Mr. Dumanli. It should be considered as an important indication that Mr. Dumanli was under the surveillance of Turkish Intelligence in the U.S. (https://twitter.com/ragipsoylu/status/792736573217439745)

Dr. Emrullah Uslu, the former columnist for Today’s Zaman is one of the leading figures that continuously has been threatened by the the Turkish Government affiliated figures. He is a full-time professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at VIU.

Following President Erdoğan’s statement on September 19, 2016 that ‘no country is safe for Gülen movement sympathizers, the pro-Justice and Development Party (AKP) media has targeted Emre Uslu, along with some other journalists such as Adem Yavuz Aslan, Tuncay Opçin, Aydogan Vatandas and Dr. Atilla Yayla by publishing their secretly taken photos in different parts of the U.S. (https://www.turkishminute.com/2016/09/19/no-country-safe-gulen-sympathizers-erdogan-says/)

Adem Yavuz Aslan, a well-known Turkish investigative journalist, who was threatened in Aydin Ünal’s article has become the main focus of these threats when he followed the ongoing federal trial in New York where Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is accused of personally approving a scheme to evade U.S. sanctions against Iran. Adem Yavuz Aslan states that he was informed by some colleagues that he might be a target of an assassination attempt because of his coverage of the trial.

During his coverage of the trial, he was continuously harassed by the Anatolian Agency which secretly took his footage and published it Turkish media as if he is a criminal.

Cem Küçük, another staunch supporter of Erdogan and mouthpiece of Turkish Intelligence has also threatened the Turkish journalists and academics in the U.S.

‘People who are well known by the public such as, Ekrem Dumanli, Emre Uslu, Tuncay Opcin, and Seref Ali Tekalan will be grabbed by the nape of their neck and taken to Turkey. When they wake up whey will find themselves in the hands of the Turkish police and the court. Those days are not too far away.’

‘We will see the end of those who say, ‘I am safe in the US,’ ‘They cannot do anything to me.’ Wherever you flee, the Turkish state will bring you back. Many of your residences have been located. Your homes and workplaces are known. Even the countries where you demanded asylum will not protect you but will extradite you. It is soon. Wait…’ added Küçük. (https://www.turkishminute.com/2017/10/20/pro-govt-journalist-turkey-to-abduct-gulen-followers-in-us-europe/)

Serif Ali Tekalan, who is threatened by Cem Küçük is a medical professor who took charge of North American University, based in Houston, Texas, early in 2017. He has been target of baseless allegations and smear campaigns by the pro-government media in Turkey since then.

Tuncay Opcin, an investigative journalist who now resides in Houston is another well-known Turkish journalist who continuously has received death threats from figures like Cem Kucuk. Opcin says that the threats and the surveillance against him started after the coup attempt. He states that the first surveillance against occurred on Sept. 11 in 2016 at a shopping mall. The lengthy surveillance job against him made him think it was “a professional intelligence and surveillance job.”

Opcin chalks his targeting to his intense criticism of Erdogan’s government and his work as an investigative journalist. Opcin also says that he is disappointed about CPJ and Amnesty International since they did not pay attention to these threats and violations as expected. (http://dailycaller.com/2017/04/03/who-is-spying-on-turkish-journalists-in-the-us/)

Abdulhamit Bilici, the last editor-in-chief of Daliy Zaman before Government takeover in 2016 is another well-known journalist threatened in Aydin Unal’s article who now resides in the U.S.

While the exiled journalists and academics mentioned above were openly threatened by the Turkish Government linked figures, some other leading figures affiliated with Gulen movement in the U.S were harassed and covertly threatened by the Turkish Anatolian Agency and some other pro-government Turkish media organizations.

Pro-government Turkish Star Daily published the house photographs and addresses of Cemil Teber, Faruk Taban, Yuksel Alp Dogan, Hasan Ali Yurtsever, Burak Yeneroglu, Talha Sarac and Hakan Sukur who reside in different parts of the U.S. (http://www.star.com.tr/pazar/himmet-malikaneleri-haber-1279150/)

Besides, the threats from the Turkish media and Government affiliated figures towards the journalists and some leading participants of Hizmet Movement in the U.S, some business owners, grocery stores and even bookstores have been attacked by pro-Government groups in the U.S.

Nizam Market, a Turkish grocery store based in NJ has been attacked and verbally threatened by a Turkish government supporter on July, 2016.

Ant Bookstore, based in NJ has also been targeted and attacked several times in 2016 and 2017. Dr. Huseyin Senturk states that they detected several spying and surveillance activities in the store which were conducted by some Turkish nationals. He also says that the store was attacked and costumers were verbally threatened by a Turkish government supporter adding that the windowpanes of the store were also broken by some unknown figures.

On November 7 2017, Vakkas Doğantekin, a pro-government columnist and the president of the California-based Turkish community organization, TURCA, has attacked a Turkish speaking ice-cream seller affiliated with Hizmet Movement by calling him “terrorist” and “Jewish dog,”.

Dogantekin’s bio on TURCA’s website says he is a California resident for over 10 years and a freelance journalist contributing to Al Jazeera. He wrote at least three Op-Eds in 2017 for the pro-Erdogan daily newspaper, Daily Sabah.


Considering all these particular incidents, some journalists, academics and NGO directors, businessmen affiliated with Hizmet Movement in the U.S has been continuously targeted by Turkish Government linked figures. The U.S federal and local security authorities should be aware of the fact that Turkish Government doesn’t function and operate as a regular democratic state respecting the international laws and principles. Therefore, it is safe to analyze that Turkish Government can try some undercover operations by using mob groups or militia forces trained by the Turkish Intelligence overseas here in the U.S as well. Advocates of Silenced Turkey strongly urges U.S security forces to take all necessary precautions to protect the lives of the people who might be in danger.

For more detailed information about these risks, please look at the report prepared by the Advocates of Silenced Turkey on the current and possible threats supporters of the Gulen Movement face abroad titled “I Cannot Say We Are Absolutely Safe Even Abroad.” Read more here: https://silencedturkey.org/protection-of-hizmet-participants

Download the report on threats supporters of Gulen Movement face abroad as pdf: AST_Report_Threats_Gulen-Movement

We urge everyone to take action. Please express your views or send attached letter to your two senators and representative to protect dissidents of Erdogan in the U.S.

Find your representative: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Find your senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/

Download the sample statement as pdf: AST_Letter_Threats_Gulen-Movement


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Dec 4

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Dec4

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 11/27/2017-12/4/2017

1-“Turkish Police Bar İstanbul Rally To Show Solidarity With Jailed Journalists, Lawyers”

2-“Turkish Government Jails Another Journalist”

3-“Turkish Gov’t Investigates All Members Of CHP Party Assembly Over Erdoğan’s Complaint”

4-“People Flock To Social Media For Zarrab’s Trial As Turkish Media Opts Auto Censorship”

5-“Turkish Court Sentences 82-Year-Old Türk For 10 Years Over Gülen Links, Releases Him From Prison”

6-“Turkish Court Releases Hunger Striking Nuriye Gülmen From Prison”

7-“Turkish Gov’t Confiscates Assets Of Zarrab, Close Relatives Amid His Confessions In US”

8-“The Door Of Alevi Family Marked With Nationalist/Islamist Phrases In İstanbul”

9-” EU Cuts Funds For Turkey’s Membership Bid As A Solid Warning To Ankara Over Human Rights Violations”

11-“Turkish Gov’t Detains Hundreds Of People, Mostly Military Officers Over Alleged Links To Gülen Movement”

10-“Turkish Gov’t Detains Nationalist News Portal’s Editor Over Alleged Links To Gülen Movement”

12-“22-Year Jail Term Sought For Turkish Director Over Movie Showing Erdogan’s Execution”

13-“ECtHR Rejects CHP’s Application Against April 16 Presidential Referendum In Turkey”

14-“EU’s Counter-Terrorism Chief: EU Does Not Deem Gülen Movement As ‘Terror Organization’”

15-“Turkish Journalist Cuma Ulus Jailed For Retweeting ‘Journalism Is Not A Crime’”

16-“EUobserver: European Foundation Demands Release Of Turkish Journalist Parıldak”

17-“Turkish Gov’t Issues Detention Warrants For 333 Military Officers Over Alleged Links To Gülen Movement”

18-“Turkish Gov’t Sentences Former Deputy, HSYK Inspector, University Student In Prison Over Alleged Gülen Links”

19-“Another Turkish Woman Detained On Coup Charges One Day After Giving Birth”

20-“Turkish Author Perihan Mağden: I Feel Like A Jew In Nazi Germany”

21-“Imprisoned HDP Leader Demirtaş Sues Turkish Interior Minister In Libel Case”

22-“Turkish Gov’t Issues Detention Warrants For 85, Including 10 Lawyers, Over Links To Gülen Movement”

23-“Turkish Police Suggested To Use ‘German Model’ To Identify Sympathisers Of Gülen Movement”

24-“A 57-Year-Old Prisoner With Toothache Passes Away At Turkey’s Mersin Prison”

25-“Report: Turkey’s MİT Abducts Turkish Businessman From Sudan”

26-“Father of three released only after wife died following heart attack”

27-“Main opposition lawmaker faces life in prison in retrial for espionage charges”

28-“Alevi home in Istanbul marked with racist slur”

29-“Zarrab case in US further imperils 1 million Gülenists, family members in Turkey: AK Party deputy”

30-“28-year-old lawyer detained while planning to flee Turkey to Rhodes”

31-“Turkey’s national intel established special unit to go after Gülen supporters abroad: state-run news agency”

32-“Uşak University’s former rector sentenced to 8 years in prison”

33-“Erdoğan’s former speechwriter threatens Gülen movement over Zarrab case”

34-“Elderly prisoner gets 11 days in solitary for expressing hope for release”

35-“Gov’t trustee shuts down Kurdish-language audio library for disabled children”

36-“Businessmen who attempt to move assets abroad traitors: Erdogan”

37-“85 more military officers arrested on coup charges: report”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 11/27/2017-12/4/2017

1-” Çocukları elinden alınan kadın feryat etti!”

2-“Reuters kareleriyle Gülmen’in tahliyesi”

3-“Türkiye 2006-16 döneminde basın özgürlüğünün en çok zayıfladığı ülke oldu..”

4-“Yargıtay ByLock Kullanımı için: Suçun işlenmesine somut olayın koşullarına göre kuvvetli belirti ”

5-“Hapishane koşullarını protesto için kendini yaktı”

6-“Silivri Cezaevinde yalnız kalmaması gereken Epilepsi hastası tek kişilik hücrede tutuluyor”

7-“Gökhan Açıkkollu’nun işkenceyle öldürüldüğü kesinleşti..”

8-“AKP döneminde mahkum sayısı en az 4 kat arttı”

9-“Ve AKP 90’ları aştı: İşkence sorulamayacak konu statüsüne girdi”

10-“Cezaevlerinde son 30 yılın en vahşi dönemi yaşanıyor”

11-“Tahliye oldu Tarsus Cezaevi işkencelerini anlattı”

12-” İşkence cezasızlık politikasıyla artırıldı”

13-“Suçlama: Lüks sitelerde oturmak ve tutuklu ailelerine yardım etmek”

14-“‘Sizi gördüğüme inanamıyorum’”

15-“‘Gurur tablosu’: İsparta’da Gülenci suçlamasıyla 397 kişi tutuklandı”

16-“Avukat Selçuk Kozağaçlı 19 gündür tecritte tutuluyor”

17-“Gülen’in yeğeni Mezher Gülen hakkında 22,5 yıl hapis cezası istendi”

18-“MİT’ten ‘büyük operasyon’: Vergi rekortmeni işadamı Sudan’dan getirildi”

19-“‘400 dilekçe verdim, tek bir tutukluyu ziyaret edemedim’”

20-“Türkiye ceezaevlerindeki 700 bebege ve 17 bin kadina ozgurluk!”

21-“Anne Nesrin Oğuz bebeğiyle gözaltına alındı”

22-“Beraat ettiysem suçsuzum işime iade edin”

23-“’TSK’ya operasyonda 85 tutuklama”

24-“Cezaevini bomba arıyoruz diye köpeklerle bastılar”

25-“‘Varlıklarını yurt dışına kaçıran işadamlarına asla izin vermeyin’

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