state of emergency

Turkey: Media, Activists, Political Opposition Targeted

Turkey increased restrictions on the media, political opposition, and human rights defenders during 2017, on the back of a very narrow referendum, Human Rights Watch said today in its World Report 2018. Turkey also introduced a presidential system with insufficient democratic checks and balances against the president’s abuse of power. “Everywhere you look, checks and balances that protect human rights and rule of law in Turkey are being eroded” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. Under the state of emergency, the government has failed to provide redress for the over 100,000 civil servants dismissed, as well as hundreds of media outlets, associations, and other institutions closed down.



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It is high time for the European Court of Human Rights to step in!

Turkey witnessed a coup attempt on 15 July 2016. The 3-month State of the Emergency regime which was declared immediately after the coup attempt (21/07/2016) by the Cabinet “to preserve the democratic order” has since been extended for five times.Despite calls by the European Union, the Council of Europe, and the Venice Commission and numerous human rights institutions for the Turkish government to end it, the State of Emergency Regime remains in effect. In defiance of its purpose, The Turkish government has subversively used the State of Emergency Regime against the country’s democratic parliamentary system, the rule of law and human rights.

During the state of emergency, so far;
-28 deputies have been taken into custody, duly elected mayors of 90 different towns/cities have been removed from office,
-61,247 individuals, including 16 deputies, two members of the Constitutional Court, 193 members of the Court of Cassation, 2360 judges and prosecutors, 571 lawyers and 308 journalists have been arrested,
-As of today, a total of 128,998 people have been taken into custody for terrorism-related offenses (being the members of an armed terrorist organization. 100 people a day are being arrested on average.

With thirty different Emergency Decree Law, which is exempt from judicial review;
-146,713 public servants including 4463 judges and prosecutors, 8693 academics, 6687 doctors and paramedics 44,392 teachers have been dismissed from their jobs,
-3003 private hospitals, schools, student dorms and universities, 187 media outlets, 1,412 associations and 139 charities have been shut down, and their assets have been confiscated,
-1,020 private companies have been seized.

On the face of these human rights breaches, European Court of Human Rights is the ultimate hope of the victims. Yet, the ECHR has been consistently refusing applications on the grounds that the domestic remedies in Turkey is not yet consummated.In order to prevent conviction at the ECHR, the Turkish government instituted the Constitutional Court as an additional court of appeal for individuals and established a highly unproductive Commission on Statutory Decrees Under State of Emergency. Neither institution helps the victims.

Only last week, four separate criminal courts of the first instance have refused to implement an order of the Turkish Constitutional Court to release veteran journalist Mehmet Altan and Sahin Alpay:
-On 11 January 2018, the Turkish Constitutional Court decided that the detention of journalists Sahin Alpay and Mehmet Altan were unlawful and that it constituted a violation of their rights protected by both the Turkish Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights,
-On the same day, Istanbul 13th and 26th High Penal Courts refused to release Altan and Alpay on the grounds that the decisions (of the TCC) have not yet been published in the Official Gazette,
-On 12 January 2018, Istanbul 13th and 26th High Penal Courts declined release of Altan and Alpay once again on the grounds that the TCC exceeded its authority as specified in the Constitution itself,
-On 15 January 2018, Istanbul 14th and 27th High Penal Courts turned down objections from the lawyers of Altan and Alpay that the decision of the TCC had to be implemented without delay and ordered their detention to continue.

In the light of the above, there is without a doubt no effective domestic remedy in Turkey and the judicial hierarchy as determined by the Turkish Constitution has been disrupted.

We, therefore, urge The European Court of Human Rights to reconsider its current view that the Turkish Constitutional Court offers an effective domestic remedy and start without further delay reconsidering applications brought by thousands of victims against Turkey.

It is high time for the European Court of Human Rights to step in!

We urge everyone to take action. Please sign the petition linked below:

This petition will be delivered to:
The European Court of Human Rights
The Council of Europe


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 8

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 8

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 1/1/2018-1/8/2018

1-” Arti Gercek columnist under police custody for 3 days”

2-” Gülen’s nephew detained in Istanbul”

3-” Turkish police detain another pro-Kurdish deputy in İzmir: report”

4-” Turkey’s National Intelligence received 25,000 informer reports on Gülenists in 2017: report”

5-” Turkey’s new racist political party: ‘Turks are superior race’”

6-” Turkish court approves 34-year sentence for 6 pro-Kurdish university students”

7-” Journalist Aysenur Arslan gets 12-month jail sentence for insulting Erdogan”

8-” [VIDEO] Pro-Erdogan journalists urge gov’t to seize Gulenists’ assets and pay potential US fines against Halkbank”

9-” Yet another journalist jailed in Turkey, already worst jailer of media in world”

10-” Two women detained during visit to jailed husbands in Edirne prison”

11-” Former Zaman columnist Ali Unal, under arrest for 17 months, denied request for release”

12-” ‘Gülenist’ couple ‘battered and tortured’ in Nevşehir prison”

13-” Disabled son of purge-victim ‘Gülenist’ family dies of intestinal cancer: report”

14-” Turkish court sentences pro-Kurdish deputy to 16 years, eight months in jail”

15-” Pro-Kurdish HDP deputy gets 21 months in jail for insulting Erdogan”

16-” Report: 189 journalists detained, 58 remanded in prison in 2017″

17-” At least 49 former Bank Asya shareholders taken into custody over coup charges: report”

18-” Pro-Kurdish deputy, already in jail, gets 1.5 years more in prison”

19-” 5-year-old boy dies after being hit by police vehicle in Diyarbakir: report”

20-” HDP leader, already in jail, fined TL 15,000 for insulting Erdogan”

21-” Civilians now taking up arms in two provinces, says İYİ Party leader”

22-” Business ethics professor remanded in prison after trying to escape to Greece”

23-” 36 more sought in İstanbul on suspicion of ByLock use”

24-” Turkish minister: 48,305 people jailed in 2017 over Gülen links”

25-” Lawyer under investigation, accompanied by infant, put in pretrial detention”

26-” Detention warrants issued for 70 more military personnel over Gülen links”

27-“German Ministry Confirms Connection Between Violent Gang And Turkish Gov’t”

28-“German Ministry Confirms Connection Between Violent Gang And Turkish Gov’t”

29-“KESK: Over 50 Public Officials, Who Were Dismissed By Gov’t Decrees, Commit Suicide In Turkey”

30-“Gülen’s 63-Year-Old Disabled Cousin Put Into Solitary Confinement By Turkish Authorities ”

31-“Erdoğan Targets Boğaziçi University, Claims ‘Engaged In Activities Against Turkey’”

32-” Four Young People Subjected To Turkish Police Violence Due To Hair Style”

33-” Report: Erdoğan Constructing New Regime In Turkey By Gov’t Decrees Under Rule Of Emergency”

34-” İstanbul Bar Files Complaint Against Minister Soylu Over His ‘Break The Legs’ Order”

35-” France Judicial Union Urges Macron To Require Erdoğan To Release Jailed Lawyers”

36-” France’s Macron urges respect of rule of law in talks with Erdogan”

37-” More than 100,000 Turks who lost jobs after 2016 coup attempt await rulings”

38-” Council of Europe criticizes Turkish ban on LGBTI events”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 1/1/2018-1/8/2018

1-” Katil sivillerden sonra, şirket yağmalayan kayyımları da korumaya aldılar.”

2-” Gergerlioğlu: Berk’i kaybettik, bari Eray babasını görmeli”

3-” ‘Tek tip Erdoğan’ın kişisel intikam davasıdır'”

4-” AYM, 12 Eylül işkenceleriyle ilgili hukuk defterini kapattı”

5-” OHAL Türkiye’sinde KHK mağduru 50 kişi intihar etti”

6-” 15 öğrenciye cinsel istismarda bulunan okul görevlisi tutuklandı..”

7-” Engelli öğrenciyi döven öğretmen ikinci kez serbest kaldı”

8-” Gergerlioğlu, Görmez ailesine uygulanan zulmü kaleme aldı..”

9-” Çankırı’da Polisten uzun saç dayağı..”

10-” Ahmet Altan: Darbenin değil, hukukun ve demokrasinin peşindeydik”

11-” ‘Çocuklar ölmesin’ diyen Ayşe öğretmen’in cezası ertelendi..”

12-” Ethem Sarısülük davasındaki delillerin tahrip edildiği ortaya çıktı..”

13-” Savcı “Sizin dosyanız zaten hazır” diyerek tutuklattı cezaevinde hücreye atıldılar”

14-” İşkenceyle öldürülen Yurdakul’un avukatı: C3 koğuşu özellikle oluşturulmuş..”

15-” 35 günlük Akif Bebek de cezaevine götürüldü..”

16-” Aile Bakanı’nın hapisteki bebeklere duyarsız kalmasına tepki yağdı”

17-” Gazi’de polisin öldürdüğü 2 kişinin davasında OHAL koruması..”

18-” “Hayatı boyunca darbelere karşı olmuş biri olduğum ortada…””

19-” Soylu, Gülen hareketine yönelik cinnet halinin raporunu sundu..”

20-” Konya’da Gülen Hareketi’ne kitlesel operasyonlarda 14 kişiye gözaltı..”

21-” OHAL’in suç karnesi: 126 suç türü”

22-” Türkiye’deki baski, tecrit, tutuklamalar ve yurt dişina hicretin belgeseli”

23-“Anayasa mahkemesi, ‘insanlik suçu’ olan işkenceyi kapatti; gerekçe zamanaşimi ”

24-” Ümit Özdağ: silahli kamplar için nokta verebiliriz, 23 ayda 2.3 milyon silah satildi ”

25-” Anayasa hukuku profesörü Kaboğlu: KHK’lari mit hazirliyor, hukuken yok hükmünde”

26-” Zeybekçi yine gebertmekten söz etti, KHK’yi savundu: birkaç kişiyi gebertirsem hesabi mi sorulacak?”

27-” Bank Asya hissedarlarina operasyon, 68 gözalti karari ”

28-” ‘Boğaziçi Üniversitesi yerli ve milli değerlere yaslanamıyor’”

29-” Bu kez Keysan Gülen: Gülen’in bir yakını daha gözaltına alındı”

30-” Gazeteci Deniz Yücel: Tek tip kıyafeti asla kabul etmeyeceğim”

31-” ‘Nazilerden tek fark; Bugün Türkiye’de sadece gaz odaları yok’”

32-” AKP’li Elitaş: Şunu taciz ettin, yumruk vurdun, diye mi yargılansınlar?”

33-” Dünya tanık: Özakça’nın annesi yerlerde sürüklenerek gözaltında”

34-” Bitlis’te PKK’lılara ait olduğu iddia edilen 279 mezar açıldı”

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