

Aftermath of the Coup Attempt of 15 July 2016

In Turkey, especially after the coup attempt on July 15, 2016, there have been mass arrests and detentions. Suleyman Soylu, Minister for Internal Affairs, has stated that 511,000 individuals have been taken into custody as of March 2019, on the grounds of their relationship with the Gulen Movement. Up until today, more than 100,000 individuals have been jailed. It has been confirmed that prisoners and detainees have been under systematic torture and ill-treatment, more severely during the state of emergency. Some of the cases are documented and reported by local and national human rights organizations, related videos and photos of some cases have received wide media coverage; and some cases have come to light by means of the statements of victims during the ongoing trials, which are consistent with their medical reports.

According to the research conducted by the AST, 93 prisoners have lost their lives due to torture, ill-treatment, and negligence. Moreover, another 11 individuals have lost their lives during the arrest procedure and interrogation under torture. AST has recorded all these cases in this report and put 10 cases under the scope by including the evidence of torture.


Gokhan Acikkollu, a teacher, after he was taken into custody with the accusation of attempting a coup and due to his relationship with the Gulen Movement, died in İstanbul Police Headquarters on August 5, 2016, after 13 days of torture. During the routine health controls, teacher Gokhan Acikkollu managed to record what he has lived through, day by day. He made sure that the photos of the torture marks were taken. Reports of the forensic medicine experts confirmed that his death was due to torture. During doctor visits, Acikkollu had stated that he was afraid of dying, that his head was smashed against walls, kicked while down on the floor, slapped and punched hundreds of times, and that he was feeling a never-ending pain in ribs. The autopsy made after his death detected a fracture in his rib and beating marks.

This report has the torture testimonies of the teacher’s prison mates and the forensic medicine expert. Public prosecution office, before conducting any investigation,  declared that police were not negligent in his death. After the reports of the human rights organizations and upon the appeal of his family, the prosecution office had initiated an investigation. However, the statements of the witnesses were not taken; the entire video footage in the İstanbul Police Headquarters Counter-Terrorism Branch, the place of death, were not examined, and finally, the case was closed, noting that there was no need to file a lawsuit. The court found the raised objection justified and ordered an investigation to be opened; however, the prosecution office has not taken any action yet.

Other than the ones detected in the official detention centers and prisons, more severe and long-dated crimes of torture have been identified, which are committed in the illegal interrogation centers by the public officials of the government. In our report, four torture victims, who were abducted by MIT, narrate the months-long inhuman treatment in the secret and illegal detention centers.

A.G. (whose name is being withheld by the reporter for security reasons) who was abducted to the MIT Yenimahalle campus, putting sack over his head and beating him, has explained how he was strapped to a strappado while being subjected to electric shock, and beaten with whips, sticks, and batons; he further told about the rape attempts. A.G., who has stayed in a dark cell of 4.5 m2 for several weeks, indicated that, especially during the first 20 days, he was actively exposed to similar physical torture methods every single day. A.G., who was accused of being a member of the Gulen Movement, has explained that he was kept hungry and thirsty, and he was inflicted on psychological torture methods such as swearing, insulting, and threatening with his family members.


A.G. has stated that several individuals in the torture center had intestinal tear due placing baton inside the victim’s rectum, forcing to sit on an artificial penis; he has further stated that they had attempted to rape him several times. A.G. told that in his cell, he was constantly hearing the screams of the other torture victims and the laughter of the torturers; according to A.G., a typical torture session continued an average of 4-5 hours. He had further stated that in every cell, security, cameras were installed, and they were deprived of sleep by being exposed continuously to directives.

He claimed that an official from the Office of the Presidency came to the interrogation center and was briefed by the torturers. A.G. further stated that he was asked to be an informant inside the Gulen Movement, to sign the previously prepared statements, and to work for MIT.

Ayten Ozturk is a 44-year old woman who was abducted by MIT. During the court hearing of the lawsuit in which she was accused of being a member of the DHKP-C (Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front Turkish: Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Partisi-Cephesi), she has stated that she was tortured for six months long. She told that she was taken into custody by the Lebanese Police in the airport and turned over to the MIT, then brought to Turkey in a private plane, blindfolded, her mouth taped, handcuffed behind her back. Ozturk stated that she was continuously tortured from March 13, 2018, until August 28, 2018. She stated that she was brought to the interrogation center, which was only around 15 steps away from where the plane landed, that she was taken off all clothes, was dragged on the floor, and put in a padded cell.


Ozturk stated that during the interrogation, she was exposed to following torture methods: Forced to stand naked in front of the torturers, sexually violated with batons, waterboarding, force-feeding, burning her fingers, keeping her in a coffin-like box, strappado torture, and many more. According to her statements in the court trial, she was especially exposed to different methods of torture during her menstrual periods. She was kept in a cell for 25 days, being handcuffed behind her back, blindfolded, and a sack being put over her head. She was exposed to force-feeding and was forced to drink large quantities of water while she was brought to the restroom. After 25 days, she got worse and was brought to the infirmary; since her eyes were kept closed during that period, her eyelids could hardly be opened using a liquid. She could only see the eyes of the individuals who were treating her because they were wearing snow masks. After treatment, the torture went on. She states that her entire body was full of wounds, that they had covered her body with a type of gel, that she was constantly exposed to profanity and harassment.

She stated that she was hung from her arms to the wall and force-fed, her hands and fingers were subjected to electric shock, and a hard-plastic tube passed through her mouth in order to force-feed liquid nutritional supplement. Some of the statements of Ozturk in the court trial are as follows: “It was impossible to move around inside the coffin-like box. And while in the cell, now and then, they were opening the door, beating me up, threatening, and cursing. My mouth and nose were drenched in blood; my entire face was swollen and bloodied, having black eyes. My little fingers and big toes were subjected to electric shock. They were attaching a metal ring on my fingers and using a remote controller to give an electric shock. I had lost consciousness a few times and could not get up.

 When they had a break from giving an electric shock, they were keeping me on strappado and abusing my body with their fingers, sticks, and batons. They were trying to insert the baton into my genitalia and performing every other perverseness. They were threatening to rape me with a thick baton. My feet were swollen from standing for a long time, and they were yet hitting my feet with sticks and batons. They put a sharp object under the nails of my three fingers and burned my little finger. The wound in my finger and the infection under my nails did not recover for months. Sometimes they were hanging me upside down and hitting my feet. When I was collapsing and feeling nauseated, they were lowering me down and using different methods of torture. They were letting me sit inside a tire and attempting to rape me with a baton. They were increasing the intensity of the torture, especially during my menstrual periods, and they were depriving me from sleep”.


Ozturk stated that she has figured out that all of the 7-8 individuals in the adjacent cells were men just because she heard their screams and crying during torture. She stated that her body collapsed several times, she was treated by a special team, and then the torture has continued. According to her statement, the torturers told her: “We’ll treat you and then continue with torture sessions. This will go on just like that. There is no end. This is hell. You have no way out. We know everything about human anatomy. We are professionals. You won’t die, but you will beg to die. If ever you get out, you will be mentally ill”.

She stated that after six months, she was delivered to the police, and she was then officially arrested by police as if she was just caught ordinarily.

Ozturk is still in prison, and she is saying that she has serious health problems due to the torture she was exposed to, and she maintains her life only with the help of her cellmates. She states that her cellmates found 898 wounds and scars of torture all over her body.

İ.S., who is accused of being a member of the Gulen Movement and whose case is discussed in detail in this report, stated that he was exposed to torture in the same place for 7.5 months. Another individual, Zabit Kisi, states that he was tortured in the same place for 108 days. İ.S was exposed to similar torture methods described above and lost 30 kilograms; when he was released, even his wife couldn’t recognize him. İ.S states that the torturers told him that they were receiving money from the government in order to kill and torture. While İ.S was talking about the torture sessions, his voice was trembling, and he was occasionally crying; he had not fully recovered from the trauma. Zabit Kisi talked in detail about the inhuman treatment of rotating teams. He stated that his penis was bleeding for days due to beating, his fingers were smashed, his ribs were fractured and cracked, he was harassed, exposed to electric shock, and that they had injected a drug into his body. They had told him that they would kill him by injecting drugs and then tell the authorities that he died due to heart attack.


According to hearings recorded on the TBMM books, reports of the human rights associations and statements of the families, 28 individuals were abducted and exposed to similar torture. It is unknown whether 6 of these individuals are still alive and, if so, where they are. Almost all of the individuals who were abducted were asked to work as informants and to sign the prepared statements when they were delivered to the police.

Recently some government officials who were working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ankara and arrested on allegations of their links to the Gulen Movement were exposed to systematic torture in the official interrogation centers. Ankara Bar Association found evidence of torture and included them in its report, which is compiled as a result of the investigations based on the statements of the victims. While those government officials were arrested and before even they gave their statements, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu declared these officials as “FETO” terrorists, completely ignoring the presumption of innocence. Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, one of the HDP members of the Parliament, stated that 100 individuals were exposed to different torture methods, including rape with a baton. After the report of the Ankara Bar Association about the torture, it has been asked for the officials who are responsible for the torture to be put on trial and to be suspended from their jobs, however until today; no action has been taken about it.


After July 15, it has been observed that the intensity of torture and ill-treatment has increased in the areas densely populated by Kurds. Three teenagers aged 14, 16, and 17 who were detained by police on suspicion that they were to protest on behalf of PKK, have obtained a health report from Van Training and Research Hospital and provided evidence that they were tortured in the police station. The teenagers explained to the president of the Van Bar Association Zulkuf Ucar how they were severely beaten and their heads put inside the toilet. Zulkuf Ucar then filed a criminal complaint against the police officers; however, no action has been taken.

Again in the city of Van, after an assault against police, three villagers were detained in a rural area, and they were severely tortured. The photo images of beatings were released to the public via social media accounts by the police officers themselves. The Office of the Governor in Van, which is the highest-ranked administrative office in the city, has released a note to the public stating that “3 terrorists were captured alive” before the statements of those individuals were taken and while the investigation about them was still going on. Moreover, the Office of the Governor also stated that those three individuals had confessed their crimes. Later it has been understood that those villagers, ages 35, 50, and 53 were walking in that rural area just with the purpose of picking wild mushrooms; hence they were released. Despite the pictures showing their bodies drenched in blood, no legal action has been taken against officials who tortured them.

The Government of the Republic of Turkey is responsible for the arrested or convicted individuals’ mind and body health and life safety. There are so many seriously ill, disabled, old, and pregnant individuals in prisons, arrested or convicted. The prisoners whose punishment should be postponed due to their conditions, according to the law, are being kept in jail despite their health reports. In many prisons, deaths, injuries, and disabilities occurred due to torture, ill-treatment, and negligence. This report records that 93 individuals have lost their lives due to torture, ill-treatment, and negligence.


During the state of emergency, the maximum period of detention without charge was increased to 30 days; during that period especially the military personnel was exposed to severe torture; their photo images were released to the public by the state official media outlets, such as TRT and Anadolu Agency, and some other pro-AKP government media outlets without any hesitation. Many deaths and injuries have been reported during the detention period. Although the state of emergency has ended, systematic torture of the detainees still goes on in the detention centers. UN and European Union commissions keep criticizing and warning Turkey and recommending to improve democracy and human rights at once. Local and national human rights organizations continue to document and report the cases of torture and the stories of the victims. The new cases of torture victims that AST has recently discovered and reported show that systematic torture and ill-treatment continue without slowing down.

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Re: Urge Turkish Authorities to stop torture and bring perpetrators to justice on INTERNATIONAL DAY IN SUPPORT OF VICTIMS OF TORTURE JUNE 26 th




     Gokhan Acikkollu, the 42-year-old history teacher with diabetes, was dismissed from his job, subsequently detained and tortured for 13 days under police custody in Turkey. He ultimately died from a heart attack. Two years later, after his death, authorities found him not guilty and reinstated him to his teaching post; however, no real justice has been given.

Since the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, democratic and fundamental human rights have been suspended in Turkey. The Turkish government has disregarded basic human rights, equality, and respect for human dignity. It has completely broken its ties with the western world, the European Union in particular. It is stated in Human Rights Watch October 2017 report that people accused of terrorism or of being linked to the July 2016 attempted coup are at risk of torture in police custody. There has been a spate of reported cases of men being abducted, some of whom were held in secret detention places, with evidence pointing to the
involvement of state authorities. 

Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, High Commissioner for UN Human Rights, declared that during the state of emergency period about 160,000 people were detained in Turkey; 152,000 state officials, including teachers, judges, and lawyers were arbitrarily expelled or investigated; over 200 journalists were arrested, 201 media outlets and hundreds of websites were shut down. There were many cases of torture, rape, and kidnapping, which were only partially reflected in the reports.

According to a report released by the United States Department of State on human rights practices in Turkey in 2018 between July 2016 and July 2018, Turkish Ministry of Justice reported that “investigations” were opened into 612,347 persons, the majority of whom were affiliated with the Gulen movement. Authorities prosecuted 1,519 lawyers and dismissed 7,257 academics and more than 4,000 judges and prosecutors. After the coup, the government operated prisons became filled with people who were detained and awaiting trial and began to work over capacity. 28 individuals disappeared, some kidnapped in broad daylight in front of their families.

Reports of torture, mistreatment, and abuse skyrocketed from tens in 2017 to more than 2,500 in 2018. 51 people lost their lives under suspicious circumstances in official custody.

The most recent torture incidents took place at Police Headquarters in Ankara against detained six ex-diplomats of Turkish Foreign Ministry on May 26th which were documented by the Ankara Bar Association. HDP MP Omer F. Gergerlioglu; Erinc Sagkan, President of Ankara Bar Association, and CHP MP Sezgin Tanrikulu spoke out about the allegations immediately.

We urge all the international bodies and human rights organizations along with Turkish judiciary to take all necessary steps to STOP TORTURE in TURKEY and bring all the perpetrators to justice.

Advocates of Silenced Turkey
[email protected]
Twitter: @silencedturkey
Facebook: @silencedturkey


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 22

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 22

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 1/15/2018-1/22/2018

1-“Lawyer for jailed journalist says Turkey faces ‘constitutional crisis'”

2-“721 people detained over Gülen links in past week: ministry”

3-“Police tortured post-coup suspect, threatened to rape wife during Ramadan: columnist”

4-“Former intel chief calls for use of ASALA, MOSSAD tactics to kill Gülen followers”

5-“Journalists Ahmet Şık, Murat Sabuncu and Akın Atalay denied release from prison”

6-“Report: Koç University student commits suicide as father, a dismissed chemistry teacher, under arrest for months”

7-“Former medical faculty dean jailed over alleged ByLock use”

8-“Freedom House: Turkey is no longer a free country”

9-” Suspects who attacked 75-year old woman released after brief interrogation: report”

10-“BIA report: 237 aggravated life sentences sought for 520 journalists in Turkey”

11-“Worker stages naked protest in front of Turkey’s nat’l employment agency”

12-“Upper courts reject appeals to release journalists Altan and Alpay”

13-“Euro court fines Turkey 5,000 euros for closing opposition newspaper in 2001”

14-“Turkey freedoms hit after ‘deeply-flawed constitutional referendum’”

15-“Erdoğan’s news agency targets exiled journalists over Afrin messages”

16-“Detention warrants issued for 35 over Afrin messages”

17-“Erdoğan advisor likens Turkey purge to Aborigine, Native American, Armenian cases”

18-“Woman sent back to jail with newborn a day after delivery”

19-“2 more journalists arrested on terror charges by Turkish court”

20-” BIA report: 237 aggravated life sentences sought for 520 journalists in Turkey”

21-“The UN confirms torture and abuse in Turkey ”

22-“HRW: Media, activists, political opposition targeted in Turkey in 2017”

23-“Human Rights Watch says Turkey’s post-coup OHAL commissions not independent”

24-“7-month-old spent 475 days in prison until gov’t pardoned mother over alleged Bylock use”

25-“37 Air Force Academy cadets get life sentences over coup charges”

26-“[VIDEO] Couple, dismissed as judge and prosecutor, detained over Gulen links”

27-“Fethullah Gülen’s nephew jailed after 12 days under custody”

28-“Purge-victim dies of multiple sclerosis weeks after being released from prison”

29-” Turkish Journalist Kılıç In Prison For 17 Months For Sharing Quotes From A Movie Scene”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 1/15/2018-1/22/2018

1-“Eşine çarpan ehliyetsiz şoförü şikayet ederken ailesinin önünde polisler tarafından darp edildi”

2-“OHAL’de ihraç edilen 100 bin mağdurun talepleri hala cevapsız”

3-“Yakub Saygılı ve yardımcılarının Avukatı: İşkenceye varacak hak ihlalleri var”

4-“Silivri’de tek tip gerekçesiyle elbiseler verilmiyor”

5-“Mehmet Altan’ın tahliye talebi üst mahkeme tarafından da reddedildi”

6-“‘MEB okullarda istismarı önleyemiyor’”

7-“Kılıçdaroğlu: Türkiye Almanya’nın 1940’larını yaşıyor”

8-“CHP’li Aksünger: AİHM ByLock davalarından dolayı Türkiye’yi mahkum edecek”

9-“Emekli General İsmail Hakkı Pekin’den insanlık dışı hedef gösterme”

10-“Alpay ve Altan için AİHM ihlal kararı verecek”

11-“‘İtirafçı tanık’: ‘İfadeyi imzalamazsan ‘karınla oruç bozarız’ dediler’ ”

12-“Halkın Hukuk Bürosu’nun, İstanbul’daki tüm avukatları tutuklandı ”

13-“‘Paramiliter güçler’i yazan gazetecinin evi kurşunlandı”

14-“Türmen: AİHM hak ihlali kararı verecek, Türkiye uymak zorunda”

15-“Financial Times: Türkiye’ye ‘hukuki kriz’ uyarısı yapılıyor”

16-“CHP lideri Kılıçdaroğlu: Yargı iflas etmiştir”
https://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/chp-lideri-kilicdaroglu-yargi-iflas-etmistir, 3curaV_gYkWIdyUYTvoNqw

17-“Freedom House, Türkiye’yi ‘özgür olmayan ülkeler’ kategorisine aldı”

18-“AİHM, Yeni Evrensel davasında Türkiye’yi mahkum etti”

19-“Doğumhane kapısında lohusa Ayşe Ateş için ‘utanç’ nöbeti”

20-“AKP zulmüne maruz kalan Mesut Dinç aşırı üzüntüden hayatını kaybetti”

21-“ByLock kullanmadı ama tanık beyanıyla 2 çocuk annesi 7 aydır tutuklu”

22-“Özgür Gündem Nöbetçi GYY’lerine 9 yıl 9 ay hapis cezası”

23-“Öldüresiye dövüp ziynet eşyasını aldılar; mahkeme serbest bıraktı ”

24-“‘Tek tip kıyafet’ uygulaması Diyarbakır Cezaevi’nden başlıyor

25-“Kazakistan’da kaçırılan Öğretmen Zabit Kişi, 4 aydır Ankara TEM’de tutuluyor”

26-“Hukuksuzca hapsedilen ve malvarlığı gasp edilen işadamı kanserden vefat etti”

27-“Erdoğan’ın Başdanışmanı Mehmet Uçum’dan OHAL’de soykırım itirafı..”

28-“Fevzi Yazıcı sahte belge gerekçesiyle Türköne’yi ise keyfi hücreye koydular”

29-“AKP zulmüne maruz kalan Mesut Dinç aşırı üzüntüden hayatını kaybetti”

30-” HRW: Türkiye’de demokrasi yok edildi, AB izledi”

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Turkey Raping, Torturing and Starving Thousands of Coup Prisoners to Death

Credible evidence that the Turkish police are holding detainees, denying them food, water and medical treatment. In some of the worse cases, individuals have been subjected to severe beating and torture.

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Claims of torture after Turkey’s coup


After the coup attempt, came the purge; where more than 125,000 were sacked and 45,000 arrested. There are many worrying testimonies of torture. The UN’s special investigator on torture has arrived in Turkey following allegations of rape and abuse by the country’s security forces.

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This is how many people Turkey has arrested since the failed coup


Many low-ranked soldiers found themselves on the street while media outlets were announcing that the military was attempting a coup. Although most of these soldiers were told that they were out for a drill, a very large portion of them got beaten and imprisoned. Moreover, many allegations of torture and rape of have emerged.


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