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Re: Urge Turkish Authorities to stop torture and bring perpetrators to justice on INTERNATIONAL DAY IN SUPPORT OF VICTIMS OF TORTURE JUNE 26 th




     Gokhan Acikkollu, the 42-year-old history teacher with diabetes, was dismissed from his job, subsequently detained and tortured for 13 days under police custody in Turkey. He ultimately died from a heart attack. Two years later, after his death, authorities found him not guilty and reinstated him to his teaching post; however, no real justice has been given.

Since the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, democratic and fundamental human rights have been suspended in Turkey. The Turkish government has disregarded basic human rights, equality, and respect for human dignity. It has completely broken its ties with the western world, the European Union in particular. It is stated in Human Rights Watch October 2017 report that people accused of terrorism or of being linked to the July 2016 attempted coup are at risk of torture in police custody. There has been a spate of reported cases of men being abducted, some of whom were held in secret detention places, with evidence pointing to the
involvement of state authorities. 

Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, High Commissioner for UN Human Rights, declared that during the state of emergency period about 160,000 people were detained in Turkey; 152,000 state officials, including teachers, judges, and lawyers were arbitrarily expelled or investigated; over 200 journalists were arrested, 201 media outlets and hundreds of websites were shut down. There were many cases of torture, rape, and kidnapping, which were only partially reflected in the reports.

According to a report released by the United States Department of State on human rights practices in Turkey in 2018 between July 2016 and July 2018, Turkish Ministry of Justice reported that “investigations” were opened into 612,347 persons, the majority of whom were affiliated with the Gulen movement. Authorities prosecuted 1,519 lawyers and dismissed 7,257 academics and more than 4,000 judges and prosecutors. After the coup, the government operated prisons became filled with people who were detained and awaiting trial and began to work over capacity. 28 individuals disappeared, some kidnapped in broad daylight in front of their families.

Reports of torture, mistreatment, and abuse skyrocketed from tens in 2017 to more than 2,500 in 2018. 51 people lost their lives under suspicious circumstances in official custody.

The most recent torture incidents took place at Police Headquarters in Ankara against detained six ex-diplomats of Turkish Foreign Ministry on May 26th which were documented by the Ankara Bar Association. HDP MP Omer F. Gergerlioglu; Erinc Sagkan, President of Ankara Bar Association, and CHP MP Sezgin Tanrikulu spoke out about the allegations immediately.

We urge all the international bodies and human rights organizations along with Turkish judiciary to take all necessary steps to STOP TORTURE in TURKEY and bring all the perpetrators to justice.

Advocates of Silenced Turkey
[email protected]
Twitter: @silencedturkey
Facebook: @silencedturkey


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Millions of Books Destroyed: Erdogan’s Regime Attacks the Culture of its Dissident Groups

Millions of Books Destroyed: Erdogan’s Regime Attacks the Culture of its Dissident Groups

Books play an important role in shaping public opinion and transmitting the culture of a society for the upcoming generations. For that, many authoritarian regimes throughout history have opposed books written in the pursuit of the opposition of those they perceived as enemies. With the goal of asserting complete control over public information and literature, the Erdogan regime has started such a war against the books and other publications of its dissident groups following the suspicious coup attempt on July 2016. In this direction, thousands of books have been outlawed and their publishers have been shut down. Therefore, copies of those books in all libraries and bookstores across the country have been confiscated. After it has been declared that possessing any copies of such books or publications may be considered the evidence for certain crimes, many people have been detained and arrested.
The current report of the Advocates of Silenced Turkey (AST) provides an overview of what has happened during Turkey’s ongoing post-coup assault on the books and the cultural institutions, with a focus on the affected groups including the Gulen movement, Kurds, leftists, and seculars.

Some of the highlights from the report are given below.

● Book disposals in public libraries: Constituting approximately 7 percent of the total books in the public libraries across the country, 135,000 books are reported to be removed from the public libraries due to their affiliations with the Gulen movement. Of those books:
– 30,000 books that are authored by Mr. Gulen have reportedly been ordered to be burned.
– The remaining nearly 100,000 books have been sent off for recycling.
● Getting rid of books with a fear of arrest: After certain books and publications have been blacklisted, many have reportedly burned or tore their books for the fear of being discovered by their neighbors or law enforcement officials.

Some reported incidents are:

– D.A., a librarian at a university during the time of the coup asserted how he had to categorize his books in his personal library that constituted nearly 2,000 books to dispose the ”dangerous ones” among them.
– In the central province of Yozgat, military police — gendarmerie — found 560 Gulen authored books near a water fountain in a village. A crime-scene was conducted hoping to find the people whom the books belong to.
– Police officers found 150 Gulen’s books, some of which were totally or partially burned in a village in Northern Cyprus.
– In another story, authorities discovered hundreds of Gulen books thrown into the waters of Ataturk Dam in Eastern Anatolia.
● Charges over possessing certain books: In some cases, people who possessed certain blacklisted books have been suspected and persecuted. Some of the reported incidents are as follows:
– Canan Badem: An associate professor at Tunceli University, who was detained in August 2016 on charges of association with the terrorist organization after the police have found a Gulen-authored book at his university office. As a well-known critic of Gulen and a professed atheist, Dr. Badem will be facing a long prison sentence if found guilty.
– A housewife, R.Y. has reportedly been detained over allegations of burning Gulen’s books at a place close to her home. She faces charges of membership in a terrorist organization and making terrorist propaganda.
– Four school officials have been reportedly detained by the gendarmerie forces after they found them burning some documents in the garden of a school in Mugla province.
– A college’s attempt to get rid of Gulen-authored books from the college’s library right after the coup attempt has sparked an investigation in the western province of Afyon.
● Banned publishers, media outlets and other incidents: Aside from the Gulen associated books, Erdogan regime’s war on cultural instruments has taken various forms during the ongoing post-coup crackdown.

Some of such drastic actions are as follows:

– With the government’s decree law as part of the post-coup crackdown, three news agencies, 16 TV channels, 23 radio stations, 14 magazines, 29 publishing houses have reportedly been shut down over alleged ties to the Gulen movement.
-Authorities have pulled off the shelves 72 books of Aram Press, one book of Tekin Press, and one unpublished book draft of Kirmizi Kedi Press.
– Istanbul Fourth Civil Court of Peace has issued a ruling to ban the distribution of the satirical weekly LeMan’s “Special Coup Issue”. This has been accompanied by trolls disseminating LeMan’s address with threats of ransacking it.
– A famous novelist, Zulfu Livaneli has also suffered from a similar ban when the ads of his latest novel has not been allowed to be displayed in public spaces by the authorities.
– Famous writers and philosophers including Albert Camus, Baruch Spinoza, Louis Althusser, Servet Tanili, and Nazim Hikmet have become suspects in the indictments prepared against the former head of now-defunct Free Journalists Association, Nevin Erdemir and in the indictment on Gezi protests in Ankara.
– Numerous physical assaults have occurred against publishers and bookstores across the country. In Diyarbakir province, for example, a warehouse of Avesta Press has been set in an arson attempt. Many branches of NT – a Gulen movement affiliated bookstore – have been destroyed and burned.
– Reports of the United Nations and other respected human rights organizations suggest that the conditions of Turkey’s prisons have been associated with already alarming records of human rights violations. One such issue is inmates’ limited access to books. While prisons do not allow book donations from outside, the prisoners have been allowed to possess 15 books at most. Furthermore, certain books that are either affiliated with the Gulen movement or in the Kurdish language have also been blocked. The number of affected inmates is reportedly more than 200,000 – including generals, diplomats, judges, academics, journalists, doctors and other people from all walks of life.
In addition to the cases that have been stated, there are officially more than half a million cases that are subjected to such terroristic crimes as reported by the minister of interior. With the pursuit to persecute individuals who attain these books, it is presumed that most of these individuals have already removed such publications from their possessions. Subjectively, if every individual was to get rid of several books, the total number of books disposed would be in the millions. This suggests that the multitude of the assault of Erdogan’s regime on the culture of its dissident groups are far more reaching than what is reported.

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The Freedom House concludes Turkey is no more a free country. What is next?

The Freedom House concludes Turkey is no more a free country. What is next?

A new report released by the independent, non-profit and non-partisan watchdog organization Freedom House concluded that democratic principles such as election integrity and freedom of the press, political and civil rights have severely downgraded in Turkey that is no longer ‘a free country.’ The study added that Turkey’s status declined from Partly Free to Not Free due to a deeply flawed constitutional referendum that centralized power in the presidency, the mass replacement of elected mayors with government appointees, arbitrary prosecutions of rights activists and other perceived enemies of the state, and continued purges of state employees, all of which have left citizens hesitant to express their views on sensitive topics.

The Freedom House has been publishing annual reports since 1973 for assessing the condition of political rights and civil liberties around the world.

It has been a great source for scholars and academics since then. Their methodology is very strong and reliable. Their ranking provides a snapshot of the world and political circumstances in each state. It has always been interpreted seriously by international organizations and financial institutions as well.

The report noted that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan broadened and intensified the crackdown on his perceived opponents that began after a failed 2016 coup attempt. In addition to its dire consequences for detained Turkish citizens, shuttered media outlets, and seized businesses, the chaotic purge has become intertwined with an offensive against the Kurdish minority, which in turn has fueled Turkey’s diplomatic and military interventions in neighboring Syria and Iraq.

According to Freedom House, which analyzed data from 195 countries over the 2017 calendar year, Turkey’s passage over the threshold from Partly Free to Not Free is the culmination of a long and accelerating slide in Freedom in the World.

‘The country’s score has been in free fall since 2014 due to an escalating series of assaults on the press, social media users, protesters, political parties, the judiciary, and the electoral system, as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan fights to impose personalized control over the state and society in a deteriorating domestic and regional security environment. Erdoğan has pushed out his rivals and former allies within the ruling party, reshaped media ownership to fit his needs, and rammed through an unpopular constitutional referendum to create a “super-presidential” system without meaningful checks and balances.’

The study also noted that President Erdogan’s response to the July 2016 coup attempt has become a sprawling witch hunt, resulting in the arrest of some 60,000 people, the closure of over 160 media outlets, and the imprisonment of over 150 journalists. The leaders of the third-largest party in the parliament are in prison, and nearly 100 mayors across the country have been replaced through emergency measures or political pressure from the president. The government has even pressed its crackdown beyond. Turkey’s borders, triggering a flood of Interpol “red notice” requests to detain critics abroad, among other effects.

How will the report affect the Asylum seekers?

Since the controversial coup attempt, thousands of military officials, government officials, academics, and civilians have been detained, arrested or fired from their positions. The purge has led to a large number of these individuals to flee Turkey and seek asylum elsewhere.

It is safe to analyze that The Freedom House report will have major consequences on several issues especially asylum applications of thousands of people since the report extensively provided all the necessary data about the failure of democracy in Turkey. The report which confirmed Turkey’s passage over the threshold from ‘Partly Free to Not Free’ is considered both essential and useful for the court processes of the Asylum applications.

How should NATO respond?

A core principle of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is that member states adhere to democratic values. Here is how NATO defines its core principle and the purpose of its very existence:

‘NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. POLITICAL – NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defense and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict.’

As a democratic security organization, NATO should clarify its stance and policies towards Turkey, which is openly defined as a non-democracy and not-free? Can NATO promote democratic values while one of its biggest members is already defined a dictatorship by non-partisan international organizations?

The recent study by the Freedom House which reports the decline in Turkey’s human rights record may cause some U.S. lawmakers and decision makers to question the country’s NATO membership.

ECtHR appears as a new venue

The shocking lower court rulings of the last several days rejecting the authority of Turkey’s Constitutional Court to hear individual applications has also been considered as the end of the rule of law in Turkey. This new episode in Turkish judiciary will lead the Turkish citizens who seek legal recourse to violations of their rights at European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) which still remains a proper venue that they should pursue. The recent study by The Freedom House can definitely be used as a source by the Turkish citizens to strengthen their cases at the ECtHR despite the fact that the ruling processes of the Court may take so long.

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 15

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 15

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 1/8/2018-1/15/2018

1-“Seized Gülen dormitory in Istanbul transferred to pro-gov’t Ensar foundation”

2-“Report: Police chief who fought against ‘Erdogan assassins’ during coup sentenced to 6 years in jail”

3-“Diyarbakir man says cows seized by gov’t as part of post-coup crackdown”

4-“Turkey’s pro-gov’t mayors ban theater play ‘Just Dictator’”

5-“Local deeds officer suspended for insulting Erdogan on social media”

6-“Pro-Erdogan hackers take over Der Spiegel editor’s Twitter account”

7-“7,655 dismissed, 243 others suspended at Health Ministry so far: minister”

8-“Prison warden commits suicide after being dismissed on coup charges — claim”

9-“Turkey’s prize-winning author Aslı Erdoğan: University students in Turkey are being jailed over tweets”

10-“Imprisoned Kurdish leader Demirtaş makes first appearance in court in 14 months”

11-“2 media outlets closed, 262 dismissed in new gov’t decree”

12-“Teacher, three others caught in attempt to flee to Greece”

13-“Warrants issued for 70 teachers in Turkey’s capital”

14-“Pro-Kurdish deputy gets 8 years, 1 month in prison on terror charges”

15-“Turkey strips another pro-Kurdish deputy of parliamentary status”

16-“[VIDEO] 25 teachers detained in Turkey’s Samsun”

17-“Jailed writer Ahmet Altan fined TL 7,000 for insulting Erdogan”

18-“French writers, journalists ‘adopt’ Turkish colleagues in solidarity”

19-“Report: Ankara investigating 60 businessmen for stock market selloff ahead of 2016 coup attempt”

20-“24 former Bank Asya shareholders put in pretrial detention”

21-“Father of cancer patient boy denied release from prison”

22-” Journalist, writer and 28 others detained in Istanbul”

23-“Turkey issues detention warrants for 56 more military members over coup charges”

24-“[VIDEO] Dismissed air force pilot detained while selling waffle in Konya: report”

25-“Jailed father allowed to attend son’s funeral only with handcuffs”

26-“Theater play on dictatorship not allowed to be staged in Turkey’s Artvin”

27-“Jailed engineer to judge: You will stand trial when democracy comes to this country!”

28-“[VIDEO] 8 including pharmacists, lawyers detained over Gulen links”

29-“[VIDEO] 5 children, 8 others detained while on way to escape to Greece”

30-“President Erdoğan once again sues Turkey’s main opposition leader over ‘insult’: report”

31-“Turkish gov’t uses emergency rule to suppress dissent: opposition leader”

32-“Imprisoned teacher dies of cancer in Balıkesir — claim”

33-“Turkey’s post-coup State of Emergency to be extended for another 3 months: gov’t”

34-“262 more dismissed, 1,828 reinstated with new gov’t decree”

35-“20 more detained in Bursa, Antalya over Gülen links”

36-“Jailed police chiefs who led 2013 corruption ops taken to police HQ”

37-“Int’l NGOs slam lower courts’ failure to free jailed journalists Altan, Alpay”

38-“Former President Gül expresses support for top court ruling on Altan, Alpay”

39-“Gov’t slams top court for decision on Altan and Alpay”

40-“German-Turkish footballer says shot at on highway in western Germany”

41-“Turkey warned of judicial crisis over jailed journalists”

42-“Turkish writer Asli Erdogan: ‘Thousands of students are in jail for one tweet'”

43-“A new refugee flow to Europe: Turkish refugees”

44-“Turkish courts reject jailed journalists’ request to be released”

45-“Biggest prison for journalists: Turkey prepares for election year”

46-“Ergun Babahan wrote about risk of torture for police chiefs”

47-“Honorary President of Court of Cassation of Turkey, Sami Selçuk: Last Nail in the Coffin”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 1/8/2018-1/15/2018

1-“Türkiye’de hukuk nasıl ayaklar altına alındı nasıl zulüm aracına dönüştü!”

2-“17 Aralık polis şeflerine emniyette işkence mi yapılıyor”

3-“ByLock kullanmadığı tespit edilmesine rağmen 16 ay tutuklu kalan vatandaş isyan etti”

4-“‘Erdoğan’a suikast timi’ ile çatışan polis Bylock’tan tutuklandı”

5-“Gözaltına aldıkları anneyi 4 aylık bebeğinden ayırıp Bayburt’a götürdüler”

6-“Kahramanmaraş Emniyeti’ndeki işkenceci polisler ortaya çıktı”

7-“Spiegel’in genel yayın yönetmeninin Twitter hesabı hacklendi”

8-“Eski AKP’li Osman Can: Mahkemelerin tahliyeye direnmesi hukuken yanlış”

9-“Rektör Erdöl’den Soylu’nun ‘ayak kırın’ talimatına destek”

10-“Ergun Babahan polis şeflerine yapılan işkenceyi yazdı”

11-“Alpay ve Altan’ın tahliye edilmemesine büyük tepki!”

12-“Hukukçu Varol ByLock’la ilgili: Dosyalar boş ama 9-10 yıl ceza veriliyor”

13-“Gözaltına aldıkları anneyi 4 aylık bebeğinden ayırıp Bayburt’a götürdüler”

14-“İhraç edilen savaş pilotu, kumpir satarken kıskıvrak(!) yakalandı”

15-“Bebekli kadınların tutuklanmasının Türk hukukunda da İslamda da yeri yok!”

16-“AKP’nin OHAL’i 3 kişinin daha hayatını kararttı..”

17-“Berk Görmez’in cenazesine babasını kelepçeyle getirdiler!”

18-“Cinsel istismarı kamera ile kayıt altına alındı; yine de red etti..”

19-“OHAL’in suç karnesi: 126 suç türü!”

20-“Geç kalan adalet, bir öğretmenin daha hayatını kararttı..”

21-“Gergerlioğlu: Berk’i kaybettik, bari Eray babasını görmeli”

22-“Emekli Hakim Kardaş: ByLock’ta sadece isim bildiren listeler delil kabul edilemez”

23-“Alman Freie Presse Gazetesi: Hizmet Hareketi mensuplarının mağduriyetlerini yer verdi”

24-“Türkiye Barolar Birliği Başkanı Feyzioğlu: AYM’nin kararı bağlayıcıdır”

25-“Emniyet Müdürü’nden Soylu’ya mesaj: Yeri gelirse kafalarını kıracağız”

26-“TÜRGEV ve Ensar Vakfı’nın 3 yurdunda öğrencilerin hayatı hiçe sayıldı”

27-“Yargıtay Onursal Başkanı Sami Selçuk: Tabuta son çivi”

28-“Mevcut rejim bakimindan anayasa mahkemesi’nin Alpay ve Altan kararlari ”

29-“15 Temmuz’da erdoğan’i korumak için çatişan polise Bylock’tan 6 yil 3 ay hapis”

30-“Bayraktar’a ‘ben dilenci değilim’ diye isyan eden lenf kanseri hastasi Dilek Özçelik hayatini kaybetti”

31-“TBMM’nin önünde kendini yakan işçiye fiili gözalti!”

32-” Yok böyle bir “taniklik”: mahkemede gerçekleri söyleyince segbis’i dondurdular, davayi ertelediler!”

33-” OHAL’de cezaevlerindeki sağlik hakki ihlalleri artti: her yil 215 kişi hayatini kaybediyor”

35-“16 Temmuz sabahi köprüde ilk kez yayinlanan görüntüler: 4 tanesini öldürdük…”

35-“Avrupa parlamentosu’ndan aym kararina uygulamayan mahkemelere tepki ”

36-“Freedom House: ‘Bazı devlet görevlileri cezadan muaf gibi davranıyor’”

37-” ’11 bin 480 ByLock mağduru buz dağının görünen yüzü’”

38-“HÖH’ten soruşturma açıklaması: Memnuniyet duyduk, gururluyuz”

39-“Çöpe atılan kitapta parmak izi çıkan üniversite öğrencisi gözaltına alındı”

40-“Açlığın 310’uncu günü: ‘Bir komisyon var mı’ emin değiliz”

41-” Savcılık: ‘Muharrem’in cenazesinin çuvalda taşınmasında ihmal yok’”

42-” AYM ‘hak ihlali’ yorumu: ‘Doğru kararı ilk derece mahkemesi verir’”

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