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Kacmaz family

UN Working Group urges AKP govt to release Kaçmaz Family immediately and unconditionally

The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention of the UN Human Rights Council has called on the Turkish government to immediately release Mesut Kaçmaz and Meral Kaçmaz, a couple that was abducted from their home after midnight in Lahore on September 27, 2017 and deported illegally by the Pakistani government to Turkey just two days before their scheduled appearance before a Pakistani court.

The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has released its 16-page opinion concerning Mesut Kaçmaz and Meral Kaçmaz and their two daughters.

The UN body called on Turkey to take the steps necessary to remedy the situation of Mesut Kaçmaz, Meral Kaçmaz and the two minors without delay and bring them into conformity with the relevant international norms, including those set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The UN body also called on the government of Pakistan and the government of Turkey to accord Mr. and Mrs. Kaçmaz and the two minors an enforceable right to compensation and other reparations, including for the impact on their psychological integrity from having been arrested, secretly detained and deported.

For more detailed information about the risks supporters of the Gulen Movement experience, please look at the report prepared by the Advocates of Silenced Turkey on the current and possible threats supporters of the Gulen Movement face abroad titled “I Cannot Say We Are Absolutely Safe Even Abroad.”

Download the report as pdf: https://silencedturkey.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/AST_Report_Threats_Gulen-Movement.pdf

We strongly request Turkish authorities to take all necessary steps to immediately and unconditionally release Kacmaz family.

We urge everyone to take action. Express your views or send attached statement below to following relevant Turkish authorities.

Download sample statement: AST_letter_Kacmaz family

1. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Justice
Website: http://www.justice.gov.tr
Email Address: info@adalet.gov.tr
Phone: +90 (0312) 417 77 70
Fax: +90 (0312) 419 33 70

2. Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Website: http://www.mfa.gov.tr/
Contact form: http://www.mfa.gov.tr/contact-us.en.mfa
Phone: +90 (312) 292 10 00

3. Union of Turkish Bar Associations
Website: https://www.barobirlik.org.tr
Email Address: barobirlik@barobirlik.org.tr
Phone: +90 (312) 292 59 00
Fax: +90 (312) 286 31 00

4. Presidency of the Constitutional Court
Website: http://www.anayasa.gov.tr
Email Address: bilgi@anayasa.gov.tr
Phone: +90 (312) 463 73 00
Fax: +90 (312) 463 74 00

5. Court of Cassation
Website: https://www.yargitay.gov.tr
Email Address: iletisim@yargitay.gov.tr
Phone: +90 (312) 416 10 00

6. Turkish Embassy in Washington D.C.
Website: http://vasington.be.mfa.gov.tr/Mission
Email Address: embassy.washingtondc@mfa.gov.tr
Phone: +1 202 612 67 00
Fax: +1 202 612 67 44


UN Human Rights Council calls on Turkish gov’t to release Kaçmaz couple immediately

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UN Working Group calls on AKP govt to release Kaçmaz Family

Citing the state of emergency it has declared after the coup attempt in July 2016, the AKP government has further exacerbated its heavy human rights violations following the corruption operations of December 17/25 and the June 7th general elections. Cases of abduction have lately been added to widespread torture, deaths in custody, and extrajudicial killings.

Teachers, doctors, businessmen, mothers, and children, who legally work and live in different countries away and disconnected from the unrest in Turkey, are abducted by paramilitary agents through clandestine plots and unlawfully handed over to the Turkish government.

Pakistan was one of the places where kidnappings were carried out as a part of these global criminal activities conducted by the members of the Turkish intelligence and consular staff upon the orders of President Erdogan. Mesut Kaçmaz, the former director of the Pak-Turk schools, was abducted from his home in Lahore with his family early in the morning. The scandal was protested both in Pakistan and in many countries around the world, but Mesut Kaçmaz and his family, who had been under UN protection, were deported unlawfully despite the decision of the Lahore Supreme Court.

Having completed its evaluation of the situation, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has made a strong call to the Turkish government and requested the Kaçmaz Family to be released immediately and unconditionally. (http://www.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/Wopi…)

The kidnapping scandal has been detailed in the declaration as follows: “15 ‘officers’ in plain clothes, including several female officers providing no identification raid the house of the Kaçmaz family. Officers were pushing and shoving in arresting the family, including Mr. Kaçmaz who was protesting the raid. … The officers blindfolded them all and later slipped hoods over their heads – including on Mrs. Kaçmaz and the two minors. … Kaçmaz family was kept at an unknown location prevented from going outside and did not see daylight for 17 days. Kaçmaz family was forcibly deported on October 14, 2017, and flown on a special, unmarked aircraft from Islamabad to Istanbul, Turkey. While Pakistani staff transported the family to the flight, there were only Turkish agents on board the aircraft.”

The UN Working Group, which assessed “that the arrest, detention, and deportation of the Kaçmaz family was carried out by the Government of Pakistan, through agents acting on its behalf and with its support, and at the request of the Turkish authorities”, underlined that the family had been detained and deported in violation of the Pakistani law, and noted that the Government of Pakistan was “responsible for its own actions in the arrest, detention, and deportation of the Kaçmaz family, as well as the subsequent violations of their rights in Turkey”.

The declaration also emphasized that “the Government of Turkey is jointly responsible with the Government of Pakistan for the arrest, detention, and deportation of the Kaçmaz family to Turkey without any legal basis” and both governments have breached the Human Rights Universal Declaration and the Covenant through their arbitrary acts.

The Working Group which has called the Government of Turkey to immediately and unconditionally release Mesut Kaçmaz and Meral Kaçmaz, and respect their rights to leave Turkey, also asked for compensation from Islamabad and Ankara for the detention and deportation of the Kaçmaz family including any possible psychological effects.

The declaration which sets a precedent for other cases of abduction by the AKP government has also stated that “Several United Nations bodies have documented widespread violations of human rights in Turkey, particularly since the attempted coup in July 2016. These include extrajudicial killings in the context of counter-terrorism operations, arbitrary detention of people arrested under the state of emergency measures, the use of torture and ill-treatment during pre-trial detention, and mass dismissal of teachers accused of being associated with the Gülen movement.”

The video was prepared by 30 Plus TV.


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BM’den AKP iktidarına ültimatom: ‘Kaçmaz ailesini derhal ve şartsız serbest bırakın!’

Birleşmiş Milletler Keyfi Gözaltı Çalışma Grubu, yaşattığı ağır insan hakları ihlallerini ilan ettiği OHAL döneminde daha da şiddetlendiren AKP iktidarına ültimatom niteliğinde bir çağrı yaptı. Bir deklarasyon yayımlayan grup, Pakistan’dan kaçırılan eğitimci Mesut Kaçmaz ve ailesinin derhal ve şartsız olarak serbest bırakılmasını istedi.

Kaçırılma skandalı, deklarasyonda ‘Kaçmaz ailesinin evine, aralarında birkaç kadın memurun da bulunduğu, 15 “memur” hiçbir kimlik göstermeksizin sivil kıyafetlerle baskın düzenledi. Görevliler aileyi tutuklamak için, baskını protesto eden Mesut Kaçmaz da dahil olmak üzere, itip kakıyorlardı. Memurlar, Bayan Kaçmaz ve iki küçük çocuk da dâhil hepsinin gözlerini bağladı ve başlarına çuval geçirdi. Kaçmaz ailesi 17 gün boyunca dışarı çıkmalarına ve gün ışığını görmelerine izin verilmeyen bir yerde tutuldu. Kaçmaz ailesi 14 Ekim 2017’de zorla sınır dışı edildi ve İslamabad’dan İstanbul’a kadar özel, işaretsiz bir uçakla uçtu. Pakistanlı personel aileyi uçağa ulaştırırken, uçakta sadece Türk ajanlar vardı.’ ifadeleriyle ayrıntılı bir şekilde yeraldı.

‘Kaçmaz ailesinin tutuklanması, gözaltına alınması ve sınır dışı edilmesi, Pakistan Hükümeti tarafından, hükümet adına ve onun desteğiyle hareket eden temsilciler aracılığıyla ve Türk makamlarının talebi üzerine gerçekleştirilmiştir’ değerlendirmesini yapan Birleşmiş Milletler Keyfi Gözaltı Çalışma Grubu, ailenin Pakistan yasaları ihlal edilerek tutuklandığını ve sınır dışı edildiğini, Pakistan Hükümetinin, Kaçmaz ailesinin alıkonulması ve sınır dışı edilmesine ilişkin eylemlerinden ve ayrıca Türkiye’deki haklarının ihlallerinden sorumlu olduğuna dikkat çekti.

‘Çalışma Grubu, Pakistan Hükümeti gibi Türkiye Hükümeti’nin de, Kaçmaz ailesinin yasal dayanağı bulunmayan bir biçimde yakalanması, gözaltına alınması ve Türkiye’ye sınır dışı edilmesinden müştereken sorumlu olduğunu tespit etmiştir’ vurgusu yapılan deklarasyonda her iki hükümetin İnsan Hakları
Evrensel Beyannamesi ve Sözleşmesine aykırı ve keyfi hareket ettiklerine dikkat çekiliyor.

Türkiye Hükümetini Mesut Kaçmaz ve Meral Kaçmaz’ı derhal ve şartsız olarak serbest bırakmaya ve Kaçmaz ailesinin Türkiye’den ayrılma hakkına saygı göstermeye çağıran Birleşmiş Milletler Keyfi Gözaltı Çalışma Grubu, İslamabad ve Ankara’dan Kaçmaz Ailesinin gözaltına alınmalarından sınır dışı edilmelerine kadar kaynaklanan psikolojik etkiler de dâhil olmak üzere gasp edilen bütün haklarının tazmin edilmesini istedi.

AKP iktidarının bizzat içinde olduğu diğer kaçırma vakaları için de emsal niteliği taşıyan deklarasyonda ayrıca ‘Pek çok Birleşmiş Milletler kuruluşu, özellikle de Temmuz 2016’daki darbe girişiminden bu yana, Türkiye’deki yaygın insan hakları ihlallerini belgelemişlerdir. Terörle mücadele operasyonları kapsamındaki yargısız infazlar, acil durum önlemleri altında tutuklanan kişilerin keyfi olarak gözaltına alınmaları, duruşma öncesi tutukluluk esnasında işkence ve kötü muamele ve Gülen hareketiyle ilişkili olmakla suçlanan öğretmenlerin toplu işten çıkarılması, bu hak ihlalleri arasındadır’ vurgusu yapılıyor.

Video 30 ARTI TV tarafından hazırlanmıştır.


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Nov. 13

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Nov13

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly | 11/06/2017 – 11/13/2017

1-“1,025 in poor health in Turkish prisons, 357 seriously ill: rights group”

2-“‘The threats continue’: Murder of retired couple chills fellow activists in Turkey

3-“Turkey: Arrest of Civil Society Leader Arbitrary, Punitive”

4-“Turkey jails journalists Gündem, Gönültaş and Kılıç”

5-“Detention warrants issued for 88 more military personnel over Gülen links”

6-“Minister: 2,274 Gülen-linked private educational institutions closed since coup attempt”

7-“Erdoğan admits trapping Gülen movement people”

8-“Kaçmaz family deportation case: LHC seeks record of CAA”

9-” Court Of Appeals Approves 6-Month Sentence For Turkish Fashion Designer”

10-” Turkish Security Forces’ Abandoned Ammunitions Kill 18 Children In Last 20 Months”

11-“Exiled Journalist Reveals Systematic Mass Torture, Abuse Targeting Turkey’s Military Staff”

12-” Turkey’s Pro-Erdoğan Thugs Launch A Campaign Of Insult Targeting Those Who Have To Live In Exile”

13-“Briefly detained teacher blacklisted, denied notary service to sell car”

14-“Emotional reunion of son, journalist father after 174 days in Turkish prison”

15-“Turkish police detain president of the Progressive Lawyers’ Association”

16-“WSJ: Turkey proposed $15 million to Flynn, son to abduct Fethullah Gulen”

17-“1,059 Turkish nationals claimed asylum in Germany in October”

18-“Investigation launched against Erdogan’s long-arm in Sweden: report”

19-“Engineering professor, 4 other university personnel under custody”

20-“22,000 public servants, families forced to declare social media accounts: report”

21-“Two Turkish nationals, abducted from plane in Kazakhstan, returned to Turkey: report”

22-” Wives of police chiefs who led 2013 corruption operations detained”

23-“Appeals court upholds journalist Cemal’s sentences”

24-“Turkish Court Decides Once Again For Continuation Of Journalist Parıldak’s Imprisonment”

25-“Turkish PM Yıldırım Takes Anti-Gülen Witch-Hunt To The US”

26-“Jailed German-Turkish reporter sees Turkey drifting toward fascism”

27-“Police assault, detain 10 people commemorating October Revolution in İstanbul”

28-“Jailed coup suspect’s brother arrested as well”

29-“Turkey issues detention warrant for US academic Barkey”

30-“10 detained over social media posts in Ankara”

31-“586 people detained over Gülen links in past week: ministry”

32-” Turkish lieutenant colonel recants testimony, says drugged and tortured”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 11/06/2017 – 11/13/2017

1-“Akın Öztürk’ün anlatamadığı işkenceler!”

2-“Gaziantep’in en zenginiydiler, şimdi eşinin fakirlik belgesine kaldılar!”

3-“Kapatılan Selahaddin Eyyübi Üniversitesi çalışanlarına operasyon”

4-“Kaçırılan iki Türk’ün kayıtsız gözaltında tutulduğu ortaya çıktı”

5-“İHD Eş Genel Başkanı Türkdoğan gözaltına alındı”

6-“Enis Berberoğlu: Tahliyemi talep edebileceğim bir mahkemem bile yok”

7-“İnşaat İşçisine ‘Bylock’tan 6 Yıl 3 ay hapis!”

8-“WSJ: Türkiye, ‘Gülen’i İmralı’ya kaçırması’ için Flynn’e 15 milyon dolar teklif etti”

9-“Hasan Cemal’e ‘silahlı terör örgütünün açıklamalarını yayınladın’ cezası”

10-“Cezaevinde öümüne işkence: yüzde 86 özürlü hasta bir ay doktora çıkarılmadı; yoğun bakımda yaşam mücadelesi veriyor!”

11-“İHD’nin raporu Türkiye’deki kötü muaemleyi ortaya koydu”

12-“Antalya Döşemealtı L tipi Cezaevi’nde insan hakları ihlal ediliyor”

13-“Havalimanlarında yolculara keyfi uygulama!”

14-“KHK ile ihraç edilen memura ‘LGBTİ terör örgütü’ suçlaması”

15-“Bakan İsmet Yılmaz: Nuriye ve Semih’i desteklerseniz ölürler”

16-“Sanatçı Ömer Pekin tutuklandı”

17-“Tam teşekküllü Lösemi hastanesine izin yok”

18-“Hulusi Akar’ın yaveri: Bana bir şey içirdiler”

19-“Altanlar ve Ilıcak’ın tutukluk halinin devamına karar verildi”

20-“Altanlar ve Ilıcak’ın davasında 3’üncü duruşma: Avukatlar salondan çıkarıldı”

21-” Ankara Cumhuriyet davasında AİHM’e savunma gönderdi: ‘FETÖ’yle ilişkili; darbeci”

22-” Soru: 15 Temmuz’la ilgili kanıt yok, Yanıt: 11 Eylül için kanıt mı sorduk”

23-” Cezaevlerindeki kitap yasağını mektupla delecekler”

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AST Turkish Human Rights Violations Weekly Oct. 23

Download as pdf: AST_Turkish Human Rights Violations Weekly_Oct23

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 10/16/2017-10/23/2017

1-“Turkish family, abducted in Pakistan, sent back to Turkey even without passports: lawyer ”

2- “Another Turkish citizen with Gülen links allegedly disappears abroad”

3- “HRW: People being tortured, abducted in post-coup Turkey”

4- “Will Britain challenge torture in Turkey”

5- “Helsinki Commission urges Erdogan to end state of emergency”

6- “Pro-gov’t journalist: Turkey to abduct Gülen followers in US, Europe”

7-“Some 50,000 Gülenists jailed since coup attempt: Turkish justice minister”

8-“3 teachers, 2 businessmen detained for ‘Gülen propaganda’ on social media”

9- ” Turkish minister: State of emergency only targets Gülen movement”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 10/16/2017-10/23/2017

1-“Kaçmaz ailesi Türkiye’ye kaçırıldı”

2-“Kazakistan’da kaçırılan Enver Kılıç’ın eşi dünya’ya seslendi”

3-“Kaçırılma ve işkenceler HRW raporunda”

4-“Hollanda, Türklerin ilticalarını kabul etmeye başladı. Gerekçesi çok manidar”

5- “Tutukluyu nezarethaneden gizlice alıp evine götürdüler”

6- “Bartın Emniyeti’nde Organize İşkence”

7- “Platform for Peace & Justice Türkiye’deki 80 cezaevinin röntgenini çekti: işkence, tecavüz,
tehdit ve kötü muamele!”

8- “OHAL Türkiye’sinde cezaevleri: “25 kişi aynı koğuştayız, 3 arkadaşımız mutfakta, 8
arkadaşımız yerde yatıyor”

9- “İleri derecede kanser ve böbrek hastası işçi emeklisi tutuklandı”

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