Haluk Savaş

AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly June 30

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_June 30

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly- 06/25/2019-06/30/2019

  1. “Website entry exposes Constitutional Court bias against Gülen-related cases”


2. “Turkey orders detention of 27 sailors from Naval Forces”


3. “Editor of gov’t-critical news website detained for insulting Turkish president”


4. “Officials who conducted Turkish intelligence trucks probe in 2014 get lengthy prison sentences”


5. “Top court rules German-Turkish journalist’s rights violated during detention in Turkey”


6. “New era begins in İstanbul as İmamoğlu accepts mandate for second time”


7. “Pregnant, ailing women among 4 arrested in Turkey’s Osmaniye due to Gülen links”


8. “I wasn’t aware Öcalan’s brother had been sought by Turkish authorities: Erdoğan”


9. “Some 2,000 Turkish soldiers purged since end of state of emergency”


10. “AKP deputy chair contradicts Erdoğan over İmamoğlu’s prosecution: report”


11. “US-based Turkish academic released after detention for signing peace petition”


12. “Not surprising that people commit suicide behind bars, says man abducted, tortured by Turkish intelligence”


13. “Autopsy report reveals graphic details about murder of military cadet on July 15”


14. “Court acquits teacher who pleaded with gov’t to spare children’s lives”


15. “Gov’t transfers mayoral appointment authority to city councils after losses in big cities”


16. “108 military cadets acquitted, 18 get life without parole in July 15 coup trial”


17. “Erdoğan signals possible Cabinet shakeup following election defeat in İstanbul”


18. “Kurdish signs removed after March 31 elections re-erected in Bitlis”


19. “Kurdish man alleges racist attack by police officer pretenders”


20. “16 Turkish civil society leaders go on trial over Gezi Park protests”


21. “Pregnant woman arrested on terrorism charges over alleged Gülen links”


Erdogan Hükümeti tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri

  1. “​Behzat Ç.’den KHK’li fragman: Yayın tarihi belli oldu”


2. “Ruslar Denizbank’ı Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’ne devrediyor”


3. “İmamoğlu’nu kabul etmiyorum’ diyen İSPARK müdürü de istifa etti”


4. “Halk TV’de görevden almalar sürüyor”


5. “Suriye rejim güçleri Türk askeri gözlem noktasını vurdu: 1 şehit, 3 yaralı”


6. ““Hep derdim ki; Gülnur hayata ne acelen var? Öyle çok acelesi varmış ki; 28 yaşında gitti!””


7. “Erdoğan: ABD’nin yaptırım uygulamayacağını Trump’tan duymuş olduk”


8. “Türk yargısı 2019: Mahkeme yanlış fotoğraf gönderdi, TRT “kesin o” diye rapor yazdı”


9. “Alman iç istihbarat raporunda MİT’e özel başlık: Faaliyetler tek tek anlatıldı”


10. “Meclis’ten yükselen ses: “Yargı reformu 700 bebeği ve annelerini cezaevinden çıkarmalı””


11. “Bahçeli’den Negahan Alçı’ya mektup tepkisi: ‘Satılık kalem’”


12. “Edirne’de düzensiz göçmen faciası: 10 ölü”


13. “Yeni askerlik yasası Resmi Gazete’de: Zorunlu askerlik altı ay, bedelli askerlik kalıcı oldu”


14. “ABD’de tutuklu bulunan Hakan Atilla tahliye oluyor”


15. “Askerlik 6 aya indi, 130 bin er erken terhis olacak”


16. “Bu sefer senin şerefine İmamoğlu”


17. “Osman Kavala tahliyesini istedi, hakim “Edersem ikametinizi verir misiniz” diye sordu”


18. “TÜSİAD: İstanbul’un başarısı Türkiye’nin başarısıdır”


19. “Seçim zaferi için Ekrem İmamoğlu’ndan teşekkür videosu”


20. “Dünya basını hemfikir: Kaybeden Erdoğan”


21. “BM’den koruma talep eden 8 kişi Moğolistan’dan çıkış yolu arıyor”


22. “Koğuş arkadaşı bebekler”


23. “Boğaziçi Köprüsünde boğazı kesilerek şehit edilen Harbiyeli Enes’in otopsi raporu”


24. “Kara Harp Okulu davasında 108 beraat”


25. “Bağ evinde ters kelepçe ile gözaltına alınanlar beraat etti”


26. “10 yıldır kanser hastası, 650 gündür cezaevinde”


27. “Türkiye’yi tedavi edecek değerler”


28. “Bırakın, insanlık kazansın”


29. “Kimin yolundan gideceksin, karar ver?! (1)”


30. “OHAL Komisyonu 78 bin başvurunun sadece 6 binini kabul etti”


31. “Ankara Barosu: Kaçırma olayı MİT’e sorulmalı”


32. “Bekçilerden, ‘ters kelepçeli, darplı, tehditli’ GBT uygulaması”


33. “Eşi kaçırılan Fatma Zeybek’ten KHK’lı Yıldırım’a destek”


34. “İdlib’de TSK noktasına saldırı: 1 şehit, 3 yaralı”


35. “Veli Saçılık’tan eşi kaçırılan kadınlara destek: İnsanlık suçuna karşı herkes duyarlı olmalı”


36. “Ayşe Öğretmen 3 yıl sonra beraat etti”


37. “Hakan Atilla 19 Temmuz’da tahliye mi oluyor?”


38. “OHAL sonrası TSK’dan 2 bin 49 asker ihraç edildi; gerekçe ankesörlü telefonla aranma”


39. “Göçmenleri taşıyan minibüs kaza yaptı: 10 ölü, 30 yaralı”


40. “Gezi Davası’nda Osman Kavala’nın tutukluluğuna devam kararı”


41. “Sırrı Süreyya Önder’in kızından anlamlı mektup: Mutlunun mutsuza borcu var”


42. “Cezaevindeki annesine gönderdiği fotoğraf ‘zafer işareti var’ diye delik deşik edildi”


43. “TSK personeline ‘cadı avı’ operasyonu: Çok sayıda gözaltı var”


44. “Gezi davası başladı; Osman Kavala: “Suçlamalar son derece haysiyet kırıcı””


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PRESS RELEASE Re: Call on Turkish Government to end the violations of right to travel and cancellations of passports



Turkish Justice Minister on January 18, 2019, declared that more than 500,000 people have been investigated and arrested on terror and coup linked charges. Turkey deliberately violates domestic legislation and international agreements. Specially, the freedom to travel has been protected by many international documents including Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 12 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 5 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), Article 10 of the Convention on Rights of Child, Article 8 of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, 4th Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Article 23 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey provides that; “Everyone has the right to freedom of residence and travel…Freedom of travel may be restricted by law for the purpose of investigation and prosecution of an offense, and prevention of offenses. A citizen’s freedom to leave the country may be restricted only by the decision of a judge based on a criminal investigation or prosecution. Citizens shall not be deported, or deprived of their right of entry into the homeland.”

The passport application of Dr. Haluk Asuman SAVAS, who wants to be treated abroad for his cancer which relapsed twice, has been denied with the accusation of being dismissed from his job and his passport was canceled with a statutory decree although he has been acquitted for the allegation of being member of a terrorist organization and although the court, where he was being prosecuted, canceled his travel ban. Upon the public criticism, on 5/15/2019, the Adana Governorship stated “The mentioned person’s legal situation, health condition, application and documents, the authority, which has been used for several people in crucial and rare cases, has been reported to be evaluated by the Internal Affairs Ministry with the document number 17480 and date of 5/14/2019 and will be processed upon the response of the ministry. On 5/16/2019, in the additional press statement it was declared “Upon the evaluations on the mentioned person, a passport will be assigned by using the 22nd article of the 5682 numbered passport law which is used in crucial conditions” and made it clear that he would be able to benefit from this legal right and the passport cancellation process should be denied.

Prof Savas was given his passport within an exceptional authority used for a limited and exclusive number of people. However, it is known that there are hundreds of thousands of people whose passports are canceled with the statutory decree of a state of emergency and people whose right to travel is denied. According to the notification with the date 8/5/2019 of the Internal Affairs Ministry “The paraphrases on the passports of 155,350 people, which are determined to be paraphrased for the investigations on the owners’ spouses even though there is no juridical or executive process by the General Administration of Registration and Citizenship and the Police Department, has been cancelled on 7/25/2019.” Besides, in the notification with the date 3/1/2019, it is stated that “Upon the investigation and search made by our ministry, the restricted passports of 155,350 people which were blocked previously have been activated and in addition to this, the passports of 57,191 other people have been activated as well. Thus, so far, in total, passports of 212,541 people have been activated by canceling the executive limitations on them by our ministry.”

In consideration of the evaluations above, AST is calling the Turkish Government to end the aforesaid violations caused by the executive limitations which are clearly illegal.

In order for the state not to have more responsibilities by the international agreements and not to face sanctions;


  • Implementation of executive limitation, which is against the international agreements and the constitution, should be ended.


  • Within the responsibilities brought by the international agreements, necessary regulations should be implemented and tracked effectively immediately for the civil servants.     

 Hafza Y. GIRDAP


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly May 11

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_May 11

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 05/05/2019-05/11/2019

1-“Teacher who pleaded with gov’t to spare children’s lives vindicated by top Turkish court”


2-“Turkey to build 43 prisons using funds from inmate labor”


3-“Incidents of gun violence in Turkey kill 3,000 people in 2 years: ministry”


4-“Turkey cancels press accreditation of 682 journalists in 4 months”


5-“Turkish academic begins serving prison sentence for signing 2016 peace petition”


6-“Turkey holds thousands in solitary in Erdoğan’s prisons: report”


7-“Photo of woman in German language textbook doctored to include headscarf”


8-“HDP deputies on hunger strike request official declaration ending Öcalan’s ‘isolation’”


9-“36 women in Turkey murdered in April: report”


10-“Nearly 1,500 military members sacked by Turkish Defense Ministry in last 10 months”


11-“Turkey’s election board cancels İstanbul results, announces new polls on June 23”


12-“[VIDEO] Turkish philosophy teacher says wife had to give birth at home due to Erdogan’s witch-hunt”


13-“[VIDEO] 14 detained over Gulen links in Turkey’s Samsun”


14-“DW: Turkish gov’t cancels press credentials of 682 journalists in 4 months”


15-“2-year-old enters Mersin prison with mother arrested on coup charges: HDP deputy”


16-“Turkish academic enters prison for signing 2016 peace petition”


17-“Video purportedly shows Turkish soldiers torturing Kurdish villager in Afrin”


18-“DW: Around 3,000 inmates are being kept in solitary confinement in Erdogan’s prisons”


19-“Former Supreme Court judge sentenced to 12 years in jail in post-coup trial”


20-“Kütahya parent in pre-trial detention for 3 months on coup charges, 3-year old daughter left in the care of relatives: report”


21-“İstanbul police stifle iftar meal organized by dissident Anticapitalist Muslims”


22-“Psychiatrist under investigation over therapy services to victims of Erdogan’s purge”


23-“2-year-old enters Mersin prison with mother arrested on coup charges: HDP deputy”


24-“Turkish academic enters prison for signing 2016 peace petition”


25-“Video purportedly shows Turkish soldiers torturing Kurdish villager in Afrin”


26-“DW: Around 3,000 inmates are being kept in solitary confinement in Erdogan’s prisons”


27-“Former Supreme Court judge sentenced to 12 years in jail in post-coup trial”


28-“Kütahya parent in pre-trial detention for 3 months on coup charges, 3-year old daughter left in the care of relatives: report”


29-“İstanbul police stifle iftar meal organized by dissident Anticapitalist Muslims”


30-“Psychiatrist under investigation over therapy services to victims of Erdogan’s purge”


31-“The new depths of Erdogan’s autocracy”


32-“Istanbul re-run is a risky strategy for Erdogan”


33-“Erdogan’s Long Arm in Europe”


34-“In Istanbul Election Do-Over, Erdogan’s Opponents Unify”


35-“Baby accompanying mother in prison joins 700 other kids growing up behind bars”


36-“Turkish academic from French university arrested for terrorist propaganda”


37-“3 Turkish journalists detained overnight in İstanbul”


38-“Turkish journalist assaulted in front of his house”


Erdogan rejimi tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 05/05/2019-05/11/2019

1-“​Sürgündeki iki insan, farklı hikâyeler, ortak duygu: Özlem”


2-“Dünyayı ‘Ramazanlaştıran’ heyecan sosyal medyada”


3-“Konuşmacı olmadığı panelde ‘propaganda yapmak’ ile suçlanan barış akademisyeni tutuklandı”


4-“Gazeteci Demirağ’a evinin önünde hain saldırı”


5-“15 Temmuz şehidinin oğlu: Herkese PKK’lı dedikten sonra Öcalan’la el ele sandığa gitsinler”


6-“‘Senatör’ Sofuoğlu’ndan sanatçılara: Erdoğan sayesinde ünlü nankörlersiniz”


7-“AYM kararından sonra Ayşe Öğretmen tahliye oldu”


8-“Haluk Savaş: Beraat ettim, yurtdışı yasağım kalktı ama pasaportumu alamıyorum”


9-“AntiKapitalist Müslümanlar’ın iftar sofrasına polis müdahale etti, İhsan Eliaçık yerde sürüklendi”


10-“Asrın Hukuk Bürosu Abdullah Öcalan’la görüştüklerini açıkladı”


11-“Şırnak’ta çatışma; 2 asker şehit oldu”


12-“Diyarbakır’da tutuklu anneleri yine darp edilerek ters kelepçeyle gözaltına alındı”


13-“Iğdır’da çatışma: 1 asker şehit oldu”


14-“Bahçeli’nin ‘artık sevemem’ dediği Cem Yılmaz’ın sevenleri sosyal medyayı salladı”


15-“‘Anneler Günü çocuklarımızın açlık grevinden çıktığı gündür’”


16-“Ayşe Öğretmen: Kızımı unutup, cezaevindeki bebeklere kahroldum”


17-“Kanser hastası KHK’lıya ilaç işkencesi: Bir gün veriliyor diğer gün kesiliyor”


18-“Ailece tutukluluk dönemi: Anne ve babasının ardından Betül bebek de cezaevinde”


19-“KHK’lılara psikolojik destek vermek de suç sayıldı”


20-“’Bugüne kadar hep sustum ama artık yetti’”


21-“Erdoğan rejiminin cezaevi ölümlerine bir yenisi daha eklendi”


22-“’Hücrede ölümler’ gözleri sayıları gizlenen hücre mahkumlarına çevirdi”


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Turkey’s Massive Crackdown on Health Care Professionals Deepened the Country’s Already Alarming Records of Human Rights Violations

Turkey’s Massive Crackdown on Health Care Professionals Deepened the Country’s Already Alarming Records of Human Rights Violations

Following the coup attempt on the 15th of July 2016, dissident groups in Turkey are facing arguably their biggest crackdown in the country’s history. The Turkish government under the authoritarian leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has taken a wave of oppressive actions against those that are perceived as critics of the regime.
The health industry is among the variety of industries that have been affected in association with those actions. Hospitals, medical schools and health clinics have been shut down. Thousands of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, scientific publishers and health authorities have been dismissed from their jobs. Many of those have been detained and/or arrested and are now serving prison sentences for baseless charges of belonging to what they call a “terrorist” group. Human rights organizations have also recently reported that arrested individuals have
been subjected to severe torture and mistreatments.
The present report of the Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) provides an overview of key human rights concerns during the ongoing post-coup crackdown on Turkey’s health industry, with a focus on the affected groups including health care professionals, patients, medical students, and shuttered institutions and organizations. Some of the highlights from the report are:

● Dismissals of health care professionals: With the combined figures of those who were dismissed from the civil service and those who lost their jobs after the government shut down their institutions, the total number of health care professionals including doctors, academics, nurses, midwives, and hospital staff who were laid off has reached more than 21,000. Of those, a total of 5,261 are medical doctors and academics who specialize in the medical sciences:

-1,697 academics who worked in state-run medical schools and universities were summarily and abruptly dismissed with the government’s decree laws.
-1,684 physicians who worked for the Ministry of Health were purged.
-More than 1,200 doctors in the private sector suddenly became unemployed when the government shut down hospitals, medical centers and health clinics.
-675 academics who teach medical sciences lost their jobs after the closure of the Gülen movement-linked universities.

● Jailed health care professionals: The government has never publicized the figures of how many health care professionals have been detained, arrested or currently in prison. However, SCF’s monitoring Turkey’s media outlets suggesting the estimated figure is in the thousands.
The report provides numerous cases that portray the magnitude of how ruthless Turkish authorities have become in targeting real or perceived critics. Three selected cases from the report are:
-Mustafa Emmiler: A 47-year-old professor, who was detained on August 15 of 2016 on charges of alleged links to the Gülen movement. Dr. Emmiler is a prominent figure in cardiovascular surgery and the receiver of the “Doctor of the Year” award from the Ministry of Health in 2013.
-Haluk Savaş: a prominent 51-year-old psychiatry professor at Gaziantep University, who was arrested on September 28 of 2016 on charges of “terrorism.” He was a nominee for a parliamentary seat from the main opposition, Republican People’s Party (CHP).
-Murat Acar: the Harvard-educated Turkish professor who was extradited to Turkey on an arrest warrant issued by the Turkish government through Interpol even though he was under UN protection in Bahrain. Dr. Acar was subjected to torture and ill-treatment for 18 days after his extradition to Turkey.

● Suspicious deaths of health care professionals: Suspicious deaths in Turkey have increased during the aftermath of the coup attempt, of which most occur in Turkish jails and detention centers where torture and mistreatment are executed. In most cases, authorities declared them to be suicides without any effective, independent or through investigation. SCF has documented such cases where victims were health care professionals. Two selected cases from the report are:
-Sevgi Balcı: A 37-year old nurse who was a mother of three fired by government decree in October of 2016, committed suicide by hanging herself in Isparta province. It was reportedly due to not being reinstated to her job.
-Ali Özer: a 48-year-old doctor who was jailed on charges of his suspected links to the Gülen movement, died allegedly due to heart attack in Çorum Prison on March 23 of 2017.

● Turkish health care professionals in exile: The rising authoritarianism in Turkey has enforced health care professionals to escape the country, sometimes even through illegal migrant routes. However, they still face endangerment in their new homes as they take on new challenges such as having a difficult time finding jobs and securing recognition of their medical licenses. Advocators of Erdogan harass individuals in which they receive threats from Turkish government proxies. Exiled doctors have reported that they are fearful of their families in Turkey who might face persecution because of their beliefs.

● Shuttered hospital, medical centers, pharmacies, charities:
-In 2016, the Turkish government has shut down 14 hospitals and 36 medical centers on the pretext of alleged ties to the Gülen movement. They were issued by simple decree-laws without any administrative or judicial probes.
-On a similar pretext, 400 pharmacies across Turkey renounced access to the electronic prescription system of the Social Security Institution (SGK), an act meant to force these pharmacies to go bankrupt overnight. In addition to that, nearly 1500 pharmacies are under investigation as the media outlets in Turkey recently reported.
-A UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) partnered charity organization, Kimse Yok Mu has similarly been shut down in 2016. The charity organization had been active for many years and delivered emergency relief in disaster zones, provided health care services and helped rebuilding infrastructure in various communities across 113 countries.

● Patients: Patients were left in distraught as multiple medical centers and hospitals were shut down. As before, given the shortage of hospitals and staff members, many patients are unable to receive medical help. This forced some patients to seek medical treatments in other provinces. On the other hand, the Turkish government deliberately violates adequate access to health care and medical treatments to those prisoned patients. The situation aggregated for those in solitary confinement as opposed to the European Prison Rules. The report provides numerous cases for patients in detention facilities and prisons. Four of those cases from the report are:
-Gökhan Açıkkollu: A 42-year-old history teacher with type 1 Diabetes was detained on July 24 of 2016 and held in police custody for 13 days before he fell ill. He was questioned allegedly under torture and abuse until he developed health problems again and was taken back to the hospital only to be pronounced dead.
-Yavuz Bölek: A 49-year-old police officer, father of three was arrested on August 25 of 2016 despite being in a critical stage of colon cancer. Bölek continues to be kept in prison given his severe health circumstances backed by the medical reports.
-Tuğba Yıldız: A mother of three was detained on January 15, 2017, in Tekirdağ province. During 24-day long police detention, she had been tortured and mistreated before she eventually developed symptoms of a psychological disorder to the extent of losing her sanity, as revealed by the doctor reports. And yet the court ruled for the arrest of Yıldız and sent her to prison, where she has been incarcerated ever since.
-Nurhayat Yıldız: This 14-week-old-pregnant woman had been imprisoned with her alleged ties to the Gülen movement. After reviewing her medical reports, her plead to be released had been denied. She was kept in a crowded cell with 24 inmates where she suffered a miscarriage on October 6 of 2016. After receiving two days of hospital treatments, she was thrown back in jail. Yıldız’s situation portrays one of the many cases where inhuman treatments executed toward pregnant women who are forced to be in jail both during their pregnancy and immediately after giving birth.

● Medical students: Following the failed coup attempt, medical students have also been negatively impacted. Many students who are enrolled in the medical schools that have been shut down, were forced to partake in other universities across Turkey. There are cases where medical students have been subjected to persecution or even imprisonment of alleged ties to the Gülen movement. Details following such situations are provided within the report.

Stockholm Center of Freedom

Download as a PDF File: https://silencedturkey.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Turkeys_massive_crackdown_on_health_care-1.pdf


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