freedom of speech

Freedom Convention on Turkey 2023

The Freedom Convention Turkey 2023 will shed light on critical issues that have garnered international attention in Turkey addressing the democratic backslide, collapse of the rule of law, abuse of anti-terror laws, ramifications of restricted freedom of expression and multifold dwindling human rights.

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Justice, Awareness, and Unity: Highlights from the AST Human Rights Festival

The unforgettable AST (Advocates of Silenced Turkey) Human Rights Festival, which took place in Greenview Park in New Jersey, emphasized justice and awareness by taking a stand against the injustices in Turkey. The event held amidst the greenery drew attention to human rights violations on a warm summer day.

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Advocates of Silenced Turkey Report 2022

When the Turkish President declared in an infamous speech that “Old Turkey no longer exists. This Turkey is new Turkey”, the story of Turkish authoritarianism had once and for all taken on a new character. Since July of 2016, the Turkish government has improperly imprisoned 160,000+ homemakers, teachers, NGO workers, academics, judges, prosecutors and journalists.

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Freedom Convention 2022

Since the failed coup attempt in 2016, Turkish government has been carrying out profound human rights violations against hundreds of thousands of people – from arbitrary deprivation of the right to work and to freedom of movement, to torture and other ill-treatment, arbitrary detentions and infringements of the rights to freedom of association and expression.

AST, deeply concerned about Turkey’s government’s disregard of human rights, has been organizing The Freedom Convention since 2020. Remarking on the international covenants, of which Turkey is a state party, this year the convention will address the arbitrary deprivation of civil and political rights and crack down on freedom of expression in Turkey.

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Freedom Convention Turkey 2021; that will address injustices, inequalities, human rights violations taking place under the current regime in Turkey; will be held virtually on December 10th, Human Rights Day.

Consisting of three panels, the convention will shed a light on human rights violations in Turkey.

Mark your calendars to hear from exclusive voices on these topics.

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International human rights standards are increasingly understood to require special and improved care for women prisoners with children. Pregnant women, women in the post-partum phase of childbirth, and crucially, newborns, require access to intensive and routine medical services and highest attainable prison standards. Imprisoned women with children face distinct challenges that other prisoners may not experience while they serve their sentences. In international human rights terms, rights of women with children fall under three categories and are protected by instruments of international law which enumerate the rights of prisoners, women, and mothers. In the Turkish Republic, governed by President Recep T. Erdogan and Justice and Development Party (AKP), the treatment of women prisoners and their children has deteriorated since 2016, the year during which Turkey experienced a general shift towards authoritarianism. At the time of this publication, the first quarter of 2020, the Turkish government’s treatment of women prisoners and their children falls radically short of standards detailed by landmark instruments put forth by the United Nations and adopted by the international community. Developments pertaining to the rights of women and children signal the continued deterioration of these rights under the current government without legitimate efforts to improve conditions by Turkish authorities.

This report is based on desk research and interviews with former prisoners conducted mainly via telephone and skype in January to March 2020. It was not possible to interview prisoners who remain behind bars and others who continue to live in Turkey as they fear government retribution for sharing their stories. The report proceeds by analyzing the current condition of prisons in Turkey as they pertain to pregnant women and women with dependent children. The analysis provides a succinct overview of the ongoing violations in Turkish prisons by comparing and contrasting current practices of the Turkish government with the universally recognized and widely ratified United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-Custodial Measures for Women Offenders (Bangkok Rules). The analysis is composed of part commentary and part interview data. The details of each violation are interwoven directly into the comments to provide a vivid and relatable description of victims’ experiences. Volunteer interviewers for Advocates of Silenced Turkey conducted telephonic interviews with victims whose identities have been anonymized for this report. While some of these women have agreed for AST to publicize their identity, we have currently chosen to keep all data anonymous in order to protect the families of victims who continue to live in Turkey and may face persecution as a direct result of this publication. All interviews have been audio recorded with permission, transcribed, and translated with special attention paid to preserving the authenticity of the information shared by interviewees. Volunteers who conducted interviews utilized an organic conversational tone throughout each meeting, however, they were appropriately trained to effectively extract certain data from each woman. All questions used by interviewers were distilled from relevant international human rights instruments. The Tokyo Rules and Bangkok Rules in particular have played a critical role in shaping and directing the language and content of the questionnaire.

In the second and final part of the report, AST has created a catalog of all victims whose information has been made available through open-source research platforms. The desk research conducted by our associates has mainly relied on social media platforms, especially Twitter, which remain as final standing sources of real news in the Republic of Turkey. In a strictly controlled media environment, news regarding victims of the presiding government receives little to no attention. Thus, our cataloging efforts rely on publicly available information often volunteered by victims or close friends and relatives of victims on social media platforms. The information contained in the catalog section of this report will continue to be updated with increasingly more reliable data and sources as they become available over time.


Advocates of Silenced Turkey urges conscientious objectors, relevant human rights organizations, and UN special rapporteurs to encourage the government of Turkey to implement four major recommendations related to improving the living conditions of captive mothers and babies, by:

 Urging the Turkish government to effective immediately revise its policy of imprisonment towards pregnant women and women with dependent children. Non-custodial sentences shall be preferred where possible and appropriate, especially when prison conditions pose a threat to the lives of mothers and children.

 Urging the Turkish Ministry of Justice to eliminate excessive overcrowding in prison dormitories, dedicate increased resources to the physical and mental wellbeing of women and children, provide maternity support before and after birth, and ensure access to adequately nutritional food.

 Encouraging independent organizations to organize and promote transparent research on the number of children affected by their mothers’ confrontation with the criminal justice system in order to contribute to policy formulation and program development, taking into account the best interests of the children.

 Urging Turkish authorities to liaise with international criminal justice experts to develop better institutional safeguards & provide training to prison administrators and staff in order to prepare them to respond correctly to the day-to-day needs of imprisoned mothers and children.


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Following the so-called coup attempt on the 15th of July 2016, the Turkish government under the authoritarian leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan has taken a wave of oppressive actions against not only the alleged coup plotters but also those that are perceived as critics of the regime. Currently, as part of Turkey’s post-coup crackdown, more than 130,000 people including judges, academics, teachers, journalists, police and military officers, and other public servants have been dismissed from their jobs. In correlation, more than 217,000 have been detained and 160,000 have been arrested. Amnesty International reports that detainees were “being held arbitrarily” with “no evidence establishing reasonable suspicion of criminal behavior” and that “only a tiny minority of them were accused of taking part in the actual events of the attempted coup”.

Amid the massive crackdown of hundreds of thousands of dissidents, human rights organizations and the U.N. Human Rights Council have noted that human rights are violated on a large scale by the Turkish government. Arbitrary killings, suspicious deaths of people in custody, forced disappearances, tortures, ill-treatments, injustice, and threats – mostly against the followers of the Gulen Movement, Kurds, and the Leftists – have been reported widespread during this large-scale witch-hunt.

As people continue to be arrested and many more tortured and abducted, the present brief of Advocates of Silenced Turkey (AST) highlights some of the key human rights concerns that have taken place in Turkey during this on-going period.


More than 130,000 public servants, with their names attached in lists to emergency orders, were dismissed by emergency decrees. These public servants included over 4,463 judges and prosecutors, 6,021 academics, 6,000 health-care professionals, 33,500 teachers, and 44,500 police and military officers. Not only were people dismissed arbitrarily but also banned permanently from working in the public sector – many were even banned to practice their profession.


With approximately 4,463 judges and prosecutors (including two judges from the Turkey’s highest court) dismissed permanently, over one-fifth of Turkey’s judiciary has been removed. Of those dismissed, at least 2,200 were jailed with their assets frozen due to their alleged links to the Gulen movement. Consequently, the climate of fear paralyzed the judges and prosecutors who still have their positions. The fear combined with the heavy government influence in the court system led to the collapse of the judiciary system and the deterioration of human rights in the country. As a result, Turkey ranked 109 out of 126 countries in 2019 on the rule of law index of the World Justice Project.


Lawyers are among the many groups affected by the post-coup crackdown in Turkey. They were unlawfully associated with their clients’ alleged crimes. Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported that many lawyers were targeted with criminal investigations with little or no evidence. According to the Arrested Lawyers Initiative, over 1,500 lawyers were persecuted over the past three years including 14 lawyers who were presidents of provincial bar associations – of those persecuted lawyers, one third remained imprisoned before and during their trials, and 274 were convicted of membership of armed terrorist organizations and sentenced to long prison sentences. Furthermore, approximately 34 bar associations were shut down by presidential decree with alleged affiliations to terrorist organizations.


Following the coup attempt, 3,003 private schools and 15 universities linked to the Gülen movement were closed by a presidential decree. Eventually resulting in the displacement of over 60,000 students across the country. Over 8,500 academics reportedly lost their jobs either due to direct dismissals or university closures since September 2016 – and many of them were imprisoned. Large-scale dismissals of academics and teachers significantly damaged the education sector thus diminished the right to education.


Turkey’s education minister Ziya Selçuk announced last week that 301,878 books had been destroyed as the government cracks down on anything linked to Fethullah Gülen. Turkish newspaper BirGün reported that 1.8m textbooks had been destroyed and reprinted for containing the “objectionable” word Pennsylvania, which is where Gülen lives.


In the aftermath of the failed coup, the government closed down 200 media outlets – including 53 newspapers, 37 radio stations, 34 TV channels, 29 publishing houses, 20 magazines, and six news agencies – with accused links to the Gulen movement, Kurdish opposition, or Leftists groups. Consequently, a total of 2,308 media workers and journalists have lost their jobs. The government canceled hundreds of press accreditations and revoked passports of an unknown number of journalists and their family members to ban them from traveling abroad. In addition, the government imprisoned a record-breaking number of journalists in the wake of the coup attempt – with that, Turkey became the world’s largest prison for journalists. The Platform for Independent Journalism (P24) reported that at least 126 journalists and media workers were in prison in Turkey as of October 2019 – among them, many were put in long solitary confinement. 

The absence of freedom of expression is not only a recurring problem for journalists but for citizens as well. In 2018, the Ministry of Interior reported that more than 7,000 individuals were detained for their social media posts after investigating 631,233 digital materials. In relation to the censorships and content restrictions in the country, Wikipedia has been blocked in Turkey since April of 2017. Currently, out of the 180 countries, Turkey ranks 157th on the Press Freedom Index of Reporters Without Borders and is listed among ‘not free’ countries by the Freedom House.


Turkish government has shut down 14 hospitals and 36 medical centers after the coup attempt on the pretext of alleged ties to the Gülen movement. Therefore, an estimated 21,000 health care professionals were laid off – including doctors, academics, nurses, midwives, and other hospital staff. Of those, 5,261 are medical doctors and academics who specialize in the medical sciences. The figures of how many health care professionals have been detained, arrested or currently in prison are estimated in the thousands. Given the longstanding issue of hospital and staff shortages in the country, the dismissals of health care professionals and the closure of hospitals left many patients in despair of medical care.


With the persecution of tens of thousands of critics, the current population in Turkish prisons is 4-5 times higher than the normal capacity – it has increased from 171,267 inmates in 2015 to 260,144 in 2018. Given the capacity of 211,766, inmates are forced to remain in overcrowded cells. In order to free up space for more political prisoners, the government released nearly 34,000 convicts from prisons. The inadequate provision of health care to prisoners also remains a serious problem. Officially reported by the Ministry of Justice Prison and Correctional Facilities, there were 271 doctors serving nearly a quarter-million of the prison population – of whom, only eight were full-time. Insufficient access to freshwater, proper heating, ventilation, and lighting are other concerns for prison conditions. There are 62,669 political prisoners, 4,000 of them being women and 780 of them being children.


Despite the government’s zero-tolerance claim for torture policy, human rights groups have reported widespread and systematic use of torture and ill-treatment in police custody following the coup-attempt – including severe beatings, threats of sexual assault and actual sexual assault, electric shocks, waterboarding, sleep deprivation, stress positions, long solitary confinement, and depriving of food and water. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) stated acts of torture and ill-treatment aimed “at extracting confessions or forcing detainees to denounce other Individuals” in its report on Turkey in 2017. The Human Rights Association (HRA) reported that the number of incidents where prisoners were subjected to torture and ill-treatment in detention centers and prisons was 2,178 in 2016, 2,415 in 2017, and 1,505 in 2018. The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) reported a total of 126 suspicious deaths and suicides since the coup attempt – most of those occurred in detention centers and prisons, seemingly a direct result of torture and ill-treatment.


In the aftermath of the coup attempt, forced disappearances made a comeback in Turkey. Opposing politicians and respected human rights groups claimed at least 128 abductions or possible enforced disappearances of individuals. Most of the victims were identified as dismissed public servants with alleged ties to the Gulen movement or critics of the government. Allegedly, victims were abducted outside detention facilities and illegally questioned and tortured by Turkey’s intelligence agency. Moreover, Turkey’s intelligence agency reportedly abducted over more than 100 alleged Gulen affiliates from 18 countries – individuals often deported illegally – against the universal conventions – by cooperative governments without due process.


The prison conditions for women and children are exceedingly alarming. According to the Justice Ministry, as of 2017, nearly 10,000 women and 3,000 children under 18 are in Turkey’s prisons. The inhumane prison conditions also hold weight in women prisons. They face additional issues of the male security staff frequently obstructing their privacy during hospital visits, oftentimes leading to an incomplete examination.  Among the prisoners, there are more than 30 pregnant women or women who just gave birth and 780 children under 6 years old imprisoned along with their mothers – including 149 infants under 1-year-old. Pregnant women are forced to stay with other inmates in overcrowded cells, also denied access to proper prenatal care – posing serious risks to their well-being. Likewise, mothers with children are also forced to share a cell with inmates.

Even when prison authorities are willing to let the child see a doctor, they do not allow mothers to accompany them. Children have to sleep in the same bed with their mothers and are not assigned a cradle or a separate bed.

The state pays $2 a day per prisoner for food. Since children are not technically incarcerated, they are not allotted any daily food rations and share their mother’s meals.

More than %80 of children in jail with their mothers do not receive any education.

Only %18 receive kindergarten or nursery services, but even then, there is a shortage of educational materials.


Another unlawful activity being pursued during this period is revoking the passports of government critics with perceived affiliations to the Gulen movement, Kurdish opposition, Leftists groups and their family members. On this ground, the Turkish government put restrictions on approximately 155,000 passports, reported by the SCF. Since their passports are restricted, many people, with the fear of persecution, use smuggler routes to flee from the country. Unfortunately, many died in the Evros River and the Aegean Sea. Turkey revoking its citizens’ passports also causes travel struggles for those across the world.


The Turkish government abuses laws to seize assets of its critics. As of March 2018, the government had seized the assets of approximately 1,124 businesses and 127 individuals. According to the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund of Turkey, the net worth of the seized assets is an estimated $32.24 billion since the 2016 coup attempt. Moreover, in most cases, the government freezes the assets of those on trial, financially crippling them and their families.








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AST REPORT 2018-2019


When the Turkish President declared in an infamous speech that “old Turkey no longer exists. This Turkey is new Turkey”, the story of Turkish authoritarianism had once and for all taken on a new character. Since July of 2016, the Turkish government has improperly imprisoned 130,214 homemakers, teachers, NGO workers, academics, judges, prosecutors, and journalists.

We are a group of lawyers, judges, academics, journalists, and hundreds of activists who cherish democratic ideals and universal human rights. We are prisoners of conscience wanted by the Erdogan’s regime, relatives of political prisoners, and victims who have lost their jobs, property, and family members to the current administration which has been described as a Mafia State. We are the Advocates of Silenced Turkey. We, the Advocates, have made it our mission to champion the rights of Silenced Turkey until universal human rights and democratic governance are established and sustained as the utmost priorities of the Republic of Turkey.


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly June 30

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_June 30

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly- 06/25/2019-06/30/2019

  1. “Website entry exposes Constitutional Court bias against Gülen-related cases”

2. “Turkey orders detention of 27 sailors from Naval Forces”

3. “Editor of gov’t-critical news website detained for insulting Turkish president”

4. “Officials who conducted Turkish intelligence trucks probe in 2014 get lengthy prison sentences”

5. “Top court rules German-Turkish journalist’s rights violated during detention in Turkey”

6. “New era begins in İstanbul as İmamoğlu accepts mandate for second time”

7. “Pregnant, ailing women among 4 arrested in Turkey’s Osmaniye due to Gülen links”

8. “I wasn’t aware Öcalan’s brother had been sought by Turkish authorities: Erdoğan”

9. “Some 2,000 Turkish soldiers purged since end of state of emergency”

10. “AKP deputy chair contradicts Erdoğan over İmamoğlu’s prosecution: report”

11. “US-based Turkish academic released after detention for signing peace petition”

12. “Not surprising that people commit suicide behind bars, says man abducted, tortured by Turkish intelligence”

13. “Autopsy report reveals graphic details about murder of military cadet on July 15”

14. “Court acquits teacher who pleaded with gov’t to spare children’s lives”

15. “Gov’t transfers mayoral appointment authority to city councils after losses in big cities”

16. “108 military cadets acquitted, 18 get life without parole in July 15 coup trial”

17. “Erdoğan signals possible Cabinet shakeup following election defeat in İstanbul”

18. “Kurdish signs removed after March 31 elections re-erected in Bitlis”

19. “Kurdish man alleges racist attack by police officer pretenders”

20. “16 Turkish civil society leaders go on trial over Gezi Park protests”

21. “Pregnant woman arrested on terrorism charges over alleged Gülen links”

Erdogan Hükümeti tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri

  1. “​Behzat Ç.’den KHK’li fragman: Yayın tarihi belli oldu”

2. “Ruslar Denizbank’ı Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’ne devrediyor”

3. “İmamoğlu’nu kabul etmiyorum’ diyen İSPARK müdürü de istifa etti”

4. “Halk TV’de görevden almalar sürüyor”

5. “Suriye rejim güçleri Türk askeri gözlem noktasını vurdu: 1 şehit, 3 yaralı”

6. ““Hep derdim ki; Gülnur hayata ne acelen var? Öyle çok acelesi varmış ki; 28 yaşında gitti!””

7. “Erdoğan: ABD’nin yaptırım uygulamayacağını Trump’tan duymuş olduk”

8. “Türk yargısı 2019: Mahkeme yanlış fotoğraf gönderdi, TRT “kesin o” diye rapor yazdı”

9. “Alman iç istihbarat raporunda MİT’e özel başlık: Faaliyetler tek tek anlatıldı”

10. “Meclis’ten yükselen ses: “Yargı reformu 700 bebeği ve annelerini cezaevinden çıkarmalı””

11. “Bahçeli’den Negahan Alçı’ya mektup tepkisi: ‘Satılık kalem’”

12. “Edirne’de düzensiz göçmen faciası: 10 ölü”

13. “Yeni askerlik yasası Resmi Gazete’de: Zorunlu askerlik altı ay, bedelli askerlik kalıcı oldu”

14. “ABD’de tutuklu bulunan Hakan Atilla tahliye oluyor”

15. “Askerlik 6 aya indi, 130 bin er erken terhis olacak”

16. “Bu sefer senin şerefine İmamoğlu”

17. “Osman Kavala tahliyesini istedi, hakim “Edersem ikametinizi verir misiniz” diye sordu”

18. “TÜSİAD: İstanbul’un başarısı Türkiye’nin başarısıdır”

19. “Seçim zaferi için Ekrem İmamoğlu’ndan teşekkür videosu”

20. “Dünya basını hemfikir: Kaybeden Erdoğan”

21. “BM’den koruma talep eden 8 kişi Moğolistan’dan çıkış yolu arıyor”

22. “Koğuş arkadaşı bebekler”

23. “Boğaziçi Köprüsünde boğazı kesilerek şehit edilen Harbiyeli Enes’in otopsi raporu”

24. “Kara Harp Okulu davasında 108 beraat”

25. “Bağ evinde ters kelepçe ile gözaltına alınanlar beraat etti”

26. “10 yıldır kanser hastası, 650 gündür cezaevinde”

27. “Türkiye’yi tedavi edecek değerler”

28. “Bırakın, insanlık kazansın”

29. “Kimin yolundan gideceksin, karar ver?! (1)”

30. “OHAL Komisyonu 78 bin başvurunun sadece 6 binini kabul etti”

31. “Ankara Barosu: Kaçırma olayı MİT’e sorulmalı”

32. “Bekçilerden, ‘ters kelepçeli, darplı, tehditli’ GBT uygulaması”

33. “Eşi kaçırılan Fatma Zeybek’ten KHK’lı Yıldırım’a destek”

34. “İdlib’de TSK noktasına saldırı: 1 şehit, 3 yaralı”

35. “Veli Saçılık’tan eşi kaçırılan kadınlara destek: İnsanlık suçuna karşı herkes duyarlı olmalı”

36. “Ayşe Öğretmen 3 yıl sonra beraat etti”

37. “Hakan Atilla 19 Temmuz’da tahliye mi oluyor?”

38. “OHAL sonrası TSK’dan 2 bin 49 asker ihraç edildi; gerekçe ankesörlü telefonla aranma”

39. “Göçmenleri taşıyan minibüs kaza yaptı: 10 ölü, 30 yaralı”

40. “Gezi Davası’nda Osman Kavala’nın tutukluluğuna devam kararı”

41. “Sırrı Süreyya Önder’in kızından anlamlı mektup: Mutlunun mutsuza borcu var”

42. “Cezaevindeki annesine gönderdiği fotoğraf ‘zafer işareti var’ diye delik deşik edildi”

43. “TSK personeline ‘cadı avı’ operasyonu: Çok sayıda gözaltı var”

44. “Gezi davası başladı; Osman Kavala: “Suçlamalar son derece haysiyet kırıcı””

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AST Statement in Turkish: To cancel passports to silence dissidents is against international law. Free to leave is a right and must be respected by Turkish Authorities and President Erdogan




Prof. Dr. Haluk Asuman SAVAŞ OLAY: İki kez tekrarlamış kanser hastası olup yurt dışında kanser tedavisi olmak isteyen KHK’lı Prof. Dr. Haluk Asuman SAVAŞ’ın pasaport başvurusu, terör örgütü üyeliğinden yargılandığı mahkemenin beraat kararına ve yurt dışı yasağının kaldırılmış olmasına rağmen, OHAL KHK’sı ile kamudan ihraç olduğu ve pasaportu KHK ile iptal edildiği için reddedildi1 . Kamuoyunda oluşan tepkiler üzerine, Adana Valiliği’nce 15.05.2019 tarihinde yapılan basın açıklamasında2 , “Söz konusu şahsın hukuki durumu, rahatsızlığı, alınan belgeler ve talebi; son 20 yılda zaruri hallerde istisnai bir durum olarak sadece birkaç kişi için kullanılan yetki kapsamında değerlendirilmek üzere İçişleri Bakanlığına 14.05.2019 tarih ve 14780 sayılı yazı gönderilmiş olup, Bakanlığımızın yapacağı değerlendirmeye göre işlem tesis edilecektir.”; 16.05.2019 tarihinde yapılan ek basın açıklamasında3 , “Yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda adı geçen şahıslara 5682 Sayılı Pasaport Kanunun 22. maddesi gereğince zaruri haller kapsamında pasaport düzenlenecektir.” ifadeleri ile pasaport red işlemi kabul edilerek, istisnai bir durum olarak ve kişiye özel çözüm üretileceği belirtilmiştir. OHAL KHK’sı ile pasaportları iptal edilen yüzbinlerce kişinin olduğu bilinmektedir. İçişleri Bakanlığı’nın 05.08.2018 tarihli duyrusuna4 göre, “…Nüfus ve Vatandaşlık İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü ve Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü, kendisi hakkında bir adli veya idari işlem olmadığı halde, eşleri hakkında yürütülen işlemlerden dolayı şerh konulduğu tespit edilen 155.350 kişinin pasaportlarındaki șerhler 25.07.2018 tarihinde kaldırmıştır.”. Yine, İçişleri Bakanlığı’nın 01.03.2019 tarihli duyurusunda5 , “Bakanlığımız tarafından yapılan inceleme ve araştırma neticesinde; daha önce pasaportuna idari tahdit uygulanan 155 bin 350 kișinin pasaportu geçerli hale getirilirken, buna ilaveten 57 bin 191 kișinin de pasaportundaki idari tahdit kaldırıldı.

Böylece, Bakanlığımızca bugüne kadar toplam 212 bin 541 kișinin pasaportundaki “idari tahdit” kaldırılarak, pasaportları geçerli hale getirildi.” denmektedir. İHLALLERE İLİŞKİN TEMEL METİNLER : Hakkında adli bir karar olmaksızın bireylerin pasaportlarının iptal edilmesi ve iade edilmemesinin tarafı olduğumuz uluslararası anlaşmalar, Anayasa ve evrensel hukuk ilkelerini ihlal ederek bireylerin temel hakların (yaşam hakkı, seyahat özgürlüğü vd.) kısıtlanmasına yol açtığı ve “işkence” tanımlaması kapsamına girdiği görülmektedir. T.C. Anayasası’nın 90. maddesi uyarınca uluslararası anlaşmalar üst normdur6 .  Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi’nin7 3. maddesine göre: “Yaşamak, özgürlük ve kişi güvenliği herkesin hakkıdır.”. Beyanname’nin 5. maddesine göre: “Hiç kimseye işkence yapılamaz, zalimce, insanlık dışı veya onur kırıcı davranışlarda bulunulamaz ve ceza verilemez.”. Beyanname’nin 13. maddesine göre: “Herkesin bir devletin toprakları üzerinde serbestçe dolaşma ve oturma hakkı vardır. Herkes, kendi ülkesi de dahil olmak üzere, herhangi bir ülkeden ayrılmak ve ülkesine yeniden dönmek hakkına sahiptir.”. Beyanname’nin 2. maddesine göre ise: “Herkes, ırk, renk, cinsiyet, dil, din, siyasal veya başka bir görüş, ulusal veya sosyal köken, mülkiyet, doğuş veya herhangi başka bir ayrım gözetmeksizin bu Bildirge ile ilan olunan bütün haklardan ve bütün özgürlüklerden yararlanabilir.”.  Medeni ve Siyasi Haklara İlişkin Uluslararası Sözleşme’nin8 6. maddesine göre: “Her insan doğuştan yaşama hakkına sahiptir. Bu hak hukuk tarafından korunur. Hiç kimse yaşama hakkından keyfi olarak yoksun bırakılamaz.”. Sözleşme’nin 7. maddesine göre: “Hiç kimse işkenceye veya zalimane, insanlıkdışı veya onur kırıcı muamele veya cezaya maruz bırakılamaz.”. Sözleşme’nin 12. maddesine göre: “Bir Devletin¸ ülkesinde hukuka uygun olarak bulunan bir kimse, o ülke sınırları içinde seyahat etme özgürlüğüne ve yerleşeceği yeri seçme hakkına sahiptir. Herkes kendi ülkesi de dahil, bir ülkeden ayrılmakta serbesttir. Yukarıda belirtilen haklar, bu Sözleşmede tanınan diğer haklara uygun olarak ulusal güvenlik, kamu düzeni (ordre public), genel sağlık veya genel ahlak veya başkalarının hak ve özgürlüklerini korumak için gerekli sebepler ile hukuken öngörülmüş sınırlamalar dışında hiç bir sınırlamaya tabi tutulamaz. Hiç kimse, kendi ülkesine girme hakkından keyfi olarak yoksun bırakılamaz.”. Sözleşme’nin 26. maddesinde ise: “Herkes, hukuk önünde eşittir ve hiç bir ayrımcılığa tabi tutulmaksızın hukuk tarafından eşit olarak korunma hakkına sahiptir. Hukuk bu alanda her türlü ayrımcılığı yasaklar ve herkese ırk, renk, cinsiyet, dil, din, siyasal veya başka bir fikir ulusal veya toplumsal köken, mülkiyet, doğum veya başka bir statü ile yapılan ayrımcılığa karşı etkili ve eşit koruma sağlar.”. denmektedir.  İşkence ve Diğer Zalimane, Gayri İnsani veya Küçültücü Muamale veya Cezaya Karşı Sözleşme’nin9 1. maddesine göre: “ Sözleşme amaçlarına göre, “İşkence” terimi, bir şahsa veya bir üçüncü şahsa, bu şahsın veya üçüncü şahsın işlediği veya işlediğinden şüphe edilen bir fiil sebebiyle, cezalandırmak amacıyla bilgi veya itiraf elde etmek için veya ayrım gözeten herhangi bir sebep dolayısıyla bir kamu görevlisinin veya bu sıfatla hareket eden bir başka şahsın teşviki veya rızası veya muvafakatıyla uygulanan fiziki veya manevi ağır acı veya ızdırap veren bir fiil anlamına gelir. Bu yalnızca yasal müeyyidelerin uygulanmasından doğan, tabiatında olan veya arızi olarak husule gelen acı ve ızdırabı içermez.”.  Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi’nin10 1. maddesine göre: “ Yüksek Sözleşmeci Taraflar kendi yetki alanları içinde bulunan herkese bu Sözleşme’nin birinci bölümünde açıklanan hak ve özgürlükleri tanırlar.” Sözleşme’nin 2. maddesine göre: “Herkesin yaşam hakkı yasayla korunur. Yasanın ölüm cezası ile cezalandırdığı bir suçtan dolayı hakkında mahkemece hükmedilen bu cezanın infaz edilmesi dışında, hiç kimsenin yaşamına kasten son verilemez.”. Sözleşme’nin 3. maddesine göre: “Hiç kimse işkenceye veya insanlık dışı ya da aşağılayıcı muamele veya cezaya tabi tutulamaz.”. 5. maddeye göre: “Herkes özgürlük ve güvenlik hakkına sahiptir.”. Sözleşme’nin 14. maddesinde ise: “Bu Sözleşme’de tanınan hak ve özgürlüklerden yararlanma, cinsiyet, ırk, renk, dil, din, siyasal veya diğer kanaatler, ulusal veya toplumsal köken, ulusal bir azınlığa aidiyet, servet, doğum başta olmak üzere herhangi başka bir duruma dayalı hiçbir ayrımcılık gözetilmeksizin sağlanmalıdır.” denmektedir. T.C. Anayasası’nın 17. maddesine göre: “Herkes, yaşama, maddî ve manevî varlığını koruma ve geliştirme hakkına sahiptir. Tıbbî zorunluluklar ve kanunda yazılı haller dışında, kişinin vücut bütünlüğüne dokunulamaz; rızası olmadan bilimsel ve tıbbî deneylere tâbi tutulamaz. Kimseye işkence ve eziyet yapılamaz; kimse insan haysiyetiyle bağdaşmayan bir cezaya veya muameleye tâbi tutulamaz.”. Anayasanın 23. maddesine göre: “Herkes, yerleşme ve seyahat hürriyetine sahiptir. Yerleşme hürriyeti, suç işlenmesini önlemek, sosyal ve ekonomik gelişmeyi sağlamak, sağlıklı ve düzenli kentleşmeyi gerçekleştirmek ve kamu mallarını korumak; Seyahat hürriyeti, suç soruşturma ve kovuşturması sebebiyle ve suç işlenmesini önlemek; Amaçlarıyla kanunla sınırlanabilir. (Değişik: 3/10/2001-4709/8 md.; 12/9/2010-5982/3 md.) Vatandaşın yurt dışına çıkma hürriyeti, ancak suç soruşturması veya kovuşturması sebebiyle hâkim kararına bağlı olarak sınırlanabilir.”. Anayasanın 10. maddesine göre: “Herkes, dil, ırk, renk, cinsiyet, siyasî düşünce, felsefî inanç, din, mezhep ve benzeri sebeplerle ayırım gözetilmeksizin kanun önünde eşittir. … Devlet organları ve idare makamları bütün işlemlerinde kanun önünde eşitlik ilkesine uygun olarak hareket etmek zorundadırlar.”. Anayasanın 13. maddesine göre: “Temel hak ve hürriyetler, özlerine dokunulmaksızın yalnızca Anayasanın ilgili maddelerinde belirtilen sebeplere bağlı olarak ve ancak kanunla sınırlanabilir. Bu sınırlamalar, Anayasanın sözüne ve ruhuna, demokratik toplum düzeninin ve lâik Cumhuriyetin gereklerine ve ölçülülük ilkesine aykırı olamaz.”. Anayasanın 2017 yılında değişiklik yapılmış 15. maddesine göre de: “(Değişik: 16/4/2017-6771/16 md.) Savaş, seferberlik veya olağanüstü hallerde, milletlerarası hukuktan doğan yükümlülükler ihlâl edilmemek kaydıyla, durumun gerektirdiği ölçüde temel hak ve hürriyetlerin kullanılması kısmen veya tamamen durdurulabilir veya bunlar için Anayasada öngörülen güvencelere aykırı tedbirler alınabilir. (Değişik: 7/5/2004-5170/2 md.) Birinci fıkrada belirlenen durumlarda da, savaş hukukuna uygun fiiller sonucu meydana gelen ölümler dışında, kişinin yaşama hakkına, maddî ve manevî varlığının bütünlüğüne dokunulamaz; kimse din, vicdan, düşünce ve kanaatlerini açıklamaya zorlanamaz ve bunlardan dolayı suçlanamaz; suç ve cezalar geçmişe yürütülemez; suçluluğu mahkeme kararı ile saptanıncaya kadar kimse suçlu sayılamaz.”. Bu hak ihlallerinin Türk Ceza Kanunu kapsamında karşılıklarına ilişkin değerlendirme bu çalışma kapsamı dışında tutulmuş olduğundan idari tahdit eyleminin oluşturduğu suçlar incelenmemiştir.

TESPİT VE ÖNERİLER: Yukarıda kısaca değinildiği üzere, idari tahdit usulü gerek ulusal gerekse uluslararası düzenlemeler karşısında açık hak ihlali oluşturmakta ve devlet olarak üstlenilen yükümlülüklerin de ihlaline sebebiyet vermektedir. Kabul edilen anlaşmalara bağlı uluslararası yükümlülüklere aykırı davranışın ise hem devlet, hem de hukuka aykırı eylemleri gerçekleştiren kişiler açısından sorumluluk doğuracağı kuşkusuzdur. AST, yukarıdaki tespitler ışığında hukuka aykırılığı açık olan idari tahdit uygulamasından kaynaklı hak ihlallerine derhal son verilerek mağduriyetlerin artmaması için Türk hükümetine çağrı yapmakta ve aşağıdaki önerilerde bulunmaktadır: 1. Açıkça hukuka aykırı olan idari tahdit uygulaması sebebiyle bireylerin mağduriyetine sebep olan kamu görevlilerinin bu sorumluluklarının daha fazla artmaması için, Anayasa 90. maddesi karşısında “kanuna aykırı emir” olan ve uygulayıcılar açısından iç hukuktaki muhtelif hükümleri ihlal ederek suç teşkil eden idari tahdit uygulamasının icrasında yer alınmamalı, bireylerin haklarını kullanabilmeleri için gerekli işlemler gecikmeksizin yapılmalı ve durum derhal yazılı olarak amirlere bildirilmelidir. 2. Uluslararası anlaşmalar karşısında devlet olarak sorumluluğun daha fazla artmaması ve yaptırımlara maruz kalınmasının önlenmesi için,  Uluslararası anlaşmalara ve Anayasa hükümlerine aykırı olan idari tahdit uygulamasına derhal son verilmelidir.  Uluslararası anlaşma hükümleri kapsamında yer alan yükümlülükler çerçevesinde, gerekli yasal düzenlemeler yapıldıktan sonra, kamu görevlilerince etkin şekilde uygulanmasının takibi yapılmalıdır.

1 Prof. Dr. Haluk Asuman SAVAŞ’a ait @drhaluksavas hesabından 13.05.2019 tarihinde atılan twitlerde belirtilmiştir.









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