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SILENT SCREAM: True Stories of Oppression in Turkey

“The three true stories in this book are about the three of the countless brave women in Turkey who fought against extreme and systemic political injustice and oppression, who did everything they could to protect their families and took enormous risks in pursuit of their quest for freedom.”


You will burst into tears when you read how a young woman had to give birth in a janitor’s small apartment without making any single sound, and what happened then to the newborn baby in the land of oppression.

On that night, the Aegean Sea has become the grave of many innocent lives. One woman, even though she didn’t know how to swim, has survived. But unfortunately, it was in her destiny to witness the last minutes of her husband and her two tiny babies that she was holding in her arms. Meanwhile, the conscience of humanity was silent!

After finding herself in prison without any evidence of a crime, the young woman had a severe nervous breakdown because she was unable to bear the separation from her two little children. When the head guard in prison threatened her with sending her to a mental hospital, she never shed a tear again.

If you do not have enough budget to buy the e-book, but want to get the book and do something for the oppressed in Turkey.
Please fill the survey and get your e-book free.

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You know how it goes in fairy tales… The dark sorcerer who gets angry at the prince uses magic to turn him into a frog. The frog-turned-prince cannot talk anymore, so only a miracle can save him now. This is pretty much what happened to the volunteers of the Hizmet Movement. Using a staged fake coup, the patriots of this country were framed in just one night as traitors by the evil corrupt political power and their names were added into the lists of torture and death. All their properties have been seized and they were left no other choice but to escape from their homeland.

What you will read below are the true stories of the Hizmet volunteers, one of them is a past lawyer of Bank Asya and the other is a distinguished scientist. You will witness how their lives have been taken from them after that ominous night of coup and how they fought back to save their families from evil.

The only difference between these stories and those fairy tales is that… Everything in this story is true!

If you do not have enough budget to buy the e-book, but want to get the book and do something for the oppressed in Turkey.
Please fill the survey and get your e-book free.

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Send A Letter to Stop Abductions of Erdogan Regime

Sample letter to send international organizations to stop abductions carried out by authoritarian Erdogan regime in Turkey and abroad is below.

Dear ………………….,
I would like to share my deep concern about the prevalent abduction cases conducted globally by Turkish authorities under the Erdogan regime. Below please find detailed information about the issue and a link to a report on the abduction cases released by
Advocates of Silenced Turkey (AST). I’d appreciate your concern and support regarding this dire human rights violation.

Since July 2016, the Turkish government went on to imprison hundreds of thousands of homemakers, mothers, children, babies, teachers, NGO workers, academics, judges, prosecutors, journalists and countless other victims. Erdoğan declared a “witch-hunt” against Gülen’s followers, attempting to convince countries through carrot and stick policies or more diplomatic means to join his personal fight and do the same to the Hizmet members within their borders.

Unfortunately, in some countries, the local intelligence agencies cooperated to seize Gülen followers, while in some others, Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (MİT) didn’t even need to ask for permission to stage an operation. Albania, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Cyprus, Gabon, Georgia, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kenia, Kosovo, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine are some of these countries.

Although ascertaining the exact number is not easy, AST has put together a List of Abduction Report, which includes: names, professions, date of disappearances, place of the incidents, the current status of the persons and the details regarding the incidents. Victims were abducted inside and outside Turkey through nefarious methods, brushing away even the most basic rights to fair trial and defense.

Here are some examples of the cases from the report: Isa Ozdemir, a businessman, was abducted from Azerbaijan in July 2018. He is currently jailed and pending trial in Turkey. İsa Özdemir was delivered to the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT) by the Azeri authorities unlawfully. The European Court of Human Rights demanded Azerbaijan authorities to explain the reason for the rendition of Özdemir despite concerns that he may be subjected to torture in Turkey. Başoğlu was questioned by the MİT before submitting him to the prosecution.

Arif Komis, an educator, was detained in Malaysia in August 2019. The police from the Malaysian Immigration Bureau detained Arif Komis, his wife and four children. Komis, the director and a teacher at Hibiscus International School, had applied for asylum and was under UN protection. Malaysia surrendered the teacher to Turkey, ignoring reactions against this decision in the international and domestic circles. He is currently jailed and pending trial in Turkey.

Very recently, Orhan Inandi went missing in Kyrgyzstan in June 2021. Educator İnandı, founder and director of the Sapat school network in Kyrgyzstan, went missing after leaving his house in Bishkek on Monday evening, the TR7/24 news website reported. He was last contacted by a friend at around 9 p.m. Attempts by his family to contact him all failed. He is feared to have been abducted by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) due to his alleged links to the Gülen movement, according to his family. Taalaygul Toktakunova, Inandi’s lawyer, shared with the press a footage recorded by a camera in Orhan Inandi’s car. Inandi’s lawyer claimed that Akbarov Ulan, a former employee of Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Internal Affairs, met Orhan Inandi at the night of his abduction. The family has been seeking more information to find Orhan Inandi regarding these claims.

The veil of secrecy over the enforced disappearances has still not been lifted, and it will probably take many years for a full-fledged illumination of them. Those who were found were mostly traumatized after long sessions of tortures. Their physical and psychological conditions were devastated beyond description.

I urge all relevant institutions of the International Human Rights community to urgently provide information to resolve questions and suspicions about the incidents. I also urge the Turkish authorities to carry out a thorough, prompt, independent and impartial investigation on enforced disappearances and abductions. I also call on Kyrgyzstan government to investigate the abduction case of Orhan Inandi, who is still believed to be in Bishkek, take urgent action to find his whereabouts and prevent him from any possible deportation.

Please find the whole report at

also another report on abductions at

Freedom House’s report on Turkey’s Transnational Repression at

more information about the most recent abduction case (Orhan Inandi case) at

more information about Orhan Inandi’s lawyer’s statements at

You can find the whole copy of the letter from the LINK to send the addresses below.

Relevant Contacts

The Honorable Dunja Mijatovic

Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights Council of Europe
Avenue de I’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 34 21
Fax: +33 (0)3 90 21 50 53
Email: [email protected]

Committee Against Torture – Petitions and Inquiries Section

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected],  [email protected],  [email protected],  [email protected]

United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland
Téléphone: (41-22) 917 90 00
Fax: (+41-22) 917 90 06
E-mail: [email protected]

Petitions and Inquiries Section/Committee on En- forced Disappearances

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva
Email: [email protected]

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

House Committee on Foreign Affairs 5100
O’Neill House Office Building 200 C Street SW Washington, D.C. 20515 United States of America
Phone: +1 (202) 225-3599
Fax: +1 (202) 226-6584
Email: [email protected]

US Helsinki Commission

234 Ford House Office Building 3rd and D Streets SW Washington, DC 20515
Email: [email protected]

United National Human Rights Committee Petitions Team

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10 (Switzerland)
Fax: + 41 22 917 9022 (particularly for urgent matters)
E-mail: [email protected]


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The intent of this report is to declare the victims of the ‘New Turkey,’ especially women with children who have been under persecution since the July 15, 2016 coup attempt. Although the Turkish government does not promote transparent data on the number of children imprisoned with their mothers, there are 864 children in the prison according to the Justice Department Prison and Penitentiaries Management. The ages of these children vary between newborns to 6 years, as of May 24, 2019.

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Freedom Convention 2020


Turkey Freedom Forum is a unique convention for human rights activists, intellectuals and policy makers focused on human rights violations in Turkey organized by AST. Participants and experts will not only learn the ongoing violations and persecutions in Turkey but also be able to develop strategies and recommendations to Turkish government and international bodies to end those grave violations through the panel discussions.

In pursuance of justice and peace, this forum aims to bring hundreds of human rights defenders and activists together and also to foster the dynamics to mobilize.

December 9-10th, 


Registration Form


If you have any questions concerning these terms and condition please contact us at [email protected]


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 22

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 22

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 1/15/2018-1/22/2018

1-“Lawyer for jailed journalist says Turkey faces ‘constitutional crisis'”

2-“721 people detained over Gülen links in past week: ministry”

3-“Police tortured post-coup suspect, threatened to rape wife during Ramadan: columnist”

4-“Former intel chief calls for use of ASALA, MOSSAD tactics to kill Gülen followers”

5-“Journalists Ahmet Şık, Murat Sabuncu and Akın Atalay denied release from prison”

6-“Report: Koç University student commits suicide as father, a dismissed chemistry teacher, under arrest for months”

7-“Former medical faculty dean jailed over alleged ByLock use”

8-“Freedom House: Turkey is no longer a free country”

9-” Suspects who attacked 75-year old woman released after brief interrogation: report”

10-“BIA report: 237 aggravated life sentences sought for 520 journalists in Turkey”

11-“Worker stages naked protest in front of Turkey’s nat’l employment agency”

12-“Upper courts reject appeals to release journalists Altan and Alpay”

13-“Euro court fines Turkey 5,000 euros for closing opposition newspaper in 2001”

14-“Turkey freedoms hit after ‘deeply-flawed constitutional referendum’”

15-“Erdoğan’s news agency targets exiled journalists over Afrin messages”

16-“Detention warrants issued for 35 over Afrin messages”

17-“Erdoğan advisor likens Turkey purge to Aborigine, Native American, Armenian cases”

18-“Woman sent back to jail with newborn a day after delivery”

19-“2 more journalists arrested on terror charges by Turkish court”

20-” BIA report: 237 aggravated life sentences sought for 520 journalists in Turkey”

21-“The UN confirms torture and abuse in Turkey ”

22-“HRW: Media, activists, political opposition targeted in Turkey in 2017”

23-“Human Rights Watch says Turkey’s post-coup OHAL commissions not independent”

24-“7-month-old spent 475 days in prison until gov’t pardoned mother over alleged Bylock use”

25-“37 Air Force Academy cadets get life sentences over coup charges”

26-“[VIDEO] Couple, dismissed as judge and prosecutor, detained over Gulen links”

27-“Fethullah Gülen’s nephew jailed after 12 days under custody”

28-“Purge-victim dies of multiple sclerosis weeks after being released from prison”

29-” Turkish Journalist Kılıç In Prison For 17 Months For Sharing Quotes From A Movie Scene”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 1/15/2018-1/22/2018

1-“Eşine çarpan ehliyetsiz şoförü şikayet ederken ailesinin önünde polisler tarafından darp edildi”

2-“OHAL’de ihraç edilen 100 bin mağdurun talepleri hala cevapsız”

3-“Yakub Saygılı ve yardımcılarının Avukatı: İşkenceye varacak hak ihlalleri var”

4-“Silivri’de tek tip gerekçesiyle elbiseler verilmiyor”

5-“Mehmet Altan’ın tahliye talebi üst mahkeme tarafından da reddedildi”

6-“‘MEB okullarda istismarı önleyemiyor’”

7-“Kılıçdaroğlu: Türkiye Almanya’nın 1940’larını yaşıyor”

8-“CHP’li Aksünger: AİHM ByLock davalarından dolayı Türkiye’yi mahkum edecek”

9-“Emekli General İsmail Hakkı Pekin’den insanlık dışı hedef gösterme”

10-“Alpay ve Altan için AİHM ihlal kararı verecek”

11-“‘İtirafçı tanık’: ‘İfadeyi imzalamazsan ‘karınla oruç bozarız’ dediler’ ”

12-“Halkın Hukuk Bürosu’nun, İstanbul’daki tüm avukatları tutuklandı ”

13-“‘Paramiliter güçler’i yazan gazetecinin evi kurşunlandı”

14-“Türmen: AİHM hak ihlali kararı verecek, Türkiye uymak zorunda”

15-“Financial Times: Türkiye’ye ‘hukuki kriz’ uyarısı yapılıyor”

16-“CHP lideri Kılıçdaroğlu: Yargı iflas etmiştir”, 3curaV_gYkWIdyUYTvoNqw

17-“Freedom House, Türkiye’yi ‘özgür olmayan ülkeler’ kategorisine aldı”

18-“AİHM, Yeni Evrensel davasında Türkiye’yi mahkum etti”

19-“Doğumhane kapısında lohusa Ayşe Ateş için ‘utanç’ nöbeti”

20-“AKP zulmüne maruz kalan Mesut Dinç aşırı üzüntüden hayatını kaybetti”

21-“ByLock kullanmadı ama tanık beyanıyla 2 çocuk annesi 7 aydır tutuklu”

22-“Özgür Gündem Nöbetçi GYY’lerine 9 yıl 9 ay hapis cezası”

23-“Öldüresiye dövüp ziynet eşyasını aldılar; mahkeme serbest bıraktı ”

24-“‘Tek tip kıyafet’ uygulaması Diyarbakır Cezaevi’nden başlıyor

25-“Kazakistan’da kaçırılan Öğretmen Zabit Kişi, 4 aydır Ankara TEM’de tutuluyor”

26-“Hukuksuzca hapsedilen ve malvarlığı gasp edilen işadamı kanserden vefat etti”

27-“Erdoğan’ın Başdanışmanı Mehmet Uçum’dan OHAL’de soykırım itirafı..”

28-“Fevzi Yazıcı sahte belge gerekçesiyle Türköne’yi ise keyfi hücreye koydular”

29-“AKP zulmüne maruz kalan Mesut Dinç aşırı üzüntüden hayatını kaybetti”

30-” HRW: Türkiye’de demokrasi yok edildi, AB izledi”

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300 families have fled Turkey to Greece due to post-coup crackdown

A Turkish family that was victimized by a government purge of the Gülen movement following a failed coup in July 2016 has fled to Greece in an inflatable boat, telling their children it was a “game,” Euronews reported.

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Freedom for Babies

There are more than 700 babies and 17 000 women in jail in Turkey. No more moms and babies should be behind the bars in Turkey.

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