Fethullah Gulen

Turkish government’s ‘Global Purge’ targeted opponents in at least 46 countries

Turkish government has pursued an aggressive policy to silence its perceived enemies in at least 46 countries across four continents, as part of its post-coup crackdown, a Foreign Affairs article noted Monday. The Turkish government has been hunting its opponents abroad, particularly the supporters of the Gulen movement since before and after the failed putsch on July 15, 2016, the article said adding that government’s alleged enemies were targeted at least in 46 countries.

Elaborating on the purge abroad, the magazine said: “Ankara has revoked thousands of passports, and achieved the arrest, deportation, or rendition of hundreds of Turkish citizens from at least 16 countries, including many who were under UN protection as asylum seekers. It has successfully pressured at least 20 countries to close or transfer to new owners dozens, perhaps hundreds, of Gulen movement schools.”

Turkish government accuses the movement of masterminding the 2016 failed coup while the latter denies involvement. More than 150,000 has passed through police custody while over a one-third of those were remanded in prison over Gulen links in Turkey. More than 3,000 schools, dormitories, and universities were shuttered while over 1,000 companies were seized at home.

While the article presents an in-depth insight into the chronological relations between the movement and Turkey’s governments in the recent history, it says the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government labeled the group as a terrorist organization before waging an all-out war against it.


“Since the failed coup attempt, Turkey has exerted diplomatic pressure on various governments to arrest or deport hundreds of individuals from around the world. By my count, 15 countries have arrested or deported various representatives of the movement, ranging from supposed financiers to schoolteachers. Those countries include Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Georgia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Morocco, Myanmar, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Turkmenistan. …In at least three cases—Kazakhstan, Myanmar, and Sudan—individuals appear to have been turned over to Turkey without judicial proceedings, perhaps through the operation of a special National Intelligence Organization unit that Turkey’s state news agency says was established to track down “high-value” Gulenists. There have also been multiple cases in which those deported were apparently seeking asylum and thus had protected status at the time they were sent to Turkey: news reports say this was the case in Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Malaysia, and Pakistan. Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov admitted that the August 2016 deportation of a software engineer who had applied for asylum before the coup attempt was “on the edge of the law.” In other cases, like in Angola, Pakistan, and Qatar, there were mass deportations following the closure of Gulen schools.”

Also, pro-government commentators, such as Cem Kucuk, have talked casually about how MIT should kill members of the Gulen movement abroad, the magazine reported.

Closure of schools abroad

“The movement’s schools are under extreme pressure in the global purge,” the article highlighted before detailing the pressure on Gulenists’ overseas facilities: “Since its falling-out with the Gulenist movement in 2013, the government has been pressing other countries to shutter the schools. The Gambia closed its Gulen schools in April 2014. Turkey’s close ally Azerbaijan followed soon thereafter and Tajikistan shut down its Gulen schools in 2015. But elsewhere in the world, these schools largely remained open until the coup attempt of July 2016, after which Turkey increased the pressure. The results were quick. Schools were almost immediately closed in Jordan, Libya, and Somalia. Angola, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Morocco, and Tanzania followed suit in early 2017. Before the year was out, Afghanistan, Chad, Georgia, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, and Tunisia had all closed or transferred schools.

Pressure extends beyond Gulenists

Not only the supporters of the movement have been targeted, the article said, adding that all alleged government enemies within and outside Turkey were affected.

“In fact, 31 percent of all those arrested in government operations under the state of emergency, which has been in place since October 2016, were associated with Kurdish or leftist groups, according to official figures compiled by iHop, a Turkish human rights monitoring group. Nearly 400 academics who signed a petition before the coup attempt calling for peace between the state and the PKK in January 2016 have also been fired, and some have left Turkey or remained abroad. Others who have been convicted or charged while outside the country now fear traveling because of the threat of detention due to Interpol notices.”

“The global purge has also touched Interpol. In December, the AP reported that Interpol representatives were examining up to 40,000 extradition requests, some perhaps from Turkey, for possible political abuse. The report came after a number of high-profile cases involving Turks abroad, including Dogan Akhanli, a left-wing writer with dual German and Turkish citizenship who was arrested and forced to remain in Spain for two months while Spanish authorities assessed Turkey’s extradition request.”


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Turkish Police Torture Two University Personnel For Weeks In Antalya Over Their Alleged Links To Gülen Movement

Sedat Gökçen and Ahmet Gödük, two former personnel of the International Antalya University, which was closed by a government decree under the rule of emergency over its alleged affiliation with the Gülen movement, have reportedly been subject to heavy torture and maltreatments for weeks under the police custody in Turkey’s Antalya province.

According to information shared by a @Turkeydeiskence, a Twitter account focuses on the torture and maltreatment cases in Turkey under the rule of emergency, because of the severe torture in Antalya Police Department Ahmet Gödük has become unable to walk. The @Turkeydeiskence has reported that Gökçen and Gödük have been subjected to physical torture, maltreatments and psychological pressure to oblige them to make “confessions.”

It was reported that Gökçen and Gödük were detained on January 16, 2018 at Antalya Terra City Shopping Mall by a group of civil police officers. Police officers applied physical violence to Gökçen and Gödük even during the process of their detentions. Because of the violence applied to him, herniated disc problem of Gökçen has reemerged and he has experienced a severe loss in his hearing capability and he lost his balance. He has bruises and swelling in different parts of his body.

Ahmed Gödük, who has also herniated disc problem, has started to experience serious problem as he walks because of the heavy violence he has been a target.

It was also reported that the police have prevented Gökçen and Gödük from getting doctor reports in order to prevent the exposure of torture and maltreatments they applied. Therefore, the custody periods of Gökçen and Gödük were arbitrarily extended to 15 days so that the traces of torture that they had imposed on them to vanish.

Also during this long detention period, Gökçen and Gödük were subjected to maltreatments including threats, insults, starvation, deprivation of bathing, interfering with their worship. At the end of the detention period with torture and maltreatments, Gökçen and Gödük were arrested by a local court and sent to Döşemealtı Prison in Antalya.


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 29

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 29

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 1/22/2018-1/29/2018

1-“Activist Detained in Turkey for Tweets”

2-“Turkey detains 41 including 6 journalists over tweets criticizing military operations in Afrin”

3-“Turkey issues detention warrants for 16 military personnel over coup charges”

4-“Warrants issued for 35 social media users over postings against Afrin operation”

5-“Journalist Nurcan Baysal detained for social media posts against Turkey’s Afrin operation”

6-“615 people detained over Gülen links in past week: ministry”

7-“Turkish Gov’t Detains At Least 91 More Over Alleged Propaganda On Social Media Against Military Operation In Afrin”

8-“Turkish Charitable Businessman’s Heart Couldn’t Bear Erdoğan Regime’s Oppressions”

9-“Turkish Radio Show Host Calls On Police To Kill Afrin Operation Critics”

10-“Kurdish Books Take Their Share From Turkish Government Crackdown”

11-“Turkish prosecutors launch investigation into pro-Kurdish deputies over Afrin tweets”

12-“Retired teacher put in pre-trial detention over posts critical of Turkey’s Afrin operation”

13-“Quarterly magazine editor Haydar Ergül jailed”

14-“15 years jail time sought for former editor in chief of state-run TRT News”

15-“[AUDIO] Pro-Erdogan radio host calls on police to kill Afrin operation critics”

16-“[VIDEO] Owner, wife, principal detained following dawn raid at Bursa school”

17-“Warrants issued for 129 former police officers: 80 detained”

18-“Head of local lawyers’ association sentenced to 9 years in prison”

19-“Fethullah Gülen’s niece sentenced to 7.5 years in jail”

20-“Access to The Region, Jin News banned in Turkey”

21-“International bar association says concerned about torture against jailed Turkish lawyers”

22-“Imprisoned pro-Kurdish politicians go on hunger strike in protest of Turkey’s Afrin operation”

23-“Turkey issues detention warrant for son of former chief justice over coup charges”

24-“Int’l bar association calls on Turkey to stop persecution of legal professionals”

25-“Reinstatement denied: Purge-victim educators end hunger strike, vow to take fight to court”

26-“Report: Four detained for criticizing Friday sermon in support of Turkey’s Afrin operation”

27-“Woman detained after being overheard ‘insulting Erdogan’ during bus ride”

28-“Post-coup victim dies following explosion at firework company: report”

29-“Belgian police say Turkish embassy in Brussels behind online threats against journalists”

30-“721 Twitter accounts are currently banned in Turkey: report”

31-“Turkish School Official Affiliated to Gulen [Movement] Missing in Sulaimani”

32-“NASA scientist accused of terrorism awaits verdict in Turkish trial”

33-“Targeted by Dictator Turkish Family Seeks Refuge ”

34-“OSCE’s Désir calls on Turkey to release detained journalists”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 1/22/2018-1/29/2018

1-“Türkiye’de 70 bin tutuklu öğrenci var!”

2-“Tek tip hukuksuzluğu Silivri’de de başladı!”

3-“Yaşanan tüm zorluklara rağmen duruşundan taviz vermeyen mağdurlar!”

4-“Afrin Harekatına tepki gösteren emekli öğretmen tutuklandı”

5-“Gazeteci Seda Taşkın gözaltına alındı”

6-“Gazetecilere Afrin Harekatı gözaltısı!”

7-“BM Raportörü’nden dehşet verici ‘Türkiye’de artan işkence’ raporu”

8-“Kazakistan’da kaçırılan Öğretmen Zabit Kişi, 4 aydır Ankara TEM’de tutuluyor”

9-“Evlere baskın, gazetecilere gözaltı”

10-“Yazar Baysal ve gazeteci Karakaş’a ‘sosyal medya gözaltısı’”

11-“Erdoğan’ın hedef gösterdiği gazeteye saldırı: Madımak ruh halini yaşıyoruz”

12-“Tek Tip Elbise İşkencedir, Derhal Vazgeçilmelidir!”

13-“HRW direktöründen Nurcan Baysal için çağrı”

14-“15 Temmuz’dan bu yana mağdur edilen insanlar!”

15-“‘Kalbin hızlı atıyor’ diyerek “çıplak arama” yaptı”

16-“Tutuklu emniyet müdürlerine sistemetik işkence!”

17-“Kalp yetmezliği olan tutukluyu bile bile ölüme sürüklediler”

18-“Yurt Atayün, Ömer Köse ve ailelerine sistematik psikolojik işkence uygulaması”

19-“Kırıkkale cezaevinde kameraların görmediği yerde işkence!”

20-“OHAL’de avukatların durumu: 1488 kötü muamele, 572 tutuklama ve 72 hapis”

21-“HDP Pendik ilçe binasına saldırı: Daire ateşe verildi, eşyalar tahrip edildi”

22-“TRT Haber’den ‘tuhaf’ yayın: TSK, sivillere bombardıman yapıyor, saldırıyordu”

23-“Erdoğan ‘Savaşı durdurun’ diyenlere ağzına geleni söyledi: Adiler, hainler, ahlaksızlar”

24-“‘Tehdit mesajları konsolosluktaki bilgisayarlardan gönderildi’”

25-“Sokak ortasında genç kıza saldırdı, serbest bırakıldı”

26-“Ambulans yerine cezaevi aracına bindirilen tutuklu hayatını kaybetti”

27-“Enes Kanter’in bu fotoğrafı nedeniyle ‘dişçisi’ 18 aydır tutuklu”

28-“Cezaevinde işkence: ‘Şurada kamera yok, dövebilirsiniz’”

29-“Cemevine nefret mektubu: Alevileri Müslüman olarak ölüme davet ”

30-“Evinde Gülen’in kitapları bulundu: İlaç kaçakçılığı ile suçlandı”

31-“Otobüste sohbet eden kadını ‘cumhurbaşkanına hakaret’ten fişlemişler”

32-“69 gündür tutuklu HDP’liye Afrin gerekçesiyle gözaltı kararı!”

33-“Türkiye KHK ile ihraç edilen ismi AİHM’e aday göstermek zorunda kaldı!”

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Severity of Human Rights Violations in Turkey & Support to Turkish Migrants and Refugees

Since the attempted coup of July 15, 2016, the government of Turkey has been taking strict measures to silence dissidents in other countries from various ideologies recently. One of these opposition groups, the Gulen Movement (a.k.a “Hizmet Movement”, meaning service in Turkish), has been the main target since 2013. The Gulen Movement is a faith-based non-political, cultural and educational movement. The Movement is composed of a cluster of religious, educational and social organizations inspired by Fethullah Gulen.

After the July 15 failed coup attempt, the Turkish government accused Fethullah Gulen and his sympathizers for having a connection with the failed coup. Gulen has repeatedly dismissed any involvement in the coup attempt. Foreign intelligence units such as Germany’s BND Foreign Intelligence Agency’s chief, EU intelligence-sharing unit (Intern), UK Parliament and U.S. House Intel Chair have all noted that there is no evidence that shows Gulen’s involvement. Nonetheless, Gulen spoke to global media outlets right after the coup attempt and called for an open international investigation to find out who was behind the attempt.

Yet, the Turkish government chose to declare state of emergency, which still continues, to purge thousands of people. Alleged supporters of the Movement in Turkey have been dealing with arrest, imprisonment, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, confiscation and passport seizure. After the failed coup, more than 130,000 people have been arbitrarily detained and more than 60,000 people have been arrested. Most of them are from the elite part of the society and are all well-educated individuals with different backgrounds such as doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, engineers and so on. The striking point is that most were imprisoned with no compelling evidence of any criminal activity. Nonetheless, there are 17,000 women in jail and 1914 children, where 688 are babies under age of six. There have also been several cases where women who just gave birth have been put in prison with their few days old babies. Moreover, more than 4,400 judges and prosecutors have been dismissed. The government has also seized 3,003 schools, dormitories, and universities. The government has also confiscated more than 800 companies worth more than $10 billion.

All independent media in Turkey have been shut down and confiscated by the government. Turkey is the leading country to imprison most journalists. Turkey has arrested 319 journalists since the coup. A lot of people are arrested for talking against government’s policies. Many students get imprisoned for their critical tweets. 70 thousand students are currently in jail in Turkey.

People are also arrested for having downloaded an encrypted messaging phone application called ByLock. The government believes coup plotters used this application. The Turkish Intelligence Organization (MIT) has handed over a list of people who have allegedly downloaded the application. People who are alleged of downloading the application have been imprisoned. Prof. Izzet Özgenç, who is one of the founders of the Turkish Penal Code, emphasized that the Bylock arrests made without revealing any evidence are unlawful. Recently, Ankara Public Prosecutor’s Office announced that close to 11 thousand people have been mistakenly investigated for use of ByLock. Turkey has also put the Amnesty International’s Turkey head, Taner Kiliç in jail for having downloaded block. While Kiliç claims that he has never downloaded the application, he is facing imprisonment for up to 15 years.

International human rights organizations have condemned and reported the human rights violations occurring in Turkey. Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) announced Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as the winner of ‘Most Outrageous Use of Terror Laws Against the Press’ and ‘Most Thin-skinned’ awards. A new report released by the independent, non-profit and non-partisan watchdog organization Freedom House concluded that democratic principles such as election integrity and freedom of the press, political and civil rights have severely downgraded in Turkey that is no longer ‘a free country’. Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported in its recent “World Report 2018” that innocent people are imprisoned with no substantial evidence, inalienable rights have been taken away, and that there are more than 2,200 cases of torture and ill-treatment. Hugh Williamson, Europe, and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch said that “everywhere you look, checks and balances that protect human rights and rule of law in Turkey are being eroded”.

Due to increasingly severe human rights violations in Turkey, families have chosen to leave their country to seek safe haven. Many families have sought to enter Europe to seek asylum due to geographical proximity. However, there are also thousands of people who have also successfully reached and sought asylum in the United States. Unfortunately not everyone successfully reaches Europe. On November 21, 2017, Greek media reported that Greek authorities have found bodies of five members of the Maden family, including three children, a short time ago on the Greek Island of Lesvos. The father, Huseyin Maden, and mother, Nur Maden, were allegedly linked to the Gulen Movement and was forced to flee due to arrest warrant issued out on their names. The drowning has sparked outrage over an ongoing political purge.

Regrettably, Turkish government’s actions against the Gulen Movement are not limited to Turkish borders but are also extraterritorial. There are many examples of abductions and physical violence incidents in several countries as well as threats by pro-government people referring to the supporters abroad. Recently some Turkish teachers and principles who worked at schools funded by the Gulen Movement in Malaysia, Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan have been abducted, and in some cases illegally deported back to Turkey.

Families who have successfully reached the United States by escaping the oppression of the Turkish government are now facing new challenges. Most of the families have left everything behind in Turkey; jobs, houses, education, relatives and the Turkish government have blocked their bank accounts. Some families were able to only bring a single luggage.

These families are now in need of shelter, financial support, and acceptance of their asylum applications. You could help by personally providing donations to these individuals, or donate through human rights organizations like Embrace Relief or Advocates of Silenced Turkey, who focuses on these Turkish nationals. You could also help with helping them attain legal help and cover legal fees for their asylum applications, with their education fees. Some other ways you can help is by sending support letters regarding the persecution of these Gulen sympathizers to relevant bodies such as the State Department, embassies and the European Court of Human Rights. You can also create awareness using social media and encourage other human rights and humanitarian aid organizations to create campaigns on behalf of these individuals. Given their circumstance, we hope that you can help these people through your support. Every bit of help will aggregate to make a big difference.



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Human Rights Watch’s Report Shows the Severity of Human Rights Violations in Turkey

On January 18, 2018, the Human Rights Watch (“HRW”) published a report reviewing the human rights practices around the world in 2017. The report titled “World Report 2018: Events of 2017” examined more than 90 countries including Turkey. In parts relevant to Turkey, the HRW scrutinized a wide range of topics such as the state of emergency measures, freedom of expression, association and assembly, torture and ill-treatment in custody as well as refugees’ situation.

The report firstly referred to the April 2017 referendum which introduced a new presidential system lacking satisfactory system of checks and balances. It highlighted the fact that the referendum was carried out under the state of emergency in an environment of heavy media censorship. The HRW’s points about the new presidential system indeed indicate that the separation of powers is at risk in Turkey whereas it is one of the most significant components of democracy.

The state of emergency measures also attract attention. The president can adopt decree laws without parliamentary oversight or the possibility of judicial review according to Turkish legislation. As reported by the HRW, these decree laws include many controversial measures incompatible with Turkey’s responsibilities under the international human rights law. More than 110,000 people were dismissed or suspended from their public positions with no explanation but only their names on lists published via decree laws. The government shut down plenty of institutions including media outlets, businesses, schools and universities, hospitals and non-governmental organizations such as associations and foundations. What is worse, there is still no effective authority for all these real and legal persons to apply for a review. People had little hope when the “State of Emergency Procedures Investigation Commission” was introduced to investigate measures taken under the state of emergency. Nevertheless, as stated by the HRW, independence of the Commission is doubtful since all of its members are appointed with the government’s approval. Further appeal is possible on the paper, but it is likely to take too much time because of the high influx of applications and applicants have nothing else but wait about their right to work in public service to be taken away, bank accounts to be frozen and passports to be canceled.

Many people including teachers, public servants such as police officers and military personnel, journalists and politicians were either arrested or detained under the state of emergency as well. The striking point is that most were imprisoned with no compelling evidence of any criminal activity, but only because of their alleged links with the Hizmet Movement inspired by an Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen who has been blamed by the government to mastermind the coup attempt. It is crucial to note here that the Movement has been strongly denying any involvement and Mr. Gulen has called for an international investigation on the issue.

Freedom of expression, association and assembly were also violated considerably by the Turkish government. To clarify, the government has blocked many websites and banned a huge amount of content, and all types of peaceful public protests were banned by the government as well as were violently dispersed. Unsurprisingly, Turkey is the leading country in the number of jailed journalists whose trials and case files are again insufficient. The documents used as an evidence against arrested journalists are mostly writing and reporting which do not promote any type of violence. As there is always a prominent risk of imprisonment and censorship, other journalists and media agencies cannot publish anything critical but only pro-government ideas. In March, 21 journalists who were arrested because of their connections with the Hizmet Movement, were released by the court. Their families went to the prison facilities to bring them back to their homes but could not. After huge criticisms by pro-government media, an appeal was lodged against eight of them and a new investigation was started against the rest. Therefore, eventually, none of them were released. In addition, judges and a prosecutor who was at this trial were suspended by the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors. Many of the journalists from the newspaper Zaman, claimed to be supporting the Movement, have been on trial due to writings without a reference to any type of violence and they face life imprisonment.

Not only individuals related to the Hizmet Movement but also leftist and Kurdish people were targeted by the government. According to the HRW’s report, 19 journalists from the newspaper Cumhuriyet were jailed as well. In one of the cases concerning Cumhuriyet, Enis Berberoglu was sentenced to 25 years of imprisonment who is a parliamentarian from the main opposition party, Republican People’s Party (CHP). The court of appeal has overturned his conviction, yet he is not released as well as not expected to be released as the government still wants him behind bars. Similarly, plenty of journalists were arrested from the newspaper Ozgur Gundem which was shut down by the government.

Lawyers and human rights defenders received their own shares from the Turkish government’s oppression. Around 500 lawyers have been arrested and 1000 are yet on trial, mostly because of supporting the Hizmet Movement. Chair of Amnesty International, Taner Kilic, has been in prolonged detention with “politically motivated and unsubstantiated charges” as said by the HRW.

The HRW also explored the detention conditions during police custody and concluded that many instances of torture and ill-treatment were witnessed. There have been many cases reported where police officers beat detainees, left them in physically stressed positions and threatened them to rape. Enforced disappearances, scaring defense lawyers and interfering with medical examinations also took place in the country.

Regarding the ongoing conflict in the southeast region, the government could not yet make a progress. Party co-leaders and parliamentarians of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) were sent to prison. Additionally, 89 mayors were dismissed by the government as specified by the report. The government has clearly violated freedom of expression and rights to political association, participation, and representation.

The report highlighted the refugee crisis as well which indeed concerns the whole world. The conditions in which refugees live (mostly Syrian but also from other countries) are not compatible with international standards.

All these were expressed in various occasions by international actors. The United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the United States State Department and many other foreign governments have called the Turkish government to end this human rights disaster going on in the country as was stated by the Human Rights Watch’s report.



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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 22

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 22

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 1/15/2018-1/22/2018

1-“Lawyer for jailed journalist says Turkey faces ‘constitutional crisis'”

2-“721 people detained over Gülen links in past week: ministry”

3-“Police tortured post-coup suspect, threatened to rape wife during Ramadan: columnist”

4-“Former intel chief calls for use of ASALA, MOSSAD tactics to kill Gülen followers”

5-“Journalists Ahmet Şık, Murat Sabuncu and Akın Atalay denied release from prison”

6-“Report: Koç University student commits suicide as father, a dismissed chemistry teacher, under arrest for months”

7-“Former medical faculty dean jailed over alleged ByLock use”

8-“Freedom House: Turkey is no longer a free country”

9-” Suspects who attacked 75-year old woman released after brief interrogation: report”

10-“BIA report: 237 aggravated life sentences sought for 520 journalists in Turkey”

11-“Worker stages naked protest in front of Turkey’s nat’l employment agency”

12-“Upper courts reject appeals to release journalists Altan and Alpay”

13-“Euro court fines Turkey 5,000 euros for closing opposition newspaper in 2001”

14-“Turkey freedoms hit after ‘deeply-flawed constitutional referendum’”

15-“Erdoğan’s news agency targets exiled journalists over Afrin messages”

16-“Detention warrants issued for 35 over Afrin messages”

17-“Erdoğan advisor likens Turkey purge to Aborigine, Native American, Armenian cases”

18-“Woman sent back to jail with newborn a day after delivery”

19-“2 more journalists arrested on terror charges by Turkish court”

20-” BIA report: 237 aggravated life sentences sought for 520 journalists in Turkey”

21-“The UN confirms torture and abuse in Turkey ”

22-“HRW: Media, activists, political opposition targeted in Turkey in 2017”

23-“Human Rights Watch says Turkey’s post-coup OHAL commissions not independent”

24-“7-month-old spent 475 days in prison until gov’t pardoned mother over alleged Bylock use”

25-“37 Air Force Academy cadets get life sentences over coup charges”

26-“[VIDEO] Couple, dismissed as judge and prosecutor, detained over Gulen links”

27-“Fethullah Gülen’s nephew jailed after 12 days under custody”

28-“Purge-victim dies of multiple sclerosis weeks after being released from prison”

29-” Turkish Journalist Kılıç In Prison For 17 Months For Sharing Quotes From A Movie Scene”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 1/15/2018-1/22/2018

1-“Eşine çarpan ehliyetsiz şoförü şikayet ederken ailesinin önünde polisler tarafından darp edildi”

2-“OHAL’de ihraç edilen 100 bin mağdurun talepleri hala cevapsız”

3-“Yakub Saygılı ve yardımcılarının Avukatı: İşkenceye varacak hak ihlalleri var”

4-“Silivri’de tek tip gerekçesiyle elbiseler verilmiyor”

5-“Mehmet Altan’ın tahliye talebi üst mahkeme tarafından da reddedildi”

6-“‘MEB okullarda istismarı önleyemiyor’”

7-“Kılıçdaroğlu: Türkiye Almanya’nın 1940’larını yaşıyor”

8-“CHP’li Aksünger: AİHM ByLock davalarından dolayı Türkiye’yi mahkum edecek”

9-“Emekli General İsmail Hakkı Pekin’den insanlık dışı hedef gösterme”

10-“Alpay ve Altan için AİHM ihlal kararı verecek”

11-“‘İtirafçı tanık’: ‘İfadeyi imzalamazsan ‘karınla oruç bozarız’ dediler’ ”

12-“Halkın Hukuk Bürosu’nun, İstanbul’daki tüm avukatları tutuklandı ”

13-“‘Paramiliter güçler’i yazan gazetecinin evi kurşunlandı”

14-“Türmen: AİHM hak ihlali kararı verecek, Türkiye uymak zorunda”

15-“Financial Times: Türkiye’ye ‘hukuki kriz’ uyarısı yapılıyor”

16-“CHP lideri Kılıçdaroğlu: Yargı iflas etmiştir”
https://www.ntv.com.tr/turkiye/chp-lideri-kilicdaroglu-yargi-iflas-etmistir, 3curaV_gYkWIdyUYTvoNqw

17-“Freedom House, Türkiye’yi ‘özgür olmayan ülkeler’ kategorisine aldı”

18-“AİHM, Yeni Evrensel davasında Türkiye’yi mahkum etti”

19-“Doğumhane kapısında lohusa Ayşe Ateş için ‘utanç’ nöbeti”

20-“AKP zulmüne maruz kalan Mesut Dinç aşırı üzüntüden hayatını kaybetti”

21-“ByLock kullanmadı ama tanık beyanıyla 2 çocuk annesi 7 aydır tutuklu”

22-“Özgür Gündem Nöbetçi GYY’lerine 9 yıl 9 ay hapis cezası”

23-“Öldüresiye dövüp ziynet eşyasını aldılar; mahkeme serbest bıraktı ”

24-“‘Tek tip kıyafet’ uygulaması Diyarbakır Cezaevi’nden başlıyor

25-“Kazakistan’da kaçırılan Öğretmen Zabit Kişi, 4 aydır Ankara TEM’de tutuluyor”

26-“Hukuksuzca hapsedilen ve malvarlığı gasp edilen işadamı kanserden vefat etti”

27-“Erdoğan’ın Başdanışmanı Mehmet Uçum’dan OHAL’de soykırım itirafı..”

28-“Fevzi Yazıcı sahte belge gerekçesiyle Türköne’yi ise keyfi hücreye koydular”

29-“AKP zulmüne maruz kalan Mesut Dinç aşırı üzüntüden hayatını kaybetti”

30-” HRW: Türkiye’de demokrasi yok edildi, AB izledi”

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It is high time for the European Court of Human Rights to step in!

Turkey witnessed a coup attempt on 15 July 2016. The 3-month State of the Emergency regime which was declared immediately after the coup attempt (21/07/2016) by the Cabinet “to preserve the democratic order” has since been extended for five times.Despite calls by the European Union, the Council of Europe, and the Venice Commission and numerous human rights institutions for the Turkish government to end it, the State of Emergency Regime remains in effect. In defiance of its purpose, The Turkish government has subversively used the State of Emergency Regime against the country’s democratic parliamentary system, the rule of law and human rights.

During the state of emergency, so far;
-28 deputies have been taken into custody, duly elected mayors of 90 different towns/cities have been removed from office,
-61,247 individuals, including 16 deputies, two members of the Constitutional Court, 193 members of the Court of Cassation, 2360 judges and prosecutors, 571 lawyers and 308 journalists have been arrested,
-As of today, a total of 128,998 people have been taken into custody for terrorism-related offenses (being the members of an armed terrorist organization. 100 people a day are being arrested on average.

With thirty different Emergency Decree Law, which is exempt from judicial review;
-146,713 public servants including 4463 judges and prosecutors, 8693 academics, 6687 doctors and paramedics 44,392 teachers have been dismissed from their jobs,
-3003 private hospitals, schools, student dorms and universities, 187 media outlets, 1,412 associations and 139 charities have been shut down, and their assets have been confiscated,
-1,020 private companies have been seized.

On the face of these human rights breaches, European Court of Human Rights is the ultimate hope of the victims. Yet, the ECHR has been consistently refusing applications on the grounds that the domestic remedies in Turkey is not yet consummated.In order to prevent conviction at the ECHR, the Turkish government instituted the Constitutional Court as an additional court of appeal for individuals and established a highly unproductive Commission on Statutory Decrees Under State of Emergency. Neither institution helps the victims.

Only last week, four separate criminal courts of the first instance have refused to implement an order of the Turkish Constitutional Court to release veteran journalist Mehmet Altan and Sahin Alpay:
-On 11 January 2018, the Turkish Constitutional Court decided that the detention of journalists Sahin Alpay and Mehmet Altan were unlawful and that it constituted a violation of their rights protected by both the Turkish Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights,
-On the same day, Istanbul 13th and 26th High Penal Courts refused to release Altan and Alpay on the grounds that the decisions (of the TCC) have not yet been published in the Official Gazette,
-On 12 January 2018, Istanbul 13th and 26th High Penal Courts declined release of Altan and Alpay once again on the grounds that the TCC exceeded its authority as specified in the Constitution itself,
-On 15 January 2018, Istanbul 14th and 27th High Penal Courts turned down objections from the lawyers of Altan and Alpay that the decision of the TCC had to be implemented without delay and ordered their detention to continue.

In the light of the above, there is without a doubt no effective domestic remedy in Turkey and the judicial hierarchy as determined by the Turkish Constitution has been disrupted.

We, therefore, urge The European Court of Human Rights to reconsider its current view that the Turkish Constitutional Court offers an effective domestic remedy and start without further delay reconsidering applications brought by thousands of victims against Turkey.

It is high time for the European Court of Human Rights to step in!

We urge everyone to take action. Please sign the petition linked below:

This petition will be delivered to:
The European Court of Human Rights
The Council of Europe


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 8

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 8

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 1/1/2018-1/8/2018

1-” Arti Gercek columnist under police custody for 3 days”

2-” Gülen’s nephew detained in Istanbul”

3-” Turkish police detain another pro-Kurdish deputy in İzmir: report”

4-” Turkey’s National Intelligence received 25,000 informer reports on Gülenists in 2017: report”

5-” Turkey’s new racist political party: ‘Turks are superior race’”

6-” Turkish court approves 34-year sentence for 6 pro-Kurdish university students”

7-” Journalist Aysenur Arslan gets 12-month jail sentence for insulting Erdogan”

8-” [VIDEO] Pro-Erdogan journalists urge gov’t to seize Gulenists’ assets and pay potential US fines against Halkbank”

9-” Yet another journalist jailed in Turkey, already worst jailer of media in world”

10-” Two women detained during visit to jailed husbands in Edirne prison”

11-” Former Zaman columnist Ali Unal, under arrest for 17 months, denied request for release”

12-” ‘Gülenist’ couple ‘battered and tortured’ in Nevşehir prison”

13-” Disabled son of purge-victim ‘Gülenist’ family dies of intestinal cancer: report”

14-” Turkish court sentences pro-Kurdish deputy to 16 years, eight months in jail”

15-” Pro-Kurdish HDP deputy gets 21 months in jail for insulting Erdogan”

16-” Report: 189 journalists detained, 58 remanded in prison in 2017″

17-” At least 49 former Bank Asya shareholders taken into custody over coup charges: report”

18-” Pro-Kurdish deputy, already in jail, gets 1.5 years more in prison”

19-” 5-year-old boy dies after being hit by police vehicle in Diyarbakir: report”

20-” HDP leader, already in jail, fined TL 15,000 for insulting Erdogan”

21-” Civilians now taking up arms in two provinces, says İYİ Party leader”

22-” Business ethics professor remanded in prison after trying to escape to Greece”

23-” 36 more sought in İstanbul on suspicion of ByLock use”

24-” Turkish minister: 48,305 people jailed in 2017 over Gülen links”

25-” Lawyer under investigation, accompanied by infant, put in pretrial detention”

26-” Detention warrants issued for 70 more military personnel over Gülen links”

27-“German Ministry Confirms Connection Between Violent Gang And Turkish Gov’t”

28-“German Ministry Confirms Connection Between Violent Gang And Turkish Gov’t”

29-“KESK: Over 50 Public Officials, Who Were Dismissed By Gov’t Decrees, Commit Suicide In Turkey”

30-“Gülen’s 63-Year-Old Disabled Cousin Put Into Solitary Confinement By Turkish Authorities ”

31-“Erdoğan Targets Boğaziçi University, Claims ‘Engaged In Activities Against Turkey’”

32-” Four Young People Subjected To Turkish Police Violence Due To Hair Style”

33-” Report: Erdoğan Constructing New Regime In Turkey By Gov’t Decrees Under Rule Of Emergency”

34-” İstanbul Bar Files Complaint Against Minister Soylu Over His ‘Break The Legs’ Order”

35-” France Judicial Union Urges Macron To Require Erdoğan To Release Jailed Lawyers”

36-” France’s Macron urges respect of rule of law in talks with Erdogan”

37-” More than 100,000 Turks who lost jobs after 2016 coup attempt await rulings”

38-” Council of Europe criticizes Turkish ban on LGBTI events”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 1/1/2018-1/8/2018

1-” Katil sivillerden sonra, şirket yağmalayan kayyımları da korumaya aldılar.”

2-” Gergerlioğlu: Berk’i kaybettik, bari Eray babasını görmeli”

3-” ‘Tek tip Erdoğan’ın kişisel intikam davasıdır'”

4-” AYM, 12 Eylül işkenceleriyle ilgili hukuk defterini kapattı”

5-” OHAL Türkiye’sinde KHK mağduru 50 kişi intihar etti”

6-” 15 öğrenciye cinsel istismarda bulunan okul görevlisi tutuklandı..”

7-” Engelli öğrenciyi döven öğretmen ikinci kez serbest kaldı”

8-” Gergerlioğlu, Görmez ailesine uygulanan zulmü kaleme aldı..”

9-” Çankırı’da Polisten uzun saç dayağı..”

10-” Ahmet Altan: Darbenin değil, hukukun ve demokrasinin peşindeydik”

11-” ‘Çocuklar ölmesin’ diyen Ayşe öğretmen’in cezası ertelendi..”

12-” Ethem Sarısülük davasındaki delillerin tahrip edildiği ortaya çıktı..”

13-” Savcı “Sizin dosyanız zaten hazır” diyerek tutuklattı cezaevinde hücreye atıldılar”

14-” İşkenceyle öldürülen Yurdakul’un avukatı: C3 koğuşu özellikle oluşturulmuş..”

15-” 35 günlük Akif Bebek de cezaevine götürüldü..”

16-” Aile Bakanı’nın hapisteki bebeklere duyarsız kalmasına tepki yağdı”

17-” Gazi’de polisin öldürdüğü 2 kişinin davasında OHAL koruması..”

18-” “Hayatı boyunca darbelere karşı olmuş biri olduğum ortada…””

19-” Soylu, Gülen hareketine yönelik cinnet halinin raporunu sundu..”

20-” Konya’da Gülen Hareketi’ne kitlesel operasyonlarda 14 kişiye gözaltı..”

21-” OHAL’in suç karnesi: 126 suç türü”

22-” Türkiye’deki baski, tecrit, tutuklamalar ve yurt dişina hicretin belgeseli”

23-“Anayasa mahkemesi, ‘insanlik suçu’ olan işkenceyi kapatti; gerekçe zamanaşimi ”

24-” Ümit Özdağ: silahli kamplar için nokta verebiliriz, 23 ayda 2.3 milyon silah satildi ”

25-” Anayasa hukuku profesörü Kaboğlu: KHK’lari mit hazirliyor, hukuken yok hükmünde”

26-” Zeybekçi yine gebertmekten söz etti, KHK’yi savundu: birkaç kişiyi gebertirsem hesabi mi sorulacak?”

27-” Bank Asya hissedarlarina operasyon, 68 gözalti karari ”

28-” ‘Boğaziçi Üniversitesi yerli ve milli değerlere yaslanamıyor’”

29-” Bu kez Keysan Gülen: Gülen’in bir yakını daha gözaltına alındı”

30-” Gazeteci Deniz Yücel: Tek tip kıyafeti asla kabul etmeyeceğim”

31-” ‘Nazilerden tek fark; Bugün Türkiye’de sadece gaz odaları yok’”

32-” AKP’li Elitaş: Şunu taciz ettin, yumruk vurdun, diye mi yargılansınlar?”

33-” Dünya tanık: Özakça’nın annesi yerlerde sürüklenerek gözaltında”

34-” Bitlis’te PKK’lılara ait olduğu iddia edilen 279 mezar açıldı”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 1

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 1

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 12/18/2017-12/25/2017

1-” Dismissed teacher dies following heart attack: report”

2-” [VIDEO] Turkish man attacks ‘Set Children Free’ demo in Germany”

3-” 617 people detained over Gülen links in past week: ministry”

4-” Slain Kurdish writer Musa Anter’s son among those dismissed”

5-” 1,750 Gulen followers fled Turkey’s post-coup crackdown to Greece in 2017: report”

6-” Letter from Tekirdag prison censored, cut off with scissors”

7-” Turkish political scientist put in solitary confinement: report”

8-” İstanbul court removes Ahmet Şık from courtroom, rules Cumhuriyet journalists to remain in jail”

9-” Jailed pro-Kurdish leader on new jumpsuits: I would rather wear a shroud than a uniform in court”

10-” Former advisor to Turkey’s main opposition leader gets 10 years in prison on terror charges”

11-” Turkey detains 23 noncommissioned officers over coup charges”

12-” Vocalist among those dismissed in Turkey’s coup crackdown”

13-” Wrestler detained at Turkey-Bulgaria border while on way to escape coup crackdown: report”

14-” Detention warrants issued for 171 academics, university personnel”

15-” Pro-gov’t daily says 60,000 post-coup prisoners to wear controversial jumpsuits”

16-” Turkey issues detention warrants for 23 Hacettepe University academics, staff members”

17-” Turkish prosecutors now say 11,500 mistakenly investigated over ByLock use”

18-” Jailed cancer patient dies amid allegations he was denied hospital access”

19-” Private security guard passes away following heart attack during court hearing”

20-” Survey: 16.7 pct of post-coup prisoners considered suicide”

21-” 4 already committed suicide as gov’t pardons 11K mistakenly investigated people: report”

22-” 62,402 detained over Gülen links in 2017: state-run Anadolu”

23-” Mother with 25-day-old baby allegedly jailed on coup charges in İstanbul”

24-” Turkish activists to jailed businessman Kavala: We feel your absence, and we miss you a lot”

25-” EP’s Harms: ECtHR relies unduly on domestic legal remedies in Turkey”

26-” Turkish PM declares all critics of controversial decree ‘coup plotters’”

27-” Erdoğan says CHP leader supports all terrorist organizations”

28-” HÖH chairman says will take to the streets only if Erdoğan so orders”

29-” Court sets April 18 as next hearing date for Önderoğlu, Fincancı, Nesin”

30-” Turkish gov’t extends immunity to civilians for coup and terror crimes ”

31-” Journalist Aslan Re-Detained By Turkish Gov’t After Release From Prison”

32-” Turkish Opposition Launches Campaign To Lift Turkey’s 17-Month-Long Rule Of Emergency”

33-” Report: Ten Prisoners In Turkey On Hunger Strike, Their Health Worsening”

34-” Authorities Ban ‘The Little Prince’, ‘Peter Pan’ In Turkish Prisons”

35-” Five-Year-Old Kurdish Boy Killed After Being Hit By Turkish Police Car”

36-” Mother And Son Phone Conversation Reveals Turkish Guardians In Murder Of Kurdish Prisoner ”

37-” Turkish Author Murat Saat, Who Dies In Prison Due To Negligence, Buried”

38-” Turkish Court Sends 25-Day-Old Vedat Akif To Prison Together With His Mother”

39-” HDP Says Turkish Gov’t Destructs 13 Cemeteries Where Killed PKK Militants Buried”

40-” Report: Turkish Government Detained 52 Woman Journalists In 2017″

41-” CoE Reviews Recent Controversial Decrees Issued By Turkish Government”

42-” Turkey’s HDP Submits Motion For Parliamentary Probe Of Roboski Massacre In 6th Anniversary”

43-” Jailed Turkish Journalist Hidayet Karaca Reportedly Put VeIn Solitary Confinement ”

44-” Erdogan Law Stirs Fears of Legalized Extra-Judicial Violence”

45-” Macron to raise human rights issues with Erdogan”

46-” Turkey brain drain: Crackdown pushes intellectuals out”

47-” A record number of journalists are behind bars”

48-” Turkey’s Stalinist prosecution of journalists for tweets and blogs”

48-” Turks Fleeing To Greece Find Mostly Warm Welcome, Despite History”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 12/18/2017-12/25/2017

1-” Baro Başkanları: OHAL derhal sonlandırılmalı”

2-” Avukat Aslı Kazan: Yeni KHK’yla Sedat Peker’i de aklıyorlar”

3-” Son KHK ile Musa Anter’in oğlu da görevden uzaklaştırıldı..”

4-” CHP, AKP’nin linç kararını AİHM’e taşıyacak..”

5-” İnsanlar sokakta birbirinin kafasına sıkacak”

6-” Annesi gözaltında Vedat Akif bebek süt emmek için emniyete götürülüyor..”

7-“Akıllara ziyan KHK’lar: Resmi görevi olsun olmasın işkenceciler koruma altına alındı”

8-“OHAL’de işkenceler ve hukuksuzluklara kanun zırhı..”

9-“Cezaevlerinde çocuk sayısı yüzde 100 arttı..”

10-“Zilan Katliamıyla OHAL dönemindeki hukuksuzlukları koruyan kanun maddesi aynı..”

11-“Kayıp Ümit Horzum’un annesi oğlu için feryad etti..”

12 -“Erdem Kızılkaya’nın tutukluluğu işkenceye dönüştürüldü”

13-” Bağırsakları patlayan kanser hastasını 10 gün sonra hastaneye götürdüler”

14-” Cezaevindeki kişiyi linç ettiklerini telefonda böyle itiraf etti!”

15-” Sezeryanla doğum yapmış 25 günlük loğusa anneyi tutukladılar!”

16-” Yine Ankara yine siyah araç yine kaçırma”

17-” Tümörden ameliyat olan anneyi tutukladılar”

18-” Ahmet Akdoğan Kalp spazmı geçirdi hala hücrede tutuluyor!”

19-” Bahar bebek 2018’e girerken tutuklanan annesiyle cezaevine gönderildi”

20-” Çocuklara yönelik hak ihlali raporu: son 7 yılda 3 bin 947 çocuk öldü”

21-” AİHM tek tip’e geçit vermedi”

22-” Önce SADAT sonra HÖH: Son KHK Türkiye’de ‘Besic’ kurmak içindi ”

23-” Polis baskın yaptığı evden 40 bin TL çaldı, savcı aileye 7 bin TL teklif etti”

23-” OHAL: Son 3 ayda Meclis’e 11 bin 800 hak ihlali şikayeti ulaştı”

24-” Adliye koridorunda çocuklara polis dayağı”

25-” Hacettepe Üniversitesi’nde 23 kişi hakkında Bylock’tan gözaltı kararı”

26-” Avrupa Konseyi, son KHK’ları incelemeye aldı”

27-“Erdoğan ve Macron İnsan Hakları Konusunu Görüşecek”

28-” Avrupa’nın “tek tip kıyafet” kuralı”

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After the July 15th failed-coup attempt, the Turkish state has engaged in many illegal activities. The Erdogan regime passed several statutory decrees including the Decree number 675, which is mentioned in detail below, to suppress fear of persecution its supporters possess and encourage them to continue their work. As a matter of fact, the statutory decree mentioned provides impunity to the government officials who have acted in an illegal manner toward masses demonized by the government aided media, in the direction of Erdogan regime’s policies. Nonetheless, it protects them from being prosecuted for any crimes they commit.

Currently, Erdogan regime has issued a new statutory decree (KHK) which indicates that all citizens, regardless of whether they are public servant, are entitled to any kind of intervention against those who are demonized and labeled as terrorist by the regime. Accordingly, any person or group considered to be a terrorist in the eyes of the government may be deprived of all rights recognized as universal human rights. Furthermore, anyone who unfairly treats these labeled individuals, without any authorization or court decision, will get impunity from legal or criminal penalties.

The new arrangement is such a dangerous law that can cause execution of a judge who acquits someone who has been unfairly judged as a member of a terrorist organization because doing so would seem as if the judge was supporting the terrorist organization.

Likewise, any person or group who is a terrorist in the eyes of the government can become a victim of any person who sees themselves as a supporter of the Erdogan regime.

To conclude, this arrangement has made lawlessness lawful and severely harms the independence of the Turkish judiciary. With this arrangement, everyone who receives government support becomes a judge, a prosecutor and everyone also become a legal victim.

Read AST’s statement on the Decree Law: https://silencedturkey.org/statement-statutory-decrees-no695-696

We urge everyone to take action. Express your views or send attached statement to following addresses:

U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Senators
State Representatives
State Senators

Find your members of Congress:https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members

American Bar Association

Federal Bar Association

Supreme Court Bar Association

Download sample statement for Bar associations as a word document: AST_Letter_Decree_Bar

Download sample statement for members of Congress as a word document: AST_Letter_Decree_Representatives


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