

Bu çalışma, 2016 darbe teşebbüsü ile başlayan olağanüstü hâl yönetimi ve KHK’ların Türkiye’deki üniversitelerin başarı değişimini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır.

Türkiye’de 15 Temmuz 2016’da meydana gelen sözde darbe teşebbüsünden sonra çıkan 11 KHK ile toplamda 6,070 akademisyenin 122 devlet kurumundaki işlerine son verildi [1]. Ayrıca 15 vakıf üniversitesinin de tamamen kapatılması ile 2,808 akademisyen daha bu sayıya eklendi [2] ve resmi rakamlara göre; toplamda 8,878 akademisyenin görevlerine son verildi. Türkiye’deki akademisyen sayısı 15 Temmuz öncesi 64,488 olarak görülmektedir ve eğitim sisteminde bir akademisyenin yetişmesi için lisans ve lisansüstü çalışmalar göz önüne alındığında ortalama 12 yıl gibi bir zaman ve emek harcanması gerekmektedir. OECD raporlarına göre ise bir insanın ilköğretimden başlayarak akademisyen olana kadarki harcama miktarı ise ortalama olarak 124,448 Amerikan doları seviyesindedir [3].

Universite Atilan Toplam Akademisyen Sayisi Toplam Akademisyen Sayisi Atilan Oran(%)
Abant Izzet Baysal 78 1333 5.9
Adiyaman 67 862 7.8
Adnan Menderes 54 1726 3.1
Afyon Kocatepe 93 1360 6.8
Akdeniz 115 2492 4.6
Anadolu 68 2188 3.1
Ankara 133 3732 3.6
Atatürk 152 2703 5.6
Balikesir 67 1032 6.5
Bülent Ecevit 71 1287 5.5
Çanakkale 18 Mart 205 1653 12.4
Celal Bayar 140 1651 8.5
Cumhuriyet 56 1858 3
Dicle 172 1935 8.9
Dokuz Eylül 46 3381 1.4
Dumlupınar 168 1239 13.6
Ege 45 3175 1.4
Erciyes 145 2398 6
Erzincan 54 916 5.9
Eskişehir Osmangazi 46 1542 3
Fırat 47 1741 2.7
Gazi 233 3982 5.9
Gaziantep 128 1644 7.8
Gaziosmanpaşa 59 1286 4.6
Gebze Teknik 19 154 12.3
Hacettepe 74 3720 2
Harran 68 1012 6.7
İnönü 58 1672 3.5
İstanbul 192 5445 3.5
İstanbul Teknik 32 2211 1.4
Kafkas 30 890 3.4
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam 126 1305 9.7
Karabük 50 995 5
Karadeniz Teknik 44 2528 1.7
Kırıkkkale 74 1226 6
Kocaeli 57 2098 2.7
Marmara 102 3201 3.2
Mersin 33 1630 2
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman 38 1523 2.5
Mustafa Kemal 105 1060 9.9
Niüde Ömer Halisdemir 36 891 4
Ondokuz Mayıs 123 2347 5.2
Pamukkale 181 1995 9.1
Sakarya 97 2010 4.8
Selçuk 126 2732 4.6
Süleyman Demirel 271 2303 11.8
Trakya 29 1701 1.7
Uludağ 38 2474 1.5
Yıldız Teknik 114 1754 6.5
Yüzüncü Yıl 73 1705 4.3

Son olarak, sıralamadaki değişimin ihraç oranına bölünmesi ile oluşturulan kişisel başarı endeksi (atılanların akademik başarıya katkı endeksi) hesaplanmıştır. Buradaki amaç, ihraç edilen insanların üniversitelerin başarısına olan etkisini hesaplamaktır. Listenin en başında olan ve de en çok dikkat çeken Ege Üniversitesi’dir. Ege Üniversite’sinde toplam ihraç edilen akademisyen sayısı 45 ve oranı %1.4 olmasına rağmen, bu üniversitenin dünya çapındaki sıralaması 674’ten 913’e gerilemiştir ki, bu da akademik başarının %35 oranında düştüğünü göstermektedir. Ege Üniversitesi’nin söz konusu endeksi 25.33 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Benzer şekilde listenin üçüncü sırasında, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi’nde toplam ihraç edilen akademisyen sayısı 32 ve oran %1.4 olmasına rağmen bu üniversitenin dünya çapındaki sıralaması ise %19 civarında düşüş göstermiş, endeksi 13.76 olmuştur. Bu endeksin en yüksek olduğu üniversiteler Şekil 4’te verilmiştir.

Daha fazla bilgiye sayfanın üstünde yer alan PDF Link’ine tıklayarak ulaşabilirsiniz….


  1. Kural, B., Adal, H. (2018, July). Haber Listesi : Akademide İhraçlar 6 Bin 81’e Yükseldi.
    Retrieved from:
  2. Kural, B., (2016, August). Haber Listesi : Sayılarla Kapatılan Üniversiteler.
    Retrieved from:
  3. University Ranking by Academic Performance.(n.d.)
    Retrieved from:
  4. Country Note, (2014). Turkey–Education at a Glance 2014: OECD Indicators.
    Retrieved from:
  5. Yuksek Ogretim Bilgi Yonetim Sistemi, (n.d.).
    Retrieved from:


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This study aims to analyze the impacts of the state of emergency declared after the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey on the academic achievements of the universities.

After the coup attempt on July 15th of 2016 in Turkey, a total of 6,070 academics have been dismissed from 122 state institutions following 11 issued emergency decrees (KHK)[1]. 2,808 academics have been added to this list with the closure of 15 private universities [2]. In total,  8,878 academics have been dismissed from their jobs, corresponding to nearly 15 percent of the number of academics in Turkey. The academics who voluntarily left the country are not included in this number.

Considering graduate and undergraduate studies, an average of 12 years should be spent on being an academic. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the average amount of expenditure of a person starting from primary education until becoming an academic is approximately 124.448 USD [3]. This means Turkey’s financial loss to be roughly around 1.1 billion USD.

In this study, the impacts on the worldwide success ranking of the universities after the cruelty that occurred in public universities in Turkey are examined. The top 50 universities of Turkey are also amongst the 122 universities from where the academics were dismissed. The total number of dismissed academics from the 50 universities is 4,632. Table 1 and Figure 1 detail the number of dismissed academics on a university basis. Dumlupınar University ranks highest on that list, with its 13.6% of academics having been dismissed by emergency decrees. On average, one in every 7 scientists was dismissed. Figure 2 shows that 20 universities have the highest rate in this regard.

Observing the rate of change in academic ranking on a university basis reveals that the success rankings of these institutions decreased by an average of 18%, despite 5% dismissal rate at the top 50 universities [4]. This is an important indicator showing the contribution of the dismissed academics to the scientific achievements in Turkey. Another issue to consider is that instead of dismissed academics, new academics were recruited between 2016 and 2019, thereby increasing the total number of academics by around 7% [5]. Despite the new recruitments, academic setbacks at such a high level are very thought-provoking. The universities which had significant changes in the academic ranking are identified in Figure 3. Celal Bayar University ranks highest on that list, attracting large attention. It ranked 2,207 in the world university rankings before July 2016; however, its ranking dropped to 4,755 in December of 2019, a dramatic change by 109%. Celal Bayar University is followed by Bülent Ecevit University with a 70% drop rate. Noticeably, 42 of the 50 universities experienced a decrease in the world rankings, whereas only  8 universities’ rankings remained the same.

In conclusion, the personal success index (contribution index of the dismissed to academic success), which is formed by dividing the change in the ranking by the rate of dismissing, was calculated. The aim was to calculate the impact of dismissed academics on the success of universities. At this point, the most notable one is Ege University which is ranked highest on that list. Although the total number of dismissed academics at Ege University was 45 and its rate is 1.4%, the global ranking of this university has decreased from 674 to 913, which indicates that academic success has decreased by 35%. The index of this university was calculated at 25.33. Similarly, in the third place of the list, although the total number of dismissed academics at Istanbul Technical University was 32 and the rate was 1.4%, the world ranking of this university decreased by 19% and its index was 13,76. The universities that have the highest index are stated in Figure 4.

University Number of
dismissed academics
Total number
of academics
Rate of dismissed
academics (%)
Abant Izzet Baysal 78 1333 5.9
Adiyaman 67 862 7.8
Adnan Menderes 54 1726 3.1
Afyon Kocatepe 93 1360 6.8
Akdeniz 115 2492 4.6
Anadolu 68 2188 3.1
Ankara 133 3732 3.6
Atatürk 152 2703 5.6
Balikesir 67 1032 6.5
Bülent Ecevit 71 1287 5.5
Çanakkale 18 Mart 205 1653 12.4
Celal Bayar 140 1651 8.5
Cumhuriyet 56 1858 3
Dicle 172 1935 8.9
Dokuz Eylül 46 3381 1.4
Dumlupınar 168 1239 13.6
Ege 45 3175 1.4
Erciyes 145 2398 6
Erzincan 54 916 5.9
Eskişehir Osmangazi 46 1542 3
Fırat 47 1741 2.7
Gazi 233 3982 5.9
Gaziantep 128 1644 7.8
Gaziosmanpaşa 59 1286 4.6
Gebze Teknik 19 154 12.3
Hacettepe 74 3720 2
Harran 68 1012 6.7
İnönü 58 1672 3.5
İstanbul 192 5445 3.5
İstanbul Teknik 32 2211 1.4
Kafkas 30 890 3.4
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam 126 1305 9.7
Karabük 50 995 5
Karadeniz Teknik 44 2528 1.7
Kırıkkkale 74 1226 6
Kocaeli 57 2098 2.7
Marmara 102 3201 3.2
Mersin 33 1630 2
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman 38 1523 2.5
Mustafa Kemal 105 1060 9.9
Niüde Ömer Halisdemir 36 891 4
Ondokuz Mayıs 123 2347 5.2
Pamukkale 181 1995 9.1
Sakarya 97 2010 4.8
Selçuk 126 2732 4.6
Süleyman Demirel 271 2303 11.8
Trakya 29 1701 1.7
Uludağ 38 2474 1.5
Yıldız Teknik 114 1754 6.5
Yüzüncü Yıl 73 1705 4.3


You can read more from PDF Link….



  1. Kural, B., Adal, H. (2018, July). Haber Listesi : Akademide İhraçlar 6 Bin 81’e Yükseldi.
    Retrieved from:
  2. Kural, B., (2016, August). Haber Listesi : Sayılarla Kapatılan Üniversiteler.
    Retrieved from:
  3. University Ranking by Academic Performance.(n.d.)
    Retrieved from:
  4. Country Note, (2014). Turkey–Education at a Glance 2014: OECD Indicators.
    Retrieved from:
  5. Yuksek Ogretim Bilgi Yonetim Sistemi, (n.d.).
    Retrieved from:


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly March 12

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_March 12

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 3/5/2018-3/12/2018

1-” Antalya-based Kırmızıtaş Holding seized, owners detained in post-coup crackdown”

2-” Actor-director battered, threatened with death in police custody: report”

3-” Gülen’s cousin jailed for ‘membership to Gülen movement’”

4-” Theology professor Suat Yildirim says Diyanet removed his articles from Islamic Encyclopedia”

5-” Cumhuriyet’s Şık, Sabuncu released as CEO Akın Atalay remains behind bars”

6-” RSF calls Turkish journalists’ convictions ‘an act of political despotism’”

7-” Turkey’s high court overrules 5-year term given to Can Dündar, asking for heavier sentence on “espionage” charges”

8-” Detention warrants issued for 121 women including sister-in-law of prime coup suspect Adil Öksüz”

9-” 25 journalists, columnists given prison sentences of up to 7 years on terror charges”

10-” Turkey now seeks up to 15 years in prison for wife of Turkish teacher tortured to death in police custody”

11-” 65 personnel from naval forces get life sentences in coup trial: report”

12-” Zaman newspaper’s bureau chief in Izmir gets 9-year jail sentence”

13-” Outspoken lawyer barred from taking up Gulen-linked cases”

14-” 43 out of 80 ‘Gülenist’ women sent to prison for charity sale in benefit of purge-victims in Mersin”

15-” Cellmate of deceased teacher: They kneed him in the back. He held his chest until the day he died due to severe pain”

16-” ‘Gülenist’ cancer patient dies days after being released from prison”

17-” Turkish gov’t has detained a third of pro-Kurdish HDP members over last 3 years”

18-” Turkish prosecutors revise charge against journalist Soncan over his ‘Gülen movement is not a terror organisation’ statement”

19-” Detention warrants issued for 300 teachers in a month in Turkey’s capital of Ankara”

20-” Interpol shelves Turkish government’s arrest requests over baseless terrorism charges”

21-” EP member Sommer: High time for EU to act over shocking developments in Turkey”

22-” CPJ calls on Turkey to stop equating journalism with terrorism”

23-” Turkish gov’t puts property of 5 shuttered media outlets up for sale”

24-” Turkish court sentences 25 journalists to long prison terms over alleged links to Gülen movement”

25-” UN slams Turkish government over widespread human rights violations”

26-” Turkish gov’t issues detention warrants for 121 women on Int’l Women’s Day over alleged Gülen links”

27-” Turkish gov’t refuses to release woman jailed for alleged Gülen links despite risk of loss of vision”

28-” Int’l bar associations urge Turkish gov’t to stop arbitrary detentions, torture”

29-” Turkey must return to rule of law – European parliamentarian”

30-” HDP deputy: Prison population in Turkey increased by 100 percent in past 6 years”

31-” OSCE urges Turkey to free jailed journalists, drop unfounded charges”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 2/26/2018-3/5/2018

1-” İşkencenin belgesi: Gökhan Açıkkollu böyle öldürüldü”

2-” Gözaltındaki yönetmen: Saatlerce işkenceye maruz kaldım”

3-” Kırıkkale Cazaevi’nde yine işkence: ‘Adettendir’ deyip saldırıyorlar”

4-” Silivri cezaevinde hak ihlalleri hız kesmeden devam ediyor”

5-” Sivas E Tipi yönetiminden tutuklulara işkence, kötü muamele ve psikolojik baskı”

6-” Cezaevinde ayakta sayım vermeyen tutuklulara hem darp hem de ceza”

7-” Türkiye’deki adaletten bir aile manzarası: Anne, baba ve kızları tutuklu”

8-” İşkenceyle öldürülen Açıkkollu için örgüt, diyerek meşrulaştırmaya çalışmak da işkence suçu”

9-” Hayati tehlikesi bulunan Öğretmen Şerif Ağu’nun tedavisi için tahliye edilmesi gerekiyor”

10-” Yunan gazeteci, işkenceleri ve muhalif medyayı belgeselle ortaya koydu”

11-” Birleşmiş Milletler: Türkiye’de insan haklarının durumu kötüleşiyor”

12-” Savcılık Gökhan öğretmenle ilgili açıklama yaptı; Gazeteci Ceyhan belgelerle açıklamayı çürüttü”

13-” Gözaltında işkenceden ölen Gökhan Açıkkollu’nun belgeseli yapıldı”

14-” Mersin’de sohbetten suikast çıkartıp 43 kişiyi tutukladılar”

15-” Ağır ilaçlar alan Emrah Hanım kör olmak üzere ama tahliye edilmiyor”

16-” Erdoğan rejimi cezaevinde bir kişiyi daha öldürdü”

17-” İşkencelere maruz kalan Deniz Hakan Şen hayatını kaybetti”

18-” Eskişehir’de gözaltındaki kadınların başörtüsünün zorla çıkarıldığı belirtiliyor”

19-” Gökhan öğretmenin yaşadığı işkenceleri koğuş arkadaşı teker teker anlattı”

20-” Tutuklu polis müdürü: Eşimin can güvenliğinden endişe ediyorum”

21-” Polis pazarcılara tazyikli su ve gazla saldırdı”

22-” Üniversitelilere gözaltında işkence: Kadın öğrencinin burnu çatladı”

23-“Kadınlar Günü: Gülen’in yeğeni, Öksüz’ün baldızı, 33 kadına gözaltı”

24-” AKP döneminde kadına şiddet: İlk kez, bir yılda 400 kadın öldürüldü”

25-” İstanbul’da gece baskını: Gazeteci Hayri Tunç gözaltında”

26-” Kız öğrencilerin evlerine polis baskını: 9 kişi gözaltına alındı”

27-” Cezaevinde kadın ve çocuklara çıplak arama: Mahkumlar açlık grevine başladı”

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SaveTurkishJournalists: RSF appeals to European Court

“You are our last hope” – “We need you” – “We are counting on you” – “Will this ever stop?”

These are the messages that Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is sending to the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of Turkey’s arbitrarily imprisoned journalists, by means of a communication campaign launched on social networks today.

For Turkish journalists who have been arbitrarily jailed, the European Court offers the last hope or being released. The proceedings against these journalists violate the European Convention on Human Rights, with which Turkey must comply as a member of the Council of Europe.

In 2017, the European Court agreed to consider the 20 applications it had received from journalists imprisoned in Turkey, and to give priority to these cases. However, the applications are limited to the issue of their provisional detention and will have little effect after the Turkish courts have finished trying them and have passed sentences.

So, this is urgent. The European Court needs to act quickly!

Three well-known journalists, Ahmet Altan, Mehmet Altan and Nazli Ilicak, were already sentenced to life imprisonment on 16 February on a charge of “trying to overthrow constitutional order” for criticizing the government during a TV broadcast on the eve of an abortive coup d’état in July 2016.

This month, the trial of the Cumhuriyet newspaper’s journalists is due to resume and a verdict is expected in the trial of 26 journalists accused of working for media that supported the movement led by Fethullah Gülen, the alleged instigator of the 2016 coup attempt. The two cases are emblematic of the arbitrary justice prevailing in Turkey’s courts.

The net is closing fast on Turkey’s imprisoned journalists, so RSF urges the European Court to act before it is too late, before sentences are passed!

Turkey is ranked 155th out of 180 countries in RSF’s 2017 World Press Freedom Index.


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Turkish Gov’t Detained 845 People To Date Over Critical Stance On Afrin Offensive

Turkey’s Interior Ministry on Monday announced that 845 people have been detained on terror charges due to their protests or posts on social media critical of a Turkish military incursion in the northern Syrian town of Afrin, the state-run Anadolu news agency reported.

Meanwhile, two construction workers who went to İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport on Feb. 23 to fly to their hometown of Diyarbakır were detained by police after officers seized their mobile phones and checked their social media accounts, the Evrensel daily reported on Monday.

The workers, Nazım Toplu and Ahmet Polat, were stopped by the police after they arrived at the airport on the grounds that they looked suspicious. They underwent criminal record checks (GBT), and the police found that they were not the subject of any investigation.

Yet, the police officers asked the workers to open their Facebook accounts when the workers were about to board their plane. The workers refused and said it was illegal for them to ask this. Then, the police officers seized the workers’ mobile phones and entered their social media accounts from the phones.

The police officers detained the workers due to their social media accounts. It was not clear what messages the workers had posted, but nowadays the detention of individuals due to their critical messages on social media about the government or Turkish autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is very common.

The Turkish military and Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters launched Operation Olive Branch in Afrin against the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), which Turkey sees as the Syrian extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

The despotic Turkish government and autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan have reacted strongly to people who oppose the operation, and prosecutor’s offices have initiated investigations into those who share social media messages critical of the operation.

President Erdoğan on Jan. 21 warned the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) not to take to the streets to protest the operation in Afrin: “You are being closely followed. If you try to take to the streets, know that our security forces will be at your neck.”

“If anyone is in the streets upon calls [from the HDP], they will pay dearly for it. This is a national fight, and whoever opposes us will be crushed,” Erdoğan added.

Kral FM radio host Ali Şentürk, known as “Afrikalı Ali,” called on security forces to kill anybody who criticizes Turkey’s operation in Afrin.

Yusuf Ozan, a presenter for the pro-government Akit TV, last Sunday targeted the Cumhuriyet daily over a story it ran on the Afrin operation in Syria, saying Cumhuriyet journalists deserve to be executed.


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Feb 12

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Feb 12

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 2/5/2018-2/12/2018

1-“[VIDEO] Pro-Erdogan presenter says Cumhuriyet journalists deserve to be executed for their Afrin coverage”

2-“Businessman caught using fake ID to survive post-coup witch-hunt”

3-“Journalist, already under over coup charges, gets 2.5-year prison sentence for insulting Erdogan”

4-“38,500 prisoners convicted over Gülen links: minister”

5-“[VIDEO] Academics, doctors detained while watching Gülen speech”

6-“Turkey issues detention warrant for another pro-Kurdish HDP deputy”

7-“Another ‘Gülenist’ dies of heart attack in prison: report”

8-“NASA scientist sentenced to 7 years in jail over coup charges”

9-“Report shows number of rights violations increased during OHAL in Turkey”

10-“US ‘deeply concerned’ by conviction of NASA scientist Serkan Golge”

11-“Warrants issued for 17 former Gazi University staffers: 11 detained”

12-“Wives of 13 dismissed police officers under custody”

13-“[VIDEO] Former law faculty dean detained over Gülen links”

14-“University student jailed for insulting Erdogan two years ago”

15-“European Parliament urges Turkey to end post-coup emergency rule”

16-“Turkey to confiscate billion-dollar holding over coup charges: report”

17-“Teacher couple detained after speaking out during interview by Finland’s state broadcaster”

18-“Turkish prisons at 13 percent overcapacity: lawmaker”

19-“Books, magazines by anti-gov’t Furkan foundation seized as criminal evidence”

20-“Journalist Cem Bahtiyar jailed pending trial over terror charges”

21-“Enes Kanter faces 4 years in jail for ‘insulting’ Turkish basketball federation head”

22-“Erzurum tea house temporarily closed over Kurdish-language song”

23-“Chemistry teacher gets 10-year jail time over Gulen links”

24-“64 military academy students, officers sentenced to life in prison over coup charges”

25-“Vision-impaired journalist, under arrest for 7 months, denied access to Braille books in prison”

26-“Turkish LGBT activist goes on hunger strike in support of transgender woman jailed in Tekirdağ”

27-“Turkish activist detained in southeast Turkey: report”

28-“Labour Party Bursa head put in pre-trial detention: report”

29-“Video purportedly shows Turkish soldiers beat Kurdish villager in Afrin”

30-“Dear Osman, dear Ahmet, dear Selahattin – speech in EP Plenary, Joint debate Turkey”

31-“US Politician Margo Davidson Reflects On Her Visit To Turkish Refugees In Greece”

32-“Survey: 1,2 Million People Victimised By Emergency Rule In Turkey”

33-“US Consulate Hands Staff Member Over To Turkish Authorities”

34-“İstanbul’s Former Governor Mutlu Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison Over Gülen Links”

35-“Female Journalists Say Turkish Police Beat Them, Threatened Rape During Raid”

36-“Religious Group Leader Critical Of Turkish Government Put In Pretrial Detention”

37-“No Freedom Of Speech In Turkey Even For The Robots”

38-“European Parliament Strongly Condemns Human Rights Violations In Turkey”

39-“Turkish Gov’t Detains Dozens, Including Former Top Judiciary Official, Over Alleged Links To Gülen Movement”

40-“Only 1 released in trial of jailed journalists facing coup charges”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 2/5/2018-2/12/2018

1-“Cezaevlerinde taciz edilen de var, banyosuna kamera yerleştirilen de”

2-“AKP rejimi tutuklu ‘Verem’ hastasına raporlara rağmen ilaç vermiyor”

3-“Ümit Horzum ve diğer kaçırılanlara ne oldu?”

4-“UNICEF: 2018’in ilk ayında Suriye’de en az 60 çocuk öldürüldü”

5-“AİHM’den Cizre savunması talebine AKP yönetiminden skandal cevap!”

6-“TEM’de bebekler ve anneler çok kötü şartlarda gözaltında tutuluyor”

7-“Hak ihlalleri son 13 yılda yüzde 571 arttı”

8-“AYM, Avukata ceza veren mahkemenin hak ihlalinde bulunduğunu açıkladı”

9-“Cep telefonunda Gülen’in videolarını izlediği gerekçesiyle gözaltı”

10-“Tutuklu kadın gazeteci Hanım Büşra Erdal için destek mektubu var”

11-“Erdoğan rejiminin yatırımları: 140 yeni hapishane yapılıyor”

12-“Skandal karar! Polis genç kadına tecavüz etti mahkeme beraat kararı verdi”

13-“Alparslan Kuytul, adliyeye sevk edildi; binlerce gönüllü bekliyor”

14-“Erdoğan’a hakaretten üniversite öğrencisi tutuklandı”

15-“Oxfam açıkladı: Binlerce kişi sınırda mahsur kaldı, ÖSO haraç alıyor”

16-“AKP rejimi Furkan Vakfı’nın temsilciliklerini bir gecede mühürledi!”

17-“Alperen Ocakları’nın LGBTİ’leri tehdidi ‘ifade özgürlüğü’ sayıldı”

18-“Çocuk tacizcisi polise 40 yıl hapis cezası”

19-“Cezaevlerinde hak ihlalleri raporu: Ters kelepçe, cinsel taciz…”

20-“Cemaat’ten 40 bin, PKK’dan 10 bin, IŞİD’den bin kişi içerde”

21-“NASA çalışanı ABD vatandaşı Serkan Gölge’ye 8 yıl hapis cezası”

22-“‘Afrin’de tüm hastaneler dolu, ilaçlar tükenmek üzere’”

23-“Firari Hukuk Fakültesi Dekanı Prof. Şen yakalandı, tutuklandı”

24-“Cumhuriyet çalışanlarını ‘katletmek’ mübah mıdır?”

25-“Oxford’da öğretim üyeliği: Murat Belge ‘Risk Altındaki Akademisyenler Konseyi’ne başvurdu”

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Honorary President of Court of Cassation of Turkey, Sami Selçuk: Last Nail in the Coffin

Honory president of Court of Cassation of Turkey wrote on his latest piece for Cumhuriyet that the recent jurisdiction has made the reason for the existence of justice debatable. Sami Selçuk indicated that he is not optimistic, but wishes the legislative branch to prevent the judicial system from falling apart. Selçuk also stated “We have not experienced such significant interference with the judicial system for at least fifty years. It is a pity and very painful. As a former judge, these days are very lamenting and disgraceful.” He concluded by noting “those who hear and evaluate the cries of help are not doing anything…this can therefore only be solved by the parliament. We will see the resistance of the opposition, but I am not optimistic”.


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CPJ announces Press Oppressors awards

CPJ, which is one of the significant promoters and defenders of press freedom and the rights of journalists, recognized world leaders that have significantly harmed the press, undermined norms supporting freedom of the media in their countries and gone beyond to silenced critical voices. Following are the ranking of leaders in five categories:

Most Thin-skinned

Winner: President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey

Turkish authorities have repeatedly charged journalists, news outlets, and social media users for insulting Erdoğan, insulting other Turkish leaders, and insulting “Turkishness” in general. Over the course of 2016, the Turkish judicial system handled 46,193 cases of “insulting the president” or “insulting the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey, the parliament, the government, or the institutions of the judiciary,” the daily newspaper Cumhuriyet reported in June 2017, citing figures from the Justice Ministry.

Runner-Up: President Donald Trump, United States

In response to media coverage critical of him, Trump has threatened to “open-up” U.S. libel laws, sue news outlets, and subject their broadcast licenses to review. He regularly attacks outlets and individual journalists on Twitter and in speeches, calling them “sad,” “failing,” or “garbage.” Since declaring his presidential candidacy in 2015, Trump has posted about 1,000 tweets critical of the press. CPJ research shows that when public figures and political leaders lob insults at the media, they encourage self-censorship and expose journalists to unnecessary risk.

Most Outrageous Use of Terror Laws Against the Press

Winner: President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey

Turkey is the world’s worst jailer of journalists, with at least 73 behind bars when CPJ conducted its most recent prison census on December 1. Every journalist jailed for their work in Turkey is under investigation for, or charged with, anti-state crimes — in most cases for belonging to, aiding, or making propaganda for an alleged terrorist organization.

Runner-Up: President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Egypt

Of at least 20 journalists jailed in Egypt at the time of CPJ’s latest prison census, 18 were charged with, or convicted of, anti-state crimes such as aiding or inciting terrorism or belonging to banned groups. In 2017, Sisi’s government passed a new anti-terrorism law that furthered its crackdown on the press by, among other things, enabling authorities to put journalists acquitted of terrorism-related charges on a watch list that restricts their financial and other rights, according to news reports.

Tightest Grip on Media

Winner: President Xi Jinping, China

Beijing, under the increasingly iron grip of Xi, uses a combination of traditional censorship and internet controls to keep the news media in line. China is consistently one of the world’s worst jailers of the press; in 2017 it was the second worst globally, with at least 41 journalists in prison. Most traditional media is controlled by the government, and journalists risk losing their jobs or being banned from traveling if they push the boundaries of censorship directives at their news outlets or in personal blogs. Reporters’ sources and international journalists are also harassed and obstructed. Internet controls include the Great Firewall, human and automated censors, and pressure on technology companies to comply.

Runner-Up: President Vladimir Putin, Russia

Under Putin, independent media has been all but eradicated as journalists experience threats of violence or imprisonment and other types of harassment. His government recently ordered international news outlets including Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty to register as foreign agents (in response to a parallel move by the U.S.), and blocked their journalists from entering Parliament. Russian authorities have tried with varying success to emulate the Chinese model of internet censorship.

Biggest Backslider in Press Freedom

Winner: State Counselor and de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar

CPJ listed Myanmar in 2015 as the ninth most censored country worldwide, but after Suu Kyi’s party took power in 2016, the last five journalists in jail were pardoned and hopes for media freedom were high. However, most of the legal structure that has long restricted the press remains in place and journalists continue to be imprisoned. Security officials obstruct and harass journalists trying to cover what the U.N. has termed “a textbook example of ethnic cleansing” by authorities in the country’s northern Rakhine State. On December 12, two Reuters reporters covering the crisis were arrested on suspicion of violating the Official Secrets Act and held incommunicado for two weeks before being allowed to see their lawyer and families. Reuters reported that if convicted, the pair could face up to 14 years in prison.

Runner-Up: President Andrzej Duda, Poland

Under Duda, the conservative-nationalist government led by the Law and Justice party has dramatically changed the reputation of Poland, which for decades was a symbol of democracy for its peaceful journey from communism to European Union membership. The independent media was a pillar of that transition. More recently, the government has taken direct control of public media and announced plans to change regulations in a way that would force foreign owners of news outlets to give up their majority stakes, according to news reports. Government offices have canceled subscriptions to pro-opposition news outlets, while state-owned companies redirected advertising money to friendly media, according to U.S. watchdog Freedom House. In December, Poland’s media regulator levied a 1.5 million zloty ($415,000) fine on leading news broadcaster TVN24 in relation to its coverage of protests in parliament in 2016, according to news reports which cited critics as saying the government is trying to warn journalists to self-censor. The government’s parallel moves to reform the judiciary prompted the European Commission in December to take the unprecedented step of launching a process intended to suspend the country’s voting rights in the European Union.

Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom

Winner: President Donald Trump, United States

The United States, with its First Amendment protection for a free press, has long stood as a beacon for independent media around the world. While previous U.S. presidents have each criticized the press to some degree, they have also made public commitments to uphold its essential role in democracy, at home and abroad. Trump, by contrast, has consistently undermined domestic news outlets and declined to publicly raise freedom of the press with repressive leaders such as Xi, Erdoğan, and Sisi. Authorities in China, Syria, and Russia have adopted Trump’s “fake news” epithet, and Erdoğan has applauded at least one of his verbal attacks on journalists. Under Trump’s administration, the Department of Justice has failed to commit to guidelines intended to protect journalists’ sources, and the State Department has proposed to cut funding for international organizations that help buttress international norms in support of free expression. As Trump and other Western powers fail to pressure the world’s most repressive leaders into improving the climate for press freedom, the number of journalists in prison globally is at a record high.


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