Can Dundar

Take Action: Petition the Turkish Authorities to launch a full investigation into the death of MUSTAFA KABAKÇIOĞLU under suspicious conditions in prison

Urging Authorities To Take All Necessary Steps For The Protection of Innocent People in Prisons of Turkey

As it is known the Turkish government has been taking strict measures to silence dissidents from various ideologies recently. Gulen Movement has been the main target of the government, which is a faith-based group of people engaging in different voluntary activities such as education, business, and health. Alleged supporters of the Movement in Turkey have been dealing with arrest, imprisonment, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, and blocking them to reach their treatments for the health issues.

The last example of these human tragedies in Turkey was the suspicious death of police officer Mustafa Kabakçıoğlu in the Turkish prison.

Mustafa Kabakçıoğlu, a police officer expelled from his job by a statutory decree, died in solitary confinement cell in Gümüşhane Prison on August 29. The guards allegedly found him sitting alone on a chair with his head dropped to the back when they opened the cell door at 5.45 AM.
Mustafa Kabakçıoğlu was put in a confinement cell because he started coughing 9 days ago. Official announcements claim that he suffered from Covid-19 and the reason for his death was virus related. However, he tested negative on the day he died. Besides, his letter to the prison infirmary written 2 days ago from his death indicates that he was clearly suffering from symptoms that are not common for Covid-19.

Erdogan government released more than 90 thousand convicts and prisoners but deliberately kept politically persecuted victims in prisons. Mustafa Kabakçıoğlu was one of these political prisoners as an honorable police officer who was arrested four years ago without any concrete evidence of a crime.
Kabakçıoğlu was suffering from diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure. Over the course of four years of imprisonment, he complained many times because of insufficient health conditions. Thus, his death happens to be a suspicious case under these circumstances.
In the photographs taken after his death, Kabakçıoğlu is seen sitting on a chair his head down and his nails bruised. His black shirt is dusty. The prison doctor reports him to have died between 2 AM and 3 AM, yet no one knows how it happened.

Kabakçıoğlu filed petitions many times and demanded to go to the hospital regarding his asthma, and diabetic issues that he got in prison since 2017. He fell in the cell twice and lost consciousness. Kabakçıoğlu’s autopsy report on the cause of death is expected to be released within two months. His family filed a criminal complaint with the prosecutor’s office and demanding the people who are responsible for his death to be brought to justice.

Advocates of Silenced Turkey (AST) in its efforts to defend human rights call the Turkish authorities to investigate the case urgently, bring responsible prison personnel to justice, and sanction them adequately. AST also condemns all inhuman treatment and unjust imprisonments in the strongest terms and ask for justice for those under relentless oppression for years.

We call every one of you to raise your voice for the death of Mustafa Kabakçıoğlu for preventing the new cases happen in Turkey.

1- You can send email to the Ministry of Justice of Turkey to urge investigation
     [email protected]

2- You can use your social media accounts with this mention list

3- You can send a letter and email to international organizations written below.

***Center to Prevent Torture ( EU)(CPT)

Secretariat of the CPT
Council of Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex

Tel.: France: 03 88 41 39 39, Int.: +33 3 88 41 39 39
Fax: France: 03 88 41 27 72, Int.: +33 3 88 41 27 72
E-mail: [email protected]


European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights e.V.
Zossener Straße 55–58
Aufgang D
D-10961 Berlin
T: +49 (0)30 – 400 485 90
F: +49 (0)30 – 400 485 92
[email protected]

***Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 
[email protected]

***Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
[email protected]
[email protected]

You can also use these MEDIA LINKS below in your actions.


#Turkish Parliament passed in April a law to release thousands of inmates from overcrowded prisons in view of #COVID19 but unfairly excluded hundreds who are jailed during the purgue. The case of Mustafa #Kabakçıoğlu is example of the harsh conditions faced by too many in prisons




Public outcry for police officer’s death in Erdogan’s “execution chamber”

4- Can Dundar


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly December 16

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_December 10

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 12/10/2018-12/16/2018

1-” Michael Flynn’s business associates charged with illegally lobbying for Turkey”

2-“US Denies Trump Thinking About Extraditing Gulen to Turkey”

3-“Turkey: Erdogan adviser denies journalist crackdown”

4-“Turkey Not Only Jailing Writers, but Readers Too”

5-” Why I’m Sick of Turkey”

6-” Watch: Thousands protest in Turkey for better living conditions”

7-” Watch: Michael Flynn’s ex-partner, Bijan Rafiekian, charged with lobbying for Turkey”

8-” The Secret Jewish Plot Against Turkey”

9-“Kidnapped, Escaped, and Survived to Tell the Tale: How Erdogan’s Regime Tried to Make Us Disappear”

10-“Turkey identifies over 92,000 ByLock users: Minister”

11-“Facing Attack, George Soros’s Foundation Will Shut Down in Turkey”

12-“Turkey’s president finds a new enemy: the famous Hungarian Jew”

13-“People who emulate yellow vest protests in Turkey will pay heavy price: MHP leader”

14-“Journalists face 15-year prison terms in Turkey”

15-“There Are No Checks and Balances in Turkey, There’s Only Erdogan, Israeli Expert Explains”

16-“The cost of seeking the truth: Why this Turkish journalist had to flee to Canada”

17-“Turkey’s Erdoğan accuses news anchor of inciting protests”

18-“The Turkey-Venezuela mutual admiration society”

19-“Turkey must free Selahattin Demirtas, European rights court says”

20-“Turkey arrests spark fears of widening crackdown on Erdogan’s political foes”

21-“New lows for human rights in Turkey”

22-“I’m a journalist in a Turkish jail. Why is Erdogan afraid of people like me?”

23-“Will Turkey’s horrible human rights record extend to 2019?

24-“Enes Kanter slams ‘scared little rats’ as NBA leaves Erdogan critic off list of best Turkish players”

25-“EU, Turkey face off over jailed Kurdish politician”

26-“Inside Erdogan’s torture chambers”

27-“Turkey Revives Ghosts of Gezi Protests as Elections Loom”

28-“Erdoğan Regime Behind Forced Disappearances – Investigation”

29-“Can Dundar: Erdogan’s laughable charade as champion of the press”

30-“UK court rejects Turkish extradition request for media boss”

31-“Prosecutors Accuse Turkey of Covert Campaign to Pressure U.S. to Hand Over Cleric”

32-“Instead of human rights, life or death rights”

33-“Ankara pledges EU reforms amid growing human rights concerns -VoA”

34-“Nobody can lecture Turkey on human rights, Erdogan says”

35-“SC hands over management of Pak-Turk schools to Turkiye MAARIF foundation”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 12/10/2018-12/16/2018

1-“Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Kimseyi sokağa çıkartamayacaksınız”

2-“CHP’den Erdoğan’a yanıt: Sokaktan diktatörler korkar”

3-“Reuters’a konuşan Beyaz Saray yetkilisi: Trump Erdoğan’a Gülen’i iade edeceğini söylemedi”

4-“Cumhurbaşkanına hakaret davalarında rekor artış”

5-“Erdoğan: AİHM’nin kararları bizi bağlamaz”

6-“İnsan hakları örgütleri: Sistematik ve yaygın hak ihlalleri var”

7-“İnsan Hakları Haftası’nda AKP’nin hak ihlalleri raporu”

8-“İnsan Hakları Haftasında Türkiye’nin İnsan Hakları Karnesi Nasıl?”

9-“Sistematik ihlaller arttı”

10-“Cumhurbaşkanı başdanışmanı BBC’ye konuşurken zor anlar yaşadı”

11-“ABD’den Gülen açıklaması: ‘Bir bakarız’ dedik”

12-“CHP insan hakları raporunu açıkladı”

13-“Cezaevlerinde hak ihlalleri ciddi boyuta ulaştı”

14-“Şanlıurfa’daki cezaevlerinde hak ihlalleri yaşanıyor iddiası”

15-“‘Elazığ Cezaevi’nde işkence ve cinsel saldırı var’”

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Turkish Journalist in Germany Concerned Over Life Amid Threats From Erdogan

As the whole world still struggles to make sense of the shroud of fog over the mysterious case of a Saudi journalist whose sudden disappearance in Istanbul shuddered the international community, a Turkish journalist living in self-imposed exile in Germany has expressed fears over his own wellbeing and his family’s safety in Turkey.

Can Dundar, former editor-in-chief of the opposition Cumhuriyet daily, revealed his deep-seated anxiety and dread over threats by the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Speaking in an interview with Deutsche Welle, Dundar said Erdogan’s opponents are at risk everywhere in the world. His remarks came in the wake of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s startling disappearance in Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. The incident is still riddled with mystery and enigma, with little answers available over a set of questions about the fate of the critical journalist.

Dundar has found himself again in the crosshairs of the Turkish president as he accused the journalist at a recent press conference in Berlin of being a foreign spy working for foreign governments. In the eyes of the Turkish government, he has already been painted as an enemy figure after the Cumhuriyet, under his editorial watch, published records of Turkey’s arms shipment to the warring sides in Syria in 2015.

President Erdogan vowed to not let him go without a punishment for leaking “classified state secrets.” After serving a brief time in jail, the journalist was released pending trial. He survived an assassination attempt outside Istanbul Caglayan Courthouse.

It was the last straw that paved the way for his departure from Turkey en route to Germany. But the Turkish authorities seized her wife’s passport and did not allow her to travel with Dundar.

In remarks to Deutsche Welle, Dundar dismissed Erdogan’s spy allegations as politically motivated.

When asked about Erdogan’s treason and spy remarks, Dundar called the Turkish strongman a liar.

“Because there are no journalists in jail on terrorist charges. They are all convicted or accused of leaking state secrets, writing against the government, being critical about the government’s policies, etc.. So they are just journalists, not terrorists,” he told Deutsche Welle. “But calling that kind of thing terrorism is a kind of traditional attitude of this government, unfortunately,” he added.

Dundar whose family is still in Turkey is extremely worried about their wellbeing. He thinks that the Erdogan government keeps her wife as a hostage in Turkey.

When Erdogan was invited to Germany for an official visit, the invitation divided political parties and generated a heated debate over how to handle with an increasingly unruly and authoritarian leader. Many parties in Bundestag expressed their opposition to Erdogan’s visit.

When asked about Germany’s response to Erdogan so far regarding the state of political affairs in Turkey, Dundar appeared satisfied with the messages and calls clearly conveyed by the German side to the Turkish leader during his visit to Berlin in late September.

In the beginning, Dundar thought that the German approach was meek and tepid against Erdogan’s crackdown on media and democracy in Turkey. But later, the Turkish journalist has begun to appreciate Germany’s dire challenge to tread a delicate balancing act between pushing Ankara for democratic reforms and the need to preserve the bilateral relationship as smoothly as possible.

On Thursday, writing for Foreign Policy, Steven Cook shared Dundar’s concerns in the face of threats from authoritarian leaders.

“Ours is an era of international thuggishness combined with a total absence of norms. That makes everyone a target,” he wrote, delving into the riddling case of Saudi journalist and recalling the authoritarian shift in the past decade around the world.

From Egpyt to China, from Turkey to Hungary and Venezuela, dissidents and critical journalists increasingly feel less safe. The unknown fate of Khashoggi remains as a dreadful warning and lesson for others to see. Dundar is one of them. Facing Erdogan’s incessant threats, he is right to be concerned and alarmed.

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly April 9

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_April 9

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 4/2/2018-4/9/2018

1-” Turkish court seeks Interpol warrant for exiled journalist Can Dundar”

2-” Former top judiciary member dies of heart attack in prison: report”

3-” 1,250 academics in 37 countries campaign for Bogazici students’ release”

4-” Former editor-in-chief of state-run TRT News gets 9 years, 9 months on terror charges”

5-” WATCH: Video shows İzmir police beat 2 handcuffed detainees”

6-” Veteran journalist Hasan Cemal receives suspended jail sentence on terror charges”

7-” [BREAKING] Gabon police detain 5 ‘Gülenist’ teachers at Turkey’s request”

8-” 9 Bogaziçi students sent to prison for participating in protest against Turkey’s Afrin operation”

9-” Detention warrant issued for pollster due to social media postings”

10-” EU Commission on Kosovo abductions: Arbitrary arrest, exile against EU principles”

11-” Erdogan’s lawyer says Turkish intel could abduct more Gulenists in coming days”

12-” 14,640 Turkish citizens claimed asylum in EU in 2017: Eurostat”

13-” Turkish professor gets 15 months in prison for signing 2016 peace declaration”

14-” Osman Kavala writes from prison: Spring is felt in the courtyards of the prison”

15-” [VIDEO] Kayseri police detain steel factory owner on coup charges: report”

16-” Research assistant kills 4 academics at Eskişehir university over alleged ‘Gulen membership’”

17-” Turkish President sues opposition leader once more for 500,000 TL: report”

18-” Purge-victim gets 9.5 years in prison for paying tax through Bank Asya, indictment shows”

19-” Government spokesman: Turkish secret services seized 80 ‘Gulenists’ from 18 countries so far”

20-” Turkey seeks aggravated life sentences for 9 Zaman-linked journalists, columnists”

21-” Kosovo grants asylum to Turkish educator who escaped Turkey’s abduction attempt”

22-” Italian bar association calls for support for arrested lawyers in Turkey”

23-” Police seal off Furkan-affiliated student houses in Adana”

24-” Groom detained for ‘insulting’ Erdoğan, bride performs ceremony alone”

25-” Turkey prepares flawed documentation seeking extradition of journalist Arslan”

26-” Woman in fourth month of pregnancy detained over Gülen links”

27-” Turkey overwhelmingly leads world in Twitter censorship”

28-” Body of Turkish woman fleeing to Greece found weeks after boat capsized”

29-” İHD report reveals 3,000 people tortured across Turkey in 2017″

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 4/2/2018-4/9/2018

1-” ‘Adam kaçırma talimatı’: Kosova operasyonu ne ilktir, ne de son olacak”

2-” Eşi ‘sohbet ablası’ olmak, kendisi ‘sohbet ablası’ eşi olmaktan tutuklandı”

3-” Gazeteci Ahmet Böken karar duruşmasına çıkıyor”

4-” Eski HSYK üyesi Teoman Gökçe cezaevinde öldü”

5-” 20 aydır tutuklu iş adamlarına 8 yıl ceza: Tutuksuz olanlar da tutuklanacak”

6-” Hasan Cemal’e beraat ettiği davadan 3 ay 22 gün hapis”

7-” Hasan Cemal’e beraat ettiği davadan 3 ay 22 gün hapis”

8-” Erdoğan’ın hedef gösterdiği Boğaziçili 9 öğrenci tutuklandı”

9-” Özgürlükçü Demokrasi gazetesi çalışanlarının evlerine polis baskını”

10-” Gazeteci Çağdaş Kaplan’a 15 yıla kadar hapis istemi”

11-” Bitmeyen adalet arayışının geldiği yer: 23 yıldır tutuklu Çomak’a müebbet hapis”

12-” ‘Cadı avı’ sürüyor: Barış akademisyenlerine bir yıl üç ay hapis cezası”

13-” Osman Kavala: OHAL olağanüstü suçlamaları olağan hale getiriyor”

14-” Ahmet Ümit: Ahmet Altan’a müebbet hapis Türkiye’nin utancıdır”

15-” Zaman gazetesi davası: Bulaç, Türköne ve Alpay’a müebbet hapis talebi ”

16-” OHAL boyunca 1480 avukata soruşturma açıldı, 570 avukat tutuklandı”

17-” Erdoğan’a hakaretten tutuklanınca düğün damatsız yapıldı”

18-” ‘Gülen’e gönülden bağlıydım’ diyen Prof. Çolak’ın 22.5 yıl hapsi istendi”

19-” İhraç edilen akademisyenlerden ‘KHK Öyküleri’”

20-” Kapatılan Furkan Vakfı’nın öğrencileri isterlerse ‘mağdur edilmeyecek’”

21-” Birçok hastalığı bulunan sınıf öğretmenini gözaltına aldılar”

22-” Tahliye edilmeyen ağır hasta cezaevinde, yaşamını yitirdi”

23-” Erdoğan rejiminin canına kıydığı insanlara bir yenisi eklendi”

24-” Polis gözaltındaki şüpheliye kameralar önünde tekme tokat daldı”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly March 12

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_March 12

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 3/5/2018-3/12/2018

1-” Antalya-based Kırmızıtaş Holding seized, owners detained in post-coup crackdown”

2-” Actor-director battered, threatened with death in police custody: report”

3-” Gülen’s cousin jailed for ‘membership to Gülen movement’”

4-” Theology professor Suat Yildirim says Diyanet removed his articles from Islamic Encyclopedia”

5-” Cumhuriyet’s Şık, Sabuncu released as CEO Akın Atalay remains behind bars”

6-” RSF calls Turkish journalists’ convictions ‘an act of political despotism’”

7-” Turkey’s high court overrules 5-year term given to Can Dündar, asking for heavier sentence on “espionage” charges”

8-” Detention warrants issued for 121 women including sister-in-law of prime coup suspect Adil Öksüz”

9-” 25 journalists, columnists given prison sentences of up to 7 years on terror charges”

10-” Turkey now seeks up to 15 years in prison for wife of Turkish teacher tortured to death in police custody”

11-” 65 personnel from naval forces get life sentences in coup trial: report”

12-” Zaman newspaper’s bureau chief in Izmir gets 9-year jail sentence”

13-” Outspoken lawyer barred from taking up Gulen-linked cases”

14-” 43 out of 80 ‘Gülenist’ women sent to prison for charity sale in benefit of purge-victims in Mersin”

15-” Cellmate of deceased teacher: They kneed him in the back. He held his chest until the day he died due to severe pain”

16-” ‘Gülenist’ cancer patient dies days after being released from prison”

17-” Turkish gov’t has detained a third of pro-Kurdish HDP members over last 3 years”

18-” Turkish prosecutors revise charge against journalist Soncan over his ‘Gülen movement is not a terror organisation’ statement”

19-” Detention warrants issued for 300 teachers in a month in Turkey’s capital of Ankara”

20-” Interpol shelves Turkish government’s arrest requests over baseless terrorism charges”

21-” EP member Sommer: High time for EU to act over shocking developments in Turkey”

22-” CPJ calls on Turkey to stop equating journalism with terrorism”

23-” Turkish gov’t puts property of 5 shuttered media outlets up for sale”

24-” Turkish court sentences 25 journalists to long prison terms over alleged links to Gülen movement”

25-” UN slams Turkish government over widespread human rights violations”

26-” Turkish gov’t issues detention warrants for 121 women on Int’l Women’s Day over alleged Gülen links”

27-” Turkish gov’t refuses to release woman jailed for alleged Gülen links despite risk of loss of vision”

28-” Int’l bar associations urge Turkish gov’t to stop arbitrary detentions, torture”

29-” Turkey must return to rule of law – European parliamentarian”

30-” HDP deputy: Prison population in Turkey increased by 100 percent in past 6 years”

31-” OSCE urges Turkey to free jailed journalists, drop unfounded charges”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 2/26/2018-3/5/2018

1-” İşkencenin belgesi: Gökhan Açıkkollu böyle öldürüldü”

2-” Gözaltındaki yönetmen: Saatlerce işkenceye maruz kaldım”

3-” Kırıkkale Cazaevi’nde yine işkence: ‘Adettendir’ deyip saldırıyorlar”

4-” Silivri cezaevinde hak ihlalleri hız kesmeden devam ediyor”

5-” Sivas E Tipi yönetiminden tutuklulara işkence, kötü muamele ve psikolojik baskı”

6-” Cezaevinde ayakta sayım vermeyen tutuklulara hem darp hem de ceza”

7-” Türkiye’deki adaletten bir aile manzarası: Anne, baba ve kızları tutuklu”

8-” İşkenceyle öldürülen Açıkkollu için örgüt, diyerek meşrulaştırmaya çalışmak da işkence suçu”

9-” Hayati tehlikesi bulunan Öğretmen Şerif Ağu’nun tedavisi için tahliye edilmesi gerekiyor”

10-” Yunan gazeteci, işkenceleri ve muhalif medyayı belgeselle ortaya koydu”

11-” Birleşmiş Milletler: Türkiye’de insan haklarının durumu kötüleşiyor”

12-” Savcılık Gökhan öğretmenle ilgili açıklama yaptı; Gazeteci Ceyhan belgelerle açıklamayı çürüttü”

13-” Gözaltında işkenceden ölen Gökhan Açıkkollu’nun belgeseli yapıldı”

14-” Mersin’de sohbetten suikast çıkartıp 43 kişiyi tutukladılar”

15-” Ağır ilaçlar alan Emrah Hanım kör olmak üzere ama tahliye edilmiyor”

16-” Erdoğan rejimi cezaevinde bir kişiyi daha öldürdü”

17-” İşkencelere maruz kalan Deniz Hakan Şen hayatını kaybetti”

18-” Eskişehir’de gözaltındaki kadınların başörtüsünün zorla çıkarıldığı belirtiliyor”

19-” Gökhan öğretmenin yaşadığı işkenceleri koğuş arkadaşı teker teker anlattı”

20-” Tutuklu polis müdürü: Eşimin can güvenliğinden endişe ediyorum”

21-” Polis pazarcılara tazyikli su ve gazla saldırdı”

22-” Üniversitelilere gözaltında işkence: Kadın öğrencinin burnu çatladı”

23-“Kadınlar Günü: Gülen’in yeğeni, Öksüz’ün baldızı, 33 kadına gözaltı”

24-” AKP döneminde kadına şiddet: İlk kez, bir yılda 400 kadın öldürüldü”

25-” İstanbul’da gece baskını: Gazeteci Hayri Tunç gözaltında”

26-” Kız öğrencilerin evlerine polis baskını: 9 kişi gözaltına alındı”

27-” Cezaevinde kadın ve çocuklara çıplak arama: Mahkumlar açlık grevine başladı”

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Advocates of Silenced Turkey urges The U.S. authorities to take necessary precautions to protect Erdogan dissidents in the U.S

Since the attempted coup of July 15, 2016, staunch supporters of President Erdogan of Turkey, in Turkish politics, media and also public sphere have engaged in threatening and hate speech to silence dissidents in other countries including the U.S. Journalists, academics and businessmen who have been labeled with the Movement have been the main target of this threats.

On December 4 2017, former speechwriter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and current ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy Aydın Ünal threatened Turkish journalists in exile with extrajudicial killings, in his column published in the pro-Erdoğan Yeni Şafak daily.

The AKP deputy listed the names of journalists to be targeted: Ekrem Dumanlı, Adem Yavuz Arslan, Celil Sağır, Bülent Keneş, Abdülhamit Bilici, Erhan Başyurt, Emre Uslu, Akın İpek and Can Dündar.

“You carry out an operation against Turkey with judges and prosecutors, you give logistical support to this judicial theatre with information and documents that you have stolen through espionage, and your men here [in Turkey] and in the world will live in peace?” Ünal threatened.

In another article published on Nov. 27 in Yeni Şafak, Ünal threatened sympathizers of the Gülen movement in Turkey, saying tougher days lie ahead as a result of the case against Reza Zarrab.

Some of the names listed by Aydin Unal are known to be located in the U.S. Ekrem Dumanli, Adem Yavuz Aslan, Abdulhamit Bilici, Emre Uslu have been living in the U.S and openly carry out their works with their articles and YouTube videos and live Periscope broadcastings especially focusing on Turkish politics and ongoing persecutions.

Ekrem Dumanli who was targeted by Aydin Ünal was previously an editor-in-chief of Zaman Daily and fled Turkey after the controversial coup attempt in 2016. On October 30, 2016, Ragip Soylu, the Washington correspondent of Daily Sabah, which is used for propaganda and spying activities by the Turkish Intelligence in the U.S posted secretly taken photos of Mr. Dumanli. It should be considered as an important indication that Mr. Dumanli was under the surveillance of Turkish Intelligence in the U.S. (

Dr. Emrullah Uslu, the former columnist for Today’s Zaman is one of the leading figures that continuously has been threatened by the the Turkish Government affiliated figures. He is a full-time professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at VIU.

Following President Erdoğan’s statement on September 19, 2016 that ‘no country is safe for Gülen movement sympathizers, the pro-Justice and Development Party (AKP) media has targeted Emre Uslu, along with some other journalists such as Adem Yavuz Aslan, Tuncay Opçin, Aydogan Vatandas and Dr. Atilla Yayla by publishing their secretly taken photos in different parts of the U.S. (

Adem Yavuz Aslan, a well-known Turkish investigative journalist, who was threatened in Aydin Ünal’s article has become the main focus of these threats when he followed the ongoing federal trial in New York where Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is accused of personally approving a scheme to evade U.S. sanctions against Iran. Adem Yavuz Aslan states that he was informed by some colleagues that he might be a target of an assassination attempt because of his coverage of the trial.

During his coverage of the trial, he was continuously harassed by the Anatolian Agency which secretly took his footage and published it Turkish media as if he is a criminal.

Cem Küçük, another staunch supporter of Erdogan and mouthpiece of Turkish Intelligence has also threatened the Turkish journalists and academics in the U.S.

‘People who are well known by the public such as, Ekrem Dumanli, Emre Uslu, Tuncay Opcin, and Seref Ali Tekalan will be grabbed by the nape of their neck and taken to Turkey. When they wake up whey will find themselves in the hands of the Turkish police and the court. Those days are not too far away.’

‘We will see the end of those who say, ‘I am safe in the US,’ ‘They cannot do anything to me.’ Wherever you flee, the Turkish state will bring you back. Many of your residences have been located. Your homes and workplaces are known. Even the countries where you demanded asylum will not protect you but will extradite you. It is soon. Wait…’ added Küçük. (

Serif Ali Tekalan, who is threatened by Cem Küçük is a medical professor who took charge of North American University, based in Houston, Texas, early in 2017. He has been target of baseless allegations and smear campaigns by the pro-government media in Turkey since then.

Tuncay Opcin, an investigative journalist who now resides in Houston is another well-known Turkish journalist who continuously has received death threats from figures like Cem Kucuk. Opcin says that the threats and the surveillance against him started after the coup attempt. He states that the first surveillance against occurred on Sept. 11 in 2016 at a shopping mall. The lengthy surveillance job against him made him think it was “a professional intelligence and surveillance job.”

Opcin chalks his targeting to his intense criticism of Erdogan’s government and his work as an investigative journalist. Opcin also says that he is disappointed about CPJ and Amnesty International since they did not pay attention to these threats and violations as expected. (

Abdulhamit Bilici, the last editor-in-chief of Daliy Zaman before Government takeover in 2016 is another well-known journalist threatened in Aydin Unal’s article who now resides in the U.S.

While the exiled journalists and academics mentioned above were openly threatened by the Turkish Government linked figures, some other leading figures affiliated with Gulen movement in the U.S were harassed and covertly threatened by the Turkish Anatolian Agency and some other pro-government Turkish media organizations.

Pro-government Turkish Star Daily published the house photographs and addresses of Cemil Teber, Faruk Taban, Yuksel Alp Dogan, Hasan Ali Yurtsever, Burak Yeneroglu, Talha Sarac and Hakan Sukur who reside in different parts of the U.S. (

Besides, the threats from the Turkish media and Government affiliated figures towards the journalists and some leading participants of Hizmet Movement in the U.S, some business owners, grocery stores and even bookstores have been attacked by pro-Government groups in the U.S.

Nizam Market, a Turkish grocery store based in NJ has been attacked and verbally threatened by a Turkish government supporter on July, 2016.

Ant Bookstore, based in NJ has also been targeted and attacked several times in 2016 and 2017. Dr. Huseyin Senturk states that they detected several spying and surveillance activities in the store which were conducted by some Turkish nationals. He also says that the store was attacked and costumers were verbally threatened by a Turkish government supporter adding that the windowpanes of the store were also broken by some unknown figures.

On November 7 2017, Vakkas Doğantekin, a pro-government columnist and the president of the California-based Turkish community organization, TURCA, has attacked a Turkish speaking ice-cream seller affiliated with Hizmet Movement by calling him “terrorist” and “Jewish dog,”.

Dogantekin’s bio on TURCA’s website says he is a California resident for over 10 years and a freelance journalist contributing to Al Jazeera. He wrote at least three Op-Eds in 2017 for the pro-Erdogan daily newspaper, Daily Sabah.


Considering all these particular incidents, some journalists, academics and NGO directors, businessmen affiliated with Hizmet Movement in the U.S has been continuously targeted by Turkish Government linked figures. The U.S federal and local security authorities should be aware of the fact that Turkish Government doesn’t function and operate as a regular democratic state respecting the international laws and principles. Therefore, it is safe to analyze that Turkish Government can try some undercover operations by using mob groups or militia forces trained by the Turkish Intelligence overseas here in the U.S as well. Advocates of Silenced Turkey strongly urges U.S security forces to take all necessary precautions to protect the lives of the people who might be in danger.

For more detailed information about these risks, please look at the report prepared by the Advocates of Silenced Turkey on the current and possible threats supporters of the Gulen Movement face abroad titled “I Cannot Say We Are Absolutely Safe Even Abroad.” Read more here:

Download the report on threats supporters of Gulen Movement face abroad as pdf: AST_Report_Threats_Gulen-Movement

We urge everyone to take action. Please express your views or send attached letter to your two senators and representative to protect dissidents of Erdogan in the U.S.

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Download the sample statement as pdf: AST_Letter_Threats_Gulen-Movement


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