






Demokratik rejimlerin, doğal olarak bir hukuk devletinin temel ilkesi, yargı erkinin bağımsızlığı ve tarafsızlığıdır. Yargı, demokrasilerin zayıf olduğu ülkelerde siyasi müdahalelere maruz kalıp zayıfladıkça faşizm ve dikta yönetimlerinin sindirme aracı haline gelebilmektedir. Yargının bağımsızlığı ilkesi Türkiye Anayasası tarafından da koruma altına alınmıştır. Türk yasaları ve uluslar arası sözleşmeler ayrıca hakim ve savcıların kararlarından dolayı tutuklanmalarını engelleyen güvenceler sağlamaktadır. Yargı mensuplarına yönelik baskı, yönlendirme, müdahale de yasaklanmaktadır, sadece ağır cezalık suçüstü halinin bulunduğu durumlarda hakim ve savcılara tutuklama kararı alınabilmektedir.

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Human Rights Digest: January 2020 Articles



  1. A Mother’s Plea for Help: The Tumor is Spreading, My Daughter is Sick

On February 27, 2018, Sevgi Sezer, a critically-ill primary school teacher, was imprisoned for 7 years and 6 months due to her affiliation with the Hizmet Movement. After nearly two years, Sezer continues to suffer from a malicious tumor on her back while forcedly sharing an overcrowded prison cell with 16 other women prisoners. Sezer was denied medical attention for a long time despite making many requests while the tumor on her back, a constantly growing vascular malformation, went undiagnosed for 9 months. Sezer’s deprivation of medical assistance led to the painful growth of the tumor, causing her immense suffering and severely limiting her mobility. The appeals court continues to stall action on Sezer’s case as she suffers despite concrete medical evidence that warrants close medical attention and release from imprisonment. Teacher Sezer’s mother made an emotional appeal to authorities: “I could not hug my daughter in my last visit because the tumor spread all over her back. I am calling government officials to take action; my daughter is sick, in pain. She needs treatment.”

  1. 70 Turkish Air Force Academy Cadets Receive Life Sentence for “Courtroom Behavior”

On January 3, 2020, the 24th Istanbul High Criminal Court sentenced 70 Turkish Air Force Academy Students, aged 18-23, to aggravated life imprisonment. The Turkish Court charged all 70 of the cadets with violating the constitution, merging their cases under the overarching July 15 Coup Attempt trials. While the cadets’ involvement in the coup attempt has not been evidenced, the court found the cadets guilty of intent to aid and abet the coup attempt. Moreover, the presiding judge changed his original sentencing to a lifetime sentence and defended his decision by blaming the alleged contrarian behavior of the defendants during court proceedings. While the cadets can appeal the court order, the hysteria revolving around the July 15 failed coup attempt has effectively eliminated all avenues of justice and exoneration.

  1. Philanthropist Melek Ipek, “Angel Mom”, Sentenced for Hizmet Affiliation

On January 9, 2020, the 24th Ankara High Criminal Court sentenced Melek Ipek and her son Cafer Ipek to 12 and 79 years of imprisonment, respectively. The overarching case brought against billionaire Akin Ipek and the Ipek Family Estate found all family members guilty for providing financial support to the charity activities of the Hizmet Movement. Since five family members had escaped Turkey due to the undue political and judicial process, the Ankara court put their cases on hold while charging Melek Ipek with “opposition to tax law”, a bogus charge that, as it now appears, has been included to target the Ipek family’s vast financial estate. The court ordered for the seizure of all financial assets, dividends, and shares of all Ipek family members who hold stock in the Ipek Holding Company.

  1. Another Victim of the Hysteria: Left-Leaning Sports Reporter Fired from Job

On January 8, 2020, Fatma Karaagac, a left-leaning former sports reporter for Haberturk TV, gave an interview regarding her termination. In her remarks, Karaagac complained that she was fired for international political reasons while the company firing her blamed her alleged affiliation with the Hizmet Movement. Karaagac was neither sued or summoned to court. The prosecutorial hysteria directed against the Hizmet Movement continues to ransack the lives of thousands of people. The unquestioned vilification of the Hizmet Movement by the Turkish government allows for opportunists and people with personal vendettas to accuse anyone and any time of Hizmet affiliation to cause serious damage to their lives. Fatma Karaagac is a recent and prime example.

  1. Former Teacher from Adana Sentenced 7.5 Years for Teacher’s Union Membership

On January 8, 2020, the Adana 12th Heavy Criminal Court found Mehmet Onuk guilty and sentenced him for 7 years and 6 months. According to the court order, Mr. Onuk’s alleged crimes consist of using ByLock, a mobile chat application, holding religious study circles in his home, and being a member of a government-sanctioned worker’s union. Mehmet Onuk, like countless others, was charged for these crimes as part of the ongoing persecution campaign against the Hizmet Movement.


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So-Called Coup Attempt, July 15th






  1. The date of July 15, 2016, has become, without a doubt, one of the most significant turning points in the history of the Republic of Turkey and thus calls for extensive discourse and deliberation. July 15 is truly such a bizarre incident, one that has been personally described by the alleged July 15 victim (!) President and General Director of the Justice and Development (AK) Party, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as being a “blessing from God”; one bizarre incident that has been used as justification—by way of taking  advantage of the atmosphere of coup and terror—to establish a one-man regime by seizing control of all democratic institutions including the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the government, and the judicial system; one truly bizarre incident of which the clearing of speculations surrounding it has been hindered by its “victim” (!) himself. Despite the fact that many questions wait to be answered surrounding this ominous incident that has cost hundreds of thousands of people their homes and their jobs, tens of thousands of people their freedom and hundreds of people their very lives, an incident that has been used as a justification to completely transform the administrative system of an entire country, the beginning of a period of oppression and tyranny that has continued for years on end, and the fact that these sought out answers continue to be covered up persistently, this project has been put together and presented for your consideration, bearing the thoughts that finding and presenting the contradictions and oddities that have surfaced will be beneficial in both understanding the truth behind July 15 as well as recording it as history. Hoping that the dark clouds and curtains of fog be lifted as soon as possible and that the victimizations being carried out under the excuse of July 15 finally come to an end.
    • A Coup With No Plan of Action


  2. Every coup has a certain plan of action, yet so far no official document has been presented as to the plan of action regarding the July 15 coup attempt or the list of individuals involved with the Yurtta Sulh (Peace in the Fatherland) Council, which has been alleged to have masterminded the coup. In order for a coup to be successful, the following needs to be specified; the plan of action, the team of individuals who will carry out the plan of action, and the chain of command by which the plan will be executed. However, in the case of July 15, none of these are present. (p. 11)
    • “Blessing From God”


  3. On the night of July 15, after the coup attempt had been suppressed, Erdogan described the incident as a “blessing from God.” He was implying that he had found the opportunity to carry out the purge which he had been wanting to carry out but was unable to on account of the law. Through a purge operation which was initiated the very next morning, tens of thousands of people were arrested. Over 100,000 civil service employees and public servants were dismissed from their jobs.
    • Step by Step Towards a Presidential Regime


  4. Following July 15, the Turkish-style presidential system was established. While the Turkish people had been in opposition to this system prior to the coup attempt—as indicated by public opinion polls— after July 15, things had turned around completely. Within a time period of less than a year, a referendum for constitutional change was held, and the new Turkish-style presidential system was put into effect. And two years after the coup attempt, Erdogan became the first president of the new regime through early elections. He now had consolidated all authority at the tip of his very fingers.
    • Calling People to the Streets, Instead of Suppressing Coup Attempt


  5. Izmir Chief Public Prosecutor Okan Bato stated that on July 15 at 3:00 pm, he had notified Erdogan of the preparations for the coup. However, Erdogan took no action whatsoever to suppress the coup attempt. If, after being notified beforehand of the planned coup attempt, Erdogan had taken action to prevent the coup instead of calling on the people to go out into the streets, the 250 individuals (killed on that day) would be alive today.
    • Coup Notice from the TSK to the MIT


  6. A major (Osman Karacan) in the TSK [Turkish Armed Forces] went to the MIT [National Intelligence Organization] headquarters on July 15 at 2:20 pm to give notice about the planned coup. Yet, from that hour until nighttime around 10:00 pm, no real precautions were taken to prevent or suppress the coup.
    • Chief of MIT and Chief of Defense Are Still in Office


  7. Chief of the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) of Turkey Hakan Fidan, Chief of Defense Hulusi Akar and 2nd Chief of Defense Yaşar Güler, held a series of meetings at the Chief of Defense Headquarters following the notice they had received regarding the planned coup. They have stated that around 7:00 pm that evening they called Erdogan, could not reach him and thus they notified his Head Bodyguard Muhsin Köse. So far Erdogan has not removed either Hakan Fidan, Hulusi Akar, or Muhsin Köse from their positions.
    • Conflicting Explanations from Erdogan Regarding Time of Coup


  8. President Erdogan, while speaking of when he first became aware of the coup attempt, continuously made reference to different hours of the day. On the night of July 15, he said, “In the afternoon, unfortunately, there was a certain restlessness present within our armed forces.” On July 18, during an interview he gave to CNN International, he said, “I was notified that night around 8:00 pm.” On July 20, when speaking to Al-Jazeera, he used the expression, “My brother-in-law notified me around 8:00 pm.” On July 21, to Reuters, he explained, “My brother-in-law called me around 4:00–4:30 pm and said to me there’s some commotion going on around Beylerbeyi.” Whereas the starting hours of the commotion in Istanbul Beylerbeyi where the coup attempt first broke out was around 9:30 pm. And on July 30, during a joint broadcast between ATV and A Haber, he said, “We heard of something starting up that day around 9:15 pm. My brother-in-law called me up at 9:30 pm.” The fact that Erdogan gave so many conflicting explanations regarding such a specific matter raised a question mark in people’s minds. learned about it in   the afternoon.”  July 15th.
  9. ” I was notified around 8:00 pm.”  July 18th.
  10. “My BROTHER-IN-LAW told me about it around 8:00 pm at night.” July 20th.
  11. ” My brother-in-law called around 4:00–4:30  and said ‘There’s some kind of commotion around Beylerbeyi.’ ” July 21st.
  12. “We heard of something starting up around 9:15 pm. My brother-in-law called me at 9:30 pm.” July 30th.
    • Controlled Coup


  13. It was discovered that Erdogan had been notified of the coup attempt before the actual execution and even though he could have taken action to prevent the coup from happening, he chose not to. In a report put together by Turkey’s main opposition party CHP in June 2017, July 15 was described as a “controlled coup.” In other words, Erdogan, rather than preventing the coup—of which he had been aware of beforehand—allowed it to be carried out in a controlled manner and, afterward, used the aftermath to his advantage.
    • Planes on Standby for Escape


  14. It was discovered that Erdogan had arranged for 4 different airplanes at 4 different locations near Marmaris to be on standby that night. In addition to the airplane in Dalaman which Erdogan was using, there were airplanes ready for use in Denizli, Izmir, and Aydin. In order for these airplanes to have been ready for a potential flight that night, they would have to have been notified at least by 5:00 pm that evening. The fact that Erdogan had made such arrangements beforehand is another indicator that he had been aware of the planned coup attempt. In that case, again, the question arises of why he did not take action to suppress the uprising within the military.
    • Chief of Defense Hulusi Akar Who Failed to Prevent the Coup Becomes Head of Ministry of Defense, How So?


  15. In a confidential statement given to the Ankara 14th High Criminal Court on March 17, 2017, the Special Forces Commander of the time Zekai Aksakallı said, “Inside the Turkish Armed Forces, when times of crises and states of emergency arise, as soon as any notification is received, the orders that ‘personnel cannot leave their post’ is given. Commanding officers continue their duties at their given posts. This fundamental and simple principle applied in every instance was, however, not put into practice on July 15, 2016, when the first notification was received. If it had been put into effect, the coup attempt would have come to light from the very beginning.” In other words, he advocated that the coup could have been prevented had these orders been delivered. The Chief of Defense of the time, Hulusi Akar, failed to give these orders. Despite this fact, President Erdogan called him a “hero” and had the people applaud him during an AKP rally. Not only did he not dismiss Akar from his position, but he also appointed Akar to be the Minister of Defense as part of the first presidential cabinet formed after the early elections of June 24, 2018.
    • Secret Meetings A Day Before the CoupIt was discovered that Akar, Chief of Defense, and Fidan, Chief of MIT (National Intelligence Organization), held a one-on-one confidential meeting that lasted four hours, a day before the coup. It was also found out that, following this long meeting, Fidan and Special Forces Commander Zekai Aksakallı also held a one-on-one confidential meeting that lasted about an hour. The fact that these three names played the most critical role during the coup that took place the very next day raises quite a bit of suspicion.
    • “I Received the Orders to Reinforce the Chief of Defense Forces From Zekai Aksakallı


  2. In the fourth court hearing of the trials held for the cases of the 221 defendants regarding actions taken within the Chief of Defense forces during the course of the July 15 coup attempt, Staff Colonel Fırat Alakuş, in his defense, stated that he had personally received the orders to “reinforce the Chief of Defense forces in case of any potential actions certain terrorist organizations may take” from Special Forces Commander Zekai Aksakallı. Alakuş said, “I was assigned the duty by Special Forces Commander Zekai Aksakallı himself. As for the details of the assignment, I was told that I would be receiving them from Colonel ümit Bak.”
    • Air Forces Commander not Notified of The Ban on Flights, Could It be Related to the Secret Meeting at the Palace?


  3. Although Akar, Chief of Defense, put a ban on all military flights/missions throughout the country as of 7:00 pm, neither the Air Forces Commander nor the Naval Forces Commander was notified of this ban.  It was discovered that the then Air Forces Commander Abidin ünal had been secretly visiting the palace of President Erdoğan using a vehicle belonging to MIT and holding secret meetings there from the month of April prior to the coup onwards. Not only did Abidin ünal fail to take any sort of action to prevent a coup from taking place on the night of July 15, but also he did not allow any preventive measures to be carried out.
    • Erdoğan Did Not Allow an Investigation

    The TBMM (Turkish Grand National Assembly) July 15 Investigation Commission wanted to listen to the testimonies of Chief of Defense Hulusi Akar and MIT Chief Hakan Fidan. However, President Erdoğan did not allow either of the names to appear in front of the commission. Akar and Fidan were not able to stand in front of the commission and answer their questions.

    • Fethullah Gulen: “Let an international commission investigate the coup, and we will accept its findings.”In multiple interviews, including the New York Times, Financial Times, Sky News, and The Guardian, Fethullah Gulen said: “If there are allegations that I directed this coup attempt, let an international commission investigate it, and we will accept its findings.”


      • Events Not Yet Taken Place Written into the July 15 Official Report, How Did That Happen?


    1. It was discovered that the official report for July 15 prepared by Serdar Coşkun, the Constitutional Order Attorney General of the time, contained written reports of events that would take place at a later date written as though they had taken place at the time of the written record. The official report had been written up at 01:00 am yet it contained the records of events such as the bombing of the TBMM (Turkish Grand National Assembly), the bombing of the Presidential Palace intersection, and the air raid at the Ankara Police Headquarters none of which at that point in time had taken place. Moreover, these incidents had not even taken place in the way in which they were described in the report. What’s, even more, is the fact that events which never even took place were recorded as though they had actually happened.
      • Binali Yıldırım (Former Prime Minister): A Project I Disliked, July 15


    2. When Yıldırım was asked by a group of journalists, “Were there any projects that you felt were a bit too demanding?”, his reply, in a sarcastic tone, was, ” Well, July 15 was a project I did not like at all.”
      • Purge Lists Prepared Early On

      Attorney General Serdar Coşkun admitted that the first cases of individuals being taken into custody and being arrested on July 16 were carried out based on the official report of the events. For instance, he gave orders to have approximately 3,000 judges and prosecutors to be arrested. However, on July 16 there was no evidence to support the allegations that the said 3,000 judges and prosecutors had been involved in the coup. No evidence to that effect was found later on either. The purge lists had been prepared in advance. And they were put into effect right after the coup attempt. In the morning of July 16, at 01:00 am, only three hours after the military insurrection had started, 2,745 judges and prosecutors were dismissed from their duties. The official report prepared by Attorney General Serdar Coşkun was also written up at the same time that night, 01:00 am.

      • MIT conspiracy towards Akın Öztürk?It was discovered that MIT official and retired soldier Sadık üstün, a close friend of MIT Chief Hakan Fidan since the time they met during their time serving in the TSK (Turkish Armed Forces), had called up certain commanders and told them that the number 1 role in the coup would be General Akın Öztürk. It was discovered that at that time Akın Öztürk, who had—as later discovered—been assigned to the Akıncılar Base by Air Force Commander Abidin ünal, was still in his home. It was discovered that Sadık üstün had been working together with Air Force Commander Abidin ünal.
        • “So-called Coup” explanation from Andrew Duff

        Former European Parliament representative and well-known politician Andrew Duff made the following statements regarding the report written by July 15 public prosecutor Serdar Coşkun, “We have finally figured out how Erdoğan was able to exploit this so-called coup in such a quick and relentless manner. This report shows us that certain incidents were prepared beforehand, ERDOĞAN allowed for the insurrection to be carried out in a controlled manner and afterward put his own version of a constitutional coup into action.”

                           “QUICK AND RELENTLESS SO-CALLED COUP”

        • What Kind of Connection Does the Religious Affairs Council have with MIT?
          It was discovered that on the night of July 15, Moaz al-Khatib, the man Erdoğan wants to see as the leader of Syria, and the President of the Religious Affairs Council, Görmez, were also present at the MIT headquarters.



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  • July 15 Purge in Numbers

    249 people lost their lives

    612,347 people were interrogated

    160,000 people were arrested

    152,000 state officials were arrested

    62,669 political prisoners were charged with terrorist activity

    7,907 incidents of human rights violations

    3,502 victims were subjected to torture and ill-treatment

    686 torture incidents occurred during detention

    51 prisoners died in suspicious circumstances

    69,301 students were incarcerated (highest number of students incarcerated at any given time in the history of the country)

    2,767 teenagers, aged between 12 and 18, were incarcerated

    197 teenagers, aged between 12 and 18, were incarcerated due to the alleged involvement in terrorism

    102,000 people were jailed due to the alleged use of ByLock mobile application

    Assets valued at $11,000,000,000 were seized

    130,000 public officers were suspended from work

    80,000 citizens were arrested

    4,000+ judges or prosecutors were dismissed from work

    2,300+ private educational institutions were closed

    7,257 academics were dismissed

    1,600+ non-profit and non-governmental organizations were closed

    1,500+ public associations and foundations were closed

    200 public media companies were closed

    2,500 journalists and media workers were left unemployed

    19 unions were closed

    15 private universities were closed

    1,539 lawyers were put on trial

    580 lawyers were arrested

    103 lawyers were sentenced to long terms in prison

    5,705 academics were suspended

    8,240 armed forces employees were dismissed

    1,067 NATO-supporting members of the armed forces were dismissed

    28 individuals were abducted

    100+ members of the Gulen Movement were abducted and brought back to Turkey from 18 different countries by the National Intelligence Organization


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly April 15

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_April 15

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 04/08/2019-04/15/2019

1-“Election authority says elected mayors not to be given mandate if they are purge victims”

2-“Turkey’s Erdoğan urges Sudan to operate under ‘normal democratic process”

3-“Video game portrays opposition mayoral candidate’s quest for mandate”

4-“Wives of jailed police chiefs who exposed corruption given lengthy prison sentences”

5-‘’Jailed woman forced to go through labor for two days in handcuffs”

6-“HRW: Turkey has arbitrarily jailed hundreds of lawyers since 2016 coup”

7-“Turkey orders detention of 292 people over Gülen links: report”

8-European rights court orders Turkey to compensate citizen held in police custody when he was 8

9-“Convicted coup suspect says he was victim of that night”

10-“Erdoğan’s targeting of journalist goes unnoticed: ‘Public got used to it’ former editor says”

11-“Ministry says purged staff cannot be reinstated unless family member is acquitted’”

12-“HRW: Bar associations in Europe, US, Canada should advocate for lawyers in Turkey”

13-‘’Detention warrants issued for 292 people over Gulen links”

14-“Wives of police chiefs who led 2013 corruption operations sentenced to 6 years in prison”

15-“Pro-Erdogan mafia boss says will take to the streets if the government asks”

16-‘’Mayor-elect purged teacher denied certificate of election by electoral council: report”

17-“First-Ever Comprehensive Biography on Fethullah Gülen”

18. “300 purge victim judges, prosecutors barred from obtaining law licenses: report”

19. “ 9 purge-victim mayor-elects denied mandate by Turkey’s election authority”

20. “Berkin Elvan’ın vurulduğu yerde 6 yıl sonra keşif”

21. “Yandaşta kavga başladı: ‘Reis’çilere ‘Zübükzade’ benzetmesi”

22. “Rabia Naz’ın babası akıl hastanesine yatırılıyor”

23. “Meriç Nehri’nde sonlanan genç, coşkulu ve neşeli bir hayat”

24. “Akın İpek’in iade davasında İngiltere’den Türkiye’ye ikinci ret”

25. ‘’Gazeteci İbrahim Karayeğen, koğuş arkadaşı Ahmet Altan’ı anlattı”

26. “Karikatürist Carlos Latuff, Türkiye’deki tutuklu hamile kadınları çizdi”

27. ‘’Babasında Bylock olduğu gerekçesiyle kızına 6 yıl 3 ay ceza verildi”

28. ‘’Hastanede skandal; tutuklu kadına, kelepçeli doğum!”

29. “KHK ile ihraç 59 polis hakkında daha gözaltı kararı”

30. “Erdoğan’ın yeni köşkü için inşaat başladı”

31. “Birçok ilde ‘cadı avı’ operasyonu: 288 gözaltı kararı”

32. “AKP gündeme getirdi; Büyükçekmece’de ‘sahte seçmen’ operasyonu başladı”

33. “Profesyonel infazı böyle tarif etti: “Cinayet Türkiye için yeni bir Susurluk’tur”

34. “Tedavi için dışarıda olması gereken Avşin bebeğe mahkemeden ret!”

35. ”Türkiye genelinde 280 kişi için gözaltı kararı”

36. “Hekimlerle derdiniz ne?”

37. “Zindana açık mektup: Hakkını helal et bacım!”

38. “Sippenhaft –aile boyu “suç”

39. “Çocuklarınız sizden utanacak”

40. “Mahir Mete Kul’un hikâyesi”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly December 16

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_December 10

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 12/10/2018-12/16/2018

1-” Michael Flynn’s business associates charged with illegally lobbying for Turkey”

2-“US Denies Trump Thinking About Extraditing Gulen to Turkey”

3-“Turkey: Erdogan adviser denies journalist crackdown”

4-“Turkey Not Only Jailing Writers, but Readers Too”

5-” Why I’m Sick of Turkey”

6-” Watch: Thousands protest in Turkey for better living conditions”

7-” Watch: Michael Flynn’s ex-partner, Bijan Rafiekian, charged with lobbying for Turkey”

8-” The Secret Jewish Plot Against Turkey”

9-“Kidnapped, Escaped, and Survived to Tell the Tale: How Erdogan’s Regime Tried to Make Us Disappear”

10-“Turkey identifies over 92,000 ByLock users: Minister”

11-“Facing Attack, George Soros’s Foundation Will Shut Down in Turkey”

12-“Turkey’s president finds a new enemy: the famous Hungarian Jew”

13-“People who emulate yellow vest protests in Turkey will pay heavy price: MHP leader”

14-“Journalists face 15-year prison terms in Turkey”

15-“There Are No Checks and Balances in Turkey, There’s Only Erdogan, Israeli Expert Explains”

16-“The cost of seeking the truth: Why this Turkish journalist had to flee to Canada”

17-“Turkey’s Erdoğan accuses news anchor of inciting protests”

18-“The Turkey-Venezuela mutual admiration society”

19-“Turkey must free Selahattin Demirtas, European rights court says”

20-“Turkey arrests spark fears of widening crackdown on Erdogan’s political foes”

21-“New lows for human rights in Turkey”

22-“I’m a journalist in a Turkish jail. Why is Erdogan afraid of people like me?”

23-“Will Turkey’s horrible human rights record extend to 2019?

24-“Enes Kanter slams ‘scared little rats’ as NBA leaves Erdogan critic off list of best Turkish players”

25-“EU, Turkey face off over jailed Kurdish politician”

26-“Inside Erdogan’s torture chambers”

27-“Turkey Revives Ghosts of Gezi Protests as Elections Loom”

28-“Erdoğan Regime Behind Forced Disappearances – Investigation”

29-“Can Dundar: Erdogan’s laughable charade as champion of the press”

30-“UK court rejects Turkish extradition request for media boss”

31-“Prosecutors Accuse Turkey of Covert Campaign to Pressure U.S. to Hand Over Cleric”

32-“Instead of human rights, life or death rights”

33-“Ankara pledges EU reforms amid growing human rights concerns -VoA”

34-“Nobody can lecture Turkey on human rights, Erdogan says”

35-“SC hands over management of Pak-Turk schools to Turkiye MAARIF foundation”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 12/10/2018-12/16/2018

1-“Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Kimseyi sokağa çıkartamayacaksınız”

2-“CHP’den Erdoğan’a yanıt: Sokaktan diktatörler korkar”

3-“Reuters’a konuşan Beyaz Saray yetkilisi: Trump Erdoğan’a Gülen’i iade edeceğini söylemedi”

4-“Cumhurbaşkanına hakaret davalarında rekor artış”

5-“Erdoğan: AİHM’nin kararları bizi bağlamaz”

6-“İnsan hakları örgütleri: Sistematik ve yaygın hak ihlalleri var”

7-“İnsan Hakları Haftası’nda AKP’nin hak ihlalleri raporu”

8-“İnsan Hakları Haftasında Türkiye’nin İnsan Hakları Karnesi Nasıl?”

9-“Sistematik ihlaller arttı”

10-“Cumhurbaşkanı başdanışmanı BBC’ye konuşurken zor anlar yaşadı”

11-“ABD’den Gülen açıklaması: ‘Bir bakarız’ dedik”

12-“CHP insan hakları raporunu açıkladı”

13-“Cezaevlerinde hak ihlalleri ciddi boyuta ulaştı”

14-“Şanlıurfa’daki cezaevlerinde hak ihlalleri yaşanıyor iddiası”

15-“‘Elazığ Cezaevi’nde işkence ve cinsel saldırı var’”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly April 2

Download as pdf:

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 3/26/2018-4/2/2018

1-” 568 people detained over Gülen links in past week: gov’t”

2-” [VIDEO] Businessman detained while on way to escape to Greece”

3-” Pro-gov’t journalist says jailed Gulenists should be forced to commit suicide”

4-” Jewelry store chain, another company in Istanbul seized over Gulen links”

5-” Wife of purge-victim judge jumps to death from 9th floor”

6-” 120 including on-duty soldiers and gendarmerie personnel in custody on coup charges: report”

7-” Mother of this baby put in pre-trial detention on coup charges in İstanbul — claim”

8-” Turkish police seize pro-Kurdish Özgürlükçü Demokrasi newspaper”

9-” [VIDEO] 13 women detained over Gülen links in Turkey’s Karaman”

10-” Ankara man missing for 111 days as wife finds his car abandoned with deflated tire”

11-” Yet another 12 teachers detained in Turkey’s Bilecik”

12-” Journalist says gov’t asked to work as ‘spy’ in police custody”

13-” Report: 580 lawyers jailed, 103 sentenced in Turkey since 2016’s failed coup”

14-” Six Turks arrested in Kosovo over Gulen links extradited to Turkey: Anadolu”

15-” Kosovan PM’s authority in doubt amid claims state intelligence arrested Turks without his knowledge”

16-” Kosovo investigates seizure of Turkish nationals”

17-” Erdogan slams Kosovo PM over sackings after Gulen-linked deportations”

18-” Human Rights Foundation asks Kosovo PM to free 6 Gulenists”

19-” [VIDEO] Erdoğan praises Turkey’s abduction of Gulenists in Kosovo, signals more to come”

20-” Teacher abducted from Malaysia subjected to beating, torture in Ankara: cellmate”

21-” [VIDEO] Erdogan: Turkish spies packed up Kosovo teachers, brought them to Turkey”

22-” Teacher diagnosed with cancer after dismissal from job dies”

23-” Blind journalist transferred to remote prison, held in windowless cell”

24-” Gov’t seizes retirement bonus of rights activist removed from civil service job”

25-” HRW: Turkish gov’t has reached ‘new low’ with social media crackdown”

26-” Woman jailed over Gülen links not released despite serious health risk”

27-” Prosecutor finds doctor who took own life after firing not a ByLock user after all”

28-” English PEN report: Freedom of expression in jeopardy in Turkey”

29-” 1,250 academics from around the world ask for release of Boğaziçi students”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 3/26/2018-4/2/2018

1-” Görme engelli Gazeteci Cüneyt Arat’ı hayattan koparmaya çalışıyorlar..”

2-” Annesiyle babası tutuklu 2 yaşındaki çocuğa 70 yaşındaki babaanne bakıyor”

3-” 3.5 aydır tutuklu Birgül Bulut’un doktoru uyardı: Heran kalp krizi geçirebilir”

4-” Yüksek güvenlikli cezaevine nakledilen Celalettin Can’ı biyopsiye götürmüyorlar”

5-” Gardiyanların tutukluyu boğarak öldürmeye çalıştığı ortaya çıktı”

6-” İHD açıkladı: Erzincan Cezaevi’nde darp edilen tutuklunun kulak zarı patladı”

7-” MİT Kosova’da 6 kişiyi Türkiye’ye kaçırmak için Havalimanında bekletiyor”

8-” İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü Kosova’ya öğretmenler için mektup gönderdi”

9-” Sağlam girdiği cezaevinden HİV virüsü bulaşmış şekilde çıktı!”

10-” Malezya’dan kaçırılan Alaaddin Duman’a yapılan işkenceleri anlattı”

11-” KHK ile ihraç edilenlerin emeklilik ikramiyeleri gasp ediliyor!”

12-” İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü’nden ‘sosyal medyaya baskı’ raporu”

13-” HRW: ‘Sosyal medya gözaltıları’ Türkiye Hükümeti’nin düştüğü en dip nokta”

14-” ‘Sahibi il imamı’ gerekçesiyle kuyumcu dükkanına el konuldu”

15-” ‘Dersaneler sorumlusu’ suçlamasıyla aranan öğretmen yakalandı”

16-” KHK ile kapatılan dernek yöneticisi 14 kişi daha tutuklandı”

17-” 20 aydır tutuklu askeri ilk duruşmaya götürmeyi ‘unuttular’”

18-” Atina: Erdoğan Varna’dan ‘askerleri takas edelim’ mesajı gönderdi”

19-” İhsan Eliaçık’a 7,5 yıl hapis istendi”

20-” Gözaltındaki gazeteciye ajanlık teklifi”

21-” Basın örgütleri: Özgürlükçü Demokrasi’nin sesini kayyımla susturamazsınız!”

22-” 15 Temmuz’da askerle çatışmayan polislere 12 yıl hapis cezası”

23-” Yüksek lisans öğrencisine Bylock gözaltısı”

24-” 600 polis ‘bayan yapılanması’ operasyonu yaptı: 70 kadına gözaltı”

25-” Mehmet Altan’ın tutukluluğuna itiraz bir kez daha reddedildi”

26-” Yargıtay ‘ByLock mahkumiyeti’ni bozdu: Yeterli araştırma yok”

27-” ‘İşimizi geri istiyoruz’ eyleminde polis eylemcinin saçını yoldu”

28-” ‘Adam kaçırma talimatı’: Kosova operasyonu ne ilktir, ne de son olacak”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly March 19

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_March 19

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 3/12/2018-3/19/2018

1-” 740 people detained over Gülen links in past week: gov’t”

2-” Millionaire businessman tells wife gov’t could seize properties, divorces her without alimony to marry lover: report”

3-” Pregnant teacher, husband reportedly under police custody for 7 days”

4-” Turkish prosecutor seeks life sentence for US pastor over coup charges”

5-” Purged computer teacher commits suicide days after his release from prison”

6-” Opposition leader slams prosecutor office statement on Açıkkollu’s death”

7-” Turkey police detain 88 people in post-coup operations in İzmir, Adıyaman, Kırşehir, Edirne, Bursa: report”

8-” Number of Turkish asylum seekers in Greece rises tenfold from 2016 to 2017: Der Spiegel”

9-” Outspoken lawyer representing coup suspects jailed pending trial”

10-” Switzerland investigating allegations Turkey tried to kidnap businessman in Zurich”

11-” [VIDEO] 14 detained over Bylock use in Turkey’s Konya”

12-” Businessman takes refuge at Austrian police after Turkish consulate tried to seize passport”

13-” Report: 402,000 people investigated over Gülen links in past 20 months”

14-” 97 including labor union leaders detained on terror charges: report”

15-” Constitutional Court rules for second time to release jailed journalist Alpay”

16-” Man with 1 dollar bills acquitted of coup charges after admitting cocaine purchase”

17-” AK Party branch head appointed as trustee for 7 seized companies in Gaziantep: report”

18-” Mother of this child gets 7.5 years in prison for working at Gulen-affilated student dorm in Ankara”

19-” Wife of judge who attempted to release Samanyolu journalist sentenced to 7.5 years in jail”

20-” [VIDEO] Journalist Sahin Alpay: There are thousands of innocent people in prison”

21-” Pro-Kurdish politician Aysel Tuğluk given 10-year prison sentence”

22-” PPJ report: Turkish gov’t cancels passports to condemn critical citizens to civil death”

23-” Despite official health reports seriously ill Turkish teacher kept in prison over alleged Gülen links”

24-” GRECO concerned about lack of judicial independence, transparency of legislative process in Turkey”

25-” Turkish prosecutor demands 15 years in prison for Cumhuriyet daily executives, journalists”

26-” Turkish gov’t blocks encrypted email service ProtonMail, VPNs”

27-” Jailed main Turkish opposition deputy Berberoğlu: I have been isolated for a year”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 3/12/2018-3/19/2018

1-” Rize Emniyeti’nde işkenceler yapıldığı ve üzerinin kapatıldığı ortaya çıktı”

2-” Öğretmen Ömer Şamlı cezaevinde yaşayamaz raporuna rağmen hala tutuklu”

3-” Düşük riski olan hamile kadın 7 gündür nezarette tutuluyor”

4-” Silivri Cezaevi: Süpürge sopası kırılana kadar falakalı işkence yapıldı”

5-” Milletvekili Aslan: Bu yaptığınız insani değil, hukuki değil”

6-” Nakil bekleyen Şerif Agu tahliye edilmeli”

7-” Anne ve babayı gözaltına alıp 3 yaşındaki Murat bebeği ortada bıraktılar”

8-” Esas AKP kendini güncellemeli; Yolsuzluk ve israf almış başını gidiyor”

9-” Raporlu kalp hastası çift 9 gündür itirafçı olmaları için gözaltındalar”

10-” Bayburt cezaevinde tutuklulara psikolojik işkence yapılıyor”

11-” Fincancı: İşkenceler AİHM’e giderse Cumhurbaşkanı, Adalet ve İçişleri Bakanları sorumlu”

12-” Süt emen bebeğin hem annesini hem de babasını tutukladılar”

13-” KHK mağduru polis memuru kalp krizi geçirip vefat etti!”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly March 5

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_March 5

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 2/26/2018-3/5/2018

1-” Daughter of imprisoned author Ahmet Altan: Journalists have become bargaining chips in Turkey”

2-” Physics teacher detained over Gülen links, baby left to neighbor’s care”

3-” Foreign academic indicted in Turkey on terror charges for using ByLock”

4-” 2 workers detained at İzmir airport after police check their social media messages”

5-” Turkish Police To Journalist: If You Don’t Speak, We’ll Throw You Off Balcony”

6-” Turkish Gov’t Detained 845 People To Date Over Critical Stance On Afrin Offensive”

7-” Turkey takes over 12 Gülen schools in Afghanistan”

8-” UN official concerned by allegations of torture in Turkey”

9-” An open letter to President Erdoğan from 38 Nobel laureates”

10-” Court rules for continuation of arrest of Turkish columnist: report”

11-” UN Rapporteur says Turkish detainees reportedly tortured with severe beatings, electrical shocks, icy water, sexual assault”

12-” Two pro-Kurdish MPs stripped of parliamentary status for insulting Erdogan, social media posts”

13-” Pro-gov’t TV anchor: If Turkish military were to kill civilians, it’d start with traitors in Istanbul, opposition”

14-” Seized Gülen dormitory transferred to association vice-chaired by Erdogan’s daughter”

15-” We must speak up for free expression in Turkey”

16-” Turkish State-Run TRT Bans Broadcasting Of 208 Songs”

17-” OSCE Urges Turkish Gov’t Not To Adopt New Internet Bill”

18-” Academic Arrested By Turkish Gov’t Over Alleged Gülen Links Denied Prescribed Medication For 11 Months”

19-” Turkish Gov’t Seeks Up To 22.5 Years In Jail For Bank Asya Managers On Terror Charges”

20-” UN Expert Melzer Says Deeply Concerned By Rise In Torture Allegations In Turkey”

21-” Turkish Court Sentences Kurdish Journalist To 8 Years In Prison”

22-” HDP deputy sentenced to 10 years in prison on terrorism charges”

23-” Jailed journalist Altan sentenced to additional 6 years on terror-related charges”

24-” Teacher tortured to death by Turkish police found innocent, reinstated to job”

25-” I’m a human rights lawyer who travelled to Erdogan’s Turkey to see his political opponent tried in court. This is what it’s really like”

26-” Turkey’s crumbling rule of law a global issue – Human rights lawyer”

27-” Sentenced to life on coup charges, Turkish author now gets 6 more years in prison on terror charges”

28-” Turkish gov’t bans access to critical Ahval news website: report”

29-” Education Ministry insists deceased teacher Gökhan Açıkkolu was not ‘innocent’”

30-” Turkish Gov’t Detains Dozens Of Teachers, Sentences Gülen Relative Over Links To Gülen Movement”

31-” Petition Campaign Launched In Turkey For Release Of Ailing 78-Year-Old Female Prisoner”

32-” We must speak up for free expression in Turkey”

33-” Turkey’s tyrant just got even more despicable”

34-” Turkish physics teacher arrested by court due to objection by prosecutor, leaves her baby behind”

35-” Turkish gov’t detains lawyer of arrested officers over alleged Gülen movement propaganda”

36-” Leftist activist visits grave of teacher tortured to death by Turkish police after coup”

37-” 17 detained as Turkish police intervene in Women’s Day celebrations in Ankara, Tekirdağ”

38-” Turkish prison administration obliges Kurdish woman to speak in Turkish”

39-” RSF appeals to ECtHR — #SaveTurkishJournalists”

40-” Turkish gov’t arrests 17, detains 13 people for allegedly promoting terror on social media”

41-” HDP calls Turkish prisons ‘torture centers,’ urges EP, EU and UN to take action”

42-” İHD: 1,154 prisoners sick, 402 of them in serious condition, across Turkey”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 2/26/2018-3/5/2018

1-” CHP’li Tanrıkulu, Süleyman Soylu’ya sordu: Enver Kılıç nerede?”

2-” Polis: “Konuşmazsan balkondan atarız””

3-” Mersin Emniyeti’nde kız öğrencilerin de olduğu 100’e yakın kadına işkence”

4-” Tutuklu avukatlara keyfi eziyet: Eşleriyle görüşmeleri de yasak”

5-” Bir bebek daha annesinden ayrıldı”

6-” MEB müsteşarı: Gökhan öğretmen ‘vefat ettiği için’ görevden uzaklaştırma tedbiri kararı kaldırılmıştır”

7-” Yine öğretmen anne ve bebeğini şantaj için tutukladılar!”

8-” ‘Herkes bir vedayı hak eder’”

9-” Mazlum-Der raporu: Mersin’de gözaltındaki kadınların zorla başörtüsü alınıyor”

10-” Cezaevinden işkence açıklaması: İsyan çıkarmasınlar diye tazyikli su sıktık”

11-” Birleşmiş Milletler: Türkiye’de artan işkencelerden dolayı kaygılıyız”

12-” Hasta tutuklunun annesi: Osmaniye cezaevinde hasta oğlumu tedavi ettirmiyorlar”

13-” Gözaltına alınan Alev Şahin: ‘Susuz bıraktılar, mehter marşı dinlettiler’”

14-” Cezaevinde üst aramada çocuğunun yanında tacize uğradı itiraz edince görüşü iptal ettiler”

15-” KHK’yla ihraç edilip tutuklanan hasta öğretim üyesine ilaçları verilmiyor”

16-” AİHM’den, Mehmet Altan ve Şahin Alpay için ‘açık ihlal’ kararı”

17-” Gökhan öğretmenin eşi Mümine Açıkkollu: Suç delilleri ortada”

18-” Nobellilerden Erdoğan’a mektup: Altan kardeşleri ve Nazlı Ilıcak’ı serbest bırakın”

19-” MEB’den skandal açıklama: Gökhan öğretmen ‘öldüğü için’ göreve iade edilmiş”

20-” Gözaltı gerekçesi: Tutuklu yakınlarına ve öğrenci evlerine yardım”

21-” Diyarbakır Valiliği’nden ‘Kadınlar Günü’ne yasak”

22-” Akit TV: Sivil öldürecek olsak Cihangir ve Nişantaşı’ndan başlarız”

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Severity of Human Rights Violations in Turkey & Support to Turkish Migrants and Refugees

Since the attempted coup of July 15, 2016, the government of Turkey has been taking strict measures to silence dissidents in other countries from various ideologies recently. One of these opposition groups, the Gulen Movement (a.k.a “Hizmet Movement”, meaning service in Turkish), has been the main target since 2013. The Gulen Movement is a faith-based non-political, cultural and educational movement. The Movement is composed of a cluster of religious, educational and social organizations inspired by Fethullah Gulen.

After the July 15 failed coup attempt, the Turkish government accused Fethullah Gulen and his sympathizers for having a connection with the failed coup. Gulen has repeatedly dismissed any involvement in the coup attempt. Foreign intelligence units such as Germany’s BND Foreign Intelligence Agency’s chief, EU intelligence-sharing unit (Intern), UK Parliament and U.S. House Intel Chair have all noted that there is no evidence that shows Gulen’s involvement. Nonetheless, Gulen spoke to global media outlets right after the coup attempt and called for an open international investigation to find out who was behind the attempt.

Yet, the Turkish government chose to declare state of emergency, which still continues, to purge thousands of people. Alleged supporters of the Movement in Turkey have been dealing with arrest, imprisonment, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, confiscation and passport seizure. After the failed coup, more than 130,000 people have been arbitrarily detained and more than 60,000 people have been arrested. Most of them are from the elite part of the society and are all well-educated individuals with different backgrounds such as doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, engineers and so on. The striking point is that most were imprisoned with no compelling evidence of any criminal activity. Nonetheless, there are 17,000 women in jail and 1914 children, where 688 are babies under age of six. There have also been several cases where women who just gave birth have been put in prison with their few days old babies. Moreover, more than 4,400 judges and prosecutors have been dismissed. The government has also seized 3,003 schools, dormitories, and universities. The government has also confiscated more than 800 companies worth more than $10 billion.

All independent media in Turkey have been shut down and confiscated by the government. Turkey is the leading country to imprison most journalists. Turkey has arrested 319 journalists since the coup. A lot of people are arrested for talking against government’s policies. Many students get imprisoned for their critical tweets. 70 thousand students are currently in jail in Turkey.

People are also arrested for having downloaded an encrypted messaging phone application called ByLock. The government believes coup plotters used this application. The Turkish Intelligence Organization (MIT) has handed over a list of people who have allegedly downloaded the application. People who are alleged of downloading the application have been imprisoned. Prof. Izzet Özgenç, who is one of the founders of the Turkish Penal Code, emphasized that the Bylock arrests made without revealing any evidence are unlawful. Recently, Ankara Public Prosecutor’s Office announced that close to 11 thousand people have been mistakenly investigated for use of ByLock. Turkey has also put the Amnesty International’s Turkey head, Taner Kiliç in jail for having downloaded block. While Kiliç claims that he has never downloaded the application, he is facing imprisonment for up to 15 years.

International human rights organizations have condemned and reported the human rights violations occurring in Turkey. Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) announced Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as the winner of ‘Most Outrageous Use of Terror Laws Against the Press’ and ‘Most Thin-skinned’ awards. A new report released by the independent, non-profit and non-partisan watchdog organization Freedom House concluded that democratic principles such as election integrity and freedom of the press, political and civil rights have severely downgraded in Turkey that is no longer ‘a free country’. Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported in its recent “World Report 2018” that innocent people are imprisoned with no substantial evidence, inalienable rights have been taken away, and that there are more than 2,200 cases of torture and ill-treatment. Hugh Williamson, Europe, and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch said that “everywhere you look, checks and balances that protect human rights and rule of law in Turkey are being eroded”.

Due to increasingly severe human rights violations in Turkey, families have chosen to leave their country to seek safe haven. Many families have sought to enter Europe to seek asylum due to geographical proximity. However, there are also thousands of people who have also successfully reached and sought asylum in the United States. Unfortunately not everyone successfully reaches Europe. On November 21, 2017, Greek media reported that Greek authorities have found bodies of five members of the Maden family, including three children, a short time ago on the Greek Island of Lesvos. The father, Huseyin Maden, and mother, Nur Maden, were allegedly linked to the Gulen Movement and was forced to flee due to arrest warrant issued out on their names. The drowning has sparked outrage over an ongoing political purge.

Regrettably, Turkish government’s actions against the Gulen Movement are not limited to Turkish borders but are also extraterritorial. There are many examples of abductions and physical violence incidents in several countries as well as threats by pro-government people referring to the supporters abroad. Recently some Turkish teachers and principles who worked at schools funded by the Gulen Movement in Malaysia, Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan have been abducted, and in some cases illegally deported back to Turkey.

Families who have successfully reached the United States by escaping the oppression of the Turkish government are now facing new challenges. Most of the families have left everything behind in Turkey; jobs, houses, education, relatives and the Turkish government have blocked their bank accounts. Some families were able to only bring a single luggage.

These families are now in need of shelter, financial support, and acceptance of their asylum applications. You could help by personally providing donations to these individuals, or donate through human rights organizations like Embrace Relief or Advocates of Silenced Turkey, who focuses on these Turkish nationals. You could also help with helping them attain legal help and cover legal fees for their asylum applications, with their education fees. Some other ways you can help is by sending support letters regarding the persecution of these Gulen sympathizers to relevant bodies such as the State Department, embassies and the European Court of Human Rights. You can also create awareness using social media and encourage other human rights and humanitarian aid organizations to create campaigns on behalf of these individuals. Given their circumstance, we hope that you can help these people through your support. Every bit of help will aggregate to make a big difference.



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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Jan 22

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_Jan 22

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 1/15/2018-1/22/2018

1-“Lawyer for jailed journalist says Turkey faces ‘constitutional crisis'”

2-“721 people detained over Gülen links in past week: ministry”

3-“Police tortured post-coup suspect, threatened to rape wife during Ramadan: columnist”

4-“Former intel chief calls for use of ASALA, MOSSAD tactics to kill Gülen followers”

5-“Journalists Ahmet Şık, Murat Sabuncu and Akın Atalay denied release from prison”

6-“Report: Koç University student commits suicide as father, a dismissed chemistry teacher, under arrest for months”

7-“Former medical faculty dean jailed over alleged ByLock use”

8-“Freedom House: Turkey is no longer a free country”

9-” Suspects who attacked 75-year old woman released after brief interrogation: report”

10-“BIA report: 237 aggravated life sentences sought for 520 journalists in Turkey”

11-“Worker stages naked protest in front of Turkey’s nat’l employment agency”

12-“Upper courts reject appeals to release journalists Altan and Alpay”

13-“Euro court fines Turkey 5,000 euros for closing opposition newspaper in 2001”

14-“Turkey freedoms hit after ‘deeply-flawed constitutional referendum’”

15-“Erdoğan’s news agency targets exiled journalists over Afrin messages”

16-“Detention warrants issued for 35 over Afrin messages”

17-“Erdoğan advisor likens Turkey purge to Aborigine, Native American, Armenian cases”

18-“Woman sent back to jail with newborn a day after delivery”

19-“2 more journalists arrested on terror charges by Turkish court”

20-” BIA report: 237 aggravated life sentences sought for 520 journalists in Turkey”

21-“The UN confirms torture and abuse in Turkey ”

22-“HRW: Media, activists, political opposition targeted in Turkey in 2017”

23-“Human Rights Watch says Turkey’s post-coup OHAL commissions not independent”

24-“7-month-old spent 475 days in prison until gov’t pardoned mother over alleged Bylock use”

25-“37 Air Force Academy cadets get life sentences over coup charges”

26-“[VIDEO] Couple, dismissed as judge and prosecutor, detained over Gulen links”

27-“Fethullah Gülen’s nephew jailed after 12 days under custody”

28-“Purge-victim dies of multiple sclerosis weeks after being released from prison”

29-” Turkish Journalist Kılıç In Prison For 17 Months For Sharing Quotes From A Movie Scene”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 1/15/2018-1/22/2018

1-“Eşine çarpan ehliyetsiz şoförü şikayet ederken ailesinin önünde polisler tarafından darp edildi”

2-“OHAL’de ihraç edilen 100 bin mağdurun talepleri hala cevapsız”

3-“Yakub Saygılı ve yardımcılarının Avukatı: İşkenceye varacak hak ihlalleri var”

4-“Silivri’de tek tip gerekçesiyle elbiseler verilmiyor”

5-“Mehmet Altan’ın tahliye talebi üst mahkeme tarafından da reddedildi”

6-“‘MEB okullarda istismarı önleyemiyor’”

7-“Kılıçdaroğlu: Türkiye Almanya’nın 1940’larını yaşıyor”

8-“CHP’li Aksünger: AİHM ByLock davalarından dolayı Türkiye’yi mahkum edecek”

9-“Emekli General İsmail Hakkı Pekin’den insanlık dışı hedef gösterme”

10-“Alpay ve Altan için AİHM ihlal kararı verecek”

11-“‘İtirafçı tanık’: ‘İfadeyi imzalamazsan ‘karınla oruç bozarız’ dediler’ ”

12-“Halkın Hukuk Bürosu’nun, İstanbul’daki tüm avukatları tutuklandı ”

13-“‘Paramiliter güçler’i yazan gazetecinin evi kurşunlandı”

14-“Türmen: AİHM hak ihlali kararı verecek, Türkiye uymak zorunda”

15-“Financial Times: Türkiye’ye ‘hukuki kriz’ uyarısı yapılıyor”

16-“CHP lideri Kılıçdaroğlu: Yargı iflas etmiştir”, 3curaV_gYkWIdyUYTvoNqw

17-“Freedom House, Türkiye’yi ‘özgür olmayan ülkeler’ kategorisine aldı”

18-“AİHM, Yeni Evrensel davasında Türkiye’yi mahkum etti”

19-“Doğumhane kapısında lohusa Ayşe Ateş için ‘utanç’ nöbeti”

20-“AKP zulmüne maruz kalan Mesut Dinç aşırı üzüntüden hayatını kaybetti”

21-“ByLock kullanmadı ama tanık beyanıyla 2 çocuk annesi 7 aydır tutuklu”

22-“Özgür Gündem Nöbetçi GYY’lerine 9 yıl 9 ay hapis cezası”

23-“Öldüresiye dövüp ziynet eşyasını aldılar; mahkeme serbest bıraktı ”

24-“‘Tek tip kıyafet’ uygulaması Diyarbakır Cezaevi’nden başlıyor

25-“Kazakistan’da kaçırılan Öğretmen Zabit Kişi, 4 aydır Ankara TEM’de tutuluyor”

26-“Hukuksuzca hapsedilen ve malvarlığı gasp edilen işadamı kanserden vefat etti”

27-“Erdoğan’ın Başdanışmanı Mehmet Uçum’dan OHAL’de soykırım itirafı..”

28-“Fevzi Yazıcı sahte belge gerekçesiyle Türköne’yi ise keyfi hücreye koydular”

29-“AKP zulmüne maruz kalan Mesut Dinç aşırı üzüntüden hayatını kaybetti”

30-” HRW: Türkiye’de demokrasi yok edildi, AB izledi”

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