
Beyond Turkey’s Borders: Unveiling Global Purge, Transnational Repression, Abductions

The Origins of the Problem

Turkey’s pursuit of alignment with the principles of the European Union has been marred by the government’s increasingly authoritarian tendencies, particularly since 2011. Regrettably, the country has witnessed a rapid decline, distancing itself further from the realm of modern democracy. Since 2014, Turkey’s Freedom Index score has plummeted due to a series of escalating assaults on press freedom, social media users, protesters, political parties, the judiciary, and the electoral system. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has sought to establish personalized control over the state and society within a deteriorating domestic and regional security environment.

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Send A Letter to Stop Abductions of Erdogan Regime

Sample letter to send international organizations to stop abductions carried out by authoritarian Erdogan regime in Turkey and abroad is below.

Dear ………………….,
I would like to share my deep concern about the prevalent abduction cases conducted globally by Turkish authorities under the Erdogan regime. Below please find detailed information about the issue and a link to a report on the abduction cases released by
Advocates of Silenced Turkey (AST). I’d appreciate your concern and support regarding this dire human rights violation.

Since July 2016, the Turkish government went on to imprison hundreds of thousands of homemakers, mothers, children, babies, teachers, NGO workers, academics, judges, prosecutors, journalists and countless other victims. Erdoğan declared a “witch-hunt” against Gülen’s followers, attempting to convince countries through carrot and stick policies or more diplomatic means to join his personal fight and do the same to the Hizmet members within their borders.

Unfortunately, in some countries, the local intelligence agencies cooperated to seize Gülen followers, while in some others, Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (MİT) didn’t even need to ask for permission to stage an operation. Albania, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Cyprus, Gabon, Georgia, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kenia, Kosovo, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine are some of these countries.

Although ascertaining the exact number is not easy, AST has put together a List of Abduction Report, which includes: names, professions, date of disappearances, place of the incidents, the current status of the persons and the details regarding the incidents. Victims were abducted inside and outside Turkey through nefarious methods, brushing away even the most basic rights to fair trial and defense.

Here are some examples of the cases from the report: Isa Ozdemir, a businessman, was abducted from Azerbaijan in July 2018. He is currently jailed and pending trial in Turkey. İsa Özdemir was delivered to the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT) by the Azeri authorities unlawfully. The European Court of Human Rights demanded Azerbaijan authorities to explain the reason for the rendition of Özdemir despite concerns that he may be subjected to torture in Turkey. Başoğlu was questioned by the MİT before submitting him to the prosecution.

Arif Komis, an educator, was detained in Malaysia in August 2019. The police from the Malaysian Immigration Bureau detained Arif Komis, his wife and four children. Komis, the director and a teacher at Hibiscus International School, had applied for asylum and was under UN protection. Malaysia surrendered the teacher to Turkey, ignoring reactions against this decision in the international and domestic circles. He is currently jailed and pending trial in Turkey.

Very recently, Orhan Inandi went missing in Kyrgyzstan in June 2021. Educator İnandı, founder and director of the Sapat school network in Kyrgyzstan, went missing after leaving his house in Bishkek on Monday evening, the TR7/24 news website reported. He was last contacted by a friend at around 9 p.m. Attempts by his family to contact him all failed. He is feared to have been abducted by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) due to his alleged links to the Gülen movement, according to his family. Taalaygul Toktakunova, Inandi’s lawyer, shared with the press a footage recorded by a camera in Orhan Inandi’s car. Inandi’s lawyer claimed that Akbarov Ulan, a former employee of Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Internal Affairs, met Orhan Inandi at the night of his abduction. The family has been seeking more information to find Orhan Inandi regarding these claims.

The veil of secrecy over the enforced disappearances has still not been lifted, and it will probably take many years for a full-fledged illumination of them. Those who were found were mostly traumatized after long sessions of tortures. Their physical and psychological conditions were devastated beyond description.

I urge all relevant institutions of the International Human Rights community to urgently provide information to resolve questions and suspicions about the incidents. I also urge the Turkish authorities to carry out a thorough, prompt, independent and impartial investigation on enforced disappearances and abductions. I also call on Kyrgyzstan government to investigate the abduction case of Orhan Inandi, who is still believed to be in Bishkek, take urgent action to find his whereabouts and prevent him from any possible deportation.

Please find the whole report at

also another report on abductions at

Freedom House’s report on Turkey’s Transnational Repression at

more information about the most recent abduction case (Orhan Inandi case) at

more information about Orhan Inandi’s lawyer’s statements at

You can find the whole copy of the letter from the LINK to send the addresses below.

Relevant Contacts

The Honorable Dunja Mijatovic

Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights Council of Europe
Avenue de I’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 34 21
Fax: +33 (0)3 90 21 50 53
Email: [email protected]

Committee Against Torture – Petitions and Inquiries Section

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
E-mail: [email protected],  [email protected],  [email protected],  [email protected]

United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland
Téléphone: (41-22) 917 90 00
Fax: (+41-22) 917 90 06
E-mail: [email protected]

Petitions and Inquiries Section/Committee on En- forced Disappearances

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva
Email: [email protected]

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

House Committee on Foreign Affairs 5100
O’Neill House Office Building 200 C Street SW Washington, D.C. 20515 United States of America
Phone: +1 (202) 225-3599
Fax: +1 (202) 226-6584
Email: [email protected]

US Helsinki Commission

234 Ford House Office Building 3rd and D Streets SW Washington, DC 20515
Email: [email protected]

United National Human Rights Committee Petitions Team

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10 (Switzerland)
Fax: + 41 22 917 9022 (particularly for urgent matters)
E-mail: [email protected]


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Calling on Kyrgyzstan Government to Investigate the Abduction Case of Orhan Inandi and Take Urgent Action to Find His Whereabouts

Following the coup attempt of July 15, 2016, the Turkish government declared a state of emergency paving the way for a crackdown on political opponents which has ultimately led to gross violations of civil rights and liberties of Turkish citizens.

The Turkish government has revoked passports and aggressively petitioned for the arrest and deportation of dissenters overseas including individuals under UN protection. Abductions, forced disappearances, and renditions of dissenters are among the long list of atrocious crimes committed by the Turkish government. The Turkish state has even conducted cross-border operations by brazenly abducting its citizens from other countries. This is not only an offense against the national sovereignty of countries where these covert operations are conducted but also an egregious insult to international human rights laws. There is also ample evidence to suggest that once dissenters are abducted, they undergo extensive torture and suffer physical and emotional trauma at the hands of their unidentified abductors. They are not informed of the charges brought against them as they are apprehended and are deprived of their due process rights. Some of these abducted individuals face trial after being subjected to months of torture if they are lucky enough to survive the horrifying ordeal. The Turkish government has rarely repudiated claims of such horrific acts and illegalities committed against dissenters. On the contrary, these inhumane practices are lauded amongst national intelligence agencies and government officials. Stories of dissenters being viciously abducted in front of their families are boasted of by sycophant media outlets who cheer for and commend the brutal acts of the government.

On June 1, 2021, a new allegation of abduction in Kyrgyzstan about Orhan Inandi, President of Sapat schools in Bishkek, was reported. According to akipress.com, Orhan Inandi left his home at around 6 pm on May 31 driving his Lexus GX470, and at around 4:20 am on June 1 [1], his car was found parked in an area around 1 eight kilometers from his house at around 3 a.m. on Tuesday [2]. Stockholm for Freedom (SCF) reports that he 2 was last contacted by a friend at around 9 p.m. and later attempts by his family to contact him all failed. Inandi is feared to have been abducted by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT) due to his alleged links to the Gülen movement, according to his family.[3]

Inandı had been working in Kyrgyzstan since 1995 and had been the president of the schools since 2001. The statement from the Sapat schools said İnandı received the title of “Excellence in Education of the Kyrgyz Republic” in 2002 and was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2003 and the Dank medal of the Kyrgyz Republic for his contribution to the improvement of the education system in the country. Dozens of Kyrgyz students and their parents gathered in front of the Turkish Embassy in Bishkek on Tuesday, carrying placards that read in Kyrgyz and Russian: “Where is Mr Inandı?” There were reports suggesting that Inandı was being held at the embassy building. Inandı is also a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic.[4]

Freedom House states in a related report that Turkey’s regime has conducted 58 renditions in at least 31 different host countries spread across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia since 2014.[5] Forced disappearances and abductions are an assault on human rights as established by the Convention on the Forced Disappearance of Persons. According to Advocates for Silenced Turkey (AST)’s report [6], there have been 6 135 abductions and forced disappearances to date; this report consists of an alarming number of accounts of abductions and torture provided by abductees. AST calls on international human rights organizations to urge Turkish authorities to abide by domestic and international laws of human rights and cease their illegal and inhumane practices of abductions, forced disappearance, and renditions immediately. We, as AST, also call on the Kyrgyzstan government to investigate the abduction case of Orhan Inandi, who is still believed to be in Bishkek, to take urgent action to find his whereabouts and prevent him from any possible deportation.



Executive Director and Spokesperson

[email protected]












Relevant Contacts

The Honorable Dunja Mijatovic

Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights
Council of Europe
Avenue de I’Europe F-67075
Strasbourg Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 34 21
Fax: +33 (0)3 90 21 50 53
Email: [email protected]


United National Human Rights Committee

Petitions Team
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10 (Switzerland)
Fax: + 41 22 917 9022 (particularly for urgent matters)
E-mail: [email protected]


Committee Against Torture

Petitions and Inquiries Section
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]


United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances

1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland
Téléphone: (41-22) 917 90 00
Fax: (+41-22) 917 90 06
E-mail: [email protected]


Petitions and Inquiries Section/Committee on Enforced Disappearances

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
Email: [email protected]


Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission

House Committee on Foreign Affairs
5100 O’Neill House Office Building
200 C Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20515
United States of America
Phone: +1 (202) 225-3599
Fax: +1 (202) 226-6584
Email: [email protected]


US Helsinki Commission

234 Ford House Office Building
3rd and D Streets SW
Washington, DC 20515
Email: [email protected]



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The Origins of the Problem

Turkey’s struggle to draw the country more in line with the pillars of the European Union faced a long and accelerating slide. The country’s Freedom in the World score has been in free fall since 2014 due to an escalating series of assaults on the press, social media users, protesters, political parties, the judiciary, and the electoral system, as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan fought to impose personalized control over the state and society in a deteriorating domestic and regional security environment.

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Key Human Rights Concerns in Turkey since the So-called Coup Attempt


Following the coup attempt on the 15th of July 2016, the Turkish government under the authoritarian leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdogan has taken a wave of oppressive actions against not only the alleged coup plotters but also those that are perceived as critics of the regime. Currently, as part of Turkey’s post-coup crackdown, more than 170,000 people including judges, academics, teachers, journalists, police and military officers, and other public servants were dismissed from their jobs. In correlation, more than 217,000 were detained and 80,000 were arrested. Amnesty International reports that detainees were “being held arbitrarily” with “no evidence establishing reasonable suspicion of criminal behavior” and that “only a tiny minority of them were accused of taking part in the actual events of the attempted coup”.
Amid the massive crackdown of hundreds of thousands of dissidents, human rights organizations and the U.N. Human Rights Council have noted that human rights are violated on a large scale by the Turkish government. Arbitrary killings, suspicious deaths of people in custody, forced disappearances, tortures, ill-treatments, injustice, and threats – mostly against the followers of the Gulen movement, Kurds, and the Leftists – were reported widespread during this large-scale witch-hunt.
As people continue to be arrested and many more tortured and abducted, the present brief of Advocates of Silenced Turkey (AST) highlights some of the key human rights concerns that took place in Turkey during this on-going period.

Unprecedented scale of dismissals: More than 130,000 civil servants, with their names attached in lists to emergency orders, were dismissed by emergency decrees. These civil servants included over 4,200 judges and prosecutors, 7,000 academics, 6,000 health-care professionals, 33,500 teachers, and 44,500 police and military officers. Not only were people dismissed arbitrarily but also banned permanently from working in the public sector – many were even banned to practice their profession.

Collapse of judiciary system: With approximately 4,200 judges and prosecutors (including two judges from the Turkey’s highest court) dismissed permanently, over one-fifth of Turkey’s judiciary has been removed. Of those dismissed, at least 2,200 were jailed with their assets frozen due to their alleged links to the Gulen movement. Consequently, the climate of fear paralyzed the judges and prosecutors who still have their positions. The fear combined with the heavy government influence in the court system led to the collapse of the judiciary system and the deterioration of human rights in the country. As a result, Turkey ranked 109 out of 126 countries in 2019 on the rule of law index of World Justice Project.

Victimization of lawyers: Lawyers are among the many groups affected by the post-coup crackdown in Turkey. They were unlawfully associated with their clients’ alleged crimes. Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported that many lawyers were targeted with criminal investigations with little or no evidence. According to the Arrested Lawyers Initiative, over 1,500 lawyers were persecuted over the past three years including 14 lawyers who were presidents of provincial bar associations – of those persecuted lawyers, one third remained imprisoned before and during their trials, and 274 were convicted of membership of armed terrorist organizations and sentenced to long prison sentences. Furthermore, approximately 34 bar associations were shut down by presidential decree with alleged affiliations to terrorist organizations.

The media purge following the attempted coup: In the aftermath of the failed coup, the government closed down 179 media outlets – including 53 newspapers, 37 radio stations, 34 TV channels, 29 publishing houses, 20 magazines, and six news agencies – with accused links to the Gulen movement, Kurdish opposition, or Leftists groups. Consequently, a total of 2,308 media workers and journalists have lost their jobs. The government cancelled hundreds of press accreditations and revoked passports of an unknown number of journalists and their family members to ban them from traveling abroad. In addition, the government imprisoned a record-breaking number of journalists in the wake of the coup attempt – with that, Turkey became the world’s largest prison for journalists. The Platform for Independent Journalism (P24) reported that at least 126 journalists and media workers were in prison in Turkey as of October 2019 – among them, many were put in long solitary confinement.
The absence of freedom of expression is not only a recurring problem for journalists but for citizens as well. In 2018, the Ministry of Interior reported that more than 7,000 individuals were detained for their social media posts after investigating 631,233 digital materials. In relation to the censorships and content restrictions in the country, Wikipedia has been blocked in Turkey since April of 2017. Currently, out of the 180 countries, Turkey ranks 157 th on the Press Freedom Index of Reporters Without Borders and are listed among ‘not free’ countries by the Freedom House.

Persecuting academics: Following the coup attempt, 1,043 private schools and 15 universities linked to the Gülen movement were closed by a presidential decree. Eventually resulting in the displacement of over 60,000 students across the country. Over 8,500 academics reportedly lost their jobs either due to direct dismissals or university closures since September 2016 – and many of them were imprisoned. Large-scale dismissals of academics and teachers significantly damaged the education sector thus diminished the right to education.

Crackdown on health care sector: Turkish government has shut down 14 hospitals and 36 medical centers after the coup attempt on the pretext of alleged ties to the Gülen movement. Therefore, an estimated 21,000 health care professionals were laid off – including doctors, academics, nurses, mid-wives, and other hospital staff. Of those, 5,261 are medical doctors and academics who specialize in the medical sciences. The figures of how many health care professionals have been detained, arrested or currently in prison are estimated in the thousands. Given the longstanding issue of hospital and staff shortages in the country, the dismissal of health care professionals and closure of hospitals left many patients in despair of medical care.

Prison conditions: With persecution of tens of thousands of critics, Turkey’s prisons have never been fuller – the prison population has increased from 171,267 inmates in 2015 to 260,144 in 2018. Given the capacity of 211,766, inmates are forced to remain in overcrowding cells. In order to free up space for more political prisoners, the government released nearly 34,000 convicts from prisons. The inadequate provision of heath care to prisoners also remains a serious problem. Officially reported by the Ministry of Justice Prison and Correctional Facilities, there were 271 doctors serving nearly a quarter million of the prison population – of whom, only eight were full-time. Insufficient access to fresh water, proper heating, ventilation, and lighting are other concerns for prison conditions.

Torture and ill-treatment: Despite the government’s stated zero tolerance for torture policy, human rights groups reported widespread and systematic use of torture and ill-treatment in police custody following the coup-attempt-including severe beatings, threats of sexual assault and actual sexual assault, electric shocks, water boarding, sleep deprivation, stress positions, long solitary confinement, and depriving of food and water. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) stated acts of torture and ill-treatment aimed “at extracting confessions or forcing detainees to denounce other Individuals” in its report on Turkey in 2017. The Human Rights Association (HRA) reported that the number of incidents where prisoners were subjected to torture and ill-treatment in
detention centers and prisons was 2,178 in 2016, 2,415 in 2017, and 1,505 in 2018. The Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF) reported a total of 126 suspicious deaths and suicides since the coup attempt – most of those occurred in detention centers and prisons, seemingly a direct result of torture and ill-treatment.

Abduction and enforced disappearance: In the aftermath of the coup attempt, forced disappearances made a comeback in Turkey. Opposing politicians and respected human rights groups claimed at least 28 abductions or possible enforced disappearances of individuals. Most of the victims were identified as dismissed public servants with alleged ties to the Gulen movement or critics of the government. Allegedly, victims were abducted outside detention facilities and illegally questioned and tortured by Turkey’s intelligence agency. Moreover, Turkey’s intelligence agency reportedly snatched over more than 100 alleged Gulen affiliates from 18 countries – individuals often deported by cooperative governments without due process.

Women and children in prisons: The prison conditions for women and children are exceedingly alarming. According to the Justice Ministry, as of 2017, nearly 10,000 women and 3,000 children under 18 are in Turkey’s prisons. The inhumane prison conditions also hold weight in women prisons. They face additional issues of the male security staff frequently obstructing their privacy during hospital visits, often times leading to incomplete examination. Among the prisoners, there are pregnant women or women who just gave birth and 677 children under 6 years old imprisoned along with their mothers – including 149 infants under 1 year old. Pregnant women were forced to stay with other inmates in overcrowded cells, also denied access to proper prenatal care – posing serious risks to their well-beings.
Likewise, mothers with children were also forced to share a cell with inmates.

Restrictions on right to travel: Another unlawful activity being pursued during this period is revoking the passports of government critics with perceived affiliations to the Gulen movement, Kurdish opposition, Leftists groups and their family members. On this ground, the Turkish government put restrictions on approximately 155,000 passports, reported by the SCF. Since their passports are restricted, many people, with the fear of persecution, use smuggler routes to flee from the country.
Unfortunately, many died in the Evros River and the Aeagean Sea. Turkey revoking its citizens’ passports also causes travel struggles for those across the world.

Seized the critics’ assets: The Turkish government abuses laws to seize assets of its critics. As of March 2018, the government had seized the assets of approximately 1,124 businesses and 127 individuals. According to the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund of Turkey, the net worth of the seized assets is an estimated 49.4 billion liras ($9.4 billion) since the 2016 coup attempt. Moreover, in most cases, the government freezes the assets of those on trial, financially crippling them and their families.


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Turkey’s MIT abducted Veysel Akçay in Mongolia

Veysel Akçay, the General Director of the schools affiliated with the Gülen movement in Mongolia who has lived in Mongolia for over 24 years, was abducted by Turkey’s notorious National Intelligence Organisation (MIT) Friday morning (7/27/18) in front of his house in the capital city Ulan Bator.

It was reported that a private jet plane is waiting at the Ulan Bator Airport to transfer Akçay to Turkey. Akçay, who has worked at the educational institutions in Mongolia for 24 years, is reportedly one of a few Turkish nationals possessing the Mongolian Friendship Medal bestowed by Mongolian State.

New York-based Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) said that on Friday, at 9:00 am (local time in Mongolia) Veysel Akçay left his home to his workplace at the Empathy Worldwide Educational Institution. According to eyewitnesses (and CCTV recordings), he was stopped by a minibus in front of his house and abducted by people working on behalf of Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MİT).

As it is known Turkish government has been taking strict measures to silence dissidents from various ideologies. Gulen/Hizmet Movement has been the main target of the government, which is a faith-based group of people engaging in different voluntary activities such as education, business and health. Alleged supporters of the Movement in Turkey have been dealing with arrest, imprisonment, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, confiscation and passport seizure. There are many examples of abductions and physical violence incidents in several countries like Sudan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Georgia, Myanmar, Kosovo and Malaysia.

According to a statement made by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, over 100 alleged members of the Gülen movement have been abducted by MİT agents abroad and brought back to Turkey as part of the Turkish government’s global manhunt.

Around 12 AM Eastern Time (5-6 hours after abduction), Meryem Akcay announced that her husband Veysel Akcay has returned home safely. Resistance from citizens and politicians has prevented the illegal transfer to Turkey. We thank the Mongolian government and officials for resisting the illegal transfer of Veysel Akcay, showing careful attention to the situation and standing firmly for the rule of law. We urge the Mongolian government to investigate Veysel Akcay’s case, open a legal case against MIT officials and other people who engaged in this illegal act, and ensure the safety of Gulen sympathizers in Mongolia.

Download sample statement as a word document:

We urge everyone to take action. Express your views or send attached statement to following addresses:

1) President of Mongolia, Battulga Khaltmaa
Website: https://president.mn/en/
Email Address: https://president.mn/en/contact-us/
Phone: +976 99116118
Fax: +976 51261273
Twitter handle: @BattulgaKh

2) Prime Minister of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh
Wesbite: http://zasag.mn/en/
Phone: +976 99113937
Twitter handle: @UKhurelsukh

3) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia
Website: http://consul.mn/eng/contact.php
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone: +976-51-262282
Fax: +976-11-322127
Twitter handle: @MFA_Mongolia

4) Permanent Mission of Mongolia to the United Nations
Website: https://www.un.int/mongolia/
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone: +1 (212) 861-9460, +1 (212) 472-6517
Fax: +1 (212) 861-9464
Twitter handle: @nymongolia

5) Embassy of Mongolia to the United States
Website: http://mongolianembassy.us/contact-us/#.W1sqYNhKg_U
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone: +1 202-333-7117
Fax: +1 202-298-9227
Twitter handle: @MGLEmbassy_USA

6) The delegation of the European Union to Mongolia
Head of the Delegation: Mr. Traian Laurentiu Hristea
Email Address: [email protected]

News articles on the abduction of Veysel Akcay:





Social media posts on the abduction of Veysel Akcay:


Videos on the abduction of Veysel Akcay:

AST Spokesperson Hafsa Yildiz on the abduction of Veysel Akcay

Veysel Akcay’s wife explain the abduction

Locals explain the abduction of Veysel Akcay-1

Locals explain the abduction of Veysel Akcay-2

Locals explain the abduction of Veysel Akcay-3


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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly March 26

Download as pdf: AST_Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly_March 26

Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 3/19/2018-3/26/2018

1-” Police officer suspended in post-coup crackdown dies of heart attack”

2-” Journalist’s lawyer brother detained, beaten by plainclothes police”

3-” 24 jailed pending trial over money deposits to Bank Asya”

4-” 73-year-old German-Turkish dual citizen in solitary confinement in Silivri prison: family”

5-” Orange is the New Black’s Turkish adaptation faces censorship over terror propaganda”

6-” 24 employees of Gülenist publishing house arrested on coup charges: report”

7-” UN calls on Turkey to end state of emergency, torture, ban on purged civil servants”

8-” Purge-victim engineer abducted in Rize — claim”

9-” ECtHR: Turkey violates liberty, security, freedom of expression of Şahin Alpay, Mehmet Altan”

10-” Turkey’s largest media group sold to pro-gov’t businessman Demirören”

11-” Pro-Kurdish politician arrested for ‘insulting’ Erdogan during Newroz speech”

12-” Turkish singer Zuhal Olcay gets 10 months in prison for ‘insulting’ Erdogan: report”

13-” Pro-Kurdish deputy Lezgin Botan gets 18 years in prison on terror charges”

14-” Warrants issued for 55 employees of gov’t-closed publisher”

15-” Prosecutors seek 54 months for AKP co-founder for ‘insulting’ Erdogan”

16-” Turkish government now blocks use of VPN: report”

17-” Hours after being released, man pictured sitting near graves of family members who died in traffic accident after visiting him in prison”

18-” [VIDEO]Police detain 7 Bogaziçi students for participating in protest against Turkey’s Afrin operation”

19-” 16 members of Alevi association detained in Erzincan on terror charges: report”

20-” Report: At least 2,113 people detained over Gülen links in March alone”

21-” Under pretrial detention for 20 months, academic Sedat Laciner says ‘miss my home, children, wife, friends, students and books’”

22-” 2,500 schools, dormitories confiscated as 30,000 teachers dismissed during post-coup emergency rule: ministry”

23-” Turkish couple, both teachers, under police custody in post-coup crackdown: report”

24-” UN report details extensive human rights violations in Turkey during protracted state of emergency”

25-” CPT publishes report on İmralı Prison saying conditions satisfactory but…”

26-” CoE’s annual report shows record increase in Turkish prison population”

27-” Turkish court sentences rector, deans, academics of closed university to long prison terms over alleged Gülen links”

28-” Canada’s Green Party leader on human rights violations in Turkey: I am entirely horrified”

29-” CPJ calls on EU officials to raise press freedom with Erdoğan”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 3/19/2018-3/26/2018

1-” AİHM’in diyet yemek kararına rağmen hasta tutuklulara verilmiyor”

2-” Hakimi gözaltına alırken ağzına silah sokup darp etmişler!”

3-” KHK ile ihraç edilen Nuray öğretmen işkence ile itirafçı edilmeye çalışılıyor”

4-” KHK ile hayatı kararan öğretmen intihar etti”

5-” Hasta tutuklulara ‘çift kelepçe’”

6-” Grup Yorum üyesi Varan: Saçım yolundu dosya işlemden kaldırıldı”

7-” KHK ile işten atıldı, tutuklandı, ailesini kaybetti, tahliye edildi”

8-” Erdoğan’ın hedef gösterdiği 7 öğrenci gözaltına alındı!”

9-” AKP, VPN’in ipini çekmek üzere”

10-” Mehmet Altan’ın avukatı açıkladı; Bugün tahliye edilmesini bekliyoruz”

11-” Işık Yayıncılık’a 2. operasyon: 55 kişi hakkında gözaltı kararı”

12-” Gergerlioğlu: Hakkım olan emekli ikramiyemi vermediler, yani gasp ettiler, maksat zulüm olsun”

13-” Kaçırılan Ümit Horzum dosyası sil baştan!”

14-” OHAL’in kaldırılması için hukukçular AİHM’e başvurdu”

15-” ‘2500 okul ve yurt kapattık, 30 bin öğretmeni ihraç ettik’”

16-” Gazeteci Resul Cengiz’e resmi yazıyla cezaevinde uyutmama işkencesi”

17-” Sibel ve Harun öğretmen gözaltına alındı, çocukları kimsesiz kaldı”

18-” Deniz Yücel’le telefonda konuşan 59 kişiye ‘örgüt bağlantısı’ suçlaması!”

19-” Basın meslek örgütleri: Tek bir aykırı ses çıksın istemiyorlar”

20-” Zuhal Olcay’a ‘Cumhurbaşkanı’na hakaret’ten 10 ay hapis cezası”

21-” Birleşmiş Milletler’den Türkiye’ye insan hakları eleştirisi”

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AST Turkey’s Human Rights Violations Weekly Feb 26

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Turkey’s Human Rights Violations | 2/19/2018-2/26/2018

1-” Afghan national detained over Gülen links in Izmir”

2-” Luxury Bursa mansion seized from Gulen-linked businessman”

3-” Owner of Hosta fast-food chain sentenced to 10 years in jail”

4-” 786 people detained for opposing Turkey’s Afrin operation in past month: data”

5-” 567 people detained over Gülen links in past week: gov’t”

6-” Economics professor from gov’t-closed Meliksah University jailed”

7-” Politician arrested after WhatsApp messages reported to police by bus passenger”

8-” Teacher couple jailed as newborn twins under grandmother’s care: report”

9-” Woman who miscarried twins during pretrial detention sentenced to 7.5 years in jail”

10-” Turkey cooperates with smugglers to catch Gulenists seeking asylum abroad: teacher”

11-” Turkish court rules for continuation of arrest of pro-Kurdish journalist: report”

12-” Turkey seeks 27-year jail term for 2 university students over ‘pro-Kurdish anthem’”

13-” 4 Adana journalists given prison sentences of up to 9 years over terror charges”

14-” Turkey’s opposition leader slams life sentences handed down to Altan brothers, Nazlı Ilıcak”

15-” 15 including pro-Kurdish activist Celalettin Can arrested on terror charges in İstanbul”

16-” Ankara prosecutor issues detention warrants for 47 teachers

17-” Two Gülen followers abducted in Azerbaijan: report”

18-” 10 including 5 children, 2 teachers detained while seeking asylum in Greece”

19-” 17 Turkish nationals including 6 children claim asylum in Greek islands: report”

20-” [VIDEO] Turkish customs stops container, seizes belongings of exiled businessman”

21-” [VIDEO] Journalist Ener: I was released but there are newborn babies in prison”

22-” Rights defender Gergerlioğlu gets 2.5 year prison sentence on terror charges”

23-” Owner of now-defunct Izmir University detained for funding intercultural dialog events”

24-” Turkey detains yet another 11 people for criticizing Afrin operation”

25-” Turks, the leading refugee group in the Netherlands in 2017: report”

26-” Netherlands accepts 73 percent of asylum applications from Turkish citizens: report”

27-” 13 Kimse Yok Mu aid foundation personnel under police custody”

28-” [VIDEO] Former TRT producer detained while on way to escape to Greece”

29-” Teacher with 25 years of experience working as hotel receptionist after dismissal”

30-” 5-months pregnant woman detained as police fail to locate husband: report”

31-” Wedding singers put in pretrial detention over songs in Kurdish language”

32-” Family of visually impaired journalist says his whereabouts are unknown”

33-” 13 Kimse Yok Mu aid foundation officials detained over Gülen links”

34-” 80 women reportedly subjected to inhumane treatment at Mersin police station”

35-” Erdoğan to embark on new Africa tour targeting Gülen movement”

36-” ‘Merciless, unjust and unfair,’ author Pamuk says of conviction of journalists”

37-” Amnesty report says dissent being ruthlessly suppressed in Turkey”

38-” Prominent rights activist gets 2.5-year jail sentence on terror charges”

39-” Turkey arrests 16 HDP, HDK officials including prominent figure”

40-” 4 journalists receive sentences of up to 9 years in prison”

41-” Investigation launched into imam questioning donations to mosques”

42-” Turkey’s Erdoğan Vows To Pursue Gülen Movement Followers Who ‘Escaped The Sword’”

43-” Kurdish Media Reports That Yezidis In Afrin Afraid Of A Genocide By Turkish Military”

44-” Turkish Teacher, Not Assigned Over His Alleged Links To Gülen Movement, Killed In Workplace Accident”

45-” Transparency Int’l Index Shows Level Of Corruption In Turkey Worsens Dramatically”

Türkiye tarafından işlenenen İnsan Hakları İhlalleri | 2/19/2018-2/26/2018

1-” Kürtçe şarkı söyleyen müzisyenlerle düğün sahibi tutuklandı”

2-” Hizmetten olduğu gerekçesiyle ataması yapılmayan öğretmen iş kazasında öldü”

3-” Ayşen Gruda’dan Koçyiğit’e sert çıkış: Daha ne yapsınlar pardon, kamçıyla mı dövsünler bizi?”

4-” Mersin Emniyeti’nde gözaltına alınan kadınlara işkence yapılıyor iddiası”

5-” Gazetecilerin yargılandığı davada karar çıkmadı; Mart ayına ertelendi”

6-” Hamile ve 3 çocuklu anneyi eşini bulamayınca gözaltına aldılar”

7-” Orhan Pamuk’tan Altanlar ve Ilıcak’a müebbete tepki: Acımasız, haksız ve adaletsiz”

8-” Kürtçe ıslık çalan öğrencilere 27,5 yıl hapis cezası; darp eden polise takipsizlik”

9-” İnternette sansür düzenlemesi Meclis’te kabul edildi”

10-” Af Örgütü: Türkiye’de keyfi ve cezalandırma amaçlı gözaltılarla adil olmayan yargılamalar var”

11-” Tekirdağ’da öğretmen Hizmet Hareketi’nden dolayı tecritte tutuluyor”

12-” Ünlü İşadamları Bankasya’ya para yatırdıkları gerekçesiyle tutuklandı”

13-” Boydaklar için flaş karar!”

14-” Afrin harekatı nedeniyle 786 gözaltı”

15-” Eski HDP’li Milletvekili Ayla Akat Ata gözaltına alındı”

16-” Çuvalda taşınan Muharrem ile ilgili itiraz reddedildi, Dosya AYM’ye gidiyor”

17-” Cezaevindeki engelli gazeteci Cüneyt Arat’tan haber alınamıyor!”

18-” Sağlık sorunlarına rağmen 78 yaşındaki Sise Bingöl tahliye edilmiyor”

19-” Diyarbakır Barosu ve İHD: Özel işkence ekibi kuruldu!”

20-” Türkiye’deki sözde ‘adil’ hukukla 4 çocuk daha anne babasız kaldı”

21-” Kanser hastası 4 gündür Iğdır Emniyeti’nde gözaltında tutuluyor”

22-” Metris’te tutukluyu öldüresiye dövdüler; gardiyanlar görmezden geldi”

23-” Kosovalı akademisyen Zana B.’ye Bylock’tan 15 yıl hapis istemi”

24-” Paylan: RTÜK düzenlemesi ile internette her şeyi yasaklayabilirler”

25-” Antalya, Manisa ve Malatya’da yeni gözaltı ve tutuklamalar”

26-” Akademisyenlerin yargılandığı davada hapis cezası çıktı!”

27-” Kimse Yok Mu Derneği’nin 13 yöneticisine gözaltı”

28-” Türkiye, ‘yolsuzluk endeksi’nde 6 sıra daha geriye gitti”

29-” ‘Yüzlerce Türk çocuk anneleri ile beraber cezaevinde’”

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