
2nd International Short Film Competition Flyer

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Advocates of Silenced Turkey is organizing the 2nd Short film Competition to develop awareness of unjust practices; to develop individuals in short film making; to reflect aesthetic skills in filmmaking; to be able to present the message clearly to the audience; to contribute to the formation of habit and taste in engaging in artistic activities.

The subject is “INNOCENCE – INNOCENCY” as part of human rights violations What is experienced within the scope of human rights violations and victimizations in Turkey and other countries of the world. Covers sub-topics such as political prisoners, torture, deprivation of basic human rights, etc., including innocent women, infants and seniors in prisons.

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3rd International Art Contest Flyer

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Advocates of Silenced Turkey is organizing the 3rd international art contest about ongoing human rights violations in Turkey on behalf of 9-year-old Nurefşan Teke who died in the Maritsa river on March 4th, 2021 while fleeing from the persecution in Turkey.

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Demokratik rejimlerin, doğal olarak bir hukuk devletinin temel ilkesi, yargı erkinin bağımsızlığı ve tarafsızlığıdır. Yargı, demokrasilerin zayıf olduğu ülkelerde siyasi müdahalelere maruz kalıp zayıfladıkça faşizm ve dikta yönetimlerinin sindirme aracı haline gelebilmektedir. Yargının bağımsızlığı ilkesi Türkiye Anayasası tarafından da koruma altına alınmıştır. Türk yasaları ve uluslar arası sözleşmeler ayrıca hakim ve savcıların kararlarından dolayı tutuklanmalarını engelleyen güvenceler sağlamaktadır. Yargı mensuplarına yönelik baskı, yönlendirme, müdahale de yasaklanmaktadır, sadece ağır cezalık suçüstü halinin bulunduğu durumlarda hakim ve savcılara tutuklama kararı alınabilmektedir.

Raporumuzda, Türk yargısının siyasi müdahalelerle bugünkü duruma nasıl geldiği kronolojik olarak resmedilmekle birlikte yıllarını adalet dağıtmak için harcamış yerel ve yüksek yargı mensuplarının nasıl bir anda ‘terörist’ ilan edilerek hayatlarının alt üst edildiği, ailelerinin parçalandığı, sağlıklarını ve hayatlarını kaybettikleri, maruz kaldıkları insan hakları ihlalleri kayıt altına alınmaktadır.

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Since 2005, women imprisonment in Turkey increased by 470%.
As of 2019, there are more than 10,000 women in prisons, with more than 3000 children.
There are more than 780 babies imprisoned with their moms, and there are more than 500 babies who are separated from their moms due to imprisonment. Not only women who had just given birth, but also pregnant women are imprisoned.

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Turkish dissidents kidnapped from Europe and other countries by Erdogan’s long arm. Turkey has snatched over 100 alleged members of the Gülen movement from other countries in recent years. 28 innocent individuals were abducted in Turkey and some were tortured.

An estimated 175 journalists and media workers are in pretrial detention or serving sentences for terrorism offenses at the time of writing. Hundreds more are on trial but released under supervision.

There are 780 babies imprisoned along with their mothers who have not committed a crime, been proven guilty of any offense, or officially indicted for any offense.

Prisoners and detainees have been under systematic torture and ill-treatment, more severely during the state of emergency. 93 prisoners have lost their lives due to torture, ill-treatment, and negligence. Another group of 11 individuals lost their lives under arrest and during interrogation due to torture. Tragedies include Gokhan Acikkollu who died after 13 days of sustained torture in police custody and Ayse Ozturk, a 44-year old woman, who was subjected to electric shocks, physical assault, and threats of rape while in custody.

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Selahattin Demirtas

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Selahattin Demirtas worked as a Freelance lawyer after graduated. He then became a member, and thereafter Diyarbakir Chair of the Executive Committee of the Diyarbakir branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD).
He is one of the founders of the Human Rights Foundation and Amnesty International’s Turkey branch.
Active politician and opposition leader arrested on November 5, 2016, accused of being an opponent to Erdogan.
He is still jailed pending trial.

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Murat Arslan

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“The German New Judge Association (NRV) has stated that ‘Turkey has abandoned its position as a constitutional state and the superiority of the law is completely disregarded’ in response to the decision for conviction”*

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We are the Advocates of Silenced Turkey

AST flyer ( PDF Link ) 

AST holds conventions to bring light to the ongoing conflict and its influences in Turkey. Also to develop strategies to champion human rights worldwide through panels, discussions, workshops, art and photo exhibitions, and legal training sessions. Some examples of these are The Freedom Forum, Immigrant Women Empowerment Panel, film festivals, and movie screenings. Also, AST members attend conferences held by other human rights organizations.
Don’t be Silent…

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278 People Died Because of Persecution of Turkey

Persecuted Lives ( PDF Link ) 

On Friday, September 27, 2019, the boat carrying desperate people fleeing the persecution in Turkey sank. Seven out of 19 people in the boat passed away. The Greek media published the news as” The angels escaping from Erdogan, lost their lives in the Aegean Sea” for the unfortunate event.
In Turkey, people died due to not being able to stand the persecution, from torture, having heart attacks and other serious medical conditions, not being allowed to receive treatment or not given their medicine, while fleeing from persecution or by the struggle for survival under difficult conditions.
Don’t be Silent…

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Esma Uludag a 35 year old women passed away just 6 months after she took refuge in Greece

Esma Uludag a 35-year-old woman passed away just 6 months after she took refuge in Greece

A 35-year-old woman who managed to escape from Turkey to Greece along with her three children. Uludag passed away of cerebral breeding amid financial difficulties just 6 months after they took refuge in Athens.

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