APH Project

Echoes of Justice: 100 Kahoot Questions on Human Rights

The Kahoot competitions we organize every month to raise awareness among young people about human rights violations worldwide and in Turkey have reached over 10,000 views on YouTube globally.

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Justice Delayed is Justice Denied


This book is based on long-term observations, social events and what is being done to address human rights violations. It tries to be the voice of people whose rights are taken away, who are silenced and sent to prison in today’s Turkey. It tries to be the cry of silenced journalists. It touches upon the stories of lost lives. It reveals important neglects regarding minorities once again. It leaves a note in history as an archive.

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Being the Other Child in Turkey

The current regime in Turkey, supported by the State of Emergency (OHAL) and Statutory Decrees (KHK), which is still in effect de facto albeit discontinued de jure, has been carrying out an open and covert social genocide against some parts of Turkey for years. The members of the Hizmet movement, whose number reaches approximately 8.5 million, including their relatives, were exposed to social lynching, direct and indirect rights violations, and grievances that are difficult to compensate. Similarly, along with the policy of persecuting Kurds by denying their ethnic identity, discriminatory and oppressive practices against certain groups such as Alevis and leftists continue.

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Türkiye’de Öteki Çocuk Olmak

Türkiye’de Olağanüstü Hal (OHAL) ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnameler (KHK) ile sürdürülen rejim, toplumun bazı kesimlerine yönelik yıllardır açık ve örtülü şekillerde bir sosyal soykırım yürütmektedir. Hizmet Hareketi üyelerine yönelik yürütülen toplumsal linç ile, yakınları ile birlikte sayıları 8,5 milyona ulaşan bireyler, doğrudan ve dolaylı olarak hak ihlallerine uğradı, telafisi zor mağduriyetler yaşadı. Devletin onlarca yıldır dışladığı Kürtler üzerindeki baskı ve onların etnik kimliklerini inkar politikası aynen devam ederken, Aleviler ve solcular gibi belli kesimlerin maruz kaldığı ayrımcı ve baskıcı uygulamalar da varlığını sürdürüyor.

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As AST, we extend our gratitude to the Union of the Platforms for KHK Victims that prepared the report “Social Costs of the State of Emergency”, which identifies the rights violations and social genocide practices experienced by the victims of the OHAL and KHKs, whose number has reached 8 million, together with their families and relatives; to the late Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş, who was a prominent human rights defender and a founder of the union. We commemorate and dedicate this study to the victims; to all the activists and rights defenders who announce unlawfulness to the public risking their lives and freedoms and provide material and moral support to the victims; fight against violations and run to heal the wounds, especially to Halime Gülsu, who lost her life in the prime of her youth after being arrested on the grounds of helping the victims, because she was not given her medicines in prison.

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Erdoğan Türkiye’sinde 143 Sosyal Soykırım Uygulaması


Türkiye’de 20 Temmuz 2016’da ilan edilen OHAL Kararnamelerinin ardından, kanunda suç olmayan sebeplerle 2 milyondan fazla kişi hakkında terör soruşturması açıldı. 152 bin kamu çalışanı mesleğinden ihraç edildi. 17 bini kadın ve 3 binden fazlası bebek ve çocuk, 300 bini aşkın insan cezaevlerinde tutsak edildi. KHK’larla bin 598 dernek, 560 vakıf, 29 sendika, 33 televizyon ve 34 radyo kanalı, 50 gazete ve dergi, bin 604 okul, 360 dersane, 847 yurt, 15 üniversite ve 985 ticari şirkete el konuldu. Stres, bunalım, hastalık, göç ve işkence sebebi ile, aralarında 79 çocuğun da bulunduğu binden ziyade kişi hayatını kaybetti.


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SILENT SCREAM: True Stories of Oppression in Turkey

“The three true stories in this book are about the three of the countless brave women in Turkey who fought against extreme and systemic political injustice and oppression, who did everything they could to protect their families and took enormous risks in pursuit of their quest for freedom.”


You will burst into tears when you read how a young woman had to give birth in a janitor’s small apartment without making any single sound, and what happened then to the newborn baby in the land of oppression.

On that night, the Aegean Sea has become the grave of many innocent lives. One woman, even though she didn’t know how to swim, has survived. But unfortunately, it was in her destiny to witness the last minutes of her husband and her two tiny babies that she was holding in her arms. Meanwhile, the conscience of humanity was silent!

After finding herself in prison without any evidence of a crime, the young woman had a severe nervous breakdown because she was unable to bear the separation from her two little children. When the head guard in prison threatened her with sending her to a mental hospital, she never shed a tear again.

If you do not have enough budget to buy the e-book, but want to get the book and do something for the oppressed in Turkey.
Please fill the survey and get your e-book free.

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You know how it goes in fairy tales… The dark sorcerer who gets angry at the prince uses magic to turn him into a frog. The frog-turned-prince cannot talk anymore, so only a miracle can save him now. This is pretty much what happened to the volunteers of the Hizmet Movement. Using a staged fake coup, the patriots of this country were framed in just one night as traitors by the evil corrupt political power and their names were added into the lists of torture and death. All their properties have been seized and they were left no other choice but to escape from their homeland.

What you will read below are the true stories of the Hizmet volunteers, one of them is a past lawyer of Bank Asya and the other is a distinguished scientist. You will witness how their lives have been taken from them after that ominous night of coup and how they fought back to save their families from evil.

The only difference between these stories and those fairy tales is that… Everything in this story is true!

If you do not have enough budget to buy the e-book, but want to get the book and do something for the oppressed in Turkey.
Please fill the survey and get your e-book free.

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Vefa Diyarinin Sevdalıları – 1

“Şair, sevda diyarının vefalı yolcusudur. Ruhundaki güzellikleri, doğruları, acıyı ve ızdırabı diğer insanların gönül dünyasına aktarmaya kendisini mahkûm etmiştir…

O, iç dünyasının berraklığını şeffafça anlatacak bir hakikat yolcusudur… Tahkik yolunda yürürken, mana-yı harfi ufkunun süzgecinden geçirir yaşadıklarını… Onun için “şiirde söz”, bezm-i elestte verilen “evet” tasdikinin ve kabulünün dile dökülmüş halidir aslında…”

VEFA DİYARININ SEVDALILARI – 1 isimli şiir kitabı uzun süreli bir çalışmanın ürünü olarak ortaya konan eserlerdendir. Şiirleriyle susturulmuş Türkiyenin sesi olan şairlerimize teşekkür ederek yaşanılan mağduriyetlerin en yakın zamanda son bulmasını ve hukukun üstünlüğü gibi temel değerlerin Türkiye’de tekrar tesis edilmesini en içten dileklerimizle arzu ediyoruz…







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Graphic Novel: The Farewell of Ahmet Burhan Atac

This graphic novel outlines the end of Ahmet Burhan’s short life of 8 years, in particular the time period from July 15th, 2016, the day of the failed and so-called Turkish coup attempt, until May 7, 2020, the day when he died. After both of his parents’ arrest, Ahmet Burhan and his little sister Fatma Betul were left to live with their grandparents for a long while. Due to their longing, both children were often sad and depressed. Over time, this affected Ahmet’s health, leading him to be diagnosed with a type of bone cancer. As a result of the unlawful regulations imposed by the Turkish government on hundreds of thousands of people, the Atac family encountered many roadblocks that stood before the cancer treatment of Ahmet.

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